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how to change max cpu frequencies tinkerboard


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i have upgraded armbian on tinkerboard asus form 5.35 to 5.38. 

And this changed cpu governor to conservative. I have changed it to performance. BUT previous max cpu speed was 1.80GHZ and now i have only 1.61.GHZ

I have cooler with fan on my tinkerboard and iam not scared high cpu temperature.

Hov to get back to the maximum 1.80 GHZ frequency ????

I cant add 180000MHZ via sudo nano /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_available_frequencies to each core permission denied.

please help 

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7 hours ago, constantius said:

now i have only 1.61.GHZ

Are you sure it is not thermal throttling? Please check the SoC temperature (sudo armbianmonitor -m), and if it is above 70º C, it is probably throttling down the CPU frequency to cool down the SoC (Note: I'm not sure about the exact temperature that starts thermal throttling in kernel 4.14.14, that was just a guess. Maybe @TonyMac32 knows the exact number).

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yes i have been done apt-get update and upgrade, nothing is to upgrade because cpu governor and maximum frequency has changed before the last upgrade one day ago..... in sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/cpu_freqency_scaling there is only 1600 Mhz max speed. on xfce4-cpu-frequency plugin i can see only 1.61 GHZ max speed. Was 1800 before upgrade... i removed cpufrequtils but it did not help.

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i have tried this from miqi board - but it does not work either

overclocking to 2.2Ghz is possible with (patched) mainline kernel. Enable with:

echo 1 > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/boost # enable turbo - permission disabled even i do it as root

nano /etc/default/cpufrequtils # adjust new limit-  no such file

/etc/init.d/cpufrequtils restart # restart cpufrequtils


well and how can i changed it?

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comes from this here:






the RK kernel hasn't defined opp>1.6GHz....

You might adjust it, test if it runs stable and then use it.. This needs at least recompilation of the devicetree.. 

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15 minutes ago, TonyMac32 said:

Right, however I have that patched in the build system to add those speeds.  Like I said I'll have to download and verify what's going on there.


Word. I can confirm that it is defined in 4.4-120 build:


[rfreire@rf tools-rf]$ grep -A7 opp-1800000000 ./cache-build-armbian/sources/linux-rockchip/release-4.4/arch/arm/boot/dts/rk3288.dtsi
		opp-1800000000 {
			opp-hz = /bits/ 64 <1800000000>;
			opp-microvolt = <1350000>;
			opp-microvolt-L0 = <1400000>;
			opp-microvolt-L1 = <1350000>;
			opp-microvolt-L2 = <1300000>;
			clock-latency-ns = <40000>;
[rfreire@rf tools-rf]$ 
// In the Tinkerboard:
[root@rasp-rodhome ~]# cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_available_frequencies 
126000 216000 408000 600000 696000 816000 1008000 1200000 1416000 1512000 1608000 1704000 1800000 
[root@rasp-rodhome ~]# 
[root@rasp-rodhome ~]# 
[root@rasp-rodhome ~]# cat /proc/version 
Linux version 4.4.120-beleza-10-rockchip (root@f1b58cf9c773) (gcc version 7.2.1 20171011 (Linaro GCC 7.2-2017.11) ) #25 SMP Mon Apr 9 03:59:22 UTC 2018


Edited by Rfreire
Added available freqs
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Confirmed that at least on armbians development branch.. the Opps are there:


        opp-1512000000 {
            opp-hz = <0x00000000 0x00000287>;
            opp-microvolt = <0x0013d620>;
            opp-microvolt-L0 = <0x0013d620>;
            opp-microvolt-L1 = <0x001312d0>;
            opp-microvolt-L2 = <0x00124f80>;
            clock-latency-ns = <0x00009c40>;
        opp-1608000000 {
            opp-hz = <0x00000000 0x00000287>;
            opp-microvolt = <0x00149970>;
            opp-microvolt-L0 = <0x00149970>;
            opp-microvolt-L1 = <0x0013d620>;
            opp-microvolt-L2 = <0x001312d0>;
            clock-latency-ns = <0x00009c40>;
        opp-1704000000 {
            opp-hz = <0x00000000 0x00000287>;
            opp-microvolt = <0x00149970>;
            opp-microvolt-L0 = <0x00149970>;
            opp-microvolt-L1 = <0x0013d620>;
            opp-microvolt-L2 = <0x001312d0>;
            clock-latency-ns = <0x00009c40>;
        opp-1800000000 {
            opp-hz = <0x00000000 0x00000287>;
            opp-microvolt = <0x00149970>;
            opp-microvolt-L0 = <0x00155cc0>;
            opp-microvolt-L1 = <0x00149970>;
            opp-microvolt-L2 = <0x0013d620>;
            clock-latency-ns = <0x00009c40>;


can you extract the dtb and show those parts? 


How to extract the corresponding dtb (somewhere in /boot):



and report what's inside (at least the part with the opp table)?

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Ok. Im not developer. I will wait for patch from TonyMac32.  Please add 1.80 Ghz speed to device tree. Both for debian 9 next and ubuntu 16.04 based armbian's versions. There is a difference between 1.6 and 1.8GHZ. for example in web browsing and when you use GUI.  This speed decrease is strange because cpu is not getting fast hot like some allwinners cpus.  Thanks in advance.

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1 hour ago, constantius said:

Ok. Im not developer

The instructions don't require you to be a developer, simply cut and paste some lines into a terminal, changing the "<>" entries to the proper file names.  However in this case it is not necessary.


1 hour ago, constantius said:

I will wait for patch from TonyMac32.

As for the patch, it is already there, the current version in the download page is Armbian 5.41 for ubuntu desktop.  Stretch is not officially supoported as yet, so it is lagging behind as it is not built as often, but all builds should have the newest kernel available, however, it is common across all distros.


1 hour ago, constantius said:

There is a difference between 1.6 and 1.8GHZ.


Approximately 200 MHz, or 11%


1 hour ago, constantius said:

This speed decrease is strange because cpu is not getting fast hot like some allwinners cpus.


It would seem you have a device tree that doesn't have the op points, it has nothing to do with temperature in this case.


@Igor, it looks like the repo is not up to date on the Rockchip kernels, showing the 5.38 kernel 4.14.14 as the latest, which is about a week or so too old to have the opp table repaired after we shuffled kernels. 

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1 minute ago, TonyMac32 said:

it looks like the repo is not up to date on the Rockchip kernels, showing the 5.38 kernel 4.14.14 as the latest, which is about a week or so too old to have the opp table repaired after we shuffled kernels. 

Main repository? Recompile rockchip-next from development branch and push up?

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