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MacBreaker reacted to Werner in Armbian with preinstalled OpenMediaVault (OMV)
omv extension isn't automatically shipped with the build framework. You can grab it here: https://github.com/armbian/os/blob/main/userpatches/extensions/omv.sh
MacBreaker reacted to SteeMan in Armbian with preinstalled OpenMediaVault (OMV)
The instructions on above (under DIY) should be clearer to explain that. When I looked at this earlier, I was guessing that is what the instructions assumed you needed to do (download that referenced file).
Edited the above instructions to clarify.
MacBreaker got a reaction from Igor in Armbian with preinstalled OpenMediaVault (OMV)
Ahh, okay, i didn't know
Now it's working.. 👍
Thank's Werner
MacBreaker got a reaction from guidol in Orange Pi one two usb host ports possible?
Yes, that was the information what I was missing..
I was thinking about that, but I didn't find that information.
Thanks for sharing your DTB, but i'm on 5.10.60.
I froze the kernel and changed my DTB, all is fine now!
Liebe Grüsse aus Bishkek/Kirgistan wo ich zeitweise außer in Haiger/Hessen lebe..
MacBreaker reacted to guidol in Orange Pi one two usb host ports possible?
As I read
it seems to be possible.
At the URL is a information how to change the .DTB for the OPi Zero to use the USB-OTG as USB-HOST
You have to find the right usb-port (usb@1c19000) in the .DTB/.DTS for the OPi One
DTB to DTS decompile
dtc -I dtb -O dts /boot/dtb/sun8i-h3-orangepi-one.dtb -o /boot/dtb/sun8i-h3-orangepi-one.dts
change in the .DTS:
change the line:
dr_mode = "otg";
to dr_mode = "host";
in the section
from: usb@1c19000 { compatible = "allwinner,sun8i-h3-musb"; reg = <0x1c19000 0x400>; clocks = <0x03 0x20>; resets = <0x03 0x11>; interrupts = <0x00 0x47 0x04>; interrupt-names = "mc"; phys = <0x10 0x00>; phy-names = "usb"; extcon = <0x10 0x00>; dr_mode = "otg"; status = "okay"; phandle = <0x48>; }; to: usb@1c19000 { compatible = "allwinner,sun8i-h3-musb"; reg = <0x1c19000 0x400>; clocks = <0x03 0x20>; resets = <0x03 0x11>; interrupts = <0x00 0x47 0x04>; interrupt-names = "mc"; phys = <0x10 0x00>; phy-names = "usb"; extcon = <0x10 0x00>; dr_mode = "host"; status = "okay"; phandle = <0x48>; };
DTS to DTB compile
dtc -I dts -O dtb /boot/dtb/sun8i-h3-orangepi-one.dts -o /boot/dtb/sun8i-h3-orangepi-one.dtb
As attachment the new compiled version (when you have the same kernel as I 5.15.4
PS: Liebe Gruesse nach Hessen - vor 6 Jahren habe ich in Babenhausen bei Frankfurt/Darmstadt gewohnt - nun in der Tuerkei....
MacBreaker got a reaction from gounthar in Power bank or ups for Orange pi pc
..about power outages..
I had this problem years argo also.
I run a server (Orange Pi PC) 24/7 in a area with a lot of "power outages".
I prevent this with a board like this: Double 18650 Lithium-Batterie Schild V8 Mobile Power bank
You have only to connect it between your power source and you Pi.
That's all..
MacBreaker got a reaction from jslav in disable /dev/video0 and /dev/ttyS* in kernel 5.8.y with device tree
about video*
take a look here:
check the active modules and blacklist them...
MacBreaker got a reaction from pfeerick in Seed our torrents
Hello Igor,
since years i seed Armbian torrents but i noticed that i'm running out of space.
My hdd was 248GB till now...
Looking for further information and saw in the first post is written 512GB.
Maybe you can add a big ">NOTE!< since Version 20.05.xx you need 512GB free space".
Also after you installed transmission by ->Software ->Softy ->Transmission you get asked to seed Armbian torrents.
Here a screen:
You have to change the number from 80GB to 512GB.
Just my thinking about this..
MacBreaker got a reaction from guidol in Set up Debian stretch I2S
To enable I2S is easy. See this thread:
Have you tried the search function up on the right side?
You can do it on your Orange Pi PC Plus the same way Guido did it on Nanopi Neo.
MacBreaker got a reaction from Werner in SimpNAS Beta Released!
Hi Tido,
thanks for clarification of root or root privileges.
i didn't know this, sorry.
I will read the README.md and start over again on the weekend.
Ich hoffe...
MacBreaker got a reaction from fredvej in HiFiBerry on Rock64 howto needed
Hey, this will not work..
Have you seen the data sheet of the Rock64?
There is no I2S on the Pi-2 Bus (pinheader) where you connected the HiFiBerry DAC from your RPi.
You can use jumper wire to connect it with P5 but you need a overlay to activate I2S.
MacBreaker got a reaction from Igor in Seed our torrents
OK, i'm prepaired with my 500GB HDD on a Cubietruck right now...
MacBreaker got a reaction from Werner in Seed our torrents
OK, i'm prepaired with my 500GB HDD on a Cubietruck right now...
MacBreaker got a reaction from guidol in Orange Pi Zero 512 H2 with Audio shield: No Audio, no Alsamixer
First you have to enable analog audio...
sudo armbian-config ->System ->Hardware -> mark analog-codec ... sudo reboot If you need /etc/asound.conf , you have to create by you own...
MacBreaker got a reaction from Werner in Seed our torrents
Hello Igor,
since years i seed Armbian torrents but i noticed that i'm running out of space.
My hdd was 248GB till now...
Looking for further information and saw in the first post is written 512GB.
Maybe you can add a big ">NOTE!< since Version 20.05.xx you need 512GB free space".
Also after you installed transmission by ->Software ->Softy ->Transmission you get asked to seed Armbian torrents.
Here a screen:
You have to change the number from 80GB to 512GB.
Just my thinking about this..
MacBreaker got a reaction from gounthar in OrangePi zero not working with 1-wire
how i did it with my OPZero:
Enable w1-gpio
add param_w1_pin=PA10 to armbianEnv.txt and connect your DS18B20 like these.. +------------------------------------------------+ | OPi Zero GPIO Pin | 18B20 | Widerstand | |------------------------|---------|-------------| |Pin 17 3.3V | braun | VCC |-|4,7kOhm|-¬ | |Pin 26 1-wire | blau | Data |------------ | |Pin 9 GND | schwarz | GND | | +------------------------------------------------+ Its working fine :-)
MacBreaker got a reaction from gounthar in Is it possible to shutdown properly an OrangePi Zero in case of power loss?
I had also had a lot power outages.
I bougt a "Bms 18650 Batterie Schild V3 Expansion Board"
(https://de.aliexpress.com/item/32996504176.html?spm=a2g0s.9042311.0.0.1ec64c4da6MXpj) with a 18650 Batterie, and the problen was solved.
MacBreaker got a reaction from abreyu in Orange pi zero alternatives
I would suggest the orange pi zero plus with extension board.
H5 Prozessor
512 MB RAM
3x USB 2.0
Gigabit Ethernet
Onboard WiFi
SPI Flash
Runs for me very reliable for over 2 years under Debian Stretch.
No thermal problems... running without exclosure on myside...
I use it for: websites/webservice, pihole, openvpn, oscam server ... below 50 degrees Celsius.
It's around 19,45€ including delivery to Europe (where i'm living).
MacBreaker got a reaction from Igor in XU4 (HC2) mjpg_streamer failed after upgrade to 4.19.14
Ok, i've canged back to 4.14.69, all work how expected...
...armbian-config is a great tool.
Thanks Igor