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  1. 5.67 20181117 seems to run better for me, let's see how it goes Put the opp-1512000000 section from rock64 into evb, managed to get cpufreq-info to show 1.51GHz but sysbench does not show any improvement. DEV_NEXT with rk3328-rock64.dtb boots to desktop but no ethernet. Tried replacing eth sections from evb into rock64, eth was not even detected.
  2. Hi, Have you managed to use I2C with Rock64 ? I will soon have to port part of a project under ESP8266 to Rock64, and I need to use I2C with an Oled SSD1306 controller, thanks in advance for sharing your experience.
  3. Added to the site a test version of the image 20181117 with the addition of a number of WiFi modules (dir 5.67/WIFI). I'm not sure it will work, this way on my MVR9 WiFi stopped working. Anyone can try on their models. The test image on the basis of the kernel of 4.19 (dir DEV_NEXT). On MVR9 with dtb "rock64" in the settings, the system starts from the SD card, there is HDMI (output to the monitor), a wired network and USB. Thus, there are all the minimum elements necessary for the initial work.
  4. Thanks for that response TonyMac. Great information. The Armbian team does some GREAT work, and I really appreciate what they do. I am FAR from a programmer or developer so cannot assist there. Once I get all my RPi's replaced with Rock64's and Armbian, I shall try to assist as you recommend.
  5. Useful doc here : http://synfare.com/599N105E/hwdocs/rock64/index.html I am trying with Ayufan distribution : https://github.com/ayufan-rock64/linux-build/releases/download/0.7.9/bionic-minimal-rock64-0.7.9-1067-arm64.img.xz I have connecting i2c on P27 (i2c1-sda) and P28(i2c1-scl) and 3.3volts and the display is found with "i2cdetect -y 1" on 0x3f. Now, I have to install lcdproc
  6. Can someone please help me understand how Armbian for Rock64 is developed? In the past, there was an image for the Rock64 that was a server image, not a desktop image. Now, I see Ubuntu and a Debian Stretch desktop images, no server image. Is there a plan to build a server image going forward? Also, will a newer kernel be built at some point? Not trying to stir the pot or cause trouble, just trying to understand where the Rock64 support is going in the future. Thank you for all the spectacular work the Armbian team does.
  7. I have a Rock64 powered by Armbian version 5.60 kernel 4.4.162-rockchip64 Ubuntu Bionic How can I activate i2c0 and i2s0 ports for connecting a 16x2 characters LCD display like 1602LCD and a PCM5102 DAC ? I'm trying armbian-config and I'm reading https://docs.armbian.com/User-Guide_Allwinner_overlays/ but I'm getting no help. Thanks for advance.
  8. Hello. I bought a Rock64 and I have a lot of errors. Im using a eMMC 32GB Storage with Armbian 5.65 stretch 4.4.162 Desktop, Ethernet connection with TP-Link switch, a Wireless Keyboard with touch pad and the original 5V 3A Power Supply. HDMI is connect to a HDMI Splitter/Switch. The Rock64 is placed in the Aluminum casing. Full-Log: http://ix.io/1rce The system is reboot very often before i see the Desktop. Sometimes only after several resets. Can someone help me?
  9. Hello, I've followed the steps on the Rock64 Armbian download page to enable overclock on my Rock64 running Armbian Xenial 5.60 (rock64 4.4.124-rk3328), yet I can't seem to increase the CPU clock frequency. I've also checked the Documentation-> Fine Tuning page where the same steps are listed. Steps: sed -i "s/MAX_SPEED=.*/MAX_SPEED=1510000/" /etc/default/cpufrequtils systemctl restart cpufrequtils I've checked the CPU frequency now and it looks like it's stuck at the default value. Shouldn't the new CPU frequency now be listed as 1.51GHz by the below commands ? rock64:~$ cpufreq-info -c 0 cpufrequtils 008: cpufreq-info (C) Dominik Brodowski 2004-2009 Report errors and bugs to cpufreq@vger.kernel.org, please. analyzing CPU 0: driver: cpufreq-dt CPUs which run at the same hardware frequency: 0 1 2 3 CPUs which need to have their frequency coordinated by software: 0 1 2 3 maximum transition latency: 68.0 us. hardware limits: 408 MHz - 1.30 GHz available frequency steps: 408 MHz, 600 MHz, 816 MHz, 1.01 GHz, 1.20 GHz, 1.30 GHz available cpufreq governors: conservative, ondemand, userspace, powersave, interactive, performance current policy: frequency should be within 600 MHz and 1.30 GHz. The governor "ondemand" may decide which speed to use within this range. current CPU frequency is 600 MHz. cpufreq stats: 408 MHz:0.00%, 600 MHz:94.66%, 816 MHz:0.00%, 1.01 GHz:0.00%, 1.20 GHz:0.00%, 1.30 GHz:5.34% (285924) pi@rock64:~$ sudo cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_available_frequencies 408000 600000 816000 1008000 1200000 1296000 pi@rock64:~$ sudo cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_min_freq 600000 pi@rock64:~$ sudo cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_max_freq 1296000 pi@rock64:~$ I've found this post on the forum related to overclocking the Rock64, alas it does not specify the steps to increase the CPU frequency. *** I am aware of the issues that CPU overclocking might bring, yet I am willing to test stability and share the results and I already have a heat sink and 5V fan in place. *** I am using the official Rock64 PSU (5V DC at 3A).
  10. Renegade has the wiring on board for UHS-I. SDR104 works great for me. rock64 doesn't support UHS-I from what I read. Not sure about rock64pro.
  11. does anybody here know if this has been implemented for RockPro64? I asked at the irc, but nobody seems to know. I suspect the answer is "no" (the same as with Rock64, that also should have a UHS-I capable SD host controller), but the certain answer would be better than guesses.
  12. Armbian version: Armbian_5.65_Rock64_Ubuntu_bionic_default_4.4.162 the stuck prompt message: rock64 login: [OK] Started Update UTMP about System Runlevel changes. I MUST press enter key to continue the startup progress, please help me to fix the bug. Thanks very much
  13. really? 50MHz? sounds fishy.. did you have a look into this one: https://github.com/ayufan-rock64/linux-u-boot/blob/d646df03ace3bd191e24361944ce1c7ef3c8744c/configs/rockpro64-rk3399_defconfig#L16 e.g. upstream u-boot points to a python script, which is not board but soc specific: https://github.com/u-boot/u-boot/blob/master/configs/evb-rk3399_defconfig#L16 not sure if we knock out it fully when we write u-boot... this one may also be interesting.. https://github.com/ayufan-rock64/linux-u-boot/blob/rockchip-master/board/rockchip/rockpro64_rk3399/rockpro64-rk3399.c
  14. tkaiser, DDR50 is not the "slowest SD mode". It's a mandatory UHS-I mode, capable of delivering up to 50 MB/s. So it's fast, but it uses the lower frequency (50 MHz) giving power saving. SDR104 runs at 208 MHz. In the above quote, pre UHS-I are DS and HS 3.3V modes. DS is "the slowest". DDR50 is a thing in fact - fast and power saving at the same time. Unlike SD104 it should be supported by every UHS-I card. This UHS-I "problem" is really bugging me. How messy it is on SBCs. I am happy to finally hear that Odoroid does support UHS-I modes. And Tinkerboard - I actually suspected that Asus could not just f&ck up such a good feature as UHS-I, which is already there in the SoC, and just waits for the proper implementation on the board side. But what about RockPro64? Do you know of whether the board lets the SoC's SD controller to do UHS-I? Even Rock64's rk3328 should be able of doing so. Heck, even Allwinner's A20 (!), R40, A64, and I am sure H2/H3/H5 too all claim UHS-I support... But what boards have implemented it properly?
  15. My video about benchmarking CPU`s of SBC`s. Here all my data gathered Reasons why benchmark tools can give different results ------------------------------------------------------ throttling 32-bit/64-bit Difference in cores A53/A7/A15/A72 distro (ubuntu/debian...) distro version kernel version driver versions compiler version software version/outdated repositories desktop Mate/Xfce/LXDE/... display resolution/headless background processes cpu clockspeed ram clockspeed/latency ram useage/swap/zram process sheduler optimizations for the system/distro crypto engine for encryption Undervoltage config settings Wifi dongle uses recources 7-zip works a bit better on 32-bit vs 64-bit, it doesn't use all cores at 100% in multi-core scores. The percentage differs with different distro's and boards. So it's not completely exact. Blender works a lot better on 64-bit than on 32-bit. Older versions are faster. It uses 100% of the cores. Sysbench works 10x better on 64-bit, different versions give different results. Version 1.xx does the test 10s and gives the amount of events. GIMP only uses 1 core, works better on 64-bit. GTKPerf tests desktop speed. It only uses 1 core. CPU Miner only works on 64-bit. Works better in Ubuntu Bionic than in Debian Stretch/Ubuntu Xenial. Blender : BMW render @ 1080p Gimp : BMW render result 1080p Filters -> Artistic -> Van Gogh -> ok Sysbench : sysbench --test=cpu --cpu-max-prime=20000 --num-threads="number of threads" run 7-zip : Numbers are average of 3 of decompressing only All tests are done with a fan when necessary so no throttling occurs. 64-bit SBC's NanoPC T3+ |SBC bench result |CPU Miner |7-zip s/c |7-zip b/c |7-zip multi avg. of 3 |Blender |GIMP |GTKPerf |Sysbench Armbian Bionic http://ix.io/1iRJ 10.99kH/s 1290 10254 1h10m25s 1m24s 10.11s 21692 Arbmian Stretch http://ix.io/1qiF 8.55kH/s 1275 10149 1h13m55s 1m32s 11.06s 3.2s NanoPi M4 |SBC bench result |CPU Miner |7-zip s/c |7-zip b/c |7-zip multi avg. of 3 |Blender |GIMP |GTKPerf |Sysbench Armbian bionic http://ix.io/1nLh 10.23kH/s 1335 2005 8352 1h13m50s 0m29s5 5.06s 26763 Armbian bionic nightly http://ix.io/1pDo 10.24kH/s 1329 1990 8292 1h13m28s 0m29s 5.12s 26733 Armbian stretch desktop http://ix.io/1odF 8.66kH/s 1350 1977 8400 1h14m12s 0m31s 5.24s 3.1s Armbian stretch dsk nightly //ix.io/1pM0 8.80kH/s 1359 1993 8500 1h15m04s 0m31s 5.32s 3.3s Armbian stretch core no fan //ix.io/1pKU 8.80-8.65kH/s 1353 1989 8461 Armbian stretch core //ix.io/1pL9 8.76kH/s 1354 1988 8456 Armbian stretch core nightly //ix.io/1pLf 8.82kH/s 1357 1994 8494 Lubuntu Bionic arm64 http://ix.io/1oGJ 9.24kH/s CPU Miner 1056 1551 6943 1h28m13s Lubuntu Bionic armhf http://ix.io/1pJ1 1111 1769 7705 2h02m54s 0m57s 6.97s 1666 32-bit Lubuntu Xenial armhf http://ix.io/1oCb 989 1507 6339 2h20m51s 0m59s 49.77s 49.7s 32-bit Khadas Vim2 Max |SBC bench result |CPU Miner |7-zip s/c |7-zip b/c |7-zip multi avg. of 3 |Blender |GIMP |GTKPerf |Sysbench Ubuntu Xenial http://ix.io/1qkA 6.86kH/s 823 1134 6682 1h14m39s 1m53s 16.26s 3.8s Armbian Bionic http://ix.io/1qnY 8.55kH/s 921 1272 7464 1h17m52s 1m32s 12.54s 19035 Odroid C2 |SBC bench result |CPU Miner |7-zip big core |7-zip multi avg. of 3 |Blender |GIMP |GTKPerf |Sysbench Armbian Stretch Core http://ix.io/1pZu 4.65kH/s 1390 5342 Armbian Stretch Core Nightly //ix.io/1pZJ 4.66kH/s 1391 5340 Armbian Stretch Desktop http://ix.io/1q1C 4.65kH/s 1394 5363 1m23s 11.66s 5.96s Armbian Stretch Desktop NGHT //ix.io/1p02 4.59kH/s 1394 5356 2h38m18s 1m23s 12s 6.0s Ubuntu Mate Bionic http://ix.io/1q2S clocked to 100Mhz 2h35m10s 1m17s 10.01s 12026 Ubuntu Mate Bionic OC Doesn't work/Clocked to 100Mhz 1607 5960 2h10m21s 1m09s 8.94s 13755 Rock64 |SBC bench result |CPU Miner |7-zip small core |7-zip multi avg. of 3 |Blender |GIMP |GTKPerf |Sysbench Armbian Stretch 1.5Ghz http://ix.io/1nCj 4.06kH/s 1406 5407 3h00n32s 1m39s 15.91s 7.0s OLD Armbian Stretch 1.3Ghz //ix.io/1iHB 3.80kH/s 1211 4904 Armbian Bionic 1.5Ghz core //ix.io/1qbK 5.00kH/s 1384 5379 10.0s Armbian Bionic 1.5Ghz dsk //ix.io/1qcb 4.94kH/s 1379 5326 2h55m56s 1m31s 15.00s 10172 32-bit SBC's Odroid XU4 |SBC bench result |7-zip s/c |7-zip b/c |7-zip multi avg. of 3 |Blender |GIMP |GTKPerf |Sysbench Debian Jessie http://ix.io/1q6X 950 1653 8823 1h12m19s 1m08s 18.53s 41.3s Ubuntu Bionic http://ix.io/1qbL 1219 2094 9395 1h44m19s 1m10s 14.36s 2200 Underclocks above 75°C Asus Tinker board |SBC bench result |7-zip big core|7-zip multi avg. of 3 |Blender |GIMP |GTKPerf |Sysbench Tinker OS 9.5 Stretch http://ix.io/1pRN 1983 7536 2h55m00s 1m19s 189.82s 63.7s Raspberry Pi 3B+ |SBC bench result |7-zip small core |7-zip multi avg. of 3 |Blender |GIMP |GTKPerf |Sysbench Raspbian Default no fan http://ix.io/1q10 1471 5027 2m09s 9.85s 88.2s Raspbian Default http://ix.io/1q1Q 1411 5371 5h47m31s 2m09s 10.04 79.5s Raspbian OC http://ix.io/1q5J 1591 6141 1m55s 8.81s 70.8s Ubuntu Mate Xenial http://ix.io/1q65 7-zip didn't work 2m17s 11.71s 90.5s Raspberry Pi 3B |SBC bench result |7-zip small core |7-zip multi avg. of 3 |Blender |GIMP |GTKPerf |Sysbench Raspbian Stretch : http://ix.io/1qob 1220 4681 2m31s 10.97s 93s Orange Pi+2 |SBC bench result |7-zip small core |7-zip multi avg. of 3 |Blender |GIMP |GTKPerf |Sysbench Armbian Bionic http://ix.io/1qtf 1050 4121 2m56s 19.07s 773 Software versions ----------------- GIMP Blender GTKPerf SysBench SBC-bench NanoPC T3+ : Armbian Bionic : 2.8.22 2.79b 0.40 1.0.11 0.4.6 Armbian Stretch : 2.8.18 2.79b 0.40 0.4.12 0.6.2 GIMP Blender GTKPerf SysBench SBC-bench M4 : Lubuntu Xenial armhf 2.8.18 2.79b 0.40 0.4.12 0.6.1 Lubuntu Bionic armhf : 2.8.22 2.79b 0.40 1.0.11 LuaJIT 2.1.0-beta3 0.6.1 Armbian Stretch desktop 9.5 : 2.8.18 2.79b 0.40 0.4.12 0.6.1 Armbian Bionic : 2.8.22 2.79b 0.40 1.0.11 LuaJIT 2.1.0-beta3 0.6.1 Khadas Vim2 Max : Ubuntu Xenial : 2.8.16 2.76b 0.40 0.4.12 0.6.2 Armbian Bionic : 2.8.22 2.79b 0.40 1.0.11 0.6.2 Odroid C2 : Armbian Stretch 9.5 : 2.8.18 2.79b 0.40 0.4.12 0.6.1 : Ubuntu Mate Bionic : 2.8.22 2.79b 0.40 1.0.11 LuqJIT 2.1.0-beta3 0.6.1 Doesn't work clocks to 100Mhz Rock64 : Armbian Stretch 9.5: 2.8.18 2.79b 0.40 0.4.12 0.6.1 : Armbian Bionic : 2.8.22 2.79b 0.40 1.0.11 0.6.2 Odroid XU4 : Debian Jessie : 2.8.14 2.72b 0.40 0.4.12 0.6.1 7-zip doesn't work : Ubuntu Bionic : 2.8.22 2.79b 0.40 1.0.11 0.6.2 Tinker : TinkerOS 9.5 Stretch : 2.8.18 2.79b 0.40 0.4.12 0.6.1 RPi 3B+ : Raspbian Stretch 9.5 : 2.8.18 2.78a 0.40 0.4.12 0.6.1 Ubuntu Mate Xenial : 2.8.16 0.40 0.4.12 0.6.1 RPi 3B : Raspbian Stretch 9.5 : 2.8.18 2.78a 0.40 0.4.12 0.6.2 Orange Pi+2 : Armbian Bionic : 2.8.22 0.40 1.0.11 0.6.2 CPU Clocks ---------- NanoPC T3+ : Armbian Bionic : 8x1.4Ghz 64-bit NanoPi M4 : Armbian Bionic/Stretch : 2x2Ghz + 4X1.5Ghz 64-bit Lubuntu armhf/ARM64 : 2x1.8Ghz + 4X1.4Ghz armhf 32-bit / ARM64 64-bit Khadas Vim 2 : Xenial/Bionic : 4x1Ghz + 4x1.5Ghz 64-bit Odroid C2 : Armbian Stretch : 4x1.5Ghz 64-bit Ubuntu Mate Bionic : 4x1.5Ghz RAM 912Mhz 64-bit Ubuntu Mate Bionic OC : 4x1.75Ghz + RAM 1104Mhz 64-bit Rock64 : Armbian Stretch : 4x1.5Ghz 64-bit Armbian Bionic : 4x1.5Ghz 64-bit Odroid XU4 : Debian Stretch : 4x1.4Ghz + 4x1.9Ghz 32-bit : Ubuntu Mate Bionic : 4x1.5Ghz + 4x2Ghz Underclocks when above 75°C 32-bit Tinker Board : TinkerOS Stretch : 4x1.8Ghz 32-bit RPi 3B+ : Raspbian Stretch : 4x1.4Ghz no fan 4x1.2Ghz above 60°C 32-bit Raspbian Stretch OC : 4x1.570Ghz over_voltage=4 core_freq=500 sd_freq=510 32-bit Ubuntu Xenial : 4x1.4Ghz 32-bit RPi 3B : Raspbian Stretch : 4x1.2Ghz 32-bit Orange Pi+2 : Armbian Bioic : 4x1.3Ghz 32-bit Some benchmark tools can give an estimate of the performance. But they are never an exact reflection.
  16. Working on the rockchip64 family dev images, since 4.19 is an LTS and the RK3328 support is somewhat workable. With a reminder of something I failed to read by @JMCC, I got this today: ____ _ | _ \ ___ _ __ ___ __ _ __ _ __| | ___ | |_) / _ \ '_ \ / _ \/ _` |/ _` |/ _` |/ _ \ | _ < __/ | | | __/ (_| | (_| | (_| | __/ |_| \_\___|_| |_|\___|\__, |\__,_|\__,_|\___| |___/ Welcome to ARMBIAN 5.65 user-built Debian GNU/Linux 9 (stretch) 4.19.0-rockchip6 4 System load: 0.99 0.55 0.22 Up time: 2 min Memory usage: 3 % of 2000MB IP: CPU temp: 40°C Usage of /: 2% of 117G [ General system configuration (beta): armbian-config ] New to Armbian? Check the documentation first: https://docs.armbian.com Thank you for choosing Armbian! Support: www.armbian.com Building a Rock64 test image as I write this, then checking out the RK3399 boards in my possession. HDMI works after a plug cycle, may need to utilize some of @botfap's script-fu on boot to wake up the interface. Known Issues: Renegade bottom USB2 port is non-functional HDMI needs a friendly reminder to talk to the display Rock64 Same HDMI hickup Top USB2 port is non-functional Boot up your build machines (or launch you virtual ones, whatever) and get hacking!
  17. https://botland.com.pl/akcesoria-odroid/6537-konwerter-usb-audio-jack-karta-dzwiekowa-do-odroid.html I have only one sound card. It works with other SBC i have. Rock64 Ubuntu bionic kernel 4.4 does not recognize it.
  18. And it became a great board. Tried it again a few days ago. It's now really at 1.5Ghz and stable. Also great youtube playback. It's gotten almost as fast as the Odroid C2(when it's not overclocked) Great job! I didn't think this would ever be such a good board. Only thing that was a minor was the slow cpu. For $35 there's the NanoPi Fire3. An octa-core. But only 1GB ram. I've got the T3+, same SoC. Good board. Fastest of all. An awesome board is the NanoPi Neo4. A RK3399 board. Super fast. With heatsink $50. Those with the Rock64 are the best value boards I think. Just tried my OPi+2 again. It's slower than the RPi 3B. Not a pleasant experience. But it depends on the use case of course. There's going to be La Frite for $10. Seems decent.
  19. prices even for those el cheapo orangePi's increased in the last year.. You should't go by price but by needs. If your PiPC does the job well, just buy another H2+/H3 based.. OPi PC, One, Zero etc. If you need something more, you should have a look for Rock64, actually quite cheap for what you get. 15$ for a board which doesn't do the job, is 15$ too much. Buy by use-case not price only.
  20. Have you tried with pulseaudio? I'll start my Rock64 to check.
  21. Your build Armbian 5.65 kernel 4.4 and my build 5.65 the same kernel - system has sound only via HDMI monitor. Is it possible to enabled audio via 3.5 jack or external USB sound card?
  22. I've just finished Benchmarking most of my sbc's. This is done to see how well benchmark tools perform. Conclussion is that I've found no perfect cpu-benchmark tool. With every tool there is a problem. 7-zip does good in single core tasks(100%) but with multicore tasks it doesn't use 100% of all cores. This percentage also differs from distro and from sbc to sbc. It also does a little bit better on 32-bit systems. With blender different versions perform different. Older versions are faster. It also performs a lot better on 64-bit. Sysbench does different tasks with different versions. It performs about 10x better on 64-bit systems. CPU-Miner only works on 64-bit systems. It performs best on Bionic. Gimp only uses 1 core. Performs better on 64-bit. GTKPerf tests desktop speed. It only uses 1 core. It doesn't give reliable information. Here all my results. I'll make a video about it by the end of the week. If anyone has suggestions. Please let me know. Reasons why benchmark tools can give different results ------------------------------------------------------ throttling 32-bit/64-bit Difference in cores A53/A7/A15/A72 distro (ubuntu/debian...) distro version kernel version driver versions compiler version software version/outdated repositories desktop Mate/Xfce/LXDE/... display resolution/headless background processes cpu clockspeed ram clockspeed/latency ram useage/swap/zram process sheduler optimizations for the system/distro crypto engine for encryption Undervoltage config settings Wifi dongle uses recources 7-zip works a bit better on 32-bit vs 64-bit, it doesn't use all cores at 100% in multi-core scores. The percentage differs with different distro's and boards. So it's not completely exact. Blender works a lot better on 64-bit than on 32-bit. It uses 100% of the cores. Sysbench works 10x better on 64-bit, different versions give different results. Version 1.xx does the test 10s and gives the amount of events. GIMP only uses 1 core, works better on 64-bit. GTKPerf tests desktop speed. It only uses 1 core. CPU Miner only works on 64-bit. Works better in Ubuntu Bionic than in Debian Stretch/Ubuntu Xenial. Blender : BMW render @ 1080p Gimp : BMW render result 1080p Filters -> Artistic -> Van Gogh -> ok Sysbench : sysbench --test=cpu --cpu-max-prime=20000 --num-threads="number of threads" run 7-zip : Numbers are average of 3 of decompressing only All tests are done with a fan when necessary so no throttling occurs. 64-bit SBC's NanoPC T3+ |SBC bench result |CPU Miner |7-zip s/c |7-zip b/c |7-zip multi avg. of 3 |Blender |GIMP |GTKPerf |Sysbench Armbian Bionic http://ix.io/1iRJ 10.99kH/s 1290 10254 1h10m25s 1m24s 10.11s 21692 Arbmian Stretch http://ix.io/1qiF 8.55kH/s 1275 10149 1h13m55s 1m32s 11.06s 3.2s NanoPi M4 |SBC bench result |CPU Miner |7-zip s/c |7-zip b/c |7-zip multi avg. of 3 |Blender |GIMP |GTKPerf |Sysbench Armbian bionic http://ix.io/1nLh 10.23kH/s 1335 2005 8352 1h13m50s 0m29s5 5.06s 26763 Armbian bionic nightly http://ix.io/1pDo 10.24kH/s 1329 1990 8292 1h13m28s 0m29s 5.12s 26733 Armbian stretch desktop http://ix.io/1odF 8.66kH/s 1350 1977 8400 1h14m12s 0m31s 5.24s 3.1s Armbian stretch dsk nightly //ix.io/1pM0 8.80kH/s 1359 1993 8500 1h15m04s 0m31s 5.32s 3.3s Armbian stretch core no fan //ix.io/1pKU 8.80-8.65kH/s 1353 1989 8461 Armbian stretch core //ix.io/1pL9 8.76kH/s 1354 1988 8456 Armbian stretch core nightly //ix.io/1pLf 8.82kH/s 1357 1994 8494 Lubuntu Bionic arm64 http://ix.io/1oGJ 9.24kH/s CPU Miner 1056 1551 6943 1h28m13s Lubuntu Bionic armhf http://ix.io/1pJ1 1111 1769 7705 2h02m54s 0m57s 6.97s 1666 32-bit Lubuntu Xenial armhf http://ix.io/1oCb 989 1507 6339 2h20m51s 0m59s 49.77s 49.7s 32-bit Khadas Vim2 Max |SBC bench result |CPU Miner |7-zip s/c |7-zip b/c |7-zip multi avg. of 3 |Blender |GIMP |GTKPerf |Sysbench Ubuntu Xenial http://ix.io/1qkA 6.86kH/s 823 1134 6682 1h14m39s 1m53s 16.26s 3.8s Armbian Bionic http://ix.io/1qnY 8.55kH/s 921 1272 7464 1h17m52s 1m32s 12.54s 19035 Odroid C2 |SBC bench result |CPU Miner |7-zip big core |7-zip multi avg. of 3 |Blender |GIMP |GTKPerf |Sysbench Armbian Stretch Core http://ix.io/1pZu 4.65kH/s 1390 5342 Armbian Stretch Core Nightly //ix.io/1pZJ 4.66kH/s 1391 5340 Armbian Stretch Desktop http://ix.io/1q1C 4.65kH/s 1394 5363 1m23s 11.66s 5.96s Armbian Stretch Desktop NGHT //ix.io/1p02 4.59kH/s 1394 5356 2h38m18s 1m23s 12s 6.0s Ubuntu Mate Bionic http://ix.io/1q2S clocked to 100Mhz 2h35m10s 1m17s 10.01s 12026 Ubuntu Mate Bionic OC Doesn't work/Clocked to 100Mhz 1607 5960 2h10m21s 1m09s 8.94s 13755 Rock64 |SBC bench result |CPU Miner |7-zip small core |7-zip multi avg. of 3 |Blender |GIMP |GTKPerf |Sysbench Armbian Stretch 1.5Ghz http://ix.io/1nCj 4.06kH/s 1406 5407 3h00n32s 1m39s 15.91s 7.0s OLD Armbian Stretch 1.3Ghz //ix.io/1iHB 3.80kH/s 1211 4904 Armbian Bionic 1.5Ghz core //ix.io/1qbK 5.00kH/s 1384 5379 10.0s Armbian Bionic 1.5Ghz dsk //ix.io/1qcb 4.94kH/s 1379 5326 2h55m56s 1m31s 15.00s 10172 32-bit SBC's Odroid XU4 |SBC bench result |7-zip s/c |7-zip b/c |7-zip multi avg. of 3 |Blender |GIMP |GTKPerf |Sysbench Debian Jessie http://ix.io/1q6X 950 1653 8823 1h12m19s 1m08s 18.53s 41.3s Ubuntu Bionic http://ix.io/1qbL 1219 2094 9395 1h44m19s 1m10s 14.36s 2200 Asus Tinker board |SBC bench result |7-zip big core|7-zip multi avg. of 3 |Blender |GIMP |GTKPerf |Sysbench Tinker OS 9.5 Stretch http://ix.io/1pRN 1983 7536 2h55m00s 1m19s 189.82s 63.7s Raspberry Pi 3B+ |SBC bench result |7-zip small core |7-zip multi avg. of 3 |Blender |GIMP |GTKPerf |Sysbench Raspbian Default no fan http://ix.io/1q10 1471 5027 2m09s 9.85s 88.2s Raspbian Default http://ix.io/1q1Q 1411 5371 5h47m31s 2m09s 10.04 79.5s Raspbian OC http://ix.io/1q5J 1591 6141 1m55s 8.81s 70.8s Ubuntu Mate Xenial http://ix.io/1q65 7-zip didn't work 2m17s 11.71s 90.5s Raspberry Pi 3B |SBC bench result |7-zip small core |7-zip multi avg. of 3 |Blender |GIMP |GTKPerf |Sysbench Raspbian Stretch : http://ix.io/1qob 1220 4681 2m31s 10.97 93s Software versions ----------------- GIMP Blender GTKPerf SysBench SBC-bench M4 : Lubuntu Xenial armhf 2.8.18 2.79b 0.40 0.4.12 0.6.1 Lubuntu Bionic armhf : 2.8.22 2.79b 0.40 1.0.11 LuaJIT 2.1.0-beta3 0.6.1 Armbian Stretch desktop 9.5 : 2.8.18 2.79b 0.40 0.4.12 0.6.1 Armbian Bionic : 2.8.22 2.79b 0.40 1.0.11 LuaJIT 2.1.0-beta3 0.6.1 Tinker : TinkerOS 9.5 Stretch : 2.8.18 2.79b 0.40 0.4.12 0.6.1 Odroid C2 : Armbian Stretch 9.5 : 2.8.18 2.79b 0.40 0.4.12 0.6.1 : Ubuntu Mate Bionic : 2.8.22 2.79b 0.40 1.0.11 LuqJIT 2.1.0-beta3 0.6.1 Doesn't work clocks to 100Mhz Rock64 : Armbian Stretch 9.5: 2.8.18 2.79b 0.40 0.4.12 0.6.1 : Armbian Bionic : 2.8.22 2.79b 0.40 1.0.11 0.6.2 RPi 3B : Raspbian Stretch 9.5 : 2.8.18 2.78a 0.40 0.4.12 0.6.2 RPi 3B+ : Raspbian Stretch 9.5 : 2.8.18 2.78a 0.40 0.4.12 0.6.1 Ubuntu Mate Xenial : 2.8.16 0.40 0.4.12 0.6.1 Odroid XU4 : Debian Jessie : 2.8.14 2.72b 0.40 0.4.12 0.6.1 7-zip doesn't work : Ubuntu Bionic : 2.8.22 2.79b 0.40 1.0.11 0.6.2 NanoPC T3+ : Armbian Bionic : 2.8.22 2.79b 0.40 1.0.11 0.4.6 Armbian Stretch : 2.8.18 2.79b 0.40 0.4.12 0.6.2 Khadas Vim2 Max : Ubuntu Xenial : 2.8.16 2.76b 0.40 0.4.12 0.6.2 Armbian Bionic : 2.8.22 2.79b 0.40 1.0.11 0.6.2 CPU Clocks ---------- NanoPi M4 : Armbian Bionic/Stretch : 2x2Ghz + 4X1.5Ghz 64-bit Lubuntu armhf/ARM64 : 2x1.8Ghz + 4X1.4Ghz armhf 32-bit / ARM64 64-bit Tinker Board : TinkerOS Stretch : 4x1.8Ghz 32-bit Odroid C2 : Armbian Stretch : 4x1.5Ghz 64-bit Ubuntu Mate Bionic : 4x1.5Ghz RAM 912Mhz 64-bit Ubuntu Mate Bionic OC : 4x1.75Ghz + RAM 1104Mhz 64-bit Rock64 : Armbian Stretch : 4x1.5Ghz 64-bit Armbian Bionic : 4x1.5Ghz 64-bit RPi 3B+ : Raspbian Stretch : 4x1.4Ghz no fan 4x1.2Ghz above 60°C 32-bit Raspbian Stretch OC : 4x1.570Ghz over_voltage=4 core_freq=500 sd_freq=510 32-bit Ubuntu Xenial : 4x1.4Ghz 32-bit Odroid XU4 : Debian Stretch : 4x1.4Ghz + 4x1.9Ghz 32-bit : Ubuntu Mate Bionic : 4x1.5Ghz + 4x2Ghz Underclocks when above 75°C 32-bit NanoPC T3+ : Armbian Bionic : 8x1.4Ghz 64-bit Some benchmark tools can give an estimate of the performance. But they are never an exact reflection.
  23. I see multiple projects on GitHub for getting RTL8812AU devices working on Armbian. Right now, I'm working with a NanoPi M1 while I wait for a rock64 to arrive in the mail. I can get a driver to build, make and make install, but I cannot get the device recognized. The last project I tried was this: https://github.com/diederikdehaas/rtl8812AU
  24. I'm considering buying a Rock64 4GB to use a Docker server running media apps (plex,sonarr,radarr,jackett,smb,etc). I already have a 64GB SD card available for this system, probably overkill, but I have it. I noticed another post saying the SD card performance is not what it could be. I'd like to hear from other have a similar setup to what I'm thinking about. Does it perform well enough for what you're using it for? What are you using it for? What kind of samba through put do you get on the USB2 and USB3 (perhaps with the USB3->SATA adapter) Thanks.
  25. Hi Balbes Like nytoc, during boot it could not find rootfs This is a H96Max+ ,, board labeled RK3328_8D4_V1.1 It has sv6501P wifi About 1/2 the dtb don't even start to boot, evb-android, both rock64, roc-cc, box-liantong The rest, evb, box, box-z28, box-trn9, rockbox, all have no mmc (ls /dev/block} They will all boot with rootfs on usb stick obviously uboot can read mmc, since uinitrd gets loaded (and kernel) Once or twice, booted only with usb, I'm not sure which, maybe box or rockbox The next update, please compile ssv6051 module I tried to strip the dtb out of resource.img, doesn't boot (mmcblk2p5) Maybe there was more in that 8M partition, the dtb <60K The android on it (8.1) is 4.4.140 (and rooted, that's how I got resource.img) thanks for the work --more-- There was no way I could make it go to maskrom with the button, maybe there is a trick,, also could not do adb with usb,, lsusb never showed it Had to use wireless adb
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