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15 minutes ago, dreddit said:

The legacy fix involves the PH07 but find no reference on the board unless it refers to a gpio pin?

Yes, but this PH7 is the SPDIF-OUT for Audio, which is not even connect on OPi3.

I doubt this fix has anything to do with reboot issue, especially that this FEX attached this PH7 to "recovery" button ... :o

15 minutes ago, dreddit said:

The legacy fix involves the PH07 but find no reference on the board unless it refers to a gpio pin?

Yes, but this PH7 is the SPDIF-OUT for Audio, which is not even connect on OPi3.

I doubt this fix has anything to do with reboot issue, especially that this FEX attached this PH7 to "recovery" button ... :o

15 minutes ago, dreddit said:

The legacy fix involves the PH07 but find no reference on the board unless it refers to a gpio pin?

Yes, but this PH7 is the SPDIF-OUT for Audio, which is not even connect on neither OPi3, OPiOnePlus or OPiLite2.

I doubt this fix has anything to do with reboot issue, especially that this FEX attached this PH7 to "recovery" button ... :o



I think  the legacy version doesn't use the watchdog or not the same to reboot the board.


EDIT: I think it uses the ARISC co-processor

does someone with the h64 can test if the WDOG works ?


/* This should reset the system after 0.5s */
# devmem $((0x030090a0 + 0x0014))
# devmem $((0x030090a0 + 0x0018))
# devmem $((0x030090a0 + 0x0018)) 32 0x1

/* This should reset the system after 1s (as recommended in the User Manual) */
# devmem $((0x030090a0 + 0x0014))
# devmem $((0x030090a0 + 0x0018))
# devmem $((0x030090a0 + 0x0018)) 32 $((0x1 << 4))
# devmem $((0x030090a0 + 0x0018))
# devmem $((0x030090a0 + 0x0018)) 32 $((0x1 << 4 | 0x1))


5 hours ago, froezus said:


You are better looking at the schematic of any H6 (OPi3, OPiOnePlus, OPILite2) before arguing, PL9 is S-IR-RX, PH7 is really SPDIF-OUT ...

47 minutes ago, froezus said:

Changing to the R_WDOG instead of WDOG in ATF fix the issue.

Where did you find this patch ? We are not seeing it on linux-sunxi ML ...

Did you tried out ?


12 minutes ago, martinayotte said:

You are better looking at the schematic of any H6 (OPi3, OPiOnePlus, OPILite2) before arguing, PL9 is S-IR-RX, PH7 is really SPDIF-OUT ...

Oups indeed, My brain switch between IR and SPDIF.


The patch is from me and yes I tested it. Still not posted it because it's more a hack.

6 minutes ago, froezus said:

The patch is from me and yes I tested it. Still not posted it because it's more a hack.

Oh ! So, @froezus is in fact Clément Péron ? :o

Alors, bienvenue sur Armbian ... Je preśume que tu es basé en France, selon l'heure de ta patch ? Moi, je suis au Québec ...

Je vais donc essayer celle-ci sous peu !

Salutation ! ;)

12 minutes ago, martinayotte said:

Oh ! So, @froezus is in fact Clément Péron ? :o

Alors, bienvenue sur Armbian ... Je preśume que tu es basé en France, selon l'heure de ta patch ? Moi, je suis au Québec ...

Je vais donc essayer celle-ci sous peu !

Salutation ! ;)

Oui, salutation à toi aussi !

3 hours ago, froezus said:

The patch is from me and yes I tested it. Still not posted it because it's more a hack.

Did you got chance to figure out if the changes breaks or works for H3/H5/A64 ?

If not, we will need to build different BL31 for H6 differently from H3/H5/A64, since I'm not fluent with ATF, I'm not even sure that Armbian scripts distinguish between those ATF flavors accordingly ...

Did you exchange discussions with @megi and @Icenowy and any other about the issue ? Maybe the Official ML will still be a good place ...

Thanks for your work, since we struggling about the issue since at least 3 months ...

13 hours ago, megi said:

U-boot will also need patching, because it doesn't use ATF for reset.

What would be this second patch for the U-Boot "reset" ?


EDIT : for the "reboot" patch, I'm confirming : it works ! Thanks a lot to both @froezus and @megi !!!:thumbup:

EDIT2 : tested on all my H6, OPiOne+/OPiLite2/OPi3 ... And patch committed in Armbian ! :P

46 minutes ago, froezus said:

My UART is broken


You should do like me : I have more than a dozen of USB-TTL around, almost every boards have one, so I don't have to waste time unplugging/plugging them while testing. I've even placed a new order on eBay to get more ...

46 minutes ago, froezus said:

could you test this patch ?

Tested on OPiOnePlus, now doing the OPiLite2 and OPi3 ... Patch is already committed to Armbian !

Thanks a lot for the help ! :beer:


EDIT : OPiLite2 and OPi3 tested too ...

2 minutes ago, froezus said:

I made a short circuit on my board and the TX pin is no more working...

Oh ! On the board side ... :wacko:

Next time, it is better to short the USB-TTL side, they are less expensive ... :P

4 minutes ago, martinayotte said:

Oh ! On the board side ... :wacko:

Next time, it is better to short the USB-TTL side, they are less expensive ... :P


Yes, at least the RX is still working.


BTW i have sent the patch for U-Boot if you could add your "Tested-by" tag for the reset patch.



3 minutes ago, ilchenko Evgeny said:

how i can fix reboot on orange pi 3 ?

I've committed both Megi and Froezus patches earlier today in Armbian build scripts, so you simply need to recompile a new U-Boot and install it.

2 hours ago, froezus said:

I have proposed a proper patch to ATF hope it will be accepted soon

I'm a bit confused ... @megi patch seems to be H6 specific, but yours seen to affect all Allwinners SoC ...

Can you details ? ...



I tested on a Rongpin RP-H6B development board, and it also resets properly with normal WDOG.


So maybe only OPi's are affected?


just compiled fresh full OS image (  Armbian_5.78_Orangepioneplus_Debian_stretch_dev_5.0.7.img ) but alas " reboot " hangs,

so therefore my guess is I was too early and will wait another few days building from scratch, thanks for your efforts!


:~/armbian/patch/atf/atf-sunxi64$ ls -la
total 36
drwxrwxr-x 4 dolphs dolphs 4096 Apr  9 16:32 .
drwxrwxr-x 5 dolphs dolphs 4096 Mar 11 00:03 ..
-rw-r--r-- 1 root  root   902 Apr  9 16:32 0001-Fix-reset-issue-on-H6-by-using-R_WDOG.patch
-rw-rw-r-- 1 dolphs dolphs 1112 Mar 11 00:03 add-SRAM-mapping-for-SCPI.patch.disabled
drwxrwxr-x 2 dolphs dolphs 4096 Apr  9 16:32 board_pine64so
drwxrwxr-x 2 dolphs dolphs 4096 Mar 11 00:03 board_pinebook-a64
-rw-rw-r-- 1 dolphs dolphs 1079 Mar 11 00:03 enable-a53-errata-workaround.patch.disabled
-rw-rw-r-- 1 dolphs dolphs 1315 Mar 11 00:03 enable-additional-regulators.patch
-rw-rw-r-- 1 dolphs dolphs  525 Mar 11 00:03 set-rsb-to-nonsec.patch


Just noticed the patch is added with root user instead of mine, perhaps need to chown it and give it another try?

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