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"The Quartz64 is the most recent Single Board Computer offering from PINE64, initially released in June of 2021. It is powered by a Rockchip RK3566 Quad-Core ARM Cortex A55 64-Bit Processor with a MALI G-52 GPU."   <-- from the Pine Web


Who is interesting to develop Armbian for the Quartz64?


I will spend two brand new boards (8GB) to developers.


Send me a mail, if you are intresting:    markus@humberg.de


Your issue report is not a valid bug report per the Armbian bug reporting instructions (https://www.armbian.com/bugs).  With limited resources the Armbian project is only able to spend time on issues where all the requested information has been provided and for only the boards/images/software that are supported.  Your report is invalid for one or more of the following reasons (non-exhaustive list):


  • it is for an unsupported board or image (CSC/EOS/WIP/edge)
  • it is for software that is not supported (such as userspace modules installed on top of the core operating system)
  • it has been logged in the wrong forum (for example requests for help that are not actual bug reports)
  • it lacks requested data (armbianmonitor output)
  • it could have been easily solved by a quick search and/or reading documentation


Please review what you have submitted and the bug logging instructions (https://www.armbian.com/bugs) and either add the required information or open a new topic in the correct forum (such as Common issues / peer to peer technical support or General chit chat)

  On 9/3/2021 at 9:34 AM, Humberg said:

I will spend two brand new boards (8GB) to developers.



... and we will add the rest? 99.9% to bring this hardware to mainline kernel with topnotch support? :D Supporting new platform can easily costs between 20 and 30.000 EUR per year, especially first is most costly, while all you put on the table is an interest to purchase two boards, which can be easily obtained for free from a vendor (that is otherwise not helping us) in any quantity for development needs. Vendors are extremely happy for donations from our side.



Rules of bringing up hardware  still stands, but it require a lot more efforts and it can be done without much abuse of our precious resources:

BTW. We already have some Armbian for this hardware, but we don't want any association with it. It ruins our reputation - since it current support is junk from users perspective - and creates costs. Users are asking questions and we waste time nobody pay for ...

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