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    lanefu reacted to Werner in Enter the Matrix!   
    You want to join Armbian chat rooms, but hate Discord and would prefer something more modern than IRC?
    We got you! Join the closed beta of our own Matrix chat!
    With this test we want to get an idea about the public interest in this and also check the load on infra this generates so we can scale accordingly.
    Available (and bridged to IRC and Discord) channels:
    More channels will be added on demand.
    Invitation for the Armbian space: https://matrix.to/#/#armbian-space:matrix.armbian.com
    While the announcements channels is open and join-able for everyone already, for the latter an invitation is necessary.
    To get one simply ping @lanefu or me in this topic or via private message or via chat... doesn't matter
    Or simply use Matrix directly: https://matrix.to/#/@werner:matrix.armbian.com
    Once in feel free to invite other by yourself.
    Registering accounts is not possible at this time. However we may grant such to our contributors on request.
  2. Like
    lanefu reacted to Edgar in SATA disks not spinning up after apt update   
    Dear Armbian Community!
    I've run into the same issue and this thread put me on the right track. I've managed to resolve it meanwhile and I want to share my case with you here.
    I've used my Odroid HC4 with one Toshiba 14 TB harddrive for a while without any issues (> 1 year).
    Recently I purchased a Thoshiba 16 TB HDD and replaced the 14 TB with it. It run a couple of days without an issue. Then, after I updated and rebooted my Nextcloud Pi installation, the drive was not recognized anymore. I cannot remember the exact order of my subsequent steps, but since I own a 2nd HC4 hardware, I once swaped the slots, another time the whole HC4. After that I ended with on dead drive slot on one, and with two dead slots on the other HC4.
    I downloaded the schematics and measured the output test points of the switching regulator circuits. At each defective drive slot 0V were present at the output of the regulator circuit. Therefore I concluded defective DC-DC converter ICs as well (my current guess is, that the larger Toshiba drives, namely the 16 and 18 TB ones have some sort of higher inrush current at spin up / system reboot. Maybe out of SATA spec, or maybe the HC4's regulators are just a little too weakly dimensioned)
    I looked for a fully compatible converter IC, but with better specs. And fortunately I've found one. Altough with the same max current of 2 amps, but with a mentioned 2.5 amps peak current rating. And the max input voltage is higher as well - 24V vs. 18V.
    This tells the professional or the ambitious hobbyist that a stronger switching FET is integrated in this IC.
    I ordered them here https://www.mouser.com/ProductDetail/DIOO-Microcircuits/DIO6912ST6?qs=%2BEew9%2B0nqrDv2h%2BRFnw9pw%3D%3D and replaced both in each of my HC4s. It's been working for a few days now with the same 16 TB Toshiba hard drive. Hopefully for a long time.
    (2 photos attached - 1st shows the desoldered converter ICs U24,U21, 2nd the new soldered ICs - you have to be very careful not to accidentally unsolder the tiny passive components very close by)

  3. Like
    lanefu reacted to ebin-dev in Helios64 - Armbian 23.08 Bookworm issues (solved)   
    @SteeMan  I tested the latest changes in armbian-hardware-optimize with linux 6.6.8, 6.6.29 and 6.6.30 on a Helios64.
    The above cpufreqpolicy does not work if 'io_is_busy' is set to 1 on Helios64 at least if the 2.5G interface is used (transmit queue timeouts). In armbian-hardware-optimize (a-h-o) it is set to 1. It must be set to 0 (kernel default).  If the sampling_rate is set to a more responsive value of 50000 the issues vanish with io_is_busy set to 1.
    The optimizations for the 1G interface (eth0/end0) in the armbian script (see below) have the effect that those tasks are not performed in the NIC anymore (hardware) but on the CPUs in software. The effect is a huge additional load on the CPUs. Anyway such settings are not necessary with the new EEVDF scheduler anymore.
    The reason why I am disabling armbian-hardware-optimize is that I need a stable system and I want to avoid any random and untested changes on my system.
    echo 8 > /proc/irq/$(awk -F":" "/eth0/ {print \$1}" < /proc/interrupts | sed 's/\ //g')/smp_affinity echo 7 > /sys/class/net/eth0/queues/rx-0/rps_cpus echo 32768 > /proc/sys/net/core/rps_sock_flow_entries echo 32768 > /sys/class/net/eth0/queues/rx-0/rps_flow_cnt  
  4. Like
    lanefu reacted to Jojo in Odroid M1S Image Planned ?   
    Hey guys,
    I just wanted to mention, that I have not forgotten this topic .
    I just have currently no time to drive this further because of real-life stuff going. Additionally I currently have no hardware in spare which i could perform the tests on. So either you guys wait for a non-specified time or try something on your own.
    So long... Cheers
  5. Like
    lanefu got a reaction from q-bert in RockPi 5b / Kernel 6.8.2 / dtb overlay   
    There are rk3588 edge overlays available for SATA
  6. Like
    lanefu got a reaction from Werner in Configure network connection when building Armbian image   
    don't know if this method still works but thought i'd share it 

  7. Like
    lanefu got a reaction from l080 in Setting Up Mayastor on a Microk8s Cluster with RockPi 4 and Rock 5B: Seeking Solutions for Missing linux-modules-extra.   
    You would need to use the Armbian build tool to build a custom kernel with the missing modules such as tcp-nvme.   
    The Linux-modules-extras won't be an option in Armbian because it's only to supplement a specific corresponding Debian official kernel.
  8. Like
    lanefu reacted to gounthar in NanoPi R5S Armbian Image   
    I'm happy to see the support for this board is progressing. 🤗

    @tiziano000, where did you find an adapter to connect to the GPIO pins?
    I have an SPI screen that I can't connect for the time being because of the strange (to me) spacing of the GPIO pins. 🤷‍♂️
  9. Like
    lanefu reacted to electrified in NanoPi R5S Armbian Image   
    Thanks for your work on getting this merged @lanefu!
    Much appreciated.
  10. Like
    lanefu got a reaction from electrified in NanoPi R5S Armbian Image   
    here's an unsupported, unofficial build.  Mainline kernel, Mainline Uboot.
  11. Like
    lanefu got a reaction from electrified in NanoPi R5S Armbian Image   
    nanopi-r5s has been added in a community support configuration.  It is available via the EXPERT mode of the builder.  It requires EDGE kernel, but mainline support is good
    I'm using as a router on debian sid via the clammy-ng router framework
  12. Like
    lanefu reacted to Tearran in Armbian Desktop Wallpaper Contest   
    Vector Armbian Tux 

    I am submitting my **original artwork** for the Armbian Wallpaper Contest.
    **Artwork Details:**

    - **Title:** [Armbian Tux sunset of 2009]

    - **Description:** [Vector of Armbian Tux over a sunset image of 2009]
    I hereby confirm and certify that this artwork is an original piece created solely by me. By submitting this artwork to the Armbian Wallpaper Contest, I agree to release it under the [Creative Commons Zero (CC0) license](https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/legalcode) (CC0 1.0).

  13. Like
    lanefu reacted to Tearran in Armbian Desktop Wallpaper Contest   
    Vector Armbian Tux , Earth and luna


    I am submitting my **original artwork** for the Armbian Wallpaper Contest.
    **Artwork Details:**

    - **Title:** [Armbian Tux space]

    - **Description:** [Vector of Armbian Tux vector trace of blender 3d renders of Earth and Luna]
    I hereby confirm and certify that this artwork is an original piece created solely by me. By submitting this artwork to the Armbian Wallpaper Contest, I agree to release it under the [Creative Commons Zero (CC0) license](https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/legalcode) (CC0 1.0).

  14. Like
    lanefu reacted to Radim Suk in Armbian Desktop Wallpaper Contest   
    Armbian Wallpaper Contest Submission
    I am submitting my **original artwork** for the Armbian Wallpaper Contest.
    **Artwork Details:**
    - **Title:** tuxiiies all around
    - **Description:** used AI to generate "high-tech" computer inside, run by pinguins
    I hereby confirm and certify that this artwork is an original piece created solely by me. By submitting this artwork to the Armbian Wallpaper Contest, I agree to release it under the [Creative Commons Zero (CC0) license](https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/legalcode) (CC0 1.0).

  15. Like
    lanefu reacted to yam1 in Armbian Desktop Wallpaper Contest   
    I am submitting my **original artwork** for the Armbian Wallpaper Contest.
    **Artwork Details:**

    - **Title:**Penguin Planets in Armbian Universe
    - **Description:**I wrote a little program to create this image. The background, the penguins and the icons can be customized by making small changes to this program. A wall paper generator web page could be made available for this purpose as well.  To encourage vendor support for this project, the penguins (icon, penguin size and location) can be customized per vendor needs. Linux penguins as planets is my original idea (I did not find or copy anything from google). Since the image can be easily recomputed, they are not important any more only the idea remains. The background image is found by searching google images for royalty free universe images. Another background image can be substituted easily if need be.

    I hereby confirm and certify that this artwork is an original piece created solely by me. By submitting this artwork to the Armbian Wallpaper Contest, I agree to release it under the [Creative Commons Zero (CC0) license](https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/legalcode) (CC0 1.0).


  16. Like
    lanefu reacted to Peregrint in Armbian Desktop Wallpaper Contest   
    Hey Guys,
    nice 2 meet U here. My ODROIDXU4 said this morning that I have to Post my Wallpaper but i didn´t had one because I´m running my Device on Version 23.05.1 without GUI. So i decided to create one Quick and Dirty and here are the two Wallpapers.
    Created one in FHD. And another one. And another one...... 🤪🤣
    Good Luck for everybody. Think we´ll read us in the Future, seems 2b good Here. CU







  17. Like
    lanefu reacted to misteki in Armbian Desktop Wallpaper Contest   
    Armbian Wallpaper Contest Submission
    I am submitting my **original artwork** for the Armbian Wallpaper Contest.
    **Artwork Details:** - **Title:** Polygonal Penguin / Essence - **Description:**  A wallpaper with a geometric rendition of the Armbian Penguin against a cool white background / An abstract wallpaper with 3 glass balls representing the colours of the Armbian Penguin
    I hereby confirm and certify that this artwork is an original piece created solely by me. By submitting this artwork to the Armbian Wallpaper Contest, I agree to release it under the [Creative Commons Zero (CC0) license](https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/legalcode) (CC0 1.0).
  18. Like
    lanefu reacted to Tearran in Armbian Desktop Wallpaper Contest   
    Armbian gentoo vetor https://codepen.io/Tearran/pen/mdQNBOp
    Photo Sunset US East coast by Tearran 

    I am submitting my **original artwork** for the Armbian Wallpaper Contest.
    **Artwork Details:**

    - **Title:** [Armbian Tux Costal]

    - **Description:** [Vector of Armbian Tux, Image of Costal sunset]
    I hereby confirm and certify that this artwork is an original piece created solely by me. By submitting this artwork to the Armbian Wallpaper Contest, I agree to release it under the [Creative Commons Zero (CC0) license](https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/legalcode) (CC0 1.0).
  19. Like
    lanefu reacted to _Andre in Armbian Desktop Wallpaper Contest   
    Armbian Wallpaper Contest Submission
    I am submitting my **original artwork** for the Armbian Wallpaper Contest.
    **Artwork Details:**
    - **Title:** [ARM reaches out to ARMBIAN OS]
    - **Description:** [Arm of indistinguishable color symbolize both ARM hardware and its users. The idea is that ARMBIAN is the best choice for both, and it is easily obtainable, cause its free.]
    I hereby confirm and certify that this artwork is an original piece created solely by me. By submitting this artwork to the Armbian Wallpaper Contest, I agree to release it under the [Creative Commons Zero (CC0) license](https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/legalcode) (CC0 1.0).


  20. Like
    lanefu reacted to going in Rename the project to better reflect it's function   
    Only after the "Apple" is renamed. It has nothing to do with the production of agricultural products.
  21. Like
    lanefu got a reaction from DimonKyiv in Regional Armbian Apt mirrors   
    We've added some enhancements to our mirror redirect tool the allow you to choose a region.   
    UPDATE: See Friendlier Documentation Here

    The following regions are configured:
    NA - North America
    EU - Europe
    AS - Asia (currently only china)
    to use update the url in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/armbian.list from apt.armbian.com to apt.armbian.com/region/REGIONCODE
    # cat /etc/apt/sources.list.d/armbian.list deb http://apt.armbian.com/region/NA focal main focal-utils focal-desktop  
    If you'd like to choose a specifc mirror you can query https://apt.armbian.com/mirrors and find a mirror
  22. Like
    lanefu got a reaction from gounthar in (Serial) console access via 'USB-UART/Gadget mode' on Linux/Windows/OSX   
    Try a different program for your uart such as tio
    Also try
    export TERM=xterm && reset
    export TERM=linux && reset
  23. Like
    lanefu reacted to tkaiser in rock-5b with vendor u-boot & vendor kernel; PR and test images   
    BTW: The device is called Rock 5B as such congratulations on the subforum name...
  24. Like
    lanefu reacted to RSS Bot in [Armbian build PR] - Add preliminary support for UEFI install to nand-sata-install   
    UEFI installer. Help is needed for reworking this tool into something less fragile.
    Jira reference number AR-1355
    How Has This Been Tested?
    Please describe the tests that you ran to verify your changes. Please also note any relevant details for your test configuration.
    [x] Windows 11 laptop. Shrink main partition, then generate new partition from that space and format it. Then run nand-sata-install Checklist:
    [ ] My code follows the style guidelines of this project [ ] I have performed a self-review of my own code [ ] I have commented my code, particularly in hard-to-understand areas [ ] I have made corresponding changes to the documentation [ ] My changes generate no new warnings [ ] Any dependent changes have been merged and published in downstream modules View the full article
  25. Like
    lanefu reacted to Werner in Pinebook PRO does not boot Armbian_22.08.1_Pinebook-pro_bullseye_current_5.15.63.img   
    @NicoD @lanefu don't you have pbp for a quick test?
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