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Everything posted by Igor

  1. Check your network equipment. Never experienced or heard for such troubles on Cubox.
  2. I did a quick test to confirm there is nothing wrong on our side. 1. Download latest Debian Stretch, setup AP within armbian-config, test AP with a phone, ... 2. Upgrade to latest Nightly packages and test AP. Working fine. If you use some manual operations, you have to know exactly what you are doing. Logs: http://ix.io/1q6A
  3. It's not about that. If something breaks, people start to complain to us even Canonical/Rockchip/* engineers fu**** up, most brave dare sending text and email. They don't understand that. That's why I am skeptical. Research this topic, prepare and convince more skeptical than me: Not important and not critical. Those wait more than a year to be fixed.
  4. Because we have enough of problems without this. - if there are lots of dependencies needed. No go. - if it works on arm and doesn't on arm64. No go. - if it works on Bionic but breaks on Stretch. No go.
  5. Fork: https://github.com/armbian/build and make changes. Then build Stretch and Bionic image, test if there are any problems, calculate image size diff and make a PR.
  6. We used to provide Ubuntu software center in the past but since it was broken on arm or arm64 there was no use to deal with it. You can try if it is fixed: https://delightlylinux.wordpress.com/2014/06/10/how-to-install-the-ubuntu-software-center-in-linux-mint-17 In case it bothers you that there is no software management and you want to see it, start maintaining: https://github.com/armbian/config
  7. https://www.realvnc.com/en/connect/download/vnc/raspberrypi/ But don't have any experiences. I use CLI most of the time.
  8. I just happen to install Debian Stretch on Cubietruck http://ix.io/1q4l and I can login as a root, while user login gives this in the logs: I experience the same problem in x86 Ubuntu and already wasted time on this ... and since it's impossible to fix all upstream problems, I won't proceed. Try VNC server or look deeper into the problem ...
  9. You can connect with root user while it doesn't work as a normal one. Fixing 3rd party user applications bugs is not a part of support and since unrelated to Cubietruck - moving to Peer to peer section.
  10. If you upgrade system packages (kernel) and if you login, it will tell you: "please reboot ..." This bug is present everywhere, except on images 5.60+ Bug is fixed with the upgrade and to avoid this problem to happen, images must be rebuild. At this point, it's less complicated than developing new way of UX.
  11. Most likely it lacks eMMC support in U-boot. Try recompiling image after: https://github.com/armbian/build/commit/0d5ffb519e089e841ccb6516272b8af1a2bf5834
  12. Legacy kernel is on the way to be dropped, development was abandoned long time ago. Old builds are also not supported by definition. I would need to do a research to be able to help you ... which is far away from free technical support. You are on your own here - use search if you can find something in the forum. Bluetooth is in general not very well supported: https://forum.armbian.com/topic/8544-bluetooth-initialization-timed-out-on-ap6212a-orange-pi-zero-plus2-h3/?do=findComment&comment=64632 but for mainline kernel it is also in our interest to sort it out. But there are not enough people for problems that pops up ...
  13. Not if you run apt update and upgrade and then proceed with a desktop install
  14. FriendlyARM uses very different setup. They have their own u-boot and kernel. My board works perfectly fine: http://ix.io/1q1R with this image: https://dl.armbian.com/nanopct3plus/Debian_stretch_next.7z Running low on ideas. It can be some different board revision. Have you tried to boot without anything attached? Power and serial console only. Do you have plus model - with 2G of memory? PSU = 5A SD card = Samsung EVO32GB
  15. The trick is that you need to supply logs when asking such questions. Always. Type: armbianmonitor -u Edit: It seems that we have a problem with wifi on kernel 4.14.y. Update image and switch to DEV kernel (4.18.y) within armbian-config and wireless will work.
  16. Perhaps this? https://github.com/friendlyarm/h3_lichee/commit/65550f9bdd79c90f59058fa4dfad4385837f8877
  17. That's fine but still someone needs to take care. We need people that will deal with those results before they get lots in a black hole called forum. Unfortunately we didn't cover that one, but AP6210 and some others ... Beside that, there are two versions of 6212A which needs different firmware. At least for wireless. It's a small mess. IMO, if you want to solve this, you "only" need a right portion of persistence. How-to is most likely present on this forum or can be found on the internet.
  18. Developing, testing and writing requires someone's time/effort. The problem is that it works on some boards, while it doesn't on others. This is community project and this way you can change things.
  19. https://github.com/armbian/config/blob/master/debian-config-functions#L597-L665
  20. Well, this is something we need to fix once. Better use our desktop (armbian-config -> system -> install desktop) which is more optimised than generic MATE.
  21. Is a network / Debian problem. Nothing to do with our installer.
  22. Both works. Just HDMI is temporally broken. And this is not a problem since H6 support is still in development and will remain there for several months.
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