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Everything posted by Igor

  1. Now serial console logs on the problematic one. Alternative way: https://forum.armbian.com/topic/8293-apt-upgrade-bricked-tinkers-today/?do=findComment&comment=62642
  2. I was waiting for this. A prove that there is nothing wrong with our work. Thank you! Armbian does not provide support for 3rd party hardware, which are the root of this problem -> a few people can't provide FREE support for all kind of electronic junk on this planet in their spare time. I hope you do understand this? Without logs, problems are not even officially recognized. That's why I repeat myself like a parrot. Only logs might tell if we can solve the problem quickly or we will just file it.
  3. Google's first hit: https://linuxconfig.org/how-to-upgrade-to-ubuntu-18-04-lts-bionic-beaver Even Canonical recommends running distribution upgrade (old stable -> stable) from a serial console ... which you don't have. Anyway, we are getting off topic and out of free support for which you need to supply UART data. Now @chwe supplied alternative and working option.
  4. This picture was taken on a working UART with kernel 4.14.y Do (ask google), but in case of troubles don't cry You have been warned.
  5. Armbian with kernel 3.4.y and 4.14.y is identical. The only difference is kernel and below. Why didn't you tell this before? If you don't follow our recommendation you are only wasting (my) time. Here you need to start: https://docs.armbian.com/User-Guide_Getting-Started/#prerequisites-for-new-users
  6. No! We didn't find nor fix any problems. You have to get a serial console and show us what do you see when you power the bricked device. Perhaps the problem is in your configuration which is not our problem. I have no idea without seeing logs.
  7. If an upgrade fails you need to provide us serial console logs that we understand what is going on, where booting stops. This will help you and others. You should scroll down to the bottom, where you can find the one and only image with an old kernel. https://dl.armbian.com/orangepipc/Ubuntu_xenial_default_desktop.7z It's an image with a desktop (which you can disable in armbian-config). Older than this, we don't support anymore. We used to ship some external wireless drivers in the past, but since it was complicated to support, we don't do that anymore. You can try to compile them this way: https://docs.armbian.com/User-Guide_Advanced-Features/#how-to-build-a-wireless-driver
  8. It's an amazing tool for the value It can save you a lot of time and money. That was more as a rhetorical question. Upgrade to Bionic might cause troubles but if you start with a clean image, you should be fine. That upgrade is out of our power to help you in case of troubles.
  9. This indicates some hardware trouble. Check topics in forum where this topic has been moved to: https://forum.armbian.com/forum/31-sd-card-and-power-supply/
  10. Now you need to get logs. From our perspective, everything works. Have you perhaps update to Bionic?
  11. I did try to replicate and start with some ancient build (older than yours, 5.33) than making an upgrade. It stalled at reboot ... cutting power and powering back resolved the problem and board is alive. Those are my logs: http://ix.io/1nwv Serial console log:
  12. Yes, but you don't need to do anything. I already found the cause of the problem. Just do a power cycle.
  13. Paremeters: https://www.armbian.com/tinkerboard/ Pins: https://tinkerboarding.co.uk/wiki/index.php/Hardware Pinout: Hardware: http://amzn.to/2wbNkLp
  14. Done. Do we have some quick sum of how to use them? BTW. I received a new board today but it still has Winbond flash. It was also mentioned that it will be probably a 4G model, but it's 1G. Basically, it is the same model that I already have with some changes to PCB which need to be inspected.
  15. Please boot from SD card, mount eMMC and provide its content of: boot/armbienEnv.txt boot/boot.cmd boot/boot.scr and type: blkid armbianmonitor -u
  16. I couldn't recreate. My board boots fine after the upgrade: Most likely /boot/boot.scr is corrupted. Also, proper rootdev=UUID=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx for eMMC must exists in /boot/armbianEnv.txt There is really no any extra magic - u-boot , boot script which loads kernel .. and we are only not getting to the kernel loading commands which are in the script.
  17. It depends. Supported boards get huge input from several people on many levels. I am involved in already too many boards which means I will not explore in details but will only provide you with some general tips. If you want to make use of our build system to build a bootable image, you need to: - have working u-boot. Ideally, if there is mainline support. Probably it is not. You might need to fiddle with u-boot scripts to make it compatible with our standard way of booting. - you need to extract DTB used in a current best Linux (4.15.y) for this board and add it with a patch to our cubox-i kernel source which are mainline kernels + patches for cubox-i, some are generic for imx6. Our NEXT branch is 4.14.y, while DEV is 4.18.y ... both might require some DT adaptations. If you get lucky, this can lead you to the booting Armbian image, but probably not many things will work out of the box ... next possible further DT adjustments. To be able to put those things together you will have to get familiar with a build system. Mostly on your own. Even I would like to help you more, I don't have this luxury. Peek also here https://github.com/150balbes/build as an example how a build system is used to create images for 3rd party hardware. Good luck.
  18. I would propose to add additional networking setup ways: - ifupdown - systemd This way we cover exceptions and I can clean up armbian-config.
  19. This part was not designed for end-user based packages. Absolutely agree that it's nice to have but would require some RFC, while our resources are ATM too low for such changes. Currently, you need to make use of chroot compilation with your own script, this way: https://docs.armbian.com/Developer-Guide_User-Configurations/#user-provided-image-customization-script
  20. Check forum which this thread was moved: https://forum.armbian.com/forum/31-sd-card-and-power-supply/
  21. Even you start with a clean image from the download section?
  22. Have you tried to use some other/better SD card first?
  23. https://docs.armbian.com/Release_Changelog/ https://github.com/armbian/build/commit/3a2ebeabc942efc9c6b6768f3a8507a702ac6a32 Debian Jessie should be possible to build (with EXPERT="yes" switch) but it is not maintained anymore which means you are on your own if things break. Debian Stretch requires more recent kernel than 3.4.y ... which will also be abandoned when multimedia features become mature in the modern kernel.
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