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  1. Past hour
  2. Nand options were not removed at all from latest multitool. Those options are just hidden if the NAND is not detected. You should check lsblk and dmesg to see if rknand device appears and maybe post dmesg log here too.
  3. It should autodetect the device if it is properly working and enable the dtb overlay in /boot/armbianEnv.txt automatically; you should not need to select anything. You mileage may vary, though.
  4. Today
  5. @jock, do you still have the multitool Build: 52d0101? Can I have the link to download? I would like to use the option (6) install jump start on nand and (7) install armbian via steP-nand. These options where removed in the latest build of multitool. I want to avoid the option 5 which is burn image to flash to avoid bricking my device. Thanks.
  6. I put the following into /etc/apt/preferences.d/zfs in order to have apt prefer the Debian bookworm-backports ZFS packages to the armbian ones that are imported from Debian trixie (and currently not installable due to the t64 issue); # Prefer Debian backports for zfs to armbian Package: libnvpair3linux libuutil3linux libzfs4linux libzpool5linux zfs-dkms zfsutils-linux Pin: release o=Debian Backports Pin-Priority: 900
  7. for H618 simply try the mainline uboot and kernel >= 6.6 various things has gone into mainline u-boot and kernel that makes it run on Orange Pi Zero 3 one could perhaps even try the Orange Pi Zero 3 image to see how that goes
  8. Howdy. I m running a Helios64 on Armbian 21.02.1 Buster with Linux 5.10.63-rockchip64. I realise this is somewhat old, but it works for me. I have been using MergerFS to present a big "vritual" storage area on my server: jon@OXYGEN:~$ more /etc/fstab UUID=a79a14c0-3cf4-4fb9-a6c6-838571351371 / ext4 defaults,noatime,nodiratime,commit=600,errors=remount-ro 0 1 tmpfs /tmp tmpfs defaults,nosuid 0 0 # "Disk 2" = /dev/sda3 = 8d360e1c-1908-4d8d-8289-2b1c83604950 UUID=8d360e1c-1908-4d8d-8289-2b1c83604950 /srv/mnt/disk2 btrfs defaults,noatime,nodiratime,nofail,subvol=@data 0 2 # "Disk 3" = /dev/sdb2 = eceee45f-5be5-48ba-a928-8f61686923b0 UUID=eceee45f-5be5-48ba-a928-8f61686923b0 /srv/mnt/disk3 btrfs defaults,noatime,nodiratime,nofail,subvol=@data 0 2 # "Disk 4" = /dev/sdc3 = 8ba04a0d-92eb-44e5-a4f0-99ebe2431b22 UUID=8ba04a0d-92eb-44e5-a4f0-99ebe2431b22 /srv/mnt/disk4 btrfs defaults,noatime,nodiratime,nofail,subvol=@data 0 2 # "Disk 5" = /dev/sdd3 = c3f0e61b-67af-4b35-acb8-e6698f8c9f64 UUID=c3f0e61b-67af-4b35-acb8-e6698f8c9f64 /srv/mnt/disk5 btrfs defaults,noatime,nodiratime,nofail,subvol=@data 0 2 # MergerFS - aggregate the mounted disks together /srv/mnt/disk2:/srv/mnt/disk3:/srv/mnt/disk4:/srv/mnt/disk5 /srv/mnt/virtual fuse.mergerfs defaults,allow_other,use_ino,fsname=/srv/mnt/virtual 0 0 I have recently begun exporting this virtual disk via nfs. Nice! It relly is easy to set up, and it does "just work": jon@OXYGEN:~$ more /etc/exports /srv/mnt/virtual/oxygen/media,sync,insecure,no_root_squash,no_subtree_check,nohide,fsid=0) But, when my server is rebooted, the nfs-server.service fails to start: _ _ _ _ __ _ _ | | | | ___| (_) ___ ___ / /_ | || | | |_| |/ _ \ | |/ _ \/ __| '_ \| || |_ | _ | __/ | | (_) \__ \ (_) |__ _| |_| |_|\___|_|_|\___/|___/\___/ |_| Welcome to Armbian 21.02.1 Buster with Linux 5.10.63-rockchip64 No end-user support: work in progress System load: 3% Up time: 9 min Memory usage: 17% of 3.77G IP: CPU temp: 43°C Usage of /: 41% of 15G [ General system configuration (beta): armbian-config ] Last login: Thu May 23 16:18:16 2024 from 1975:1976:1977:e00:dead:beef:0000:1111 jon@OXYGEN:~$ sudo service nfs-kernel-server status [sudo] password for jon: ● nfs-server.service - NFS server and services Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/nfs-server.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled) Active: failed (Result: exit-code) since Sat 2024-05-25 15:36:31 NZST; 10min ago Process: 1210 ExecStartPre=/usr/sbin/exportfs -r (code=exited, status=1/FAILURE) Process: 1218 ExecStopPost=/usr/sbin/exportfs -au (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS) Process: 1219 ExecStopPost=/usr/sbin/exportfs -f (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS) May 25 15:36:31 OXYGEN systemd[1]: Starting NFS server and services... May 25 15:36:31 OXYGEN exportfs[1210]: exportfs: Failed to stat /srv/mnt/virtual/oxygen/media: No such file or directory May 25 15:36:31 OXYGEN systemd[1]: nfs-server.service: Control process exited, code=exited, status=1/FAILURE May 25 15:36:31 OXYGEN systemd[1]: nfs-server.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'. May 25 15:36:31 OXYGEN systemd[1]: Stopped NFS server and services. Running "$ sudo service nfs-kernel-server start" manually, however, gets it going: jon@OXYGEN:~$ sudo service nfs-kernel-server start jon@OXYGEN:~$ sudo service nfs-kernel-server status ● nfs-server.service - NFS server and services Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/nfs-server.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled) Active: active (exited) since Sat 2024-05-25 16:03:04 NZST; 1s ago Process: 7428 ExecStartPre=/usr/sbin/exportfs -r (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS) Process: 7429 ExecStart=/usr/sbin/rpc.nfsd $RPCNFSDARGS (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS) Main PID: 7429 (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS) May 25 16:03:03 OXYGEN systemd[1]: Starting NFS server and services... May 25 16:03:04 OXYGEN systemd[1]: Started NFS server and services. So, to me, it seems that the MergerFS-provided "virtual" filesystem at /srv/mnt/virtual is not ready at the time that the NFS service is starting up. Does anyone know: 1. whether I can modify the definition of the NFS Service, within systemd, so that it starts up later in the boot process? Am I able to define a dependency on some other filesystem service that has yet to be started? 2. whether I can define something else that gets kicked off late in the boot process, which simply attempts to restart the NFS Server service, in the hope that by this late stage in the boot process the MergerFS location is "ready"? Many thanks, Jon
  9. So far no, but I'm reading up on it and plan to
  10. @jock I will, check that option and i'll let you know. Additionally, is it possible to produce a dualboot of this device in order not to touch the Stock firmware (luckily I have a backup)? I'm thinking having a sd card with armbian and when extracting SD, boot to Stock Firmware? Or perhaps do the inverse and make a usb dongle/SD with the Stock firmware and install armbian in the nand.
  11. Yesterday
  12. Here you can make a donation. Thank you. That "Ubuntu" was in 99.99% developed by Armbian and other open source projects. Orangepi is HW dealer. They only care that hw features works. They never pushed fixes to common code. We have to spent our private time if we want to port / fix their HW bugs & features to better common code which is the only one maintained and which is in your interest to run it. Software you are so happy to use is on this level. We are maintaining software together and this issue was not closed. Do you really believe unmaintained promo software have only one problem? 😁
  13. I could support a whole bunch of BOINC projects with this baby and free up all the individual SBC's I'm running now.
  14. If it is really an rk3318 box, then you should start here: https://forum.armbian.com/topic/26978-csc-armbian-for-rk3318rk3328-tv-box-boards
  15. Read other people effords Try and error Read other people effords Try and error Read other people effords Try and error Read other people effords Try and error Read other people effords Try and Run it!
  16. dev47

    Bananapi M7

    Hi, i would use the Banana to retire my previous Raspberry Pi 2b as a multimedia and development server
  17. Thanks for your experience, did you try to run rk322x-config again and let it enable the proper overlay? realtek bluetooth is a bit quirky, especially on newer kernels
  18. To learn and make my 3d printer accessible from anywhere.
  19. Truncate 2 partitions image ``` sudo losetup --partscan /dev/loop13 disk_image.img sudo e2fsck -f /dev/loop13p1 sudo e2fsck -f /dev/loop13p2 ' sudo resize2fs /dev/loop13p1 -M sudo resize2fs /dev/loop13p2 -M ' ### RUN THE "DISC" software and resize partition using the gui fdisk -l disk_image.img sudo losetup --detach /dev/loop13 truncate -s $(INSERT THE (END*BLOCKSIZE) OF PARTITION2 HERE) disk_image.img sudo losetup --partscan /dev/loop13 disk_image.img mkdir /tmp/disk_image sudo mount /dev/loop13p1 /tmp/disk_image sudo fstrim -v /tmp/disk_image sudo umount /tmp/disk_image sudo mount /dev/loop13p2 /tmp/disk_image sudo fstrim -v /tmp/disk_image sudo umount /tmp/disk_image sudo losetup --detach /dev/loop13 ```
  20. Hello Guys!, I just want to share my experience with my tv-box. I've succesfully managed to install armbian in my rk3229 tv box Manufacturer Specifications (FROM ALI) General OS Version: Android 4.4 CPU: Rockchip 3229 Quad Core Processor Speed (max): 1.5GHz RAM: 1GB Internal Memory: 8GB External Memory: Support up to 32GB Display Resolution(max): 4K (2880x2160P) Support Video Resolution(max): 4K x 2K Wi-Fi: 802.11 b/g/n Bluetooth 2.1 Google Play DLNA Miracast Airplay 3D Movie Kodi / XBMC 15.2 Adobe Flash: Support Adobe Flash 10.1 and above (Armbian_community_24.5.0-trunk.667_Rk322x-box_bookworm_current_6.6.31_minimal.img.xz) I've used multitool to first backup my nand, and secondly set armbian image to boot over usb. Of course usb data transfer was significantly lower. Wifi module (rlt8723cs) worked very well, without drops. But my main issue is bluetooth. I was not capable of activate my bt module (after installing several packages). Of course, having a BT dongle fixes the issue but I really wanted to solve it.
  21. Hello Armbian Team I have one banana pi r2 pro board(https://wiki.banana-pi.org/Banana_Pi_BPI-R2_Pro). I used Armbian_community_24.5.0-trunk.667_Bananapir2pro_bookworm_current_6.6.31_minimal.img(https://github.com/armbian/community/releases/download/24.5.0-trunk.667/Armbian_community_24.5.0-trunk.667_Bananapir2pro_bookworm_current_6.6.31_minimal.img.xz) . I want to use 4 serial port. But when I tried to "cat" command, it gives Input/output error. I tried to screen too but it terminated immediately. it can see there is 7 uart interface ,but only ttyS2 works, for terminal how can I use other uart interfaces. :~# ls -l /dev/ttyS* crw-rw---- 1 root dialout 4, 64 May 24 14:17 /dev/ttyS0 crw-rw---- 1 root dialout 4, 65 May 24 14:17 /dev/ttyS1 crw------- 1 root tty 4, 66 May 24 14:22 /dev/ttyS2 crw-rw---- 1 root dialout 4, 67 May 24 14:17 /dev/ttyS3 crw-rw---- 1 root dialout 4, 68 May 24 14:17 /dev/ttyS4 crw-rw---- 1 root dialout 4, 69 May 24 14:17 /dev/ttyS5 crw-rw---- 1 root dialout 4, 70 May 24 14:17 /dev/ttyS6 crw-rw---- 1 root dialout 4, 71 May 24 14:17 /dev/ttyS7 Thanks, Best regards
  22. Hi there, I'm trying to set up AP + STA on wlan0 using Orange Pi Zero 2W and Orange Pi Zero 3 with the Armbian image. I managed to do this on a Raspberry Pi Zero W. I encountered a problem: when creating a virtual access point, the process hangs and cannot be killed. Any attempt to view the logs after starting the process also leads to a hang, and only a reboot helps. This problem does not occur on the Raspberry Pi. I use the command: sudo iw phy phy0 interface add ap0 type __ap. For testing, I added an external USB Wi-Fi module to the Orange Pi Zero 3 and managed to create a virtual access point on it without any problems or hangs, so this problem only occurs on wlan0. The issue occurs on both Orange Pi Zero 2W and Orange Pi Zero 3, and they behave the same. Also, attempting to delete wlan0 via 'sudo iw dev wlan0 del' causes the device to hang. Has anyone encountered this situation? Is there a solution to this problem, and is it possible to make AP and STA on one interface on OPi Zero 2W/3 ? Here is the output of 'iw list': Wiphy phy1 //wlan0 Orange Pi [...] Supported interface modes: * IBSS * managed * AP * P2P-client * P2P-GO * P2P-device software interface modes (can always be added): valid interface combinations: * #{ managed, AP } <= 1, #{ P2P-client, P2P-GO } <= 1, #{ P2P-device } <= 1, total <= 3, #channels <= 2 [...] Wiphy phy0 //USB Wi-Fi adapter [...] Supported interface modes: * managed * AP * AP/VLAN * monitor software interface modes (can always be added): * AP/VLAN * monitor software interface modes (can always be added): * AP/VLAN * monitor interface combinations are not supported [...] Here is the output of 'iw list' on the Raspberry Pi: Wiphy phy0 [...] Supported interface modes: * IBSS * managed * AP * P2P-client * P2P-GO * P2P-device software interface modes (can always be added): valid interface combinations: * #{ managed } <= 1, #{ P2P-device } <= 1, #{ P2P-client, P2P-GO } <= 1, total <= 3, #channels <= 2 * #{ managed } <= 1, #{ AP } <= 1, #{ P2P-client } <= 1, #{ P2P-device } <= 1, total <= 4, #channels <= 1 [...] As far as I understand, based on the "valid interface combinations", wlan0 on the Orange Pi cannot support both managed and AP simultaneously. Could this be the reason? For the Wi-Fi adapter, "interface combinations are not supported". Thanks in advance!
  23. dear dave3, Have you encountered the problem that when recording Armiban to an SD card, the nano pi neo air does not appear on the PC as a com port? If I install the old version of Armbian 5.73 and connect it via USB to the PC, it sees it as a com port.
  24. Hi everyone! I wonder if modifying the "fbdev" driver to use Mali GPU to improve gaming performance is possible. I enabled `gpu` dtb, but according to "glxinfo -B" it uses "Device: llvmpipe, Accelerated: no". I'm curious if this can be improved somehow. BTW I found this old commit for Odroid C2: link
  25. Based on what my android recovery says, use the following dtb amlogic "meson-gxl-s905x-p212.dtb"
  26. Last week
  27. Update: I ended up using the Ubuntu image from orange pi website and the camera works fine! It may be that the armbian linux image may need some file update for the camera to work correctly on op5b. This issue is now closed.
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