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NicoD reacted to rna in How to Install Box86-Box64 Wine32-Wine64 Winetricks on Arm64
Dear All,
I just want to share my workflow of successfully installing Box86-Box64, Wine32-Wine64 and Winetricks on Arm64
Big thanks to @NicoD for sharing his source code of Armbian-Gaming. I modified some of his code to be used in Armbian Focal (or any Arm64 distro) and fix the armhf dependencies issue by using the "arm-linux-gnueabihf" Library from TwisterOS. I also used some of Box86 Manual. So many thanks to all of them.
Ok Let's Start:
1. Add armhf multiarch
sudo dpkg --add-architecture armhf sudo apt-get update 2. Install dependencies for box86 & box64
sudo apt-get install git cmake cabextract gcc-arm-linux-gnueabihf libc6-dev-armhf-cross
Then download these "arm-linux-gnueabihf" files and extract them on folder /usr/
(Alternatively, you can manually copy paste the "/usr/arm-linux-gnueabihf" folder from TwisterOS and transfer it to your arm64 OS. This file contains dependencies for Box86)
*NOTE: I split the files because Armbian site doesn't allow me to upload more than 1,5MB.
arm-linux-gnueabihf.7z.001 arm-linux-gnueabihf.7z.002 arm-linux-gnueabihf.7z.003 arm-linux-gnueabihf.7z.004
3. Compile box86 for general ARM64 board (read box86 manual for more info about your board)
cd git clone https://github.com/ptitSeb/box86 cd box86 mkdir build cd build cmake .. -DARM_DYNAREC=ON -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RelWithDebInfo make -j3 sudo make install sudo systemctl restart systemd-binfmt cd 4. Compile box64 for general ARM64 board (read box64 manual for more info about your board)
cd git clone https://github.com/ptitSeb/box64 cd box64 mkdir build cd build cmake .. -DARM_DYNAREC=ON -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RelWithDebInfo make -j3 sudo make install sudo systemctl restart systemd-binfmt cd 5. Restart your Computer
6. Install Wine32 & Wine64 (Merged is the best option, and please follow the sequence accordingly. Currently at the time of writing, wine 5.21 & Wine 6.0.2 have the best support from Box86-Box64. You can also try a different version of wine if you want)
#Wine 5.21
cd cd ~/Downloads wget https://dl.winehq.org/wine-builds/debian/dists/buster/main/binary-i386/wine-devel-i386_5.21~buster_i386.deb wget https://dl.winehq.org/wine-builds/debian/dists/buster/main/binary-i386/wine-devel_5.21~buster_i386.deb wget https://dl.winehq.org/wine-builds/debian/dists/buster/main/binary-amd64/wine-devel-amd64_5.21~buster_amd64.deb wget https://dl.winehq.org/wine-builds/debian/dists/buster/main/binary-amd64/wine-devel_5.21~buster_amd64.deb dpkg-deb -xv wine-devel-i386_5.21~buster_i386.deb wine-installer dpkg-deb -xv wine-devel_5.21~buster_i386.deb wine-installer dpkg-deb -xv wine-devel-amd64_5.21~buster_amd64.deb wine-installer dpkg-deb -xv wine-devel_5.21~buster_amd64.deb wine-installer mv ~/Downloads/wine-installer/opt/wine* ~/wine rm -rf wine-installer cd #Wine 6.0.2 Stable
cd cd ~/Downloads wget https://dl.winehq.org/wine-builds/debian/dists/buster/main/binary-i386/wine-stable-i386_6.0.2~buster-1_i386.deb wget https://dl.winehq.org/wine-builds/debian/dists/buster/main/binary-i386/wine-stable_6.0.2~buster-1_i386.deb wget https://dl.winehq.org/wine-builds/debian/dists/buster/main/binary-amd64/wine-stable-amd64_6.0.2~buster-1_amd64.deb wget https://dl.winehq.org/wine-builds/debian/dists/buster/main/binary-amd64/wine-stable_6.0.2~buster-1_amd64.deb dpkg-deb -xv wine-stable-i386_6.0.2~buster-1_i386.deb wine-installer dpkg-deb -xv wine-stable_6.0.2~buster-1_i386.deb wine-installer dpkg-deb -xv wine-stable-amd64_6.0.2~buster-1_amd64.deb wine-installer dpkg-deb -xv wine-stable_6.0.2~buster-1_amd64.deb wine-installer mv ~/Downloads/wine-installer/opt/wine* ~/wine rm -rf wine-installer cd
7. Create Symlink to Wine
sudo ln -s ~/wine/bin/wine /usr/local/bin/wine sudo ln -s ~/wine/bin/wineboot /usr/local/bin/wineboot sudo ln -s ~/wine/bin/winecfg /usr/local/bin/winecfg sudo ln -s ~/wine/bin/wineserver /usr/local/bin/wineserver sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/wine /usr/local/bin/wineboot /usr/local/bin/winecfg /usr/local/bin/wineserver 8. Setting Wine32 Folder in ~/.wine (set win32 as wine default, because currently winetricks doesn't work in win64. I would gladly use win64 as my default setup only if winetricks works in win64 in the future).
WINEPREFIX=~/.wine WINEARCH=win32 wine winecfg 9. Setting Wine64 Folder in ~/.wine64
WINEPREFIX=~/.wine64 WINEARCH=win64 wine winecfg 10. In Home Folder Create alias in .bashrc (to make shorter command for wine64)
cd nano .bashrc --> enter this command
alias wine64="WINEPREFIX=~/.wine64 wine" --> then save (ctrl+x, choose yes)
--> then logout & login
11. Installing & Running 32bit Windows app
wine uninstaller wine /File/can/be/drag/and/drop/32bit.exe 12. Installing & Running 64bit Windows app
wine64 uninstaller wine64 /File/can/be/drag/and/drop/64bit.exe
13. Install Winetricks
sudo apt-get install cabextract -y cd ~/Downloads && wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Winetricks/winetricks/master/src/winetricks sudo chmod +x winetricks && sudo mv winetricks /usr/local/bin/ 14. Using Winetricks (ex: Corefonts & Dotnet 4)
BOX86_NOBANNER=1 winetricks BOX86_NOBANNER=1 winetricks corefonts dotnet40 15. Creating Wine Desktop Launcher
Now create a launcher in the desktop with this code in the command section:
wine explorer /desktop=shell,1280x720 explorer.exe
As an alternative, I personally like explorer++ mainly because of its GUI and additional feature compared to the original wine explorer. You can download it from here: https://explorerplusplus.com/software/explorer++_1.3.5_x86.zip and then extract it, and then rename to "explorer++.exe" (with small e, not capital E), then copy-paste it to the ~/.wine/drive_c/windows. Then create a launcher in the desktop with this code in the command section:
wine explorer /desktop=shell,1280x720 explorer++.exe
- With this setting I am able to run Box86 and Box64 without having dependencies conflict between armhf package and arm64 package.
- I used the win32 as my default wine. Alternatively you can also use win64 as your default ~/.wine setup. It is up to you (In fact, by default it will create win64 setup in your ~/.wine folder).
- For RK3399 users, you can use these scripts to Install and Update Box86 & Box64:
install_box86.sh install_box64.sh update_box86.sh update_box64.sh
I hope this could help somebody out there. Have a Nice Day!
NicoD reacted to LucasM in Do you like to see your favorite board supported?
Hi thanks for the excellent job with armbian. I don't have much experience but I want to learn and colaborate as board maintainer.
My board is an orangepipc.
github: https://github.com/lbmendes
NicoD got a reaction from Werner in Video : Armbian for the Raspberry Pi 4 ! ! ! Preview ! ! !
Hi all.
You might have already heard. Armbian is aiming to support the Raspberry Pi4. @rpardini already made well working images for it.
In this video I talk about why we would want Armbian for the RPi4, and I show you around in Armbian Jammy 5.13 for the RPi4.
We do need to find someone who wants to take the task on him/her to be maintainer for RaspberryPi4 at Armbian.
For this you need one spare board that can be used for testing when new release are made.
Here some info I gathered.
Raspberry Pi 4 cooled with big heatsink on SoC and fan on-top Board | SBC-Bench | Distro | Clockspeeds | 7z all cores | 7z small core | 7z big core | CPU-Miner | NicoD-Blender | Max temp | C copy backwards NanoPi M4 2GB http://ix.io/3xnJ Armbian Hirsute xfce4 5.13.12 1.4Ghz/1.8Ghz 7760 1267 1857 10.05 14m41s 78C *** 1782.9 MB/s NanoPi M4 2GB http://ix.io/3xv3 Armbian Hirsute xfce4 5.13.12 1.5Ghz/2Ghz 8288 1348 2070 10.95 13m21s *** 1806.7 MB/s NanoPi M4 2GB http://ix.io/3xs3 Armbian Hirsute cinnamon 5.13.12 1.4Ghz/1.8Ghz 7766 1267 1851 10 14m33s 78C 1742.6 MB/s NanoPi M4 2GB http://ix.io/3xt0 Armbian Hirsute budgie 5.13.12 1.4Ghz/1.8Ghz 7941 1272 1863 10.05 14m24s/14m18s 78C 1738.3 MB/s NanoPi M4 2GB http://ix.io/3xtR Armbian Buster xfce4 4.4.213 1.5Ghz/2Ghz 8383 1359 1982 10.8 14m17s 1377.3 MB/s NanoPi M4 2GB http://ix.io/3xuf Armbian Buster xfce4 4.4.213 1.4Ghz/1.8Ghz 7879 1278 1807 10 15m20s 1392.3 MB/s NanoPi M4 2GB http://ix.io/3xux Armbian Focal xfce4 5.10.60 1.4Ghz/1.8Ghz 8028 1286 1859 10.27 13m29s *** 1765.3 MB/s NanoPi M4 2GB http://ix.io/3xuL Armbian Focal xfce4 5.10.60 1.5Ghz/2Ghz 8427 1351 2076 11.2 12m53s *** 1759.9 MB/s NanoPi M4 2GB http://ix.io/3EDB Ubuntu Xenial armhf 4.4 xfce4 1.4Ghz/1.8Ghz 7069 1140 1695 1387.1 MB/s Board | SBC-Bench | Distro | Clockspeeds | 7z all cores | 7z small core | 7z big core | CPU-Miner | NicoD-Blender | Max temp Odroid C4/HC4 http://ix.io/2LaP Ubuntu Mate 4.9 1.91Ghz 7000 1769 7.2 kH/s 2087.5 MB/s Odroid C4/HC4 http://ix.io/3F6z Armbian Buster 5.9 2.10Ghz 7971 2030 7.9 23m02s 2020.0 MB/s Khadas VIM3 Armbian Hirsute cinnamon 5.13.12 12m55s Raspberry Pi4 http://ix.io/3F6o Armbian Jammy 5.13 2Ghz 8047 2070 Didn't work Blender doens't work 2054.3 MB/s Raspberry Pi4 http://ix.io/3F6K Armbian Jammy 5.13 1.5Ghz 6239 1572 2556.8 MB/s Raspberry Pi4 Armbian Hirsute edge xfce4 5.11 1.5Ghz 5832 1534 18m11s 60C Raspberry Pi4 http://ix.io/3Euw Armbian Hirsute edge xfce4 5.11 2Ghz 7747 2037 9.8 14m26s 68C 2382.2 MB/s Raspberry Pi4 http://ix.io/3FbW Armbian Hirsute 5.11 OC GPU+CPU 2.1Ghz 8168 2147 Blender crash 2445.0 MB/s Raspberry Pi4 http://ix.io/3EU7 Armbian Impish edge headless 5.13 1.5Ghz 6251 1584 15m39s 2618.0 MB/s Raspberry Pi4 http://ix.io/3Ewi Armbian Impish edge headless 5.13 2Ghz 8171 2093 12m41s 2713.7 MB/s Raspberry Pi4 http://ix.io/3EPQ Armbian Bullseye edge headless 5.13 1.5Ghz 6328 1594 7.3 Blender doesn't work 2680.5 MB/s Raspberry Pi4 http://ix.io/3EK9 Armbian Bullseye edge headless 5.13 2Ghz 8242 2096 9.7 Blender doesn't work 2505.4 MB/s Raspberry Pi4 http://ix.io/3ECd Raspberry Pi OS Bullseye 32-bit 1.5Ghz 7577 1933 21m09s 2511.7 MB/s Raspberry Pi4 http://ix.io/3ECt Raspberry Pi OS Bullseye 32-bit 2Ghz 9746 2533 17m05s 2263.0 MB/s Raspberry Pi4 http://ix.io/3EIe Raspberry Pi OS Bullseye 64-bit 1.5Ghz 6174 1567 7.2 17m01s 2463.5 MB/s Raspberry Pi4 http://ix.io/3EJs Raspberry Pi OS Bullseye 64-bit 2Ghz 8026 2053 9.65 Blender unstable at 2Ghz 2326.1 MB/s Raspberry Pi4 http://ix.io/3EGZ Ubuntu 21.10 (Impish) 5.13 arm64 1.5Ghz 6160 1563 16m50s 2421.2 MB/s Raspberry Pi4 http://ix.io/3EHA Ubuntu 21.10 (Impish) 5.13 arm64 2Ghz 7965 2038 Didn't work Blender unstable at 2Ghz 2501.9 MB/s Odroid N2+ http://ix.io/3EwQ Armbian Impish xfce4 5.14 2Ghz/2.4Ghz 11714 1765 2517 8m51s 2053.0 MB/s Raspberry Pi4 SD->USB3 with SandDisk Extreme 89.7 MB/s read SD with on-board sd-card reader Sandisk Extreme 45.4 MB/s read (rather slow compared to 70MB/s for M4) RPi4 fastest memory, then N2+, then M4(lpddr3) Armbian Impish 2.93.5 Raspberry Pi OS Bulsseye 32-bit/64-bit blender 2.83.5 Ubuntu 21.10 Blender 2.93.3 Armbian Jammy Blender goesn't work / bug *** Ubuntu 21.10 unstable when installing ubuntu-mate-desktop, Unity very slow Armbian on RPi4 pro's + Having the same platform for RPi and other Armbian supported boards + Reliability/ stable + ARM64 vs armhf of RaspberryPiOS/Ubuntu unstable at high clocks and a lot of bugs and hangs + Ubuntu and Debian images and all their versions + Great for server tasks + Customizable + You can build your own RPi4 images with whatever modules you need Armbian on RPi4 con's - Not great for desktop use (yet) - No VPU drivers, video playback firefox ok up to 720p - Audio glitchy, no audio on some images like Jammy *** For audio install pavucontrol *** On-board wifi and dongles don't work with the Armbian Impish and Bullseye images. Dongles work on Hirsute. I guess kernel issue 5.13 -> 5.11 *** Armbian Bullseye 5.13 USB not always working Install desktops sudo apt install xfce4 (ubuntu-mate-desktop, kubuntu-desktop, lubuntu-desktop, ubuntu-desktop, ...) sudo apt install lightdm sudo apt install lightdm-gtk-greeter sudo apt install pavucontrol sudo apt install xinit Power draw at 5.3V headless 1.5Ghz with fan maxed out 0.95A 2Ghz with fan maxed out 1.10A To do - M4 Impish - Gather the info I've got from other boards and my pc's
And for those who don't like watching a video, here a short text of what I talk about.
What is Armbian? What is the Armbian build framework which is one of the valued pro's compared to RPiOS? Why Armbian for RPi4? For software compatibillity with other Armbian supported SBCs, Reliabillity, ARM64, Ubuntu and Debian and their versions, great for server tasks... Accentuate this is only a preview, not full release or supported Show Armbian download page Show the NanoPi M4 and Odroid N2+, talk about their specs(short) Difference between other SBCs and RPi/ThreadX - Under Voltage problems/eMMC and NVMe possible on others(better I/O) What doesn't work yet on Armbian for RPi4. Wifi, BT and HDMI sound Show Armbian Impish, show htop, install desktops, Benchmarks between different OS's. Explain they aren't worth much since, different versions of software, different architecture armhf vs arm64, 7zip multicore doesn't play well on different sized clusters, and doesn't always give exact the same result... !!!Test the performance of the software you use to know if this is the correct tool for you!!! Show different desktop environments installed on Armbian - Not the Armbian default desktops - mate doesn't work great, xfce4 works ok, kde works but is slow(newer version should improve that soon)Change openGL2->OpenGL3, ... Performance of I/O. Better to use a good but cheap usb3 sd-card reader than on-board sd-card reader. ssd/NVMe->USB3 even better. ???Would you like to become RPi4 Armbian maintainer??? Or for another board??? Conclusion. Good for RPi community to have even more choice. Good for Armbian community to be able to use the same software on their RPi devices as on their others. Good for Armbian to reach more people and have more awareness about other boards. Having a good build environment to build your own images/kernels/patches for the RPi4.
NicoD reacted to guidol in Video : Armbian for the Raspberry Pi 4 ! ! ! Preview ! ! !
why only for the RPI4?
I commented out (like you said in the video) the 2GHz overclock out of the config.txt and booted the image on the RPI3b(+)
for a headless-server-only version (No Desktop)
Little problem was the /erc/rc.local where I mount my SAMBA from another pistyle-sbc, because the Network card is getting up very late.
So I had to add a "sleep 20" at the beginning of my /etc/rc.local
Armbian on my the RPi 3B v1.2 takes around 185MB for booting - so enough space to do something
Because onboard audio doesnt work I used a USB-Audio with a proper /etc/asound.conf
After a "dpkg-reconfigure console-setup" the RPi does copy many new/current modules again and seem to setup the system better.
To gain back some memory from the RPi3 I changed the GPU memory in the config.txt from 256MB to 32MB to get 950MB useable for the headless-server
armbianmonitor -u result at:
NicoD reacted to Igor in armbian-config RFC ideas
In current armbian-config, we have a broken desktop install on top of CLI images, while I have made several checks and come to a conclusion its fairly simple to install desktop. Which could be a nice first working functionality in the new armbian-config. And a reason to start moving on.
1. Available desktops per release for select box:
apt-cache search armbian-$(grep VERSION_CODENAME /etc/os-release | cut -d"=" -f2)-desktop- | cut -d" " -f1
All those exists in repository and are up2date.
2. Installation
echo lightdm | sudo tee -a /etc/X11/default-display-manager DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive DEBCONF_NONINTERACTIVE_SEEN=true apt-get install --install-recommends -o Dpkg::Options::="--force-confdef" -o Dpkg::Options::="--force-confold" -y armbian-focal-desktop-xfce
3. After install - more or less copy / paste
I would start, but my brain is stuck in stack overflow mode
NicoD reacted to jock in Testing hardware video decoding (rockchip, allwinner?)
Instructions in this thread are oudated and superseded by the new experimental APT repository for hardware video decoding ffmpeg.
Please refer to this thread from now on!
Hello, recent upgrades to armbian are regarding kernel 5.15.
I noticed that many v4l2 fixes and enhancements went into this release, so I decided to compile ffmpeg using LibreELEC patched version and mpv over it.
mpv turns out to be statically linked with ffmpeg, so I propose it here for people who is interested in cutting edge kernel and wants to do some tests.
This has been tested on Debian Bullseye and Ubuntu Hirsute on following platforms:
Rockchip RK3228/9 (kernel 5.10, 5.14) Rockchip RK3288 (kernel 5.14) Rockchip RK3318/28 (kernel 5.15)
It should work on allwinner platforms too, but I didn't test it there.
Binaries are built by me on developing boards.
The binary for armhf is available here
The binary for arm64 is available here
Copy the binary into /usr/local/bin directory of your system (mpv-armhf for 32 bit systems, mpv-arm64 for 64 bit systems):
sudo cp mpv-armhf /usr/local/bin/mpv
Install dependencies for Debian Bullseye and Ubuntu Hirsute:
apt install libass9 libbluray2 librubberband2 libsdl2-2.0-0 libva-drm2 libva-wayland2 libva-x11-2 libva2 libvdpau1 libx264-160 libx265-192 libxss1 libxv1 libfdk-aac2
I have had issues with dependencies on Debian Buster/Ubuntu Focal, in particular libx264-160 and libx265-192 are not available there.
I Solved the issue downloading the packages from Debian Bullseye web page and manually installing them.
There may be the need for some other dependency depending upon your actual installation.
Run mpv in a virtual terminal (videos up to 4K) with this CLI:
mpv --vo=gpu --hwdec=drm --gpu-hwdec-interop=drmprime-drm --drm-draw-plane=overlay --drm-drmprime-video-plane=primary <video.mp4>
Mpv can be run in X11 with this other CLI, but due to buffer copying it requires a good CPU - rk3228 and rk3328 won't even play 720p, rk3288 do 720p fine:
mpv --vo=gpu --hwdec=auto-copy --gpu-context=x11egl --gpu-hwdec-interop=drmprime-drm <video.mp4>
This is an experiment and your mileage may vary a lot:
H.264 codec should be well supported around the boards; H.265 has more limited support VP8 should be generally supported VP9 seems to still require some work. -
NicoD got a reaction from c.mah in Videos : What it takes to maintain Armbian
Hi all.
I've done a collaboration with @Igor, the creator of Armbian.
He shows and talks about the hardware that is used to maintain the project. Servers, boards, other electronics, ...
More videos to come.
NicoD reacted to seclorum in Do you like to see your favorite board supported?
I'd be happy to assist with Pinebook Pro maintenance. github.com/seclorum
NicoD reacted to Werner in Video : Armbian North-America and the work Lanufu does for it
Great video. Lacks cats though.
NicoD got a reaction from Werner in Video : Armbian North-America and the work Lanufu does for it
Hi all.
In this episode @lanefu explains what he does for Armbian, what gear he uses, and why. It is a must see video.
NicoD got a reaction from balbes150 in Video : Armbian North-America and the work Lanufu does for it
Hi all.
In this episode @lanefu explains what he does for Armbian, what gear he uses, and why. It is a must see video.
NicoD reacted to JMCC in Video : Armbian North-America and the work Lanufu does for it
Go @lanefu!
Go @NicoD!
NicoD got a reaction from JMCC in Video : Armbian North-America and the work Lanufu does for it
Hi all.
In this episode @lanefu explains what he does for Armbian, what gear he uses, and why. It is a must see video.
NicoD reacted to Werner in Lead maintainer: armbian-config refactor
Our code { font-family: Consolas,"courier new"; color: crimson; background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2); padding: 2px; font-size: 105%; } armbian-config tool shall be refactored or as a modular framework rewritten from scratch.
We are looking for both experienced bash scriptwriters as well as somebody who takes a overall look at task execution.
Skills required:
NicoD got a reaction from g00d in How to debug boot issues on ODROID-HC2
You need to use ssh to login to it, and then configure everything like that.
This video shows how to install headless(without hdmi).
I'm not sure, but I think OMV can do full disk encryption easily. For that you need a Debian (buster, bullseye) image and OMV can be installed with armbian-config.
Here how to install OMV. Search google for full disk encryption on OMV.
NicoD reacted to jock in armbian-gaming : A tool to install Box86, Box64 and Wine on Armbian Hirsute
Ahah cool! Congrats!
NicoD reacted to tommy in armbian-gaming : A tool to install Box86, Box64 and Wine on Armbian Hirsute
Great job.
NicoD got a reaction from tommy in armbian-gaming : A tool to install Box86, Box64 and Wine on Armbian Hirsute
Hi all.
I've created a tool to install Box86, Box64 and Wine onto Armbian Hirsute 5.13
I've tested it on RK3399. Should work on any device with panfrost drivers enabled.
Please let me know on what it works, or if it doesn't.
Here is the script.
I also made a video where I show how to use it.
NicoD reacted to guidol in [Info] BASIC Engine NG (Next Generation) for H3-CPU Boards
If you have time and a spare Allwinner H3-CPU system (like the Orange Pi One or PC (not PC2 because of H3 CPU)
you could try the BASIC Engine NG for H3-PiComputers/Boards.
The - bare metall - BASIC seems to have very powerful commands - see the Online-Manual
A forum in BETA state is at this URL
I downloaded and booted the SDCard-Image from the 14.10.2021 (compressed size 5.4MB) from this directory
Image was written with Balena Etcher to the SDCard
Have fun and write new BASIC-programms!
NicoD reacted to Werner in Help a newbie out - resources for choosing a TV box
Considering this a TVbox might not the best choice for you since there would be lots of frustration.
If you want an ARM board with well supported SoC I'd recommend something with RK3399 onboard. Yeah it is slightly older and there is a new generation of Rockchips now but remember that development for ARM is still rather slow and it takes several years to get a chip almost fully functional.
The Station P1 (which in a nutshell is a T-Firefly RK3399 ROC-PC PLUS board in a fancy case) is working quite well in the meantime and @balbes150 is actively supporting it. Yes, it is also a bit more expensive but you get is what you pay for.
Having Debian on it you can use it as PC and installing Kodi will give you TVbox "feeling".
NicoD got a reaction from jock in armbian-gaming : A tool to install Box86, Box64 and Wine on Armbian Hirsute
Hi all.
I've created a tool to install Box86, Box64 and Wine onto Armbian Hirsute 5.13
I've tested it on RK3399. Should work on any device with panfrost drivers enabled.
Please let me know on what it works, or if it doesn't.
Here is the script.
I also made a video where I show how to use it.
NicoD got a reaction from Willy Moto in Videos : What it takes to maintain Armbian
Hi all.
I've done a collaboration with @Igor, the creator of Armbian.
He shows and talks about the hardware that is used to maintain the project. Servers, boards, other electronics, ...
More videos to come.
NicoD got a reaction from piter75 in Videos : What it takes to maintain Armbian
Hi all.
I've done a collaboration with @Igor, the creator of Armbian.
He shows and talks about the hardware that is used to maintain the project. Servers, boards, other electronics, ...
More videos to come.
NicoD got a reaction from JMCC in Videos : What it takes to maintain Armbian
Hi all.
I've done a collaboration with @Igor, the creator of Armbian.
He shows and talks about the hardware that is used to maintain the project. Servers, boards, other electronics, ...
More videos to come.