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Everything posted by Igor

  1. Now read my post once again. It contains all you need to know/do - I am not sure it will help but its a good path. It is expensive to provide you those hints (triple in Friday night), but I am afraid I can't guide you hand by hand in real time ... please don't expect this kind of luxury. Next, you are most likely not the only one with this problem. We have a powerful search function. Use it. Get familiar with Armbian ... then try to get clues here.
  2. In case of troubles try with modern kernel even it might lack some functionality. It is very simple: armbian-config -> switch to nightly, then choose alternative kernel DEV
  3. apt purge nodm lightdm apt install nodm Check /etc/default/nodm if it's enable and if a user is your normal user, not root ... in case you don't have a normal user, create one before starting.
  4. C2 network is known to make troubles. I hope with each related patch that comes around that it will fix issues ... the last one claimed network troubles were fixed. I didn't notice them which doesn't mean anything. In general, it depends on which version do you use - Debian or Ubuntu, armbian-config is not very polished yet so it could make some troubles ... network (address) settings should be in users domain. We try to keep it simple and the same on all. If you have troubles, try to disable "advanced" NetworkManager networking and use ifupdown.
  5. You will need to switch to the nightly repository before ... at this moment.
  6. There are no thermal problems with OrangePi PC, only with some versions of OrangePi Zero. Which board?
  7. Check if you have any board that is missing here (https://beta.armbian.com/buildlogs/report.html): https://github.com/armbian/testings
  8. No, we don't provide support for development versions - it is too expensive. They work or not. You need to build an image on your own. Perhaps next week, this year, perhaps it is already solved but needs to be implemented. In any case, I can't answer such questions. This is best effort amateur development. Anything you do for the project helps that issues are solved faster. That's all.
  9. Strange. It works fine for me: http://ix.io/1m57 (build from sources yesterday) Well, those builds are still in their early phase. I also had issues that sometimes it doesn't boot at all and it stuck on reboot plus probably more unknown issues.
  10. No, its related to (arm only?) 32bit. It also doesn't work on Cubox which is very different. This is a temporally workaround: apt-get install chromium=63.0.3239.84-1~deb9u1 Which you have to repeat at each apt update & upgrade or use apt mark hold to prevent its upgrading to most recent broken version.
  11. Because kernel was already compiled - it is cached and you obviously don't clean the cache (default is on). It also looks like your fs cache is corrupted due to network problems ... remove cache/rootfs or add ",cache" to the line below: You are missing this: CLEAN_LEVEL="make,debs,oldcache" Please take some time and study the manual.
  12. Chromium working fine on NanoPC T3+ which is arm64. http://ix.io/1m9p Image was built from source yesterday.
  13. I am just seeking ways to narrow things down. Until we don't know more it's hard to tell. Upstream problems happened in the past and it will happen again for sure. We are not in a position to debug Chromium. It works or not. If the problem is ours, we will fix it. But from what I know now I doubt it is.
  14. Just check this file history - where packages are defined. https://github.com/armbian/build/commits/master/lib/configuration.sh Have you tried to install Chromium 1-3 versions back? Or on non-Allwinner hardware, perhaps on some aarch64?
  15. ... and add changes to the source code when asked. This way a patch is created and you can use it later when building.
  16. Probably. I am using those from: https://www.ebay.de/itm/6Pin-USB-2-0-to-TTL-UART-Module-Serial-Converter-CP2102-STC-Replace-Ft232-Module-/401092508083 Also, this seller is trustworthy. It froze for me once ... then when I tried to catch some info ... I made an extensive stress test, compiling a kernel and installing various things all at once ... it didn't want to freeze again in 24h. Strange.
  17. Dunno, but we fix it https://github.com/armbian/build/commit/46340a242fd196597a3c862e9b075a94d4290381
  18. Camera support is not exiting under mainline: https://linux-sunxi.org/Linux_mainlining_effort#Status_Matrix
  19. Manual for start perhaps? https://docs.armbian.com/User-Guide_Getting-Started/#how-to-connect-to-wireless
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