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Everything posted by Igor

  1. https://github.com/armbian/build/commit/1b4990736d5b09bfbf5210ecacd9c92fbdaaa92d DEV branch is all yours
  2. This way: https://github.com/armbian/build/commit/1c3fde7d3b8f97a7acbd41d5513d73990e3c77e9
  3. I expect that it will be in around 2 months. Certainly not now. I did several sweeps and I always find something to fix - if you find something odd and you are sure what has to be done, simply send a PR. Since packages has different naming (except u-boot, kernel and dtb) upgrade is in fact optional.
  4. Move to 4.19.y and it should work as expected. It is available in beta.armbian.com repository for now. Beware that you are going into developer areas where things might be broken.
  5. Aha, didn't understand you correctly. Yes, perhaps that is a better option - to leave package as is, but move script to armbian-config.
  6. Because we have to learn on mistakes, not repeating them. You can easily deal with 1-2 issues which will come out of this situation, while for us this number can easily jump to several hundreds - considering lower quality and high count with Allwinner board. We can't deal with such situations.
  7. Since this operation is entirely manual - another option in the armbian-config "update boot scripts".
  8. They are: https://github.com/armbian/build/blob/master/lib/distributions.sh#L154-L155 What we miss is "update u-boot" from armbian-config.
  9. I suspect you were trying to do this with a kernel 3.4.y? That one is waaay too old for Docker. Whenever you are asking for help, please do provide logs that we know what you are talking about. Type: armbianmoninor -u and try to use armbian-config way of installing Docker which is tested way. But it can also be something else, like network related problems?
  10. https://github.com/armbian/build/commit/813f5e037cdbe62106fdfddf43238b30f73fe0f2 I assume it's nothing wrong if this is enabled on default, otherwise we need to add one IF sentence there.
  11. I see. It will work this way: https://github.com/armbian/build/blob/tvboxes/config/packages/99-board/dedicated/pinebook-a64/armbian.postinst.bash
  12. We don't deal with DACs or this DAC in particular. However, if you attach it to the board that has the same pinout, especially for I2S and if there is I2S support, then it might just work. If you need just some decent DAC and you do the wiring, there are plenty choices ... plug and play perhaps something like this https://www.friendlyarm.com/index.php?route=product/product&path=86&product_id=169 and Nanopi Neo. KALI addons (such as https://github.com/LionSec/katoolin) should work on all Debian based Armbian images.
  13. Because software development and item support is expensive and they have a limited amount that can be blasted on this. They still have to make a profit. Some help more, some nothing, but majority is done for free by the community. Linux is a community project per see and if you want a quality Linux, you have to do something about. Our capitalistic world function on the principle that winner takes it all - if you get a huge popularity and related big sales numbers, you don't need to give not a single dollar back to the community, while on the other hand, you have.
  14. Download it, move to nightly repository (armbian-config) and run apt-get update and upgrade and check kernel version. There are no vital changes anyway ... Can you help us? To move development further. Current H6 support is not finished. There is no HDMI support, there are problems with network, ...
  15. Currently, out of the box, it works on all Allwinner A10, A20, A64, H3 with legacy kernel and pre-installed mpv player. Ancient Cubietruck, 1st supported board, can easily handle 1080p ... for other platforms and modern kernel its somewhere between OOB and non existing ... It's some work while our resources are tiny.
  16. 1. Search uses Google search engine by default 2. Added Terms of use and Community guidelines to the footer. Permanent
  17. A quick note: I get 100MB/s reading, while writing goes sometimes down to 70-80MB/s.
  18. At this point I can only confirm that Armbian + Samba (with NanoPC T4 and Samsung PRO NvME SSD drive http://ix.io/1xgI) with install from Softy works 100Mb/s OOB. One core goes to 50% ... like nothing is happening.
  19. If you want to use Flash ... it can work with 32bit Chromium. There is a how-to on this forum https://forum.armbian.com/search
  20. You see only hardware costs and rant about support. We didn't sell you any HW and you don't pay for any services, "Hello Armbian" makes a debt. A small one, but when you multiply this by 1.000, 5.000 or 10.000 we come to a WTF number. Sometimes people's wishes represent a projects worth tens or hundred thousands of euros. They have no clue and they truly expect that "team armbian" will sort that out. For free. And we have to ground them, we have to kill their insane wishes / motivation since there is no other way. This is happening over and over. No need to have a bad day. If your contribution is positive, you cover your debt. If you rant, spam or want something, you are adding. This is how economical relations are made. They drive our world around. It sounds crazy but this its the truth: my job is to limit your spending on support since you are using our credit card. I do understand that. Many people do struggle. Perhaps our project also struggle? It creates roughly 10-20-50x more debt than we have income. The difference is covered with free work and private money earned elsewhere. How long we will be able to survive under such conditions? Dropping support is not popular decision - I know - but is related with lack of resources. Contributors on the other hand are happy with such decisions and their ranting "we support way too many boards" is for me more important than what users want. I only pointed you to the direction how you can change this - either by you dealing with this board or by contribution funds. 3rd options is that we forget talking about this ... Happy new year!
  21. Central part of support is communicating with users. That's why EOS/CSC exists. It's the area where nobody(or 3rd party in case of CSC) cares what's happening and this area can only continue to expand. Sometimes solutions are simple, sometimes complex, but somebody needs to pay attention, fix and comm with people. That today represent a not so small expense. I am currently spending hours for dealing with clients, "clients", friends, "friends" and users. It is communicating which nobody pays for. I can blow few hours, but not entire day(s).
  22. If one Banana must go, "complex" one goes first. IIRC there are issues with wifi in 4.19.y ... the rest is simple and must work. We can easily add a normal BPi there as well
  23. I am not familiar with motd service in details - you will have to look on your own - at least we identify the source of the problem. This usually takes much more time than the actual fixing. We only replace stock welcome message with ours but the motd service is stock Debian / Ubuntu. You have to check motd manual, reinstall package, check around for generic motd troubles. They are unrelated to Armbian as well as OMV, which drastically changes Armbian to suit their needs.
  24. SOC should be protected with throttling if we assume it works properly. At least on legacy kernel, while for mainline I won't put my hands in the fire. It's still under development and regressions are possible. It could also be something else, some dump component, PMIC. If you get time and will ...
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