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Everything posted by Igor

  1. It installs fine on Ubuntu Xenial - I am using it and I reinstall it last month since I moved to H5 powered board. Install part is very simple. You need to ask TVheadend creator(s), why it is not working on Debian. Not really our problem. All I can do is to remove it from our install menu for Debian users. https://www.google.com/search?q=debian+stretch+tvheadend
  2. Already fixed (execute chmod -x /etc/cron.d/armbian-updates; service cron restart) but we need to push out a new update when possible.
  3. Strange. What you have on: ifconfig Try changing CPU governor. I know it's probably unrelated but ... edit /etc/defalt/cpufrequtils and change to performance restart service service cpufrequtils restart
  4. You have been using a deprecated theme. Fixed.
  5. If you used our installer, then do this: sudo apt update sudo apt install tvheadend and paste what you get and remember to paste URL from armbianmonitor -u since without this, a problem does not exist.
  6. 1. Freezing u-boot source separately (per board) to the particular version and keep old patches? 2. Moving older/rear boards more radically out to deprecated section with frozen only u-boot and kernel deb package? 3. Improve testing protocols?
  7. Check "more download options" ... I added Stretch nightly build but it's untested.
  8. http://linux-sunxi.org/File:ORANGE_PI-ZERO-PLUS2_V1_0.pdf On in 8/10 is UART2
  9. Haven't seen Wifi support but its probably doable (probably undeveloped, which means some hard work has to be done) ... In general, wired network support is at best and also I am not sure if this is enabled on all devices. This feature is not that much important to our case. This should also work if you boot from the network.
  10. Just a small note. There is some odd bug/regression in the latest update. It also affects PCduino boards - board refuse to boot without HDMI attached to. Will be fixed eventually. Those?
  11. I am not sure if this problem is specific to Armbian nor Orangepi. Moving to Peer to Peer section.
  12. Installer within armbian-config is done to cover all possible 1st install cases. It's is not a backup/restore utility and will not be. You can clone your good SD media setup with some clone programs on your desktop computer ... but set up a system from scratch is always the best way to go, especially if you are not a skilled Debian Linux user.
  13. Igor


    AFAIK no. None of those board has OpenGL but some light/limited version called OpenGLES. Anything from what you see now is not well developed except there could be plugins for the browser(s) which would redirect URL to mplayer which plays accelerated video. There is also some application/youtube browser which is little better and executes mplayer by default.
  14. This was referring only to a quoted problem "armbianmonitor returns 500", while the rest is a low priority. Board kernel is still in the development phase which means there is no support/you are on your own if you try to use it.
  15. Well, it could be some temporal setback. The kernel used in Armbian is more advanced, modern and I haven't heard of such problems. Check most recent one and then we could look into it if the problems are still present.
  16. https://github.com/armbian/build/commit/7f2337ed538abcbc09845617c2cc0ba0522ed25a
  17. At this point, I can only suggest you to rollback to the previous version. We haven't found a solution/implementation for this: https://github.com/armbian/build/issues/770
  18. Igor


    By downloading Ubuntu legacy desktop version and using external ytplayer or similar external players. They can work with HW acceleration while browsers does not support HW acceleration. It also won't work on your self-installed xfce4 since you need video acceleration drivers. MALI has nothing to do with video acceleration. It is a 3D engine useful for gaming, running KODI user interface/menus etc.
  19. Perhaps with UDEV rules? https://askubuntu.com/questions/81648/how-do-i-change-spoof-my-mac-address-and-easily-switch-between-multiple-ones
  20. Yes, but I am afraid it is not much you can do. Try modern kernel or use the board with a decent wireless chip. It is virtually impossible to find worse than this one. Most of the people stopped wasting time on anything related to Orangepi zero xradio chip/driver. A long time ago and especially on the old EOL kernel.
  21. Thanks. It will be investigated when possible. Please use:
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