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Everything posted by Igor

  1. Igor

    Just a test

    One more full time person is needed for this job. It's already more demanding that I can handle and maintenance jobs are going up all the time. But yes, money which is not that small, has to be find somewhere. Exactly. I can ignore a few, but not flood. I already do that. Besides the forum, people try to reach me on all possible communications channels by asking questions and convincing with "this is just a 5 minutes for you" or trying to provide them solution for free or repeat question which remained unanswered on forum ... I do ignore in most cases, but again not all. Sometimes I feel the need to tell them where to go This means adding armbianmonitor -u mandatory to all subforums in Technical support and adding a new one for issues related when you can't supply it? That sounds even better. Indeed.
  2. Not for Rock64 We don't have this kernel in a BETA repo anymore since we keep only last n versions.
  3. Started with 5.59 Debian Stretch, updated to most recent, attached sfp, ath10 card and 4x marvell SATA. Everything looks fine: http://ix.io/1yXM U-boot:
  4. This is somehow expected in the Debian/Ubuntu jungle. That's why we provide both. Some applications works (better) in one, some in the other. In some cases, you need to fix things to get them working ... Do you have any idea how much slower is this implementation? What are you doing that this can happen? If you really need more swap, you can add a file to it. You can have both. See files in /usr/lib/armbian/
  5. Igor

    Just a test

    Technical support section is mainly a feedback to improve Armbian as operating system. We can only deal with Armbian images and our tweaks. That's plenty of work and we have to do something about that. "If you deal with everything you fix nothing" Common issues sections is already on the edge/outside since mainly contains generic Debian/Ubuntu problems, which we don't have intention nor resources to deal with. Armbian specific problems are already enough. I am seriously thinking to move it to less restricted "community" area, where only general restriction apply. More topics in technical support could also mean developers are doing a lousy job in making Armbian. But since overall user base is growing and since we people are lazy by default (I also belong to that tribe), this section also grow. No forum around is happy on opening more topic for the same issue. Over and over again. Technical support questions are specific. They need to contain certain things or they are useless. That was also intendenten. When you are putting a pressure and wasting precious time, you are making a damage and if you are aware of this, a progress was made. For all of us. It's like traffic regulations. Yes, that's all about. All this is just yet another SPAM filter. One out of many that we already use.
  6. Igor

    Just a test

    This can also mean that even more radical approach is needed? There will always be people who will ignore everything. Exactly. We do that all the time and it takes some time. By asking questions which you are not providing needed data you are wasting time. You are not doing anything good. If it is clear that you weren't even try to search if the topic was already answered, you are not doing anything good ... Since a few years I am already reading only a small part/selected topics of the forum - currently it has between 100 and 150 posts per day. It is not about me.
  7. nmtui-edit Select interface, go to IPV6 and switch to "ignore". Perhaps you will need to restart.
  8. It's planned but somebody needs to create patches and test them on 4.4.y, 4.14.y and 4.20.y We use this driver with advanced options: https://github.com/aircrack-ng/rtl8812au It should be latest as well.
  9. Igor

    Just a test

    Forums must remain accessible without pay (we had this discussion years ago) but perhaps an option for paid support might be added. Currently, I don't see possibility nor willingness to provide such services. When we start talking about paying for 1st class support and the time for that, list prices kicks in. Those are not amateur/community friendly while average folks on the other hand see: "5 EUR for the monthly support? That's 1/3 of the board price. Outrage!" It would be ideally to rely financing from community not corporate. 100 x 5 EUR is better and safer than 1 x 500 EUR. Whether you pay for support or not, you will still need to provide required info and obey certain rules. If you would waste more time than you pay for support, support provider would inevitably make a loss which can only lead to bankruptcy or stop providing such service. If support provider hire incompetent people to deal with you, you will not be satisfied ... Yes, that was the intention! If you are to lazy to supply logs and tick acknowledgements and expect an answer, which might save you weeks, you simply don't deserve it. From anyone. I am sure this idea could be polished and can be polished, but I don't think it's a bad one until somebody convince me it's bad. Yes, community is important - I don't want to waste it's time. As you can see this is not about me or about the team. Nobody can answer questions which lack vital informations. Those measures should save time. Everything is community driven - only technical support section have more restriction.
  10. Igor

    Just a test

    I don't want to give you alternative ->>> If you don't provide information and want help, go elsewhere. Why? Lowering pressure on support, saving some time. Post, which dragged your attention: is a school example of time being wasted. "10 posts" and nothing was resolved, because the most important part of the information is (still) missing. Wasn't this policy here since ever? It also help that Amlogic and Rockchips forums are not getting flooded with "TVboxes Armbian". We still get weird questions there and somebody has to move them. As you can see, there is a lot of moving in the forums. I only want to prevent such problems. If board does not have a supported tag, we always moved questions from technical support to https://forum.armbian.com/forum/23-community-forums/ If you have a better idea ... I don't. @typoinmyname Nice to see you are well too
  11. There is/was nothing wrong with the text. Grammatically. It was meant as written in a wish to lower the pressure on support. Not sure if such warnings are very effective - for some people sure, but not for all. The funniest part of all. We still have no idea what is your system and therefore its impossible to give you any help. https://www.armbian.com/get-involved/
  12. No, default interface is the one already connected to the internet ... if therw is only one wireless left, you will not be prompted to select the one which will be AP Wrote on mobile
  13. Igor

    NanoPC T4

    No need. Just edit /etc/default/cpufrequtils and lower MAX_SPEED following by: service cpufrequtils restart
  14. OK, just select the same default as you selected first. This default can be your wireless or wired connection, your gateway. But before you have to check if your wireless card runs AP without a problem. - you need to run dhcp server - nat translation - then hostapd But I am actually using the exact same scenario you want to run ... when I am on travel/holidays.
  15. Running two AP with this tool is not supported. It would require some RFC. You can connect as a STA to some network and running AP with another adaptor. That works.
  16. Application is disabled until text is polished out, than if will be limited only by content count, days as a member, ... Hacking and bringing boards to life is the funniest part But somebody, besides me, has to be accountable also for the not so fabulous and interesting work Not to mention dealing with idiots/spam on all levels, which came with the project recognition.
  17. 4.19.y is also patched at sorces level ... https://github.com/armbian/build/commit/e5b292799bdda76097367742653da9a3bd951086
  18. Added. https://github.com/armbian/build/commit/e5b292799bdda76097367742653da9a3bd951086 Thanks!
  19. Me neither - welcome to make that text a bit more diplomatic That's correct, but without data we can only guess (and waste more time). It's most likely a K4.19.y for XU4 which was downgraded to 4.14.y in the mean time and this error should go away.
  20. That's O.K. Huh, running low on ideas. Power the board on and see what is u-boot version ... Also provide armbianEnv.txt and boot.cmd content.
  21. I keep forgetting we already move DEV branch to 4.20.y, but haven't tried H6 support yet. Porting to 4.19.y ... not sure if there is a point in that and if I want to get my hands dirty
  22. Yes, it looks like all those wifi drivers needs some patching on 4.19.y Your workaround is correct one - staying on kernel 4.14.y until this issue is not resolved.
  23. You need to develop/port a kernel video driver first. See here: https://linux-sunxi.org/Linux_mainlining_effort#Status_Matrix Our support is a bit further, but not there yet. Perhaps another 3-6 months. If you want to speed this up a little: https://www.armbian.com/get-involved
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