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Everything posted by Igor

  1. @kukulo @ZupoLlask @MrRady try those: Lime 2 and this image: https://dl.armbian.com/lime2/nightly/Armbian_5.37.180117_Lime2_Debian_stretch_next_4.14.13.7z boots this way: http://ix.io/EcP Lime 1 and this image: https://dl.armbian.com/lime/nightly/Armbian_5.37.180117_Lime_Ubuntu_xenial_next_4.14.13.7z boots this way: http://ix.io/EcQ HDMI connected or not it boots perfectly fine.
  2. 1. Update your system to latest (apt update & apt upgrade) 2. Go to armbian-config (apt install armbian-config if its not there) -> system -> Switch (to alternative kernels) -> choose NEXT A process is tested on most recent builds, while on some very old builds + update it might produce some troubles.
  3. Well, I thought this problem was fixed since it was working for me ... Reopening: https://github.com/armbian/build/issues/770
  4. It is possible that a driver in the new kernel is broken to some extend. The situation with those wireless chips is awful but I suspect you are running into a problem, that network-manager does not let you use your adaptor. You need to add wlx0013ef6c46e3 to ignored interfaces. I am also not sure you need a special realtek-hostapd for this adaptor. Try both methods. echo "[keyfile]" > /etc/NetworkManager/conf.d/10-ignore-interfaces.conf echo "unmanaged-devices=interface-name:wlx0013ef6c46e3" >> /etc/NetworkManager/conf.d/10-ignore-interfaces.conf service network-manager restart An armbian-config method should take care of this, but it also has some rough edges when setting AP. In any case, I recommend you an upgrade to something like this. A class better than 8192.
  5. Add it to BSP? https://github.com/armbian/build/tree/master/packages/bsp/common
  6. No, problems were actually on both kernels, but manifestation was different. Stable branch does not contain a fix yet, while beta should. I tested on my Lime2 and it is booting fine. You need to change u-boot: Lime2 https://beta.armbian.com/pool/main/l/linux-u-boot-lime2-next/ or Lime1 https://beta.armbian.com/pool/main/l/linux-u-boot-lime-next/
  7. Problems were not with NEXT (4.14.y) branch but default 3.4.113 Lime1 U-boot: https://beta.armbian.com/pool/main/l/linux-u-boot-lime-default/linux-u-boot-lime_5.37.180112_armhf.deb Kernel and headers: https://beta.armbian.com/pool/main/l/linux-upstream/linux-image-sun7i_5.37.180112_armhf.deb https://beta.armbian.com/pool/main/l/linux-upstream/linux-headers-sun7i_5.37.180112_armhf.deb
  8. Because it was built with a proper support. What you are asking is enough work for a serious project, not something that we could fix on a side. OSMC, https://osmc.tv is a good example of this. It looks seemingly big project while their "single task" is to make KODI working on top of Debian base. It looks it runs smoothly, but only on Rpi, Vero and Apple. At least not for KODI. Even H3 boards are better for this since we have a good working (older) version of Openelec. Software support is making electronics useful. Remember that before buying some fancy TV box claiming super specs while running crappy Android without getting an update.
  9. Video acceleration works only with preinstalled mplayer as a demonstration and can be probably used as a player within KODI. But this is out of my interest area - never done it. Youtube the same. There is some ytplayer which plays the stream on mplayer and again, it works accelerated.
  10. And I tend to be even too optimistic sometimes This kernel is the best (modern) what is out there and it's unfortunately not ready for production. If you need this hardware with this kernel you need to use SD card and fast USB storage or try to hire competent people to fix those problems now and hope this is all that is critical for your case. Stock 3.14.y ... where large eMMC probably work just fine. Amlogic hired some people to do the hard job, but development takes time: Kernel we provide is a mixture of this work plus our, from Hardkernel and from random people.
  11. You need to invest into 2-3USD value hardware. http://linux-sunxi.org/UART
  12. Yes. On a modern kernel, which is still under testing (!), this problem (filesystem corruption) surfaced on some eMMC cards. My 8G eMMC, which I use for testings, and few SD cards work like charm. Hardkernel is also aware of this problem, but I am not sure if any solution exists since it was discovered two weeks ago.
  13. OK. I'll check the build once again on my board ASAP. Serial console log - if possible - would help.
  14. And this is the only possible way. There is nothing you can do if people do not provide arm/arm64 binaries. KODI is not a simple to install not even on x64 Intel platform. Regarding RDP. Strange. I can connect from Windows 7 machine to all those boards without a problem. Is this a issue with Win 10? Thank you for your compliments. We will try to improve the system, but we can't do much about 3rd party software which might not provide arm packages. I also hate this fact sometimes.
  15. That is a good first step, but it does not relieve you from all problems. Read the whole text about SD cards again. Hint: fake card can be bought also on Amazon.
  16. Ethernet speed was tested and it seems normal, while I forgot to test wifi for speed.
  17. Switch to the beta repository, update and install them. H3 is testing in any case.
  18. If BSP is missing you need to build one with our build tools or better ... remind that it's not working and we fix this
  19. This kind of building is not supported and probably won't work, rather stick to some - proven to work/recommended - virtualized method.
  20. This looks like bad SD card to me. Can you try with some other (brand)?
  21. https://github.com/armbian/build/commit/8dae7b88f4cf67c825d049d528306e168354c333 (ignore the first hunk. Thereby accident) If building succeeds, will be available in tomorrows beta repository.
  22. Manually (re)install BSP: No, it's a problem on our side. It looks like script makes only those which are enabled in a config: https://github.com/armbian/build/blob/master/config/boards/bananapi.conf#L9 (this works) and zeroplus targets hasn't been set. A small RFC and it should be fine.
  23. You could install a desktop on top of this ... but rather start with this: https://dl.armbian.com/tinkerboard/Debian_stretch_next_desktop.7z
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