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Everything posted by Igor

  1. Ubuntu is Debian based so there must be some leftovers. Download Ubuntu kinetic for PC and check this file.
  2. untested https://imola.armbian.com/dl/orangepi3b/archive/
  3. @Stoven @jock We were moving servers around and forgot about https://users.armbian.com Fixed.
  4. One of mirrors must be out of sync. We are working on to improve this ...
  5. Keep in mind that you are smearing people that have nothing but costs dealing with you and hardware you want to use. Without our work, you would stuck on some old kernel forever while they would keep selling you more and more with as cheap software support as possible. We give you software that gets regular updates (now for about 10 years) and eyes to see. Here you can apologize and here you can help with your share of 0.5% of costs we get covered by random public. Also this work gets to other Linux distributions. There is no bug without logs. People that will perhaps bump into this topic has to understand what you are talking about without plugging hw - that you have to earn. There are older images in the archive. Use them.
  6. https://www.armbian.com/orange-pi-plus-2/ You have this board? If you use some other randome image that sounds compatible, it is expected that something, like USB, won't be working. We would like keep enabled all those devices, but its simply not realistic. There are too many of them and every device represent endless loss of time without any compensation. It also keep prolonging already long build cycles. I have re-enabled generating images but can't tell when they will be on ... https://github.com/armbian/os/commit/49591e9ce3098366684efe27af57b0200799a1f3
  7. There are indeed serious issues, but not in the code base. We will discuss this matter, but certainly not this year.
  8. We did some experiments for a client with Khadas Vim3l but we didn't proceed far due lack of funding. Remember that this is on experimental level and can't be used in production. Many standard features (such as video out) are missing in this (custom) kernel. Its not something you download, install and forget about. Not sure if we can support you in any way ... but you raise your chances if you support the project. Status with other SoCs related to this feature is unknown to me. On paper they all support everything ...
  9. This is expected for this world. We primarily deal with hard problems & development is pain and suffering. Coding style does not have any significant impact on what you are mentioning. We are not responsible if bringing up some weird proprietary device is a collection of hacks. Rather focus in reverse engineering so hacks won't be needed. Yes, that will be very hard too, but nobody is forcing you to do this. Armbian don't need this, but if you want to submit a PR to Armbian, you need to adopt to our coding & writing style as its insulting to expect project will adopt to yours even you are on "industry standard" quality BASH porn. Once again as you don't get it - code is liability first and its not on author to self decide if it can be classified as a project asset. Regardless of your idea, education or manipulation used to get attention. We are not on their level, they are not on ours. Every project is unique and always has different set of problems addressed by limited resources. I see you don't even try to understand any of. Copy / pasting or suggesting principles is simple, while implementing and keeping them function is completely different level. This whole "suggestions" forum has ideas that needs millions to finance, while we only receive about 0.5% of compensation for what we do without including your suggestions. For completing requests projects would need many additional project leaders and many additional staff to start leading them ... But you don't care about that small problem, you just want perfection to be done at once and you demand we pay for it with money we don't have. Hear how stupid all this sounds. Perhaps this visual representation will help you to understand where your idea is - there are at least this many people with good intentions as you can see on this picture (alongside with those blurred ones) that wants to enforce their ideas or extract some value (hey, please fix this!) without giving anything in return. As you can see its crowded and there is very small listening or executing capacity. It will take some time before your idea came from the last in the line to the place where that idea could be heard. Please don't shout over other people as you are doing now - stop reaching out to people that keeps this place together several times per day. It is impolite and has to be sanctioned because of other people that stay in the line trying to help or cheer us. Contribution to open source projects starts when you understand its needs not about you having fun with what we are providing. Or not having it. We have our own coding style. It is not the best, its not the worse, but its ours. If you are opening a PR to the project, you simply need to met those requirements. If you don't respect that, you can work on fork whatever you want. This is how open source projects function.
  10. Sorry! We'll do best ... today we almost couldn't produce it for technical reasons. Will be published once tomorrow.
  11. This must be deeper as device we use to test upgrades, shows no problems: https://github.com/armbian/os Crazy in any case. Only long term solution is this but nobody wants to volunteer for this position, hiring is not possible. So we can only do some shallow testings and other Linux distributions not even that ...
  12. Maturity of user-land packages. At one point in time Ubuntu LTS is better then Debian stable and vice versa. I think this principle is now not working as intended (randomly could be O.K.) as we recently changed how download lists are generated. Here you can observe how this is assembled. There is some additional info in wiki. Keep in mind that packages lists are more or less the same and (hopefully) all Canonical suspicious code is cleaned out. Can't tell from my head. That would require analysis / diff. Only diff is userspace packages versions. HW interface is identical. I am afraid that you can't do that just like that and IIRC you the first person coming up with such idea. Upgrades within Debian or Ubuntu are already complicated enough and prone on breaking. Also this problem exceeds Armbian as user-land packages are stock Debian / Ubuntu. This is an attempt to send you a message. It tells that "Debian" or "Ubuntu" fairly tales and stereotypes, that are attached to those keywords, means nothing in this close-to embedded Linux world. Check FAQ for more https://docs.armbian.com/#what-is-armbian
  13. Armbian works perfectly fine on 1st grade hardware.
  14. https://docs.armbian.com/#what-is-the-difference-between-armbian-and-debianubuntu If you are good with Debian or Ubuntu, you will be good with Armbian too. If you are seeking for Ubuntu specific and there is no ready made Ubuntu based image, you can make one in no time. https://github.com/armbian/build If service you need is not installed, and DHCPD almost certainly is not preinstalled, configuration file can not exist. Armbian comes without any preinstalled bloatware. If you want to change it to file server or whatever, you install that. Shipping everything that is possible for everyone would be very stupid. Perhaps this (didn't read the text by I assume this is what you need - google search) https://www.tecmint.com/install-dhcp-server-in-ubuntu-debian/
  15. None. We don't have ability (and its also very stupid) to archive terabytes of automated builds made every day. If its automated build, it means its without any support by default. However we provide archive to official builds. Perhaps that helps https://archive.armbian.com/
  16. If you opt for 1 year for Community Hero, you are not going to cover damages your request made to our non-profit organisation: https://forum.armbian.com/subscriptions/ We fixed the problem and it will be released when possible. root@orangepizero:~# iperf3 -c Connecting to host, port 5201 [ 5] local port 41820 connected to port 5201 [ ID] Interval Transfer Bitrate Retr Cwnd [ 5] 0.00-1.00 sec 2.08 MBytes 17.5 Mbits/sec 0 106 KBytes [ 5] 1.00-2.00 sec 1.93 MBytes 16.2 Mbits/sec 0 136 KBytes [ 5] 2.00-3.00 sec 1.86 MBytes 15.6 Mbits/sec 0 136 KBytes [ 5] 3.00-4.00 sec 1.68 MBytes 14.1 Mbits/sec 0 136 KBytes [ 5] 4.00-5.00 sec 1.86 MBytes 15.6 Mbits/sec 0 143 KBytes [ 5] 5.00-6.00 sec 1.86 MBytes 15.6 Mbits/sec 0 143 KBytes [ 5] 6.00-7.00 sec 2.05 MBytes 17.2 Mbits/sec 0 182 KBytes [ 5] 7.00-8.00 sec 1.99 MBytes 16.7 Mbits/sec 0 228 KBytes [ 5] 8.00-9.00 sec 1.74 MBytes 14.6 Mbits/sec 0 228 KBytes
  17. AFAIK modern kernel doesn't have support for NAND (at least not all variants that exists) and you need to add it.
  18. I don't know. Just speculating - it has to do something around boot area / low level init as Armbian works normally on 1st class / right hardware. Armbian comes in single partition in most of the cases. That is nothing unusual and not a problem.
  19. We only deal with R&D of mainline based kernel here. Copy pasting their kernel doesn't add much value. We dropped, legacy Rockchip made and maintained kernel 4.4.y / 5.10 perhaps now, some time ago. With mainline, things are much more complicated and expensive. It is very hard to lead R&D with almost complete (99.5%) absence of people that needs this software support and where ROI is extremely negative. What is provided is provided with very limited resources and we are very close to abandoning this very little what we have. There are more (unknown number) different board revisions out there which just adds costs, waste more of our most precious resource - time. They have incompatible boot firmware that needs to be adjusted. Our device in automatic testing facility show instability ... It boots, but doesn't survive many reboots. There are 100+ similar HW cases around with their own pros and cons and only X hours per day we can work on something.
  20. Welcome! Possible, officially not. Some people made some experiments, do extensive search on forums and around. Android? We don't touch it here ... Good luck. If you are coming from Gentoo world, you must dive into our build framework. Perhaps you can give us some hints: https://github.com/armbian/build Universal ways are, like mentioned, in experimental phases. Can't point you to any solution. Absolutely no doubt about. There is nobody but spam bots, Radxa forums are better but also pretty not moderated and mainly populated with repeated novice questions. - they have nothing to do with MESA - they ship and maintain (usually with 1-2 people) kernel they got from chip maker. They are behind legacy kernel development. - support they provide is mainly leaned to community. Profit margins putting SoC on PCB are not enough to cover wasteful end user support or extensive R&D. In most cases support is done by their clients if there are any. Just like with Raspberry Pi. Or sponsored by groups like ours. Some vendors afford to cover for a person on their forums, mainly not. In contrast - Armbian is more developers oriented community towards mainline based software oriented community that is above vendor specifics. Panfork is hacked unofficial one man fork of mesa that is not recognized and approved by upstream. Google if you want to understand dirty details ... But if you don't care, use it. It works, just adjust expectations. Yes. We are getting there too. I am already experimenting running GitHub runners on 3588 devices with mainline kernel. Headless is conditionally usable to some degree, but if you have questions ... download and play with it. If something you need doesn't work, don't waste time asking. Its almost certainly not developed yet. Also worth checking: https://docs.armbian.com/User-Guide_FAQ/
  21. Until we fix website https://fi.mirror.armbian.de/archive/ You can also try and build image with latest kernel / userland https://github.com/armbian/build
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