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Everything posted by Igor

  1. Yes. https://github.com/armbian/build/blob/main/lib/functions/compilation/patch/drivers_network.sh#L162-L198
  2. Rock 3a (Armbian_23.5.0-trunk.219_Rock-3a_jammy_edge_6.3.3_minimal.img.xz) also tested by @monkaBlyat installed gnome DE network working hdmi / audio jack sound output working all 4 usb ports working image boot nice and smooth without issues from sd card
  3. Can you check if this happens with last nightly images?
  4. Most of the gpios are muxed and you must be hitting those that are used with network.
  5. Current installer might still have bug. - new release is coming out in a week - RC images must work Alternatively, try self install image,
  6. https://www.armbian.com/nanopi-r6s/ OP is asking about T6 which is slightly different, but it might even work with those images to some degree. Mainline on RK3588 is still WIP @Efe Çetin have you played with mainline on this one?
  7. FYI. If anyone wants to expand defaults for better customisation, sources are located here: https://github.com/armbian/build/tree/main/packages/bsp/common/etc/update-motd.d
  8. Yes, exactly this is what we hope you to do 1st, before even thinking to complain about. In several years many problems are fixed, so going once again on this path again, just for you, because you don't run latest kernel ... is plain stupid. I know you agree. We are also pre-programmed - if you don't run latest kernel = ignore that user / report as we are already way to small to address issues on latest kernel and there is nothing we can do about. We have to at least try to prevent users to waste time in such grotesque manner. That's the point of - "update first!"
  9. Video What we did? This: 1. Check remaining from Jira tickets https://www.armbian.com/participate/ 2. Review issues https://github.com/armbian/build/issues 3. Review pull requests https://github.com/armbian/build/pulls
  10. More tests by @jock - Orange Pi 4 LTS (rk3399) - Radxa Rock-Pi E (rk3328) - a couple of tvboxes rk3318/rk3328
  11. That is legitimate hope, but with latest and greatest OS its hard enough. Probably nobody on the planet is running kernel you run. Next. Armbian is installed on certain % of Odroid devices. A small % of their users understands what you are talking about, very small % of those has time to listen, a few might answer (with general hint as such) and terrible small can actually give a usable hint (in decent time) or, which is close to impossible, leave everything and dedicate a whole week to resolve this problem. For kernel that is completely outdated, not 99, but 100% of people will look the other way. I hope problem you are describing was fixed long time ago. If not, remember there are a lot of bugs, wishes, ideas and very little people. Good luck!
  12. Almost 3 years old build is way out of any "warranty" Did you try the same with latest image?
  13. https://docs.armbian.com/User-Guide_FAQ/#why-does-hardware-feature-xy-work-in-old-kernel-but-not-in-more-recent-one BTW. I have NanoPi M4V2 which by default comes with the fan. It works with Armbian out of the box, low rpm on idle, full on full load, when temp go up. So the problem is configuration.
  14. More tests done by @rpardini - khadas-vim3 - rockpro64 - Tinkerboard 2 - Odroid M1 - Rpi 4b - T95Z Plus - Mekotronics R58x - khadas-vim3l - Radxa Zero2
  15. Those are instructions for running OpenHab2 on Armbian (any hardware. I run it on Nanopi K1+ for years) https://www.openhab.org/docs/installation/armbian.html We even run automated tests to make sure it installs well. A software developed in Java runs ... anywhere. Why would they need to "support" some particular board if their line of focus is elsewhere. You only need to ask if this boards is suitable? Yes, its fine for the job. WiFi is a bit on the problematic side as it uses chip which driver is not in perfect condition (remember chip crisis era) and there is little that will be changed. Still, it will probably serve the purpose just fine (it works for me well, but some people report troubles with wifi) and in worse case scenario you can mitigate with some USB module. But I am almost sure you won't needed that. The rest is just fine.
  16. https://forum.armbian.com/topic/5699-how-to-provide-and-interpret-debug-output/ (more debug helps a lot more) My case with similar 32b hardware but with supported kernel on unsupported board. nanopim1:~:# uname -a Linux nanopim1 5.15.93-sunxi #23.02.2 SMP nanopim1:~:# ls -l /dev/ttyUSB* crw-rw---- 1 root dialout 188, 0 May 15 07:17 /dev/ttyUSB0 crw-rw---- 1 root dialout 188, 1 May 15 07:17 /dev/ttyUSB1 crw-rw---- 1 root dialout 188, 2 May 15 07:17 /dev/ttyUSB2 crw-rw---- 1 root dialout 188, 3 May 15 07:17 /dev/ttyUSB3 crw-rw---- 1 root dialout 188, 4 May 15 07:17 /dev/ttyUSB4 crw-rw---- 1 root dialout 188, 5 May 15 07:17 /dev/ttyUSB5 crw-rw---- 1 root dialout 188, 6 May 15 07:17 /dev/ttyUSB6 crw-rw---- 1 root dialout 188, 7 May 15 07:17 /dev/ttyUSB7 crw-rw---- 1 root dialout 188, 8 May 15 07:17 /dev/ttyUSB8 Perhaps this? https://www.google.com/search?q=ch340+fake
  17. @gnu-linux SHA files will be o.k. with upcoming release.
  18. This week meeting topics: 1. Check remaining from Jira tickets https://www.armbian.com/participate/ 2. Review issues https://github.com/armbian/build/issues 3. Review pull requests https://github.com/armbian/build/pulls General goal of weekly meetings: To discuss the three (3) issues of the week Discussions will be documented to respective Jira tickets so they can be tracked Three (3) new issues will be selected from Jira for the next meeting The purpose of a weekly developers meeting is to coordinate development of the build engine, continuous integration, operating system features and low level support. Meetings are hosted located on Zoom (Video) and IRC and Discord (Text). While we would prefer you attend on Zoom when possibly, we will also monitor text chat during the call for those unable to join Zoom. Please RSVP either way. Do you want to participate or help in some way? Meetings are focused in developers top level topics and its expected that understand embedded software development, software testings or operating system management. In term of programming languages, knowledge of at least BASH & Python is expected. Since meetings are held in public, any registered community member can join and listen. If you want to suggest issues for the next week, you have to be recognized Armbian contributor. If you want to become one, resolve at least one intermediate level issue and tell us something about you. This is needed to efficiently communicate and to give you access to our organisation infrastructure Jira, Github, hardware lab and servers. @Contributor/Maintainer
  19. Yes. The only temporally issues is, that repository might not be fully up2date with trunk as we are changing scripts at automation. This means it could be few days apart. Nothing major and will be fixed soon.
  20. I made a first round of testing, some manually: khadas edge 2, installed to eMMC, logs: https://paste.armbian.com/iviwutanag bananapi m2+, installed to eMMC, logs: orangepi lite2, logs: https://paste.armbian.com/awicabotod khadas vim1, installed to eMMC, logs: https://paste.armbian.com/ulopiziseb , maintainer needed khadas vim2, installed to eMMC, logs: https://paste.armbian.com/editiyaziv orangepi2e, installed to eMMC, logs: https://paste.armbian.com/ekuyaporil and some via auto-testing machinery. Most of images works: We need to fix Rpi4, Jetson nano, perhaps other media?
  21. No. Stick to kernel 6.1 if you want to use ZFS. Anything more recent is expecting miracles.
  22. People have many problems when using latest kernels: https://github.com/openzfs/zfs/issues Working ZFS and latest kernel is IMO too bold move. Debian packages can be updated to ZFS 2.1.11 while Ubuntu is still on 2.1.9, which might not even be compatible with 6.2+
  23. Armbian uses mainline based kernel in most cases https://docs.armbian.com/User-Guide_FAQ/#why-does-hardware-feature-xy-work-in-old-kernel-but-not-in-more-recent-one Anything is possible, but its usually not simple and cheap to port and maintain it with mainline kernel. However, we do have plan to add factory kernel for Khadas boards in next months. Where it should work the same as with Khadas stock images.
  24. http://beta.armbian.com should have latest kernels.
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