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Everything posted by Igor

  1. Kernel 4.13 went out for testing a week ago. Avaliable only for some boards at this moment.3.4 and update to NEXT kernel when it go out to stable repository? Wrote on mobile
  2. All armbian kernels support fbtft for years. Wrote on mobile
  3. https://docs.armbian.com/Developer-Guide_Build-Preparation/ Enable, build (with parameter KERNEL_CONFIGURE="yes") and(or) send a patch upstream or wait few days that its added ... under the condition that only enabling is needed. We rebuild all kernels daily and you can find them in beta.armbian.com repository.
  4. There is something wrong with this/those patches: https://github.com/armbian/build/commit/3b4d3729d7495a4023c1901771a22b7f02ad8159 I remove them for now and now you should be able to compile without problems.
  5. No problem. It's a lot of confusion in our world ... so another small clarification might be on the spot here. Raspbian is another trick used by the board maker marketing departments to suggest RPi compatibility while it's just this immature kernel we are talking about and Raspbian userspace.
  6. I hope you didn't miss this answer? FriendlyARM did not change anything relevant regarding the kernel since it was released, about 2-3 years ago. They are using stock Allwinner SDK which is in a terrible state. In Spanish article is used our kernel - as it is used in most cases since it's in the far better state. Also userspace. Literally years ago we also started with that Allwinner kernel, more precisely we took a kernel that was already slightly fixed and invested "thousands of hours" over the top to make it usable, remove bugs, add functionality, ... You are welcome to use whatever kernel/image you like but not expect our support for that since it ends with our PGP signed images. For many reasons. You will also not get any support for this image from their creators. You are deciding between minefield of troubles with no help VS https://www.armbian.com/download with ours and community help.
  7. You won't. It's glued with u-boot and changing any parameter is not very user-friendly: https://github.com/friendlyarm/h3_lichee. This kernel has only few screen sizes and certainly no utility for changing. Some time ago, this was hacked and brought to script.bin loading more human way.
  8. OK, it's not the most obvious problem. Try to recreate some other kernel (bananapi legacy for example) to see if the same problem manifests there to narrow down the nature of the problem. Just peek into resulting deb file.
  9. No. FriendlyARM produces nice boards but their software support is very basic. Some would simply say - it sucks. They use the kernel from chip maker which never received any fix or update. It's a common "feature" of most board makers since they usually can't allocate/afford to provide good (Linux = community-based) software on their own. It costs much more than designing a hardware. Armbian project was started because there is a need. A need to have a good, much better Linux on those boards than board makers can provide. (initially, there was a personal need only for one particular board) In Allwinner community I have to mention a group/project Linux- sunxi who is focused mostly on low-level drivers and mainlining. Armbian is somehow mixed with this group since we do similar stuff but our focus goes from kernel drivers to userspace. Our output is a clean Debian like Linux distribution and powerful tools to make it. The result is on a much higher level than anything from board makers whatever they name it: Raspbian, Ubuntu Core, ... and even something provided from mainstream distributions. That latter is anyway barely existing. Bottom line. You are wasting time using their images. They have to make them to sell boards which apparently can run "Debian" "Ubuntu" or whatever but after that ... they move to new design. Community/we support boards for years. For example, we still support Cubietruck, which is already around for 4 years and H3 chip will surely be supported many many years. It's popular. Modern kernel (4.13.x) is getting on those boards which means another big jump forward. Board makers are not much present in this game.
  10. You can run it safely from SD card and when we solve this, move to SSD. Only reserve one big enough partition for system on your SSD. Wrote on mobile
  11. What log files? Which Armbian? Where did you download it? Was it authentical?
  12. Igor

    Usb Issue

    Opi Zero 2+ does not have USB connectors. If a connector is not there is (usually) disabled by default. It's a matter of user configuration. It's not a bug and it's not related to USB on Nanopi NEO with modern kernel ...
  13. I recompile from latest sources but the problem remains.
  14. I can confirm that we have a problem and I'll take a look into this.
  15. No. It should go well. huh Please provide all possible logs, that we can inspect. I will also try to replicate this ASAP. Exactly which image you were using and which filesystem type did you choose?
  16. You mean without SD card? Not possible.
  17. Try to type this before starting a script: export ARCH=arm or rather try this driver / proven method instead: https://docs.armbian.com/User-Guide_Advanced-Features/#how-to-build-a-wireless-driver Add: or simply download the latest modern kernel image and it will most likely work out of the box. https://dl.armbian.com/nanopineo/Ubuntu_xenial_next_nightly.7z
  18. Please check and provide files in output/debug
  19. Igor

    Usb Issue

    Nanopi Neo modern kernel was never released by Armbian. There was only some development builds ... Try recent 4.13.x kernel. https://dl.armbian.com/nanopineo/nightly/ we moved here few days ago and images need testing and minor fixing. If USB is not working it's probably just not enabled in DT.
  20. SD cards die and their dead usually manifest this way. Sooner or later. I have a bunch of dead ones around and they are not even 2 years old. http://amzn.to/2fDJVlw
  21. Nightly builds were removed because people started to use them for real and keep asking why this and that is not working. That is only killing our precious time and doesn't help anything since most of the issues are known and waiting to be fixed. Sometimes it takes months before some issues are resolved. Mainline kernel for H3/H5/A64 is close to being released but it is not yet fully done and it is not tested. We are about 1 month away from releasing it. What can you do now? Build on your own and be ready for some issues and upgrade to stable later ... or wait.
  22. https://apt.uk.armbian.com https://beta.uk.armbian.com https://dl.uk.armbian.com Up and ready, thanks to @botfap. Will be put to the real action ASAP.
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