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Everything posted by Igor

  1. Last time (few days ago) I was checking latest Nightly https://dl.armbian.com/nanopiair/nightly/ and wireless was working out of the box.
  2. Why? You choose to use development / preview / beta kernel, where things are clearly not ready yet. Old stock legacy kernel is a better choice. Edit: I moved all H2/H3/A64 images with kernel 4.x to nightly section since you probably failed to read the text below download link: "Images were built from development branch."
  3. https://forum.armbian.com/index.php/topic/3466-mac-adress-of-my-opi-pc-has-changed/
  4. ... setenv video-mode sunxi:1920x1080-24@60,monitor=hdmi,hpd=0,edid=0 setenv rootfstype "ext4" saveenv You need to save uboot environment and it will manifest at second reboot. First saves, second make action. U-boot must have those parameters before reading boot script ...
  5. If you are doing upgrade, it can't work properly. It was clarified in another post - since you also need more recent boot script and DTB which is in repository doesn't have Ethernet enabled. It's only present in download image where you will have network + all cores and further upgrades will work. Remember, it's still developing kernel, which need further testing - there are bugs and limitations.
  6. I just did: - burn Armbian 5.20 (Armbian Xenial CLI) to SD card - login, create user and run nand-install - reboot - apt update & upgrade - rebooted many times just to make sure Everything is fine ... except known bugs. When you do such upgrades, be prepared and it's safer to acknowledge or show errors (than we can fix them if they are ours) to us before reboot.
  7. U-Boot 2012.07-00008-ge2d58a1-dirty (Aug 08 2014 - 20:57:19) for Exynos5422 If you wrote our image to eMMC (via SD card adapter), how is possible that you got this u-boot? Our u-boot has such prompt: U-Boot 2012.07 (Feb 06 2017 - 16:16:49) for Exynos5422 I will also get eMMC, but it will take some time ...
  8. Can you provide build date of your image. We forgot to include video acceleration packages in first build batch, so you could install broken image. If: cat /etc/armbian.txt | grep Build doesn't show 5.2.2017, you need to download image once again, otherwise ... we have a problem. Kodi will not just run. Use Openelec.
  9. It's a common opensource amateur project - you are welcome to fix it too: https://docs.armbian.com/Process_Contribute Otherwise just report and wait until is fixed. No other way. Absolutely normal.
  10. Article about Armbian in local / Balcan / Yu computer magazine, Serbian language. selection.pdf http://www.sk.rs/2017/02/sklp03.html http://www.sk.rs/2017/02/sklp04.html
  11. Well, its nice to hear that it survive this much upgrade ... but we have a problem with recent build which is single EXT4 partition and we changed boot scripts, boot loader received one patch ...
  12. Nothing is missing. https://docs.armbian.com/Hardware_Allwinner/#how-to-reconfigure-video-output
  13. @Nerten This does not look to be Armbian boot, at least no recent. This is how it looks like on SD card: I need bootlog from any of those images: https://www.armbian.com/odroid-xu4 written on eMMC. Well, in worse case I'll need to get eMMC and see what's going on
  14. H3 is not yet fully mainlined. We don't use main branch, but development (as stated at download page: Images were built from developement branch.). Nanopi neo from download section has working Ethernet. Tested. BTW: update will fail to bring Ethernet ATM.
  15. Yes, but I am not a god There are things that I simply don't know or would need to waste a lot of time to dig for info and give it to you. I don't provide manual Google service. Try using our search: https://www.armbian.com/search_gcse/
  16. Check this one, with network manager: http://forum.odroid.com/viewtopic.php?f=52&t=25472&sid=84d2b8f1e7ad477e9907591eb7fb030d
  17. Well, if this doesn't help, than I don't know. Mainline H3 kernel is in development phase and can work nice one day and can be completely broken the other day.
  18. None of mentioned thing eats much time., login takes around 1-2 seconds on an fully booted system. Measured on old A20 board ... (only) when system still loads, this can takes 10s or more.
  19. Remove armbian-firmware or firmware-ralink and double check if needed file exists before reboot. Make sure that apt update finished properly, without error code.
  20. Can you provide your network configuration, possible boot logs too.
  21. We can't start to resolve this: - without any logs or - without possibility to reproduce and catch logs. I don't have eMMC card for XU4
  22. I have no idea what you did wrong at self compiled - most likely you failed at writing stage. For diagnosing the problem, you need to provide build logs and you need to do more tests, not just one. What hardware you have is pretty much irrelevant - just follow the guideline: https://github.com/igorpecovnik/lib#how-to-build-my-own-image-or-kernel
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