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Hi all. In Monday i build new version of Armbian image for Orange Pi One and after this i get next error while loading:




This image contains newest version of U-Boot (2018.11). My old image build with 2018.05 U-Boot version. Loadin log of old image here: 




This logs made at one PC. I am concerned that in the second case booter find 2 USB devices. but in first case - double number.  Anyone can help me with problem. or better write to u-boot support. Or maybe i can build my image with oldest version u-boot...? But i dont known how make this.


45 minutes ago, CptMcMillan said:

Anyone can help me with problem

But what is the problem exactly, does it still boot fine ? The error message is maybe irrelevant ...


36 minutes ago, CptMcMillan said:

The problem is that the boot does not go any further. After message "Starting kernel" nothing happens

I will check with this specific OPiOne board to narrow the issue. During the switch to v2018.11, I've tested several other boards without issues, but not that one...

1 hour ago, CptMcMillan said:

This image contains newest version of U-Boot (2018.11). My old image build with 2018.05 U-Boot version. Loadin log of old image here: 

The test for armbian 5.59/kernel 4.18 was also done with u-boot 2018.05:


orangepione-dev 5.59.180902 4.18.5-sunxi



Which image did you compile with 2018.11? stable/next/dev? console or desktop-version?

18 minutes ago, guidol said:


I've recently switched u-boot to v2018.11 two days ago !

Change are affecting every branches, maybe I should move the change to DEV only ...

1 hour ago, CptMcMillan said:

The problem is that the boot does not go any further. After message "Starting kernel" nothing happens

I've just built and tested a new image for OPiOne with 4.20.2 and v2018.11, and it works perfectly ...


So, maybe your image was corrupted, or your SDCard flaky, did you use Etcher to burn it ?


does your board booted with old version images? if not please check power supply.

11 hours ago, guidol said:

Which image did you compile with 2018.11? stable/next/dev? console or desktop-version?

Default version with console interface. I have attached the configuration file with which the build run. 


10 hours ago, martinayotte said:

So, maybe your image was corrupted, or your SDCard flaky, did you use Etcher to burn it ?

I tried 5 different SD cards and rebuilt the image several times, but it did not help. And i use etcher to burn image...


59 minutes ago, ning said:

does your board booted with old version images? if not please check power supply.

Yes, with old image it perfect boot




Sorry, I forgot to say that I need a kernel version 3.4 for my specific software. Though i build 4.19 kernel version with 2018.11 u-boot but i still get the message "EHCI failed to shut down host controller" But boot continue success. This on 4.19 kernel and new uboot.  And 3.4 kernel with the new u-boot does not loading. Can I somehow tell the build script to build the specified version of u-boot? I read https://docs.armbian.com/Developer-Guide_Build-Options/, but there nothing about how i can select u-boot version manually.

3 hours ago, CptMcMillan said:

but i still get the message "EHCI failed to shut down host controller" But boot continue success.

Yes, this message is some kind of warning about USB power control. On some of my boards, I even see it 3 times when 3 USB are available.

3 hours ago, CptMcMillan said:

how i can select u-boot version manually.

You can revert temporarily the switch to v2018.11 with previous v2018.05 in this file :



16 minutes ago, martinayotte said:

You can revert temporarily the switch to v2018.11 with previous v2018.05 in this file :

Thank you very much. I'll try build tomorrow with changed version.

On 1/17/2019 at 9:22 AM, CptMcMillan said:

Default version with console interface. I have attached the configuration file with which the build run. 

I tried 5 different SD cards and rebuilt the image several times, but it did not help. And i use etcher to burn image...

I can confirm the problem with the default image: Armbian_5.72_Orangepione_Ubuntu_xenial_default_3.4.113 (u-boot  v2018.11)

I did compile it yesterday and it doenst show anything on the serial debug-port. It even did not try to boot :(

17 hours ago, CptMcMillan said:

Thank you very much. I'll try build tomorrow with changed version.

I change u-boot version to 2018.05 and try build. I recieved the next error:


7 hours ago, guidol said:

I can confirm the problem with the default image

Right ! I've just did the test too !

I don't have any clues why ...

Unfortunately, we won't revert u-boot v2018.11 changes, since we are dropping Legacy support anyway.

6 hours ago, CptMcMillan said:

change u-boot version to 2018.05 and try build. I recieved the next error:

I would need to revert the DT changes too, all the old "mmcX_pins_a" have been updated to newer "mmcX_pins" without the "a" ...

16 hours ago, martinayotte said:

I would need to revert the DT changes too, all the old "mmcX_pins_a" have been updated to newer "mmcX_pins" without the "a" ...

Hmm, that is if i just add "_a" to all "mmcX_pins" names in problem files it would work?? Or not so simple?) 

6 hours ago, CptMcMillan said:

Hmm, that is if i just add "_a" to all "mmcX_pins" names in problem files it would work?? Or not so simple?)

Yes, it is just that simple ...

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