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Everything posted by Igor

  1. Officially not, but someone has added configuration and it's possible to build. It is untested but worth trying. You need to add those two parameters to the default-config: LIB_TAG="development" EXPERT="yes" The rest is default: https://docs.armbian.com/Developer-Guide_Build-Preparation/
  2. Self-build works fine. I updated images in the download section. Debian Stretch image was tested.
  3. Try switching to the beta repository, reboot and try again. Have you done any modifications to /boot section?
  4. Video drivers are not yet fully developed and stable. We manage to put things together to have at least some HDMI output ... while full DRM capable and bug fixed video driver is coming to 4.17 - 4.18 http://linux-sunxi.org/Linux_mainlining_effort#Merged_into_4.17 Current support is as is. H5 images are experimental and we have pretty good functioning for such state.
  5. Split optimizations part into /etc/init.d/armhwopti with optional configuration in /etc/default/armhwopti ? This way as it is now in activate_zram() we don't need any 3rd party utility, right? And it should work in Debian and Ubuntu where a kernel has supports ZRAM? I agree with compressing something that is already compressed is stupid. Logrotate has some interesting options (olddir directory: Logs are moved into directory for rotation.). I will examine if they can be used for this purpose.
  6. That would be cool, yes. Now how to implement it most sane way?
  7. What about solving ramlog this way: - added cronjob on every 15 minutes - if space is 75% full do: logrotate --force /etc/logrotate.d/ write to SD card truncate and remove files It is better than now. Good enough for defaults?
  8. I guess we learned something. ... and let's not do bigger changes for a while We have to do something with armhwinfo / zram-zswap / firstrun stuff, which might count as a bigger change, while the rest can wait. Some updating to the stable base should happen once before summer time. Now master and development are even. Shell we drop development and move activities back to master?
  9. A beta repository is broken atm due to some maintenance. Perhaps that is the problem? Wait for a while or switch to stable repository.
  10. Perhaps true on current images. The case is I reworked and it should work on self-made images via Network manager. Security wise we could improve, sure. A lot of decisions are based on trust since they require less mental energy. I have been fooled and made a mistake. Since we have moved to development branch and this is reworked there, there is no need to revert the PR now. Or is? Well, that might be already too complex for many people ... while passwords are plain text in the profile.
  11. Don't worry. It works You only need to run hostapd with multiple configuration files.
  12. Armbian Bionic stock settings are set to Network manager override: https://github.com/armbian/build/blob/development/lib/distributions.sh#L278-L282 /etc/netplan/armbian-default.yaml network: version: 2 renderer: NetworkManager ... which means the default/preferred way of connecting to the wireless (nmtui-connect) works out of the box. On the other hand, Netplan is quite handy.
  13. Those images are a pile of crap and not supported. Hit the download button above or just pick your board here: https://www.armbian.com/download/?tx_maker=xunlong Then proceed with https://docs.armbian.com/User-Guide_Getting-Started/ and if nothing will work out, we might help you. If you would read at least comments below http://www.instructables.com/id/Orange-Pi-PC-Get-Started/ you would already do that.
  14. Yes, you do. Sometimes, rarely we push update only to some critical sections. In this case, only armbian-config was updated, while Armbian internal number or a majority of packages remained the same. A version number is taken from BSP (board support package). This means it won't change until that package gets an update. This usually happens at the major upgrade. Nothing to worry. If you find some specific problem with armbian-config, the best way is to open an issue ticket here: https://github.com/armbian/config/issues
  15. Agree. Technical wise this looks very nice, while the rest. Time will tell. We have spoken Hauk!
  16. There will be more and more vendors using ARMBIAN as a reference because good support is one of the most important selling points. They will use "Armbian (will) support(s) ..." in their sales speeches even it's a complete fiction. Sales are not engineering We can't do anything if they use that. A threshold for legal actions for abusing trademark is pretty high, it is a lot of work and it is not worth the troubles. It's sad that they (and others) will just use this solo for their gain without asking and giving something in return.
  17. Switched. Let's see if it's any better but ... they can disable it.
  18. I think all Odroid's have 1.8V TTL logic https://forum.odroid.com/viewtopic.php?f=53&t=4758
  19. With serial console to see if thingie was booted with a new u-boot. I assume you don't have one?
  20. DEVICE=/dev/mmcblk1 dpkg -i linux-u-boot-next-odroidc2_5.45_arm64.deb
  21. OK and check PCB. I've moved related posts to a separate thread.
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