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4 minutes ago, Mario Ernesto Villarreal said:


Hey, bro! It's me, netomx from LET :P It is a pleasure to know you're working on this. Does this FEX file enables eMMC access?




Yes, the FEX I included above does include eMMc and I currently have H3Droid operating off the eMMc without any issues.



19 minutes ago, Mario Ernesto Villarreal said:

eMMC still not recognized :(


I am booting from the SD card btw.



I believe the issue you are seeing isn't related to FEX but to the u-boot you are using instead.  I am using mainline u-boot compiled for Orange Pi Plus 2E presently (I believe that the u-boot for OPi PC Plus _may_ also work).  For H3Droid we compile our own u-boot so I am using the u-boot that is available from our images.  You may be able to grab the u-boot being used by Armbian for OPi Plus 2E image and try it to see if it fixes your eMMc issue.


For H3Droid you can use the H3ii image from our site and burn it to your SDCard and it will boot and install.  Once installed and rebooted into H3resc you then need to spawn a terminal (with ethernet plugged in or after previously starting wifi) and the cd /mnt/boot/fex/H3 and then wget that sunvell-r69.bin file here.  Once downloaded you can exit back to H3resc and then choose option 22 to set fex and choose Sunvell from the list.


Once you have H3Droid working you should also be able to load Armbian for dual boot from H3resc and it should work for you as well (please report problems if it doesn't).


This may be the route you want to take to make sure you can use our u-boot for eMMc?


Anyhow, once I publish the blog article it will contain much more specific directions and steps which can be taken.


Hope this helps in the meantime!



Just now, Mario Ernesto Villarreal said:

Tried, didnt work. I am installing H3Droid in this moment


If you get stuck you can come to #h3droid on Freenode and we would be happy to assist you with getting it working there and also help you with dual booting Armbian if needed.


If you don't have an irc client handy, you can go to https://h3droid.com/chat-with-us and use the web client there to connect and chat with us.


I should be in and out all evening so I would be happy to help if you get stuck.



1 hour ago, TheLinuxBug said:


With the fex file, ti worked. I used the next command:


wget --no-check-certificate "https://web.archive.org/web/
enial_default_3.4.113_desktop.img.xz" -O - | pv | unxz | dd of=/dev/mmcblk1

And at least it booted, until it panicked hahaha.


I am on the right direction, thank you!

17 minutes ago, Mario Ernesto Villarreal said:

With the fex file, ti worked. I used the next command:


wget --no-check-certificate "https://web.archive.org/web/
enial_default_3.4.113_desktop.img.xz" -O - | pv | unxz | dd of=/dev/mmcblk1

And at least it booted, until it panicked hahaha.


I am on the right direction, thank you!

That's because when you write the image (Armbian) back over mmcblk1 you overwrote u-boot and fex again (that are in the beginning part of the image your writing to the card).  You should instead of doing that, use the options available in H3resc to re-size the SDcard (option #55 in H3resc) and then load Armbian along side (Option #57 in H3resc). If you are using an 16GB SDcard, resize to 7650 I think and then you should have more than enough room to install Armbian along side (it needs about 4GB and that should give you about 8GB).  If you have any questions or need help just stop by on irc.





1 minute ago, TheLinuxBug said:

That's because when you write the image (Armbian) back over mmcblk1 you overwrote u-boot and fex again

I did it on the internal eMMC, bro :P


The SDCARD is not booting now, I'll check what I did wrong, but at leaste internal eMMC boot to uboot, boots Linux and then panicks (I think it is the UUID on the bootargs)

5 minutes ago, Mario Ernesto Villarreal said:

I did it on the internal eMMC, bro :P


The SDCARD is not booting now, I'll check what I did wrong, but at leaste internal eMMC boot to uboot, boots Linux and then panicks (I think it is the UUID on the bootargs)


I understand, what I am trying to say to you is the image you wrote to the eMMc was using old FEX as it effectively write u-boot and fex in that image to eMMc (which lacks what you are needing for eMMc?).  You may do better to clone H3Droid over (or write H3ii to the eMMc) and then use H3resc to install Armbian, then once in Armbian you could just remove the Android partitions and increase the size of your Armbian one., etc.


Just a thought for you so you don't lose the u-boot and fex that work.



Just now, Mario Ernesto Villarreal said:

Ok, I get it... the only problem is that now it is not booting from the SD, I think that is the problem with tat uboot. I think I need to attach it to a UART console and reprogram it :)

Actually, it dawned on me the moment i hit reply, there is an easier solution to this.


Load H3ii on your SDcard, let it boot and install and boot to H3resc, once in H3resc you can spawn a shell.  Once in the shell, now I want you to cd to /mnt/boot and review, you should be able to find the u-boot and fex files in this folder (/mnt/boot/uboot/u-boot-sunxi-with-spl.bin-orangepi_plus2e). Why this is important is, once you have performed the write of the Armbian image as you tried before, once it completes write the correct u-boot back in place (Orange Pi Plus 2E) from the u-boot file you find in /mnt/boot.  All you are needing in this case it to replace the u-boot, that will do that for you.


You should be able to use the script /mnt/boot/change-uboot (just make sure to manually update the destination so it writes to eMMc which will be mmcblk1 in this case)



dd if="/mnt/boot/uboot/u-boot-sunxi-with-spl.bin-orangepi_plus2e" of="/dev/mmcblk1" bs=8192 seek=1 status=none; sync




1 minute ago, Mario Ernesto Villarreal said:

It is not booting from the sdcard :( just soldered to the uart to try to fix it :)


Are you sure its not just doing its normal glitching, I have had cases where when it boots it actually errors and freezes sometimes, if you unplug power and hdmi for a minute, then replug it should boot SDcard.  By default it should always try to boot SDcard first..


UART is definitely useful and helps, not trying to discourage you on that, just saying that is probably whats going on here. :P




3 minutes ago, Mario Ernesto Villarreal said:

Well, initially, it hangs on:


U-Boot SPL 2017.07-00494-g19d1f1a-dirty (Aug 30 2017 - 15:37:08)
DRAM: 1024 MiB
Failed to set core voltage! Can't set CPU frequency
Trying to boot from MMC1


I am trying to check if I can reprogram uboot from here :P

Yeah, its a bug.  Just unplug and replug a few times, it will boot from SDcard.. this just happens... cheap implementation where its locked to 1.2volts so u-boot has a tizzy sometimes it seems.


By default the unit should always boot from SDcard first, so either your SDcard doesn't have a valid u-boot on it, or you hitting the bug where it causes it to skip MMC cause of that voltage bug.



Just now, Mario Ernesto Villarreal said:


Well.. tried to recover uboot writing to memory, and I made a rookie mistake hahaha :( and the sdcard is not booting. How many few times?


Did you try re-writing H3Droid or Armbian to the SDcard first before trying to boot from it again?


It would be odd if it isn't booting SDcard and its bootable.




Interesting, flashed back AGAIN the old image, but flashed your uboot, mounted and copied the sunvell file,  and when booting, this appears:


Starting kernel ...

Error: unrecognized/unsupported machine ID (r1 = 0x00000000).

Available machine support:

ID (hex)        NAME
00001029        sun8i

Please check your kernel config and/or bootloader.


Seems to be that the uboot doesn't have the machine id defined?


EDIT: Manually setting machid in uboot with 1029  worked :)


setenv machid 1029

But armbian can't find the emmc... is the kernel making troubles? Will check

On 23.10.2017 at 7:33 PM, t.munzer said:

Install to emmc went fine

Just for your information... this is with the images I provided that were made with an u-boot with eMMC support and a fex file with eMMC support. No, there's no NAND in this box and none of all the outdated NAND related stuff applies to ANY H3 device. It should be as easy as booting from SD card, updating everything with 'apt upgrade' and then executing nand-sata-install.


Just as a small reference for those poor souls who happen to stumble accross this screwed thread later...


I have already one R69 and no problem to access to eMMC and use NAND install script with an Legacy kernel Image.

Now I bought 2 new box and from the same image I can't access to eMMC in any way

If I use mainline kenrnel no problem, but my work for now only work on Legacy kernel.


[    1.543692] mmc0: new high speed SDHC card at address 59b4
[    1.544181] mmcblk0: mmc0:59b4 USD00 14.9 GiB 
[    1.545566]  mmcblk0: p1
[    1.546152] mmcblk mmc0:59b4: Card claimed for testing.
[    1.546167] mmc0:59b4: USD00 14.9 GiB 
[    1.547746] [mmc]: sdc2 power_supply is null
[    1.622884] mmc2: unrecognised EXT_CSD revision 8
[    1.622900] mmc2: error -22 whilst initialising MMC card
[    1.623020] [mmc]: sdc2 power_supply is null
[    1.626080] [wifi_pm]: get wifi_sdc_id failed
[    1.627121] [mmc]: sdc2 power_supply is null
[    1.660056] usb 6-1: new low-speed USB device number 2 using sunxi-ohci
[    1.717076] mmc2: unrecognised EXT_CSD revision 8
[    1.717089] mmc2: error -22 whilst initialising MMC card
[    1.717203] [mmc]: sdc2 power_supply is null
[    1.721302] [mmc]: sdc2 power_supply is null

1 hour ago, gleam2003 said:

I have already one R69 and no problem to access to eMMC and use NAND install script with an Legacy kernel Image.

Now I bought 2 new box and from the same image I can't access to eMMC in any way

If I use mainline kenrnel no problem, but my work for now only work on Legacy kernel.


[    1.543692] mmc0: new high speed SDHC card at address 59b4
[    1.544181] mmcblk0: mmc0:59b4 USD00 14.9 GiB 
[    1.545566]  mmcblk0: p1
[    1.546152] mmcblk mmc0:59b4: Card claimed for testing.
[    1.546167] mmc0:59b4: USD00 14.9 GiB 
[    1.547746] [mmc]: sdc2 power_supply is null
[    1.622884] mmc2: unrecognised EXT_CSD revision 8
[    1.622900] mmc2: error -22 whilst initialising MMC card
[    1.623020] [mmc]: sdc2 power_supply is null
[    1.626080] [wifi_pm]: get wifi_sdc_id failed
[    1.627121] [mmc]: sdc2 power_supply is null
[    1.660056] usb 6-1: new low-speed USB device number 2 using sunxi-ohci
[    1.717076] mmc2: unrecognised EXT_CSD revision 8
[    1.717089] mmc2: error -22 whilst initialising MMC card
[    1.717203] [mmc]: sdc2 power_supply is null
[    1.721302] [mmc]: sdc2 power_supply is null


You think is sufficent to make this change to drivers/mmc/core/mmc.c in kernel?


if (card->ext_csd.rev > 7) {


if (card->ext_csd.rev > 8) {

1 hour ago, gleam2003 said:


You think is sufficent to make this change to drivers/mmc/core/mmc.c in kernel?


if (card->ext_csd.rev > 7) {


if (card->ext_csd.rev > 8) {

I can confirm that with this mod eMMC now work and I can use the nand-sata-install


thank you for reply. sorry didnt know how to download from the site just worked it out :) trying to download desktop version keep getting 504 Gateway Time-out. is anyone having this issue or is there something on my side?

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