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THE testing thread


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Picture of first power / serial board. This is the old design and I am awaiting for new one (just got DHL notification of incoming parcel) 


I expect that till end of August the prototype will be assembled and electrically tested. Then as promised I will publish design and manufacturing files.

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Armbian & Khadas are rewarding contributors

Thx @lanefu, as I already wrote I am also interested in that design, to sort out my shelf of SBCs and stop messing with SD cards.

That said may it be that in the future I can connect some of my boards (as I have dozen of not used ones) for continuous integration of future Armbian changes.  In a automatic way.


So the question quickly pops up: I will continue with HW design but who will do the scripts that will use that HW? :) I.e. run compile.sh, upload to remote SD, power SUT, gather logs?

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Thx [mention=1231]lanefu[/mention], as I already wrote I am also interested in that design, to sort out my shelf of SBCs and stop messing with SD cards.
That said may it be that in the future I can connect some of my boards (as I have dozen of not used ones) for continuous integration of future Armbian changes.  In a automatic way.
So the question quickly pops up: I will continue with HW design but who will do the scripts that will use that HW? :) I.e. run compile.sh, upload to remote SD, power SUT, gather logs?
Im a devops consultant and fluent in Ansible so I think im Obligated in that regard. I can at least handle the plumbing hopefully others can implement the more granular testing once the framkework is in place.
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Hi @lanefu, things go slowly for two reasons: problem with delivery of sdcard connectors and also lack of free time for soldering ^_^

Now, after summer time period, things hopefully will go in more planned & coordinated way. If you like, I can publish design documentation right away. Or just stay tuned, I do not drop this project, so i will update in one or two weeks status.

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  • Igor pinned this topic
On 9/12/2019 at 8:08 PM, Hijax said:

Small progress update -

Hi, I don't know how life is treating you, I hope good.


Did you ever do some testing, further steps?

I mean, is the HW useable or are there any obvious errors on the PCB ?


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  • lanefu unfeatured this topic
9 hours ago, Igor said:

automated testing facility

With the board from @Hijax or what does it look like?


Different Symbol, for: not working  /  not applicable/available on the board would be nice.


// sent from mobile phone //

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6 hours ago, Tido said:

or what does it look like?

That board will only extend and improve testing procedures by collecting data from serial and by powering the board on/off + writing rootfs from scratch, now I need to image by hand. But still you need an application, software to drive all this. And that's what I am doing. Without, board is paperweight.


6 hours ago, Tido said:

Different Symbol, for: not working  /  not applicable/available on the board would be nice.

I will leave this for someone else to fix.

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On 3/5/2020 at 9:24 PM, Igor said:

RFC on auto tests. Ideas how to shape this script are welcome!

Well, you asked I only answered.


I was just testing the script - two things weren't easy to begin with

  1. why do I need to:  set test subnet or IP address(s)  (is this the counterpart Network-Device to test?)  -  I have DHCP so I tried without.. $HOST not defined. Exiting.  :(
  2. Bluetooth MAC-Address: Android, I looked first in the device pairing section - nothing.  Then a lucky strike, in the settings/ about my phone I found it.

I think it would be valuable to add this, in the config file and README.md.   I am still a noob on Github.


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20 minutes ago, Tido said:

why do I need to:  set test subnet or IP address(s)  (is this the counterpart Network-Device to test?)  -  I have DHCP so I tried without.. $HOST not defined. Exiting. 


You are running the script on your desktop / server. It scans armbian boards on the network. If you set SUBNET, it will scan for devices on that subnet. I have dedicated subnet for testing armbian devices. I only hook power and network cable and they are ready for this script. I don't need to do nothing else.


If you only run a few devices in your only subnet, use HOSTS and type there IP addresses of devices you want to run tests on.


22 minutes ago, Tido said:

Bluetooth MAC-Address


Put your phone BT to discoverable mode and run:

hcitool scan

on a Linux computer that has BT dongle.

24 minutes ago, Tido said:

valuable to add this, in the config file and README.md

Welcome to try adding those hints.

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19 hours ago, Igor said:

You are running the script on your desktop / server.

smart move, I like that.


To improve the How To:

After flashing the SDcard. Put the SDcard into the SBC, starting the SBC, waiting until the device has booted.

Welcome to Armbian buster with Linux 5.4.20-rockchip64

System load:   0.00 0.00 0.00  	Up time:       2:39 hours		
Memory usage:  3 % of 3867MB 	IP:  
CPU temp:      53°C           	
Usage of /:    5% of 30G    	

[ General system configuration (beta): armbian-config ]

Last login: Fri Mar 20 18:36:41 2020 from


What is the next step?


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8 minutes ago, Tido said:

What is the next step?

Define HOSTS="" at your server and run the script. Wireless tests should be optional. Make at least 3 runs, that it switch to beta and back to stable ...

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2 minutes ago, Igor said:


I thought so.  In the event I have already done it, could I fix this by adding the password and username I have already given?



PASS_ROOT="password I chose before"
USER_NORMAL="username I chose"
PASS_NORMAL="again Passowrd I chose"
NAME_NORMAL="name I chose"

or could I delete a certain file,  execute a command to return to the state 'nothing' ?


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@Igor, while collecting data to enhance the ReadMe - I found this:


A re-run will delete the previous results - move files to a archive folder?

  Creating manually an archive-folder inside 'logs' will erase it toghether with all the files.


Another idea, add a time stamp column and amend the new file/results to the old results.

for the ones who want to try:  Prepare your system
To run the bash-scripts you need 4 small softwares, check if they are already installed on your PC:
dpkg -l sshpass git iperf3 jq
If the result shows 'ii' at the begin of the line, you have it installed.   If dpkg-query:  returns with: not found,  you can quickly install these small programs:

sudo apt-get install sshpass git iperf3 jq


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1 hour ago, Tido said:

A re-run will delete the previous results - move files to a archive folder?

  Creating manually an archive-folder inside 'logs' will erase it toghether with all the files.

I already fixed this to only delete logs, but archive reports in another folder. This can be improved later, but its not that critical ATM.


1 hour ago, Tido said:

Another idea, add a time stamp column and amend the new file/results to the old results.

Yeah, will add that.

If you have time. Or anyone. Icons would be nice to have from one source and such with a proper open licence. Current are just grabbed from the internet - I spent less then 5 seconds / icon. Also some are missing (cycle, board, memory, drive, stress, dvfs, ... and those might be used in the future).

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I would change 'drive' to storage. And adding something like   read/write   Maybe in the same moment Mhz to MHz   Ghz GHz


ICONS: should it be SVG so it would scale on displays with high resolution?



2 minutes ago, Igor said:

If you have time.

Spent the morning writing this (pasted it in markdown), if this is fine with you I can try a pull request



TL;DR  It is installed on the desktop. Adapt the configuration-file to your requirements. Start the test procedure. Let it finish. Check the output for errors. Enjoy the nice report.html :)

**Privacy concerns**  
This is opt-in, you decide whether you run it or not. Icons come from https://www.pngkey.com

**Getting started**  
You are running the script on your desktop or server, which saves the hassle of copying the files onto the devices. The bash-script will ping the IP-Address or scan the network. If you set a SUBNET, it will scan for devices on that subnet.   
It will create logins based on the configuration-file and run different tests to see if the board is working properly.  In the event you already have root-user, just put your password there instead of the generic 12345678. More information about the configuration you find below.  
All you need to do is configure the configuration-file, hook up the power and network cable and you are ready for running the test. That's it.

Download the latest armbian image. We recommended to use .torrent because this does the file integrity check for you automatically.  
Write the data to the SDcard. I am still running Etcher 1.2.1 on my Ubuntu Mate 18.04, works like a charm (80 Mb) https://docs.armbian.com/User-Guide_Getting-Started/#how-to-prepare-a-sd-card

Put the SDcard into your device, power it up and let it sit for 2 minutes.

What is your device(s) IP-Address or do you have a dedicated subnet for your devices.
To find the device, login to your router or use this tool http://angryip.org/, to find your boards IP-Address(es).

**Prepare your system**  
To run the bash-scripts you need 4 small programs, check if they are already installed on your PC:  
`dpkg -l sshpass git iperf3 jq`  
If the result shows 'ii' at the begin of the line, you have it installed. 
If dpkg-query:  returns with: not found, you can quickly install these small programs:  
`sudo apt-get install sshpass git iperf3 jq`

1. Go to a folder where you want to store it. The following command will create a folder called 'autotests'. Clone the sources from Github and open the folder autotests:
git clone https://github.com/armbian/autotests
cd autotests
if the download is not finished after 1 min, abort with: ctrl + c  and start over.
2. Edit `lib/configuration.sh`

	- set WLAN_SSID and password (2,4 or 5,0GHz)
	- set IP-Address (HOSTS) or Subnet
	- set BLUEDEV MAC-Address of a Blueooth device (Android phone for example)

How to find the Bluetooth MAC-Address - on your mobile or PC. Put your phones BT to discoverable mode and run:  
`hcitool scan` 
on a Linux computer that has BT-Dongle. On an Android device you find the MAC-Address in the phones settings/about the phone/Status.  

	- change number of passes (optional)
	- change stress time in seconds (optional)
3. Run:
4. Once finished, go to `/autotests/logs`  double click: `report.html`



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34 minutes ago, Tido said:

Spent the morning writing this (pasted it in markdown), if this is fine with you I can try a pull request


Few remarks. I fixed other things, will continue later after the lunch.


> It is installed on the desktop.

On any Linux machine that sits in your network.

> **Privacy concerns** 

There is none at this point. Data doesn't go anywhere.

>  Download the latest armbian image.

is enough + link to getting started.

>Put the SDcard into your device, power it up and let it sit for 2 minutes.

Put the SDcard into your device, power it up and let it sit for few minutes. Script will display which board(s) will run tests on.

>**Prepare your system** 

Remove everything what has to be installed. That is/will be done automatically.

> 2. Edit `lib/configuration.sh`

There below you describe how to find IP or choose subnet

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1 hour ago, Igor said:

>**Prepare your system** 

Remove everything what has to be installed. That is/will be done automatically.

This would make it comfortable,  on the other hand, that makes it running unnecessarly  as  sudo, each time.  I would rather do the install once and thats it. Unless you come up with an idea I am not creative enough with your bash-magic :)


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Hi @Igor, before I sent my PR I was searching the files for  mhz & ghz but couldn't find it. So, my PR only contains the readme.md


On 3/21/2020 at 12:40 PM, Tido said:

I would change 'drive' to storage. And adding something like   read/write   Maybe in the same moment Mhz to MHz   Ghz GHz


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