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4 hours ago, skyfly555 said:

Question about a T95Q - can it boot @balbes150 armbian? Which version?



I have an S905X and a S912 running Debian Stretch, thanks to @balbes150.


Now I've bought a S905X2, T95Q model (4 GB RAM, USB 2 & USB 3,  Android 8.1, and so on).

I've tried to boot Debian:

1- Armbian_5.89_Aml-s905_Debian_buster_default_5.1.0_20190617

2- Armbian_5.84_Aml-s905_Debian_stretch_default_5.1.0-rc1_20190507


I've installed aml_autoscript.zip using "Update & Backup" app.


Tried to boot from USBs and microSD.


It doesn't boot, all I get is the "T95Q" logo.


What can I do to? Maybe the best is to return it to the seller?


Thank you very much,

EDIT: I've found its original firmware here: https://androidpc.es/firmware-t95q-box/

EDIT 2: The contents of this firmware:

-rwxr-xr-x@ 1 Apple  staff         621 Jan 10 18:39 aml_sdc_burn.ini
-rwxr-xr-x@ 1 Apple  staff  1416070328 Jan 10 18:44 aml_upgrade_package.img
-rwxr-xr-x@ 1 Apple  staff    24683008 Jan 10 18:39 aml_upgrade_package_
-rwxr-xr-x@ 1 Apple  staff     1176432 Jan 10 18:42 u-boot.bin.sd.bin

Is there something useful here?


SOLVED: Just needed to change the .dtb file in .uEnv.ini folder, used the dtb with "x96-max" (meson-g12a-x96-max.dtb) in its name, and it booted! I could even boot from an SSD connected to the USB3 port :)

1 hour ago, skyfly555 said:

SOLVED: Just needed to change the .dtb file in .uEnv.ini folder, used the dtb with "x96-max" (meson-g12a-x96-max.dtb) in its name, and it booted! I could even boot from an SSD connected to the USB3 port :)

That model has an Ethernet interface of 100MB according a this page :https://www.gearbest.com/tv-box/pp_009497151557.html?wid=1433363&lkid=16601880...Does the ethernet interface work for you in Armbian using dbt file "meson-g12a-x96-max.dtb" ?

4 hours ago, Jorge Bolanos said:

That model has an Ethernet interface of 100MB according a this page :https://www.gearbest.com/tv-box/pp_009497151557.html?wid=1433363&lkid=16601880...Does the ethernet interface work for you in Armbian using dbt file "meson-g12a-x96-max.dtb" ?

Yes, it works, althought it's supposed to be 1000M (I know some sellers say it's 10/100M, but S905X2 is supposed to support 1000M).

 In my case, typing: ethtool eth0 | grep -i speed
  I get this message:

  Speed: 1000Mb/s


Ive updated the guide I wrote to cover these additional topics:


  • Example of setting up a system
  • Example Setup on a MeCool M8S PRO w (Change your DTB file in uEnv.ini and extlinux.conf for other boxes).
    - Hardware you need
    - Software/Downloads
  • Setting it up
    - Steps to image your SD Card/USB stick from a Windows PC
    - Installing onto the MeCool M8S PRO w (Or any other box assuming youve changed the DTB)
  • Congratulations - If you reach here you will have a working Armbian server.

    Booting Problems and getting your system to boot
  • Booting off SD/USB problems.
  • uEnv.ini and extlinux.conf (Required for booting Armbian)
    - Editing the files and picking the right DTB.
    - What do these 2 files do and why cant I boot off emmc internal ram?
    - What should the files look like?
  • Installing onto emmc/NAND - The internal hard drive of the TV box.
  • LOST.DIR, System Volume Information and Android folders cause problems booting off eMMC/NAND.

    What to do if you brick your device.
  • Ive done something and now my box wont boot/stuck on a splash screen/is a brick what do I do?
    - Getting the system recovered - notes
    - Doing the recovery

    Bootable Backups (can be used to migrate to another TV Box too)
  • Backing up if you are using SD card/USB stick for booting/running Armbian OS
    - You will need the following to do this
    - How to get things setup and do it (create/restore your image)
  • Backing up if you are using emmc/NAND for booting/running Armbian OS
    - You will need the following to do this
    - Option A and Option B
    - How can I tell Ive booted from my Backup SD card? 
    - What have we actually just done?
    - What can I do with my imaged SD card?

The new version of the image 5.89_20190621 for S905X2 and S922 with kernel 5.2.


This version can be used on all s9xxx, but on s905\s912 sound will not work.

4 hours ago, balbes150 said:

The new version of the image 5.89_20190621 for S905X2 and S922 with kernel 5.2.


This version can be used on all s9xxx, but on s905\s912 sound will not work.

Hi, @balbes150, one question: Can we know the CPU temp and freq, with this new kernel? I'm using a T95Q, with meson-g12a-x96-max.dtb, and htop and armbian don't show any of these values (checked with 20190611 armbian and ubuntu versions, and with Armbian_5.89_Aml-s905_Ubuntu_bionic_default_5.1.0_20190617.img).

I need to know this, especially temperature, to know how much cooling S905X2 needs, to avoid overheat. My S912 is opened , without the top case, with a fan on it for this reason :)

13 hours ago, erew said:

Ive updated the guide I wrote to cover these additional topics:


  • Example of setting up a system
  • Example Setup on a MeCool M8S PRO w (Change your DTB file in uEnv.ini and extlinux.conf for other boxes).
    - Hardware you need
    - Software/Downloads
  • Setting it up
    - Steps to image your SD Card/USB stick from a Windows PC
    - Installing onto the MeCool M8S PRO w (Or any other box assuming youve changed the DTB)
  • Congratulations - If you reach here you will have a working Armbian server.

    Booting Problems and getting your system to boot
  • Booting off SD/USB problems.
  • uEnv.ini and extlinux.conf (Required for booting Armbian)
    - Editing the files and picking the right DTB.
    - What do these 2 files do and why cant I boot off emmc internal ram?
    - What should the files look like?
  • Installing onto emmc/NAND - The internal hard drive of the TV box.
  • LOST.DIR, System Volume Information and Android folders cause problems booting off eMMC/NAND.

    What to do if you brick your device.
  • Ive done something and now my box wont boot/stuck on a splash screen/is a brick what do I do?
    - Getting the system recovered - notes
    - Doing the recovery

    Bootable Backups (can be used to migrate to another TV Box too)
  • Backing up if you are using SD card/USB stick for booting/running Armbian OS
    - You will need the following to do this
    - How to get things setup and do it (create/restore your image)
  • Backing up if you are using emmc/NAND for booting/running Armbian OS
    - You will need the following to do this
    - Option A and Option B
    - How can I tell Ive booted from my Backup SD card? 
    - What have we actually just done?
    - What can I do with my imaged SD card?

Great guide, I read it yesterday, thank you!

18 hours ago, Jorge Bolanos said:

That model has an Ethernet interface of 100MB according a this page :https://www.gearbest.com/tv-box/pp_009497151557.html?wid=1433363&lkid=16601880...Does the ethernet interface work for you in Armbian using dbt file "meson-g12a-x96-max.dtb" ?

Hello, @Jorge Bolanos, I've bought my ATV in amazon.es, this model: https://www.amazon.es/gp/product/B07K6GTDRK/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o00_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1

The description is not 100% accurate; for example, they say "HDMI 3.0" instead of "HDMI 2.1" but Armbian says it's connected to 1000M speed. I hope I will have time this night, to check the new @balbes150 v5.89 image, and I will connect my T95Q directly to an Unifi switch I have, which will tell me the real speed of the connection (I can look at it in the Unifi Controller).


1 hour ago, skyfly555 said:

Hello, @Jorge Bolanos, I've bought my ATV in amazon.es, this model: https://www.amazon.es/gp/product/B07K6GTDRK/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o00_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1

The description is not 100% accurate; for example, they say "HDMI 3.0" instead of "HDMI 2.1" but Armbian says it's connected to 1000M speed. I hope I will have time this night, to check the new @balbes150 v5.89 image, and I will connect my T95Q directly to an Unifi switch I have, which will tell me the real speed of the connection (I can look at it in the Unifi Controller).


Hi, @skyfly555, Thanks for your answer...I saw that your tv box also it has installed android 8.1 while my tv box Mecool km3 has installed Android TV 9.0!!! Then, it seems that the problem is to install armbian from android tv 9. Someone knows why this?


1 hour ago, Jorge Bolanos said:

Hi, @skyfly555, Thanks for your answer...I saw that your tv box also it has installed android 8.1 while my tv box Mecool km3 has installed Android TV 9.0!!! Then, it seems that the problem is to install armbian from android tv 9. Someone knows why this?


@Jorge Bolanos, are you sure your issue is related to Android 9?

You have to:

1-Burn a .img image, recommended to a microSD.

2- Connect it to your computer and edit the uEnv.ini file. Use a dtb that's supposed to work with your ATV.

3-Connect it while Android is on, go to "Update & Backup" and install the aml_autoscript.

4- The system will reboot. If Armbian doesn't boot, go back to step 2, try to use another dtb.

If it doesn't boot, once you have tried to use several dtbs, you should explain **exactly** what's going on.


5- Once it boots, you finally know the dtb you need, so you can try to boot from a USB drive. Remember you may have two USB drives, maybe one is USB2 and the other one is USB3, maybe USB2 and USB3 not, or viceversa. They are guys saying they cannot boot from USB (neither of them).


3 hours ago, skyfly555 said:

I need to know this, especially temperature, to know how much cooling S905X2 needs, to avoid overheat. My S912 is opened , without the top case, with a fan on it for this reason

The core does not yet have temperature and frequency control functions. For S905X2 I have enough radiator size 30*30*10mm (with the free passage of air).



1 hour ago, balbes150 said:

The core does not yet have temperature and frequency control functions. For S905X2 I have enough radiator size 30*30*10mm (with the free passage of air).



Thank you very much, @balbes150, I'll do that.


If I'm not abusing, some more questions:

Armbian says:

Memory usage:  5 % of 3354MB

htop says: Mem 3.28 G, Swp 1024 M.

In my S912, htop says: Mem 2.77 G.


1-So, are only detected 3.5 G of RAM? I have 4G.

Or maybe part of the swap is formed in part by RAM (maybe 0.5G approx?).

Another option: maybe the 0.72 G of RAM (from 3.28 to 4G) are reserved fpr video memory? I'm running the headless version of your image, without any desktop. If this is the case, can I get more RAM for the server, giving less to the video memory?


2-And what about frequency? Can we know which frequency it's working? And is it always the same?


3- Do you think these things (temperature, clock control/governor) will be improved/controlled in future releases?


Thank you very much again :) I really appreciate all you are doing with these ATVs.









Hey, I'm using TX3 mini type A (2019 edition - new hardware). I can't install Armbian to eMMC, this is log:

root@aml:~# ./install.sh
Start script create MBR and filesystem
Start backup u-boot default
dd: failed to open '/dev/mmcblk1': No such file or directory
Start create MBR and partittion
Error: Could not stat device /dev/mmcblk1 - No such file or directory.
Error: Could not stat device /dev/mmcblk1 - No such file or directory.
Error: Could not stat device /dev/mmcblk1 - No such file or directory.
Start restore u-boot
dd: failed to open '/boot/u-boot-default.img': No such file or directory
dd: failed to open '/boot/u-boot-default.img': No such file or directory
Start copy system for eMMC.
Formatting BOOT partition...mkfs.fat 4.1 (2017-01-24)
mkfs.vfat: unable to open /dev/mmcblk1p1: No such file or directory
mount: /ddbr/install: special device /dev/mmcblk1p1 does not exist.
Cppying BOOT...done.
Edit init config...done.
umount: /ddbr/install: not mounted.
Formatting ROOT partition...
The file /dev/mmcblk1p2 does not exist and no size was specified.
e2fsck 1.44.5 (15-Dec-2018)
e2fsck: No such file or directory while trying to open /dev/mmcblk1p2
Possibly non-existent device?
Copying ROOTFS.
mount: /ddbr/install: special device /dev/mmcblk1p2 does not exist.
Copy BIN
Create DEV
Copy ETC
Copy LIB
Create MEDIA
Create MNT
Copy OPT
Create PROC
Create RUN
Copy SRV
Create SYS
Create TMP
Copy USR
Copy VAR
Copy fstab
umount: /ddbr/install: not mounted.
Complete copy OS to eMMC

Does everyone know to to fix this?

On 8/12/2018 at 7:19 PM, balbes150 said:

3. Execute script “/boot/create-mbr-linux.sh”

There is no such a script on this directory.


@anonymox Are you trying to run this from a USB stick??? You need to run it from an SD card I believe....  because a USB stick will be called /dev/sda1 and SD card will be /dev/mmcblk1  and I think the script only works with /dev/mmcblk0 and 1 (one being the SD and the other emmc/nand)


Either way, from what the log says, it cant see the SD card or the emmc. (Also check you only perhaps have the 1 SD card plugged in and no other external media .. usb stick/hard drive etc).

17 hours ago, skyfly555 said:

If I'm not abusing, some more questions:

Armbian says:

Memory usage:  5 % of 3354MB

htop says: Mem 3.28 G, Swp 1024 M.

In my S912, htop says: Mem 2.77 G.


1-So, are only detected 3.5 G of RAM? I have 4G.

Or maybe part of the swap is formed in part by RAM (maybe 0.5G approx?).

Another option: maybe the 0.72 G of RAM (from 3.28 to 4G) are reserved fpr video memory? I'm running the headless version of your image, without any desktop. If this is the case, can I get more RAM for the server, giving less to the video memory?


2-And what about frequency? Can we know which frequency it's working? And is it always the same?


3- Do you think these things (temperature, clock control/governor) will be improved/controlled in future releases?


Thank you very much again :) I really appreciate all you are doing with these ATVs.

1. Part of the memory is reserved for device maintenance. The available 3.5 GB is the normal value for systems with 4 GB. To change the service memory reserves, you need to change the DTS. Details been discussed several times in this thread and in the subject of the old kernel (5.44).

2. Now all g12 (s905x2\s922) operate at the same frequency 1.2. They do not change at work.

3. Work on the addition of all functions is underway. The exact timing no one knows.


13 hours ago, anonymox said:

Error: Could not stat device /dev/mmcblk1 - No such file or directory.

You do not have /dev/mmcblk1 devices. Check what devices you have and change the value in the script "install.sh" in the real name of your eMMC. Maybe your eMMC is "/dev/mmcblk2" or "/dev/mmcblk0" .


9 hours ago, baku1413 said:

There is no such a script on this directory.

It is not needed and has not been used for a long time. All include in the script "install.sh"



6 hours ago, balbes150 said:

Check what devices you have and change the value in the script "install.sh"

How to check it? I think that script thinks that my SD is internal EMMC because every file copied console says "file changed as we read it" and also after installation my SD is wiped and box won't boot.

19 hours ago, anonymox said:

Hey, I'm using TX3 mini type A (2019 edition - new hardware). I can't install Armbian to eMMC

I think you have run into the same issue I recently did.  I have purchased four TX3 mini boxes (2G/16G) over time from different vendors.  Two of the boxes work perfectly (i.e. I can install to the built in eMMC.  However on the other two boxes, I can not.  The two boxes that can't install to eMMC, do work in all other ways.  So I can run armbian from the SD card if I want.


In attempting to diagnose the problem, I noticed that the kernel wasn't detecting the internal storage at boot time.  So I opened up the cases of a box that worked and a box that didn't and discovered a difference.  The two boxes have different storage chips (the chips are actually located in different locations on the board as well).  In googling the part markings on the chips, it appears that the box that works correctly has an eMMC memory chip installed, and the box that doesn't has a NAND chip installed.  I recall reading somewhere that there isn't currently support in these kernels for nand storage.  So it would seem that some manufacturers in order to cut costs are installing nand storage on some of the TX3 mini's.  I don't know how to tell at ordering time, what type of storage might be used and therefore I no longer am purchasing the TX3 mini's for my purposes.  I really like the boxes and if I could be assured of getting boxes with eMMC I would use them for a number of projects.


22 hours ago, SteeMan said:

I think you have run into the same issue I recently did.  I have purchased four TX3 mini boxes (2G/16G) over time from different vendors.  Two of the boxes work perfectly (i.e. I can install to the built in eMMC.  However on the other


It's been the same issue for years, down to clone copies. I've got 2 T95 boxes which are S905X - one is p201, the other is p212.
The only way to find out what your getting is to persuade your supplier to provide you with a copy of /system/build.prop from android (looking for build.product line)


Guys are you experiencing any problem with journalctl/rsyslog reaching 100% of all CPUs on T95Q (S905X2)?

Or even slow CPU after a while?

I'm using meson-g12a-x96-max.dtb and it happens with all Linux distributions.


I installed Armbian_5.89_Aml-s905_Ubuntu_disco_dev_5.2.0-rc4_desktop_20190621 on my Mecool s912 I gb. It booted but the desktop environment will not load programs from the pull down menu.


USB sound card worked.


Video playback was very poor.


Networking ethernet worked.




How do you prevent Armbian from turning off the screen after a few minutes? I can't find any setting for power management or screensaver setting? Is it possible at all?

On 6/24/2019 at 2:34 AM, Guilherme Alves said:

Guys are you experiencing any problem with journalctl/rsyslog reaching 100% of all CPUs on T95Q (S905X2)?

Or even slow CPU after a while?

I'm using meson-g12a-x96-max.dtb and it happens with all Linux distributions.

I'm running now a T95Q (S905X2) as my main server, running several dockers (pi-hole, cloudflared, unifi controller, nginx reverse proxy and openvpn).

It's running fine.

rsyslog seems to be active, but it's not consuming any unusual amount of cpu; that's my case. I'm using the same dtb than you.

35 minutes ago, skyfly555 said:

I'm running now a T95Q (S905X2) as my main server, running several dockers (pi-hole, cloudflared, unifi controller, nginx reverse proxy and openvpn).

It's running fine.

rsyslog seems to be active, but it's not consuming any unusual amount of cpu; that's my case. I'm using the same dtb than you.

Which O.S and version are you using? Can you share the link to download?


Having problem running on 905X2. Newbie here and would like to get some kind help. Here is what I did:

1. Download image here: https://yadi.sk/d/pHxaRAs-tZiei/5.77/S905X2 and then burn to TF card using "etcher"

2. Insert TF into this X96 Max box and start the box. When in Android (preloaded), use "update & backup app" and then click "select" and choose the "aml_autoscript.zip" file from TF card and then click "update" .

3. When restart the box, it seems hang at uboot, please see attached capture from serial port. 


Thanks alot!




8 hours ago, golfsmith said:

Having problem running on 905X2. Newbie here and would like to get some kind help. Here is what I did:

1. Download image here: https://yadi.sk/d/pHxaRAs-tZiei/5.77/S905X2 and then burn to TF card using "etcher"

2. Insert TF into this X96 Max box and start the box. When in Android (preloaded), use "update & backup app" and then click "select" and choose the "aml_autoscript.zip" file from TF card and then click "update" .

3. When restart the box, it seems hang at uboot, please see attached capture from serial port. 


Thanks alot!




Hi @golfsmith, according your log you have a problem with dtb file...You are using "meson-gxl-s905x-khadas-vim.dtb...This, you must modify in uEnv.ini and extlinux.conf (Required for booting Armbian).

23 hours ago, Guilherme Alves said:

Which O.S and version are you using? Can you share the link to download?

23 hours ago, Guilherme Alves said:

Which O.S and version are you using? Can you share the link to download?

v5.89 debian stretch without desktop.


I have to say I have opened the case (3 screws) and I have a small fan on it, so the air is moving around the passive heatsink.

4 hours ago, skyfly555 said:

v5.89 debian stretch without desktop.


I have to say I have opened the case (3 screws) and I have a small fan on it, so the air is moving around the passive heatsink.


That's the problem:

[  543.226923] brcmfmac: brcmf_sdio_htclk: HT Avail request error: -5
[  543.226936] brcmfmac: brcmf_sdio_htclk: HT Avail request error: -5
[  543.226950] brcmfmac: brcmf_sdio_htclk: HT Avail request error: -5
[  543.226963] brcmfmac: brcmf_sdio_htclk: HT Avail request error: -5



In a infinite loop this error is being thrown through brcmfmac driver. I found in some forums that it could be a hardware failure so that means that it needs to be replaced.

What do you think @balbes150 ?


11 hours ago, Jorge Bolanos said:

Hi @golfsmith, according your log you have a problem with dtb file...You are using "meson-gxl-s905x-khadas-vim.dtb...This, you must modify in uEnv.ini and extlinux.conf (Required for booting Armbian).

Thanks! So I can take the dtb file from Android (preloaded on the box) and use it here? Is it the right way to solve this?

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