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Everything posted by Igor

  1. Good! Kernel power the board(s) low-level functions. Not bash scripts (Dietpi). Its Armbian kernel in both cases. https://stackoverflow.com/questions/12132260/what-is-the-difference-between-shell-kernel-and-api
  2. Nothing obvious in the logs. Is your USB hub self powered?
  3. BTW. C2 boots with 2018.03 (with additional patch) but needs more testing. Dunno if everything is ok.
  4. The most important information is missing: armbianmonitor -u .... also refference to Dietpi is useless. Which kernel, that are you using on RPi, is good with the card. Try changing governor: nano /etc/default/cpufrequtils GOVERNOR=performance service cpufrequtils restart And also try older kernel 3.4.113 ...
  5. O.K. I can only put this to the known bug list for now. Most likely settings got messed up. Better just use 4.14.y until this is fixed - you can run the latest image but only downgrade kernel. If you have time and knowhow to investigate, here are working sources for reference http://apt.armbian.com/pool/main/l/linux-source-4.14.14-next-cubox/
  6. There are no known upgrade problems with BananaPi boards. You will need to provide more/all possible data, verbose serial logs, ... Can you try the same on another (good) SD card?
  7. Understand. But what did you run before, exactly which kernel? I know that we have 4.16.8 now. Can you run armbianmonitor -u to see logs of the working system.
  8. On which kernel? If I understand correctly ... Cubox booted to new system fine, only audio was missing?
  9. Yes. But also a normal build can be upgreaded to latest beta build. Wrote on mobile
  10. You can try to boot manually but later you need to downgrade u-boot. I am already fixing things in the repository. http://apt.armbian.com/pool/main/l/linux-u-boot-cubox-i-next/ .35 = ok .38 = broken
  11. https://docs.armbian.com/User-Guide_Allwinner_overlays/
  12. That was added. I rebuilt nightly images almost for all boards. To test build system features and that anyone with any board can join testing. Images have to be browsed on dl.armbian.com Also remade: - Espressobin - C2 - Cubox (due to the bug in NEXT u-boot)
  13. Try this. Insert SD card on some Linux computer and flash attached files: dd if=SPL of=/dev/SD_CARD_DEVICE bs=512 seek=2 status=noxfer dd if=u-boot.img of=/dev/SD_CARD_DEVICE bs=1K seek=42 status=noxfer Make sure you flash SDcard and not your hard drive. Device name on your computer will be something like /dev/sdb or /sdbc ... SPL u-boot.img
  14. Mine is also on the way and I will have one spare.
  15. This feature is currently under testing. It should/might work if you switch to the beta repository. User armbian-config -> system ... or on some generic manual way.
  16. Igor

    New forum UI!!

    Unfortunately, this property is not possible to change in admin. I can only request this feature to be added once or dive into the code ... The only problem is with my direct shortcut to the forum ... if I go to the forum that way it stuck. If I go from the main menu and then choosing armbian, it works. So far other function works.
  17. This tool is beta and second, AP config done this way might work or not. It depends on your wifi adapter drivers (which we don't support in any case) and possible bugs .. since it's a beta tool. It has been tested with many adaptors ... but still, it can break.
  18. Did you use "development" branch, NEXT and you come out with kernel 4.14.40? I just made an image and it sometimes hangs on boot. I tried XU4 and HC1 ... I am still investigating what's wrong. Well, we seek "board data maintainers" and Rock64 is free of duties, also Odroids It's little work but you need to be up2date with the board. Keep the data accurate here: https://www.armbian.com/rock64/, perhaps add some valuable info or links like https://www.armbian.com/pine64/ (but not that much) and keep that up to date. I am your backup in case you can't follow up or mixup something. You can recommend and rearrange recommended images, but they have to exist on the dl.armbian.com first. Stable images are done manually by me, while you can enable/disable beta images at any time and they are remade in next rebuild cycle. Usually in less than 24h. CLI_BETA_TARGET="jessie,xenial,stretch,bionic:next" This would build both Debian and both Ubuntu images with NEXT (4.14.y) kernel. In case you are up for this, I'll make your login credentials to the webpage.
  19. Actually not. I test the latest build and something is wrong ...
  20. Odroid XU images can be rebuild. I'll do them. They can't be worse than current and stock.
  21. Nightly versions are released virtually every day. https://forum.armbian.com/topic/2422-more-proper-testing-better-armbian-experience/?tab=comments#comment-17455 You can use armbian-config -> system -> Nightly
  22. In case automatic way is not working ... you need to proceed manual way (https://www.google.com/search?q=access+point+debian) or try updating to beta/nightly repository, update and do it again. Perhaps this problem is already fixed in the development version ...
  23. Branch "development" is fixed. It should work now: https://github.com/armbian/build/commit/cd4f7d2423b84b3cf3ddf6e6bdc0344f3200a5d7
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