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Everything posted by Igor

  1. In current images, eth0 is still managed with ifupdown but for the future, we are moving to Network Manager. Old way of networking will remain supported but it will not be used by default anymore. Remove eth0 config from /etc/network/interfaces, restart and Network manager will take control over eth0 as well.
  2. Do you know which chip is used? I assume they used the same chips like in normal 2.5/3.5 SATA enclosures. Check here which are good and bad: http://linux-sunxi.org/USB/UAS https://forum.armbian.com/topic/1925-some-storage-benchmarks-on-sbcs/
  3. You can set it from a menu if you have exactly this Huawei 909 modem. I took the script from @Stanislav Sinyagin https://txlab.wordpress.com/ who is dealing more with those 3G/4G modems. Just try to make it up/down the same way.
  4. I see. The directly connected hard drive doesn't work for me as well, while it works over the self-powered hub: http://ix.io/1c70 This is a possible workaround until this is not resolved.
  5. Yes, we can drop this completely. One small note to the download page that it's still probably possible to build when setting a build script tag to "s500" or whatever will be used.
  6. What about this way: https://github.com/armbian/config/commit/433e49755c9f8b72eabded1de2b5ee64dde5edba
  7. With which kernel? I noticed that sometimes USB is not going op. Try to power cycle with attached HDD.
  8. Well, first try to boot with more verbosity, check where is default boot log going ... and paste what you get.
  9. Strange. You probably did it already but what about powering from USB2/3 port on the computer where you are attaching serial console? To have the same GND. Or just power via OTG port with mUSB?
  10. Yes. Of course. We also host daily made packages on beta.armbian.com repository, where you can try most recent kernels, u-boot and other packages ... but they are not tested. You can also switch between different kernels without burning a new image. Check armbian-config utility.
  11. Solved in a simple manner: https://github.com/armbian/build/commit/442ab52d3e821fac5453fb21ec2ab294acb53dfd
  12. Indeed. It was my first board and a reason that this project started I am also using TVheadend server but on some more powerful machine. Nanopi Neo with H5 with HTS Tvheadend 4.2.5-29~gd5ecf49 ... IPTV, no artifacts but sometimes I do have troubles with sound delay at the moment. Haven't got time to investigate. You can't downgrade Stretch to the old kernel since it's too old for Stretch ... but you can try this: change CPU governor to performance by editing /etc/default/cpufrequtils and follow by restarting this service or rebooting.
  13. When it is done is done. Armbian is not a professional service and we have no particular interest nor resources to deal with this function. A project is open and if this is your pain, you are welcome to join and try to move patches from NEXT to DEVelopment "today". Next kernel is planned when upstream 4.17.y - 4.18.y changes in the area of particular interests are significant enough to move forward. Anything else is unpaid education or throwing resources straight into the trash bin. Perhaps 2-3 months?
  14. Log issue is somehow solved, but not implemented. We need this major BSP scripting rework, splitting first. What @tkaiser already exposed. I read objections, have things in my mind at this stage but haven't moved forward with this. Waiting for the right moment to make the first move
  15. Patches to support this function are only available in the 4.14.y NEXT. They are not yet in the development branches and it's not a simple copy/paste job.
  16. In the end, we should make this configurable.
  17. Not with technology but you can ask him to change it.
  18. We support wireless adaptors which are on boards, we just don't support 3rd party hardware. That is mission impossible. With exception of OrangePi Zero / Nanopi Duo, which has some bad wifi chip, all works fine. You need to look for some "Linux compatibility lists" and/or buy what is supported. Rpi is popular but that doesn't mean it has an advantage in this area. I have a lot of wireless adaptors for testings and to try to make them work ... Some work fine on Linux, some don't.
  19. Which sunxi kernel are you talking about? H3 version must work while support for H5 is not existing. There is some Allwinner legacy kernel v3.10 but it is not supported and not possible to build just like that. It's dirty code with some Allwinner proprietary code. I answer only here: if I know the answer, want and have time for that. I don't deal with this at all but perhaps somebody else on the forum could add their experiences. I only know there is not possible on Allwinner with a modern kernel.
  20. H3 and old kernel. Yes, that is possible while on H5 we only have/use a modern kernel. And for it, there is no video acceleration support whatsoever. Yet.
  21. Yes. There are more options ... If your changes are generic, sent them upstream to our sunxi-next kernel configuration and you don't need to do anything.
  22. Those modules are disabled in configuration: https://github.com/armbian/build/blob/master/config/kernel/linux-rockchip-next.config#L4073 You need to make your own kernel: https://docs.armbian.com/Developer-Guide_Build-Preparation/ and push your changes (basically only your new updated kernel config file linux-rockchip-next.config) to our build script that you don't lose your changes on next kernel upgrade. New kernel packages you made is installable with: dpkg -i newkernel_and_dtb_package_as_well.dtb + reboot (then go to armbian-config and freeze kernel that its not overwritten with our stock if you forget to send us changes) It shouldn't be to hard.
  23. Wrong. It is Linux versus Windows. If dongle works well on Rpi it usually works well on other Linux devices, especially in a situation, we have here - modern kernel. If dongle has good support in official Rpi "Linux kernel" then it can be easily ported to official Linux kernel (www.kernel.org), where our sources mostly come from. If you can't live with this, you need to switch back to Windows or buy what is recommended. But even then you might have troubles.
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