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Orange Pi Prime (H5)

1.  Installed OK, installed LXDE-desktop OK, removed XFCE4 OK.

2.  Normal temperature 42, ocassionally up to 73, occasional reset.
    Ordered some heatsinks.

3.  Keepass2 fails to load (runs under mono):

dk@orangepiprime:~$ keepass2
Gtk-Message: Failed to load module "atk-bridge"
System.ArgumentException: A null reference or invalid value was found [GDI+ status: InvalidParameter]
  at System.Drawing.GDIPlus.CheckStatus (System.Drawing.Status status) [0x0009b] in <1917aa1c39d94b1a91807b8cd9f03350>:0
  at System.Drawing.Bitmap..ctor (System.Int32 width, System.Int32 height, System.Drawing.Imaging.PixelFormat format) [0x00017] in <1917aa1c39d94b1a91807b8cd9f03350>:0
  at System.Drawing.Bitmap..ctor (System.Drawing.Image original, System.Int32 width, System.Int32 height) [0x00000] in <1917aa1c39d94b1a91807b8cd9f03350>:0
  at System.Drawing.Bitmap..ctor (System.Drawing.Image original, System.Drawing.Size newSize) [0x00010] in <1917aa1c39d94b1a91807b8cd9f03350>:0
  at (wrapper remoting-invoke-with-check) System.Drawing.Bitmap:.ctor (System.Drawing.Image,System.Drawing.Size)
  at System.Windows.Forms.XplatUIX11.DefineCursor (System.Drawing.Bitmap bitmap, System.Drawing.Bitmap mask, System.Drawing.Color cursor_pixel, System.Drawing.Color mask_pixel, System.Int32 xHotSpot, System.Int32 yHotSpot) [0x0004e] in <d5b72d15d4f7424c8a1538e3f19ec2e3>:0
  at System.Windows.Forms.XplatUI.DefineCursor (System.Drawing.Bitmap bitmap, System.Drawing.Bitmap mask, System.Drawing.Color cursor_pixel, System.Drawing.Color mask_pixel, System.Int32 xHotSpot, System.Int32 yHotSpot) [0x00000] in <d5b72d15d4f7424c8a1538e3f19ec2e3>:0
  at System.Windows.Forms.Cursor.CreateCursor (System.IO.Stream stream) [0x00058] in <d5b72d15d4f7424c8a1538e3f19ec2e3>:0
  at System.Windows.Forms.Cursor..ctor (System.Type type, System.String resource) [0x00021] in <d5b72d15d4f7424c8a1538e3f19ec2e3>:0
  at System.Windows.Forms.Cursors.get_SizeNWSE () [0x0001a] in <d5b72d15d4f7424c8a1538e3f19ec2e3>:0
  at System.Windows.Forms.SizeGrip..ctor (System.Windows.Forms.Control CapturedControl) [0x00006] in <d5b72d15d4f7424c8a1538e3f19ec2e3>:0
  at (wrapper remoting-invoke-with-check) System.Windows.Forms.SizeGrip:.ctor (System.Windows.Forms.Control)
  at System.Windows.Forms.ScrollableControl.CreateScrollbars () [0x000c2] in <d5b72d15d4f7424c8a1538e3f19ec2e3>:0
  at System.Windows.Forms.ScrollableControl..ctor () [0x000b0] in <d5b72d15d4f7424c8a1538e3f19ec2e3>:0
  at System.Windows.Forms.ContainerControl..ctor () [0x0000e] in <d5b72d15d4f7424c8a1538e3f19ec2e3>:0
  at System.Windows.Forms.Form..ctor () [0x00012] in <d5b72d15d4f7424c8a1538e3f19ec2e3>:0
  at KeePass.Forms.MainForm..ctor () [0x00146] in <0219da3f853d44e8843bebc0d0fe91e3>:0
  at (wrapper remoting-invoke-with-check) KeePass.Forms.MainForm:.ctor ()
  at KeePass.Program.Main (System.String[] args) [0x0053d] in <0219da3f853d44e8843bebc0d0fe91e3>:0

Some discussion of this being due to inotify.

4.  GUFW > Add Rule fails, warns of / having permissions 777, but it is 755. Very odd.

5.  Thunderbird very slow to load (30 seconds at 100% of 1 core).
    Message Filters > New also slow, Local Folders dropdown list of subfolders empty (!)

6.  Benchmark: CPU Cryptohash: 29 , versus 22 for OPi PC (H3)

7.  Otherwise everything working very well - well done and thank you.

Posted (edited)

Keepass2 problem by-passed by using Keepassxc.


GUFW is fixed by "sudo chmod 755 /".  Why did this happen at all?

Edited by DaveK
added line
  • Tido changed the title to OPi Prime report

I don't generally use chromium-web-browser, but it has a problem.

dk@orangepiprime:~$ chromium
/usr/bin/chromium: 46: .: Can't open /etc/chromium.d/chromium.conf

/etc/chromium.d/chromium.conf is a symlink (with permissions "lrwsrwsrwt") pointing to /etc/armbian/chromium.conf and /etc/armbian/ does not exist.


I was hoping Chromium might get me access to GoogleEarth in browser, which Firefox cannot do.  I have spent a lot of time trying to get GoogleEarth installed, but have come to the conclusion there is no GoogleEarthLinux.bin for ARM to give to make-googlearth-package. The default download from http://dl.google.com/earth/client/current/GoogleEarthLinux.bin is 404 Not Found.



2 hours ago, DaveK said:

I don't generally use chromium-web-browser, but it has a problem.

A problem which you made here:

On 9/6/2018 at 3:37 AM, DaveK said:

Installed OK, installed LXDE-desktop OK, removed XFCE4 OK.


I can't see why. I still have chromium installed, just not /etc/armbian/chromium.conf .

I'm guessing that the XFCE desktop always launches chromium at session login, I definitely don't want that.

7 hours ago, DaveK said:

I'm guessing that the XFCE desktop always launches chromium at session login, I definitely don't want that.


Of course not. That is not the case ... 


7 hours ago, DaveK said:

I can't see why.

Neither I without looking deeply. Chromium works fine out of the box with our XFCE desktop ... which do alter certain X related settings when you install it. And when you remove it and install some other desktop, problems might occur.  Those situations were never examined very closely.


By simply deleting /etc/chromium.d/chromium.conf I was able to get Chromium running, and went to https://earth.google.com/web only to be told "Oh no! Google Earth isn't supported by your browser yet. Try this link in Chrome instead."  Chrome and Chromium used to be identical, but not any more since GoogleEarth became a web-based application with version 9.  So it looks like Google Earth is not a possibility on ARM architecture.  That leaves Google Maps in Satellite view, which works (without tilt etc) in Firefox.


The local power grid workers decided to replace the fuses on something today, so the power went off and on several times in quick succession.  When the Prime came back up it was in "CLI maintenance mode" and Control-Alt-F7 didn't do anything.  I tried several ways of getting the GUI up and did some CLI investigations, which showed it hadn't connected with my router, or got an IP address from the router, or successfully resolved any domain names.


Is there a simple way to get to my LXDE desktop? 

I have tried :

startx (not installed)


/dev/tty7 : permission denied

chvt 7 : goes to start of CLI maintenance


cat /var/log/syslog | grep NetworkManager :

seems to show it getting the correct IP from router, but router disagrees and resolving domains doesn't work.



ifconfig eth0 up

ifconfig               // now shows inet

apt install xinit



- starts GUI without my lxpanel's configuration, and everything else's app configuration, and user=root.  Will probably start again from scratch.


OK, nice clean reinstall.  Didn't remove XFCE this time.  LXDE installed OK.

lxpanel configured with multiple launcher buttons:


Couldn't get armbian-config to do the rootfs to USB-SSD it reboots at 0 - 3% of transfer, I presume that's because of heat.

"sysbench test=cpu" runs OK for 4 minutes at 100% - 71C.

Numerous reboots, some at 64C.

The temperature is at /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone0/temp and I think armbian adjusts cpu freqency to control temperature, but where is cpufreq ? What are the critical limits?

/var/log/syslog isn't any help because it seems to be from some other session.


pinta (runs under mono) doesn't load:

dk@orangepiprime:~$ pinta
Can't find custom attr constructor image: /usr/lib/pinta/Pinta.Core.dll mtoken: 0x0a0003d8 due to Could not load file or assembly or one of its dependencies. assembly:Mono.Addins, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=0738eb9f132ed756 type:<unknown type> member:<none>

Unhandled Exception:
System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Could not load file or assembly or one of its dependencies.
File name: 'glib-sharp, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=35e10195dab3c99f'

glib-sharp: E: Unable to locate package glib-sharp



> Where is cpufreq?

- it seems to be at /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu*/cpufreq/cpuinfo_cur_freq  (* = 0 - 3)

So I've written a PHP script to print out the temperature and cpufreq* every second.  While at idle:

15:42:22  47.553°C 408 408 408 408
15:42:23  47.553°C 1152 1152 1152 1152
15:42:24  51.062°C 1152 1152 1152 1152
15:42:25  51.062°C 1152 1152 1152 1152
15:42:26  51.788°C 1152 1152 1152 1152
15:42:27  51.788°C 408 408 408 408
15:42:28  51.788°C 408 408 408 408
15:42:29  51.062°C 1152 1152 1152 1152
15:42:30  51.062°C 1152 1152 1152 1152
15:42:31  52.998°C 408 408 408 408
15:42:32  52.998°C 408 408 408 408
15:42:33  49.489°C 1152 1152 1152 1152
15:42:34  49.489°C 1152 1152 1152 1152
15:42:35  52.877°C 408 408 408 408
15:42:36  52.877°C 408 408 408 408
15:42:37  49.973°C 1152 1152 1152 1152
15:42:38  49.973°C 1152 1152 1152 1152
15:42:39  49.973°C 408 408 408 408
15:42:40  52.756°C 408 408 408 408
15:42:41  52.756°C 408 408 408 408

This doesn't look like what I was expecting.

There would be some lack of synchronisation between ticks on the system adjustment and ticks in my script, but it is spending half the time fully throttled, and missing out on all the intermediate levels.

A view (since last reboot ?) shows it does spend some time at other levels, but mostly at 408.


408000 169548
648000 8380
816000 68
912000 26
960000 14
1008000 408
1056000 1307
1104000 830
1152000 42870




If anyone wants to check this out, here is my PHP script:

<?php   // print temperature and cpu freqencies every second
$log = fopen("/home/dk/temperature.log", "w");
$temp = file_get_contents("/sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone0/temp")/1000;
$freq0 = file_get_contents("/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/cpuinfo_cur_freq")/1000;
$freq1 = file_get_contents("/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu1/cpufreq/cpuinfo_cur_freq")/1000;
$freq2 = file_get_contents("/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu2/cpufreq/cpuinfo_cur_freq")/1000;
$freq3 = file_get_contents("/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu3/cpufreq/cpuinfo_cur_freq")/1000;
$line = date("H:i:s  ").$temp."°C $freq0 $freq1 $freq2 $freq3\n";;
print $line;
fwrite($log, $line);
goto loop;

At idle, room temperature 23°C :

12:23:17  59.532°C 1152 1152 1152 1152
12:23:18  64.493°C 1152 1152 1152 1152
12:23:19  64.493°C 1152 1152 1152 1152
12:23:20  64.493°C 1152 1152 1152 1152
12:23:21  61.589°C 408 408 408 408
12:23:22  61.589°C 1152 1152 1152 1152
12:23:23  59.169°C 1152 1152 1152 1152
12:23:24  59.169°C 1152 1152 1152 1152
12:23:25  59.169°C 1152 1152 1152 1152
12:23:26  59.169°C 1152 1152 1152 1152
12:23:27  59.169°C 1152 1152 1152 1152
12:23:28  59.169°C 408 408 408 408
12:23:29  59.169°C 1152 1152 1152 1152
12:23:30  59.169°C 1152 1152 1152 1152
12:23:31  59.169°C 1152 1152 1152 1152
12:23:32  59.29°C 1152 1152 1152 1152
12:23:33  59.29°C 648 648 648 648
12:23:34  59.411°C 1152 1152 1152 1152
12:23:35  59.411°C 1152 1152 1152 1152
12:23:36  59.895°C 1152 1152 1152 1152
12:23:37  59.895°C 1152 1152 1152 1152
12:23:38  59.895°C 1152 1152 1152 1152
12:23:39  59.895°C 1152 1152 1152 1152
12:23:40  59.532°C 408 408 408 408
12:23:41  59.532°C 1152 1152 1152 1152
12:23:42  59.532°C 1152 1152 1152 1152
12:23:43  57.233°C 408 408 408 408
12:23:44  57.233°C 1152 1152 1152 1152
12:23:45  57.959°C 1152 1152 1152 1152

I can't see any logic that would produce this output. Is the temperature control working?


2 hours ago, DaveKimble said:

I can't see any logic that would produce this output


  1. Why don't you use armbianmonitor -m to monitor (-m 1 if you want output every second)
  2. If you did not change cpufrequtils settings then you're running with ondemand cpufreq governor and this mechanism tries to keep clockspeeds at the minimum and only increases them when needed (e.g. a script running every second keeping clockspeeds up)
  3. We had recently an issue with ondemand behavior and recent kernel versions that kept cpufreq high all the time. No idea whether you're affected by this but to get an idea visit https://www.armbian.com/#search and enter sampling_rate (with underscore!). No idea what's happening since contributing to Armbian in this area totally sucks (0% feedback from users, other devs care about whatever else, we have no project goals)
2 hours ago, DaveKimble said:

Is the temperature control working?


Temperature control would only lower cpufreq when the board overheats. The mechanism to increase cpufreq 'on demand' is implemented inside the ondemand cpufreq governor that tries to up the clockspeeds as long as temperature control allows it.


this mechanism tries to keep clockspeeds at the minimum and only increases them when needed



Ah, that makes sense, thanks.

At what temperature is the board considered to be overheating?  And when it suddenly reboots, how can I tell if it was overheating that caused it?


"armbianmonitor -m 1":

Time        CPU    load %cpu %sys %usr %nice %io %irq   CPU  C.St.
17:19:09: 1152MHz  0.25   7%   2%   4%   0%   0%   0% 62.7°C  0/8
17:19:10:  408MHz  0.25   6%   1%   4%   0%   0%   0% 63.2°C  0/8
17:19:11: 1152MHz  0.25   8%   2%   4%   1%   0%   0% 63.2°C  0/8
17:19:12:  408MHz  0.23   6%   1%   4%   0%   0%   0% 63.3°C  0/8
17:19:13: 1152MHz  0.23   7%   2%   3%   0%   0%   0% 63.3°C  0/8
17:19:14:  408MHz  0.23   7%   2%   4%   0%   0%   0% 62.9°C  0/8
17:19:15: 1152MHz  0.23   8%   3%   3%   0%   0%   0% 62.9°C  0/8
17:19:16:  408MHz  0.21   6%   1%   4%   0%   0%   0% 62.9°C  0/8
17:19:17: 1152MHz  0.21   7%   2%   4%   0%   0%   0% 62.9°C  0/8

Seems very hot for doing not very much.  Currently no heatsink, lying on the desk.

"sysbench --test=cpu --num-threads=4 --cpu-max-prime=100000 run" drives temperature up to ~77°C but doesn't seem to break it, yet other things do.

2 hours ago, DaveKimble said:

armbianmonitor -m 1


Is not a great idea since this monitoring stuff generates some light load itself which might already trigger cpufreq rising. Better always use

armbianmonitor -m

(this defaults to 5 seconds which gives a more realistic picture).


The last column shows 'cooling state' so you get an idea how the board settings define that. Some cooling states should invoke a fan, others should result in lowered cpufreq -- it's a complex thing with mainline kernel and I totally lost track how both upstream contributors define it per board and SoC family and what Armbian might have changed (my personal interest in anything Allwinner other than H6 dropped close to zero in the meantime and since all this stuff with H5 is still 'work in progress' upstream it became just a waste of time trying to keep up).


For long term monitoring maybe use screen to always run 'armbianmonitor -m' in an own session or install RPi Monitor (easy to use with Armbian but might require tweaking templates for H5 -- at least I will never touch this)

1 hour ago, tkaiser said:

Is not a great idea since this monitoring stuff generates some light load itself which might already trigger cpufreq rising. Better always use

armbianmonitor -m

(this defaults to 5 seconds which gives a more realistic picture).

It may work with https://github.com/armbian/build/pull/824 by changing the defaults from 0.1 to something more realistic.. Otherwise you clearly see the impact (I guess SSH may create similar amount of work than the code itself.. :D) I tried it on a Tinker and an OPi PC+ and it worked without issues, never tested it on a big/LITTLE board etc. 

1 minute ago, chwe said:

It may work with https://github.com/armbian/build/pull/824 by changing the defaults from 0.1 to something more realistic


armbianmonitor -m

does a renice to lowest value and with appropriate cpufreq governor settings running this alone should never be responsible for an increase in clockspeeds.


If clockspeeds increase by just running armbianmonitor in monitor mode then this is a clear indication that there's something wrong with cpufreq scaling but since none of the developers is interested in such low-level stuff we need to accept that Armbian is simply broken with more recent kernels in this area (no idea whether this commit is part of the images users play with, no idea whether these settings are appropriate with all kernels on all SoC families -- I simply don't care any more about this since nobody else cares as well -- we need to accept that this forum starts to get flooded with recommendations like switching to conservative or powersave governor since Armbian doesn't care about such things)


That's the facts and I'm too tired to repeat the same stuff over and over again. The way 'we' develop in Armbian simply sucks. This project lacks an agreement on project goals and this will never change.

4 minutes ago, tkaiser said:

If clockspeeds increase by just running armbianmonitor in monitor mode then this is a clear indication that there's something wrong with cpufreq scaling

that's about the C-tool written to replace the bashscript for armbianmonitor -m. It's default update delay is 0.1 seconds.. that's why cpu freq. probably goes up. 


25 minutes ago, tkaiser said:

we need to accept that this forum starts to get flooded with recommendations like switching to conservative or powersave governor since Armbian doesn't care about such things


I don't think so. But I'm not sure what would be needed to fix this. E.g. zram got rolled out due to your testings (btw it's a great enhancement for my outdated 4GB RAM ubuntu notebook too, browser with 20-30 tabs aren't a problem anymore.. :thumbup:).  What's needed to fix thermals in general (this seems even in mainline not fully clear - most thermals I saw are rather conservative)? Sum up the current state and we might find a working way to solve those issues.

I hoped that we can 'extract' such projects out of this one:

Didn't work that well. Maybe, I as trying to moderate this discussion was the wrong one, maybe it was just the wrong time to bring up this discussion back in january to april.. 


When I started with Opi PC over a year ago, I naturally started with the Sunxi links to an OS, and ran into overheating problems.  Searches eventually led to Armbian where the people seemed to know what they were talking about, so I went there for my Opi Zero and now Opi Prime OS.  My problem is that the wiki doesn't give an overview of the problem(s), but is at a "user-reference level" for people who already know what they are talking about.  So I don't know what I'm doing, and asking simple questions like "At what temperature is the board considered to be overheating?  And when it suddenly reboots, how can I tell if it was overheating that caused it?" and get no answers.


I would suggest that you all spend some time bringing the wiki up to date (for beginners) and maybe that will set more up people for doing testing.  Sunxi ought to get their board naming up to date by going to "chip.RAM.ethernet" (e.g. H5.2GB.1000), and putting big heat sinks on everything.



While typing this I had 2 crashes:

Time        CPU    load %cpu %sys %usr %nice %io %irq   CPU  C.St.
08:24:18: 1056MHz  1.40  32%   2%  28%   0%   0%   0% 67.6°C  2/8
08:24:23: 1056MHz  1.29  33%   2%  29%   0%   0%   0% 67.6°C  2/8
08:24:28: 1104MHz  1.27  31%   2%  17%   0%  11%   0% 63.9°C  1/8
08:24:34: 1056MHz  1.24  32%   2%  27%   0%   2%   0% 67.6°C  2/8
08:24:39: 1056MHz  1.22  31%   2%  27%   0%   1%   0% 68.0°C  2/8
08:24:44: 1056MHz  1.13  28%   3%  24%   0%   1%   0% 68.0°C  2/8
08:24:49: 1056MHz  1.04  28%   2%  25%   0%   0%   0% 66.2°C  2/8
08:24:54: 1056MHz  0.95  28%   3%  25%   0%   0%   0% 65.9°C  2/8
08:24:59: 1056MHz  0.96  26%   2%  23%   0%   0%   0% 66.5°C  2/8
08:25:04: 1056MHz  0.96  28%   2%  22%   0%   3%   0% 65.7°C  2/8
08:25:09: 1056MHz  1.04  29%   2%  24%   0%   1%   0% 66.1°C  2/8
08:25:14: 1056MHz  1.12  29%   2%  26%   0%   0%   0% 66.4°C  2/8
08:25:19: 1056MHz  1.19  26%   2%  20%   0%   2%   0% 65.1°C  2/8
08:25:24: 1104MHz  1.18  25%   2%  23%   0%   0%   0% 65.0°C  1/8
08:25:29: 1056MHz  1.08  24%   2%  21%   0%   0%   0% 65.9°C  2/8
Time        CPU    load %cpu %sys %usr %nice %io %irq   CPU  C.St.
08:25:35: 1056MHz  1.07  30%   2%  24%   0%   2%   0% 66.4°C  2/8
08:25:40: 1056MHz  1.15  31%   2%  26%   0%   1%   0% 66.8°C  2/8
08:25:45: 1056MHz  1.14  32%   2%  27%   0%   2%   0% 65.7°C  2/8
08:25:50: 1056MHz  1.13  31%   3%  28%   0%   0%   0% 67.0°C  2/8
Time        CPU    load %cpu %sys %usr %nice %io %irq   CPU  C.St.
10:00:38: 1056MHz  1.62  49%   4%  44%   0%   0%   0% 65.7°C  2/8
10:00:43: 1056MHz  1.89  70%   5%  63%   0%   2%   0% 68.6°C  2/8
10:00:48: 1008MHz  1.98  73%   6%  66%   0%   0%   0% 70.3°C  3/8
10:00:53: 1056MHz  2.14  84%   7%  74%   0%   1%   0% 69.6°C  2/8
10:00:58: 1056MHz  2.45  58%   4%  52%   0%   1%   0% 69.2°C  2/8
10:01:03: 1056MHz  2.34  41%   4%  37%   0%   0%   0% 66.3°C  2/8
10:01:08: 1056MHz  2.55  43%   4%  38%   0%   0%   0% 68.5°C  2/8
10:01:13: 1056MHz  2.50  30%   2%  25%   0%   1%   0% 65.5°C  2/8
10:01:18: 1104MHz  2.38  28%   1%  23%   0%   2%   0% 64.6°C  0/8
10:01:24: 1104MHz  2.19  27%   1%  25%   0%   0%   0% 65.8°C  1/8
10:01:29: 1104MHz  2.18  29%   2%  14%   0%  11%   0% 65.8°C  1/8
10:01:34: 1104MHz  2.16  26%   1%  24%   0%   0%   0% 65.9°C  1/8
10:01:39: 1152MHz  2.07  21%   1%  17%   0%   2%   0% 63.0°C  0/8
10:01:44: 1104MHz  2.06  26%   2%  24%   0%   0%   0% 65.7°C  1/8

Interpretations please.

11:57:30: 1056MHz  1.14  20%   1%  16%   0%   2%   0% 69.8°C  2/8
Time        CPU    load %cpu %sys %usr %nice %io %irq   CPU  C.St.
11:57:35: 1008MHz  1.21  27%   1%  26%   0%   0%   0% 69.2°C  3/8
11:57:40: 1056MHz  1.11  33%   1%  29%   0%   1%   0% 69.6°C  2/8
11:57:45: 1056MHz  1.10  20%   1%  17%   0%   1%   0% 69.5°C  2/8
11:57:50: 1008MHz  1.09  26%   1%  23%   0%   1%   0% 70.9°C  3/8
11:57:55: 1008MHz  1.08  27%   1%  26%   0%   0%   0% 70.8°C  3/8
11:58:01: 1008MHz  1.00  27%   1%  24%   0%   1%   0% 70.2°C  3/8
11:58:06: 1008MHz  1.00  29%   2%  27%   0%   0%   0% 70.3°C  3/8
11:58:11: 1056MHz  0.92  24%   2%  21%   0%   1%   0% 69.8°C  2/8
11:58:16: 1056MHz  0.84  18%   1%  17%   0%   0%   0% 69.6°C  2/8
11:58:21: 1008MHz  1.02  20%   1%  17%   0%   2%   0% 70.5°C  3/8



While the inclusion in armbian-config of install to SATA is welcome, the calculation of the size of rootfs is wrong in some cases - it presumably (?) adds up the sizes of /bin, /dev, /etc, /home ... without taking account of volumes mounted on /home/<user>/, (my encrypted files) but the following rsync tries to recursively copy them to / and ends up blowing the size of /'s partition. 


Simplest solution would seem to be another warning page that says to remove all removable devices and mounted partitions, clear caches, etc.


I appreciate why you need a good power supply and SD card, but if the mains is browning out there is no way that a transformer will give exactly 5.000 V, so is there a file in filestore, maybe in /sys/class/power/ , that says what voltage it actually has got?  What are the acceptable limits (while under load)?

19 hours ago, DaveKimble said:

I would suggest that you all spend some time bringing the wiki up to date (for beginners) and maybe that will set more up people for doing testing.  Sunxi ought to get their board naming up to date by going to "chip.RAM.ethernet" (e.g. H5.2GB.1000), and putting big heat sinks on everything.

first http://linux-sunxi.org/Main_Page != Armbian

linux -sunxi was formed around kernel development for Allwinner SoCs whereas Armbian tries to build an usable Ubuntu/Debian on top of their work (and on top of other Kernels for other SoCs). There's contribution by armbian members to the Sunxi wiki (e.g. @tkaiser quite often and others probably too) but as armbian, that's community work! so you can also contribute in case you're not satisfied by the current state.


13 hours ago, DaveKimble said:

maybe in /sys/class/power/ , that says what voltage it actually has got? 

unfortunately not..  or at least not for Allwinner H-series boards. The A series SoC have a PMIC with voltagecheck


13 hours ago, DaveKimble said:

I appreciate why you need a good power supply and SD card, but if the mains is browning out there is no way that a transformer will give exactly 5.000 V,

you don't need 5.000 V 4.999 will also do... :lol: A good powersupply will deliver around 5V under high load.. that's where a shitty powersupply may fail which ends in threads collected here: https://forum.armbian.com/forum/31-sd-card-and-power-supply/ 


last one: 



may help

20 hours ago, DaveKimble said:

for people who already know what they are talking about. 

to find informations needed. Summarizations have to be written, as long as everyone expects that 'someone else' will do it nobody does it.. :lol:

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