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Single Armbian image for RK + AML + AW (armhf ARMv7)


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9 hours ago, TonyMac32 said:

LibreELEC: same, boots, audio, etc.  [edit]  it did not recognize the wifi adapter.

uploaded a new version of LE 20200610-rk3288 to the site. Added support for USB WiFi. It will be interesting to check your USB wifi module.

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Armbian & Khadas are rewarding contributors

On 6/2/2020 at 7:47 PM, jeanrhum said:

First test with ugoos ut3s with default dtb (firefly-reload): http://ix.io/2o7o

For information, I have jock uboot and an old Q8 image installed on emmc.

Wifi works, but ethernet seems buggy like on recent arm64 images (kernel 5.X pb with current dtbs ?). I didn't test it, but the connection was activated whereas no cable... System halts instead of reboot.

can you show check the wired network with the latest 5.7.2 image ?

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On 6/14/2020 at 9:12 AM, balbes150 said:

Question. Does anyone have any model with a rk3188 chip ?

Hello balbes150 , I do have a rkm802IV ( the 'old' model )stick , I can boot the old linuxium linux image from sd ,

(from this post http://www.linuxium.com.au/how-tos/tastytreats ) . Because it's almost 10 years ago my memory of

what I read and did has become a bit rusty so I downloaded this image again and burned it to sd using balenaEtcher on Debian

and indeed it booted immediately. I tried a few of your 32 images the same way ,burned them to sd but they won't boot .

( Armbian_20.05.6_Arm-32_focal_current_5.4.43_desktop_20200604.img and Armbian_20.05.6_Arm-32_focal_current_5.7.2_desktop_20200613.img ) ,the system boots to android nand .Then I tried to flash the bootloader from your link

using rkAndroidtool under windows 10 ,but that was refused by the program .(check chip not ok) , well .it's a rk3188 so it refuses a

rk3288 loader . In the past I read a lot of linuxium's posts and he had many solutions for booting . Not all these posts exist anymore ,

google+ has dissappeared so it's a bit tricky finding everything back .The next few days I'll try to refresh my knowledge .(I don't

know what happened here but i've gone Italic !!)

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On 6/19/2020 at 4:19 PM, Virverus said:

I tried a few of your 32 images the same way ,burned them to sd but they won't boot .

My images use u-boot-2020 (for rk3288), it only works if there is no u-boot in eMMC\NAND. Rk3188 needs its own version of u-boot-2020 (I don't have this option yet). But there is also good news, when performing a number of manual steps, it turned out to run the core 5 on rk3188 (but without HDMI output, network, etc.), there is only the inclusion of indicators and reaction to the combination CNTR+ALT+DEL (the system reboots).  :)



To all

New image 20200623-dev kernel 5.8-rc2

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Good news. Using sources with patches from knaerzche,  it was possible to get the initial launch of the kernel 5 with an HDMI output for rk3188 (Ugoos UT2). Now I can see what messages the kernel gives out and I can move on, add the necessary options and Initrd for a full start of the system. :)


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On 6/29/2020 at 9:10 PM, balbes150 said:

Test image for rk3188
Download, unpack and burn the ArmbianTV image to your SD card.
Connect to the TV box and turn on the power. The system will start automatically.




Hi Balbes150 , I downloaded and burned both images focal and bulseye to SD

( armbian-focal-rk3188_20200629.img and armbian-bulsey-rk3188_20200629_5.6.6.img )and tried them on my MK802IV but they didn't boot to desktop . I did change the uEnv.txt file in the Boot directory  to use the radxarock dtb file ,you did not mention that , but it made no difference.

I also noted some boot-z img files in the  yandex archive ( boot-z-rock.img ) , are they needed in some way?

radxarock images usually boot on the mk802IV also. Some elementary booting did happen ,because android from Nand didn't start ,but my HDMI monitor stayed black , there was no signal.

Edited by Virverus
more clear what img i'm talking about
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On 6/23/2020 at 8:46 AM, balbes150 said:

My images use u-boot-2020 (for rk3288), it only works if there is no u-boot in eMMC\NAND. Rk3188 needs its own version of u-boot-2020 (I don't have this option yet). But there is also good news, when performing a number of manual steps, it turned out to run the core 5 on rk3188 (but without HDMI output, network, etc.), there is only the inclusion of indicators and reaction to the combination CNTR+ALT+DEL (the system reboots).  :)



 Thank you for your answer ,this clarifies a lot , I'll wait for a rk3188 version then .

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11 hours ago, Virverus said:

I did change the uEnv.txt file in the Boot directory  to use the radxarock dtb file ,you did not mention that , but it made no difference.

These versions use the old u-boot, which can't work with the settings uEnv.txt.


11 hours ago, Virverus said:

I also noted some boot-z img files in the  yandex archive ( boot-z-rock.img ) , are they needed in some way?

This is a set of files to replace the core+DTB in the image. Because of the old u-boot,  have to use the binary bundle kernel+DTB+initrd, processed by a special utility. And to replace the DTB, you have to rewrite the entire block. To do this, use the command


dd if=boot-z-XXXX of=/dev/SD_CARD seek=24576


11 hours ago, Virverus said:

Some elementary booting did happen ,because android from Nand didn't start ,but my HDMI monitor stayed black , there was no signal.

Have you looked at the router to see if there are new devices on the network or not ? If HDMI does not work, you will be able to connect via SSH if you start successfully.


HDMI behavior may be affected by the startup process. I completely erase NAND on UT2 with a utility from PC and when starting from SD card only u-boot and parametr from SD card are used. I have HDMI running (only console, no DE) with all boot-z options, but the LAN only works with the core for UT2.


Old Radxa Rock images work the same way without problems with HDMI to UT2. So I think UT2 uses the same 66121 chip as Rock.



Log start focal to Ugoos UT2 kernel 5.6




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@balbes150 Hi , I managed to solder a uart interface to my android stick and reflashed your bulseye rk3188 test image to my sd card this is the serial output:


DR Version 1.04 20130517
3 3 DDR3
Bus Width=32 Col=10 Bank=8 Row=16 CS=1 Die Bus-Width=8 Size=2048MB
Memory OK
SdmmcInit=0 0
FwPartOffset=2000 , 0
run on sd0
OK! 15747
SecureBootEn = 0 0
Boot ver: 0000-00-00#0.00
 4419477 Starting kernel...@0x60408000



Yes ,that's all , a bit disappointing I have to admit


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@balbes150 Hi. To rule things out I reformatted my sd card as recommended in Getting Started  on the Armbian website and burned a fresh bulseye test image .

It made no difference . I also dd'd as you explained the sd with boot-z-ut2.img and boot-z-cs968.img and boot-z-rock.img ,the uart output stayed more or less the same but I also

tried an usb-stick and sd and usb combined , although the results stayed the same I sometimes noticed disk activity (burning led) on my usb stick , which means the device was not

completely locked up ,although there was no serial output , it probed the usb stick . So I searched for log files and found 2 new files in /var/log :

armbian-hardware-monitor.log and armbian-ramlog.log . These files where only created when I booted your unaltered image or with the boot-z-rock.img ,with the other 2 dtb's

cs968 and z-ut2 these files where not created.I tested this several times.Also sometimes after a while on uart showed a long string of hooked zero's like this:

[00][00][00][00]........etc..This also happens with serial output text when you choose the wrong baudrate , then all your output shows as hooked zeros.So it seems the rock dtb

image does boot in armbian but somehow the uart and hdmi interfaces are corrupted .


armbian-hardware-monitor.log :


### Activated 1 lzo zram swap devices with 1000 MB each

### Activated Armbian ramlog partition with zstd compression

### Activated lzo compressed /tmp


armbian-ramlog.log :


Mounting /dev/zram0 as /var/log/

Mon Jun 29 17:40:11 UTC 2020: Loading logs from storage

sending incremental file list

sent 969,578 bytes  received 273 bytes  1,939,702.00 bytes/sec
total size is 968,132  speedup is 1.00


These are the files created on the first run with a fresh unaltered image.

Perhaps it's possible to get in armbian through ssh , but I have never worked with ssh so that's complete new territory for me .

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1 hour ago, manuti said:


@Virverus Any chance of having this image running in a Ugoos UG2 with RK3066 ? 

I'm not the developer of these images ,that's balbes150 , I'm just the consumer and I did not even boot succesfully into a desktop (!),

so why ask me?

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