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Everything posted by Igor

  1. @AlbertB Try attached kernel & dtb (dpkg -i *.deb). I think/hope problem is fixed. linux-dtb-next-sunxi_5.59_armhf.deb linux-image-next-sunxi_5.59_armhf.deb
  2. I could easily crash 4.14.y on Orangepi PC+ ... so it's clearly something wrong with this kernel. Debugging ...
  3. Don't have this board. Untested. https://dl.armbian.com/firefly-rk3399/
  4. This is exactly my first recommendation. Check our DEV, which is 4.18.5 ... 4.14.y has some issues which we are trying to find and fix. I have no idea how this system was put together. We support Armbian, not hardware. The serial console costs 2USD and would save us a lot of time.
  5. It looks like its broken upstream. Desktop with Chromium installed on CLI Bionic runs fine ... damn. This means you will need to install Chromium from elsewhere, from Ubuntu repository perhaps.
  6. I see ... I just test it on Orangepi PC+ with Ubuntu 18.04 and Chromium works fine, while it breaks on Debian Stretch (Opi One or PC+) ... it would not be the first time, that Chromium was broken upstream. I am investigating further.
  7. Please provide more information, which kernel and which u-boot at Archlinux, which on Cubeez (from 2014!). Talking about some other distribution names tells exactly nothing. In your case, serial console log (when it doesn't boot) would provide some valuable clues.
  8. Got it. I added a link to this thread in the download section.
  9. No, that just opens the possibility to build locked targets. Check the manual for other options. If you want to have your own sources and other things: https://docs.armbian.com/Developer-Guide_Build-Preparation/
  10. It shouldn't be. Can you provide a screenshot? Mobile phone photo is good enough. Strange. It shouldn't. Please also provide armbianmonitor -u
  11. Shell I revert last change and leave the previous version (https://dl.armbian.com/espressobin/u-boot/archive/4/) as default until this is resolved?
  12. Perhaps this is the problem: For serial console check http://linux-sunxi.org/UART
  13. That is supposed to be old news. I haven't got chance to test 4.18.y well ... only in a quick pre-release test. I notice most things are working but DVFS (regression) which is one of those nice to/must-have features. I notice SFP was properly detected, but link speed & reliability was not tested. Thank you for your support!
  14. It is impossible to satisfy everyone. We provide one (most optimal) desktop image for every board that is capable of running a desktop. Some people want Debian Stretch with desktop, others want Ubuntu. There are two versions of each. Next, we have different kernels which significantly influence overall (desktop) performance ... multiply this variety by about 70 different board models. That's why we provide this "upgrade to the desktop" within armbian-config which doesn't consume more bandwidth - a desktop image is bigger for approximately the size of this download. We put a lot of efforts to keep build script in a good shape that images can be rebuilt in any moment. To build yourself a combination that suits your need.
  15. I don't know what are you doing, but compilation works as expected - use menu driven since there were changes, NEXT was replaced with DEV. But I don't know if the board boots since we don't support it officially.
  16. I don't recall any board that has this feature functional. But I was never particularly interested in having RTC wake.
  17. How did you try? An armbian-config way was broken for Stretch and fixed a few hours ago. Try cloning https://github.com/armbian/config and run it again.
  18. A modern kernel is in development. We don't support it but you are welcome to send a PR with changes and it will be included.
  19. Merged. If you have some time, a how-to summary with possible limitations: https://github.com/armbian/documentation/blob/master/docs/Developer-Guide_Build-Options.md Thanks.
  20. If you are changing the script ... errors become your problem. What are you trying to achieve?
  21. That is still limited only to legacy kernels. Our desktop image with kernel 3.4.y should work out of the box - with preinstalled mpv.
  22. ARM platform is relevant. We had troubles in the past while it was working on x86.
  23. This image is not supported which means you are more or less on your own. Perhaps there will be others who will be interesting to push this board forward. We manipulate board functions with overlays, but A83T is not supported and we have no plans to devel that. This means you need to edit DT manually to enable/disable this and that. For wiring pi to work you will need to have patched kernel or patched wiring pi. Extra, since they, Banana folks, adjust it for their prehistoric kernel.
  24. Igor

    NanoPC T4

    https://forum.armbian.com/topic/8021-orange-pi-one-synaptic-package-manager-search-very-slow/ https://forum.armbian.com/topic/8043-orange-pi-one-general-performance-browser-performance/?do=findComment&comment=60618 I have to add here that I don't know how is with video acceleration in general with this board, so "playing outside the browser" might not solve anything ... yet. No, but start to use forum search first. We talked about many times: https://www.armbian.com/search I found both answers in less than 10seconds.
  25. Because 4.18.y is development kernel and not for end users. You need to build with extra parameter EXPERT="yes" and choose DEV kernel at kernel selection. Everything that its premade is there: https://dl.armbian.com/cubietruck/archive/
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