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Everything posted by Igor

  1. There are at least two audio devices - default is analogue so you need to select HDMI. http://wiki.lemaker.org/BananaPro/Pi:Audio
  2. I am almost sure that this is not supported under Vanilla kernel. Next. You need to use the exact kernel which support bins were build for. Unfortunately kernel, for which support currently exists, is broken in some other areas - wireless, pci. If this is not a problem, than proceed with this guide and make sure you activate boot from kernel which will install with this process. It's not a perfect not fully tested solution and working only under Debian Jessie.
  3. Igor

    Uboot bad CRC

    That's perfectly OK http://www.denx.de/wiki/view/DULG/WarningBadCRCUsingDefaultEnvironment
  4. GPIOs are accessible by default but the numbers are different than on old kernel. Check the link in my post before with title: "Accessing the GPIO pins through sysfs with mainline kernel" If you are using some interface like python, than you need to check how that lib was made. ... you can skip all the trouble if you use old / legacy kernel.
  5. nice job. OK, a lot of diffs are M to Y ... any reason why shouldn't we leave those as modules?
  6. Can you point out exactly which image / kernel have you used and which pcDuino do you have? Generic info / help you can find here: http://linux-sunxi.org/GPIO
  7. /tmp & /log = RAM, ramlog app saves logs to disk daily and on shut-down (Wheezy and Jessie w/o systemd) automatic IO scheduler. (check /etc/init.d/armhwinfo) journal data writeback enabled. (/etc/fstab) commit=600 to flush data to the disk every 10 minutes (/etc/fstab) It's the same as on SD card except without data=writeback ... It can be done harsher but on behalf of security.
  8. Sure, it was added. https://github.com/igorpecovnik/lib/commit/27f5bd53033c3558545a049c81af27f058d84440
  9. I would like to know myself even I don't see anything except ntpd related here.
  10. Show us debug log to see what's wrong.
  11. I would start with different version of Tvheadend ... regarding DVB drivers, also possible. Are you perhaps running irqbalance or any other services? I am using TVHeadend on Wheezy with 3.4.x kernel (Build: 3.4~wheezy) ... for year(s) and it never failed.
  12. https://github.com/igorpecovnik/lib/blob/master/scripts/nand-sata-install/usr/lib/nand-sata-install/nand-sata-install.sh#L7-L9 I think the branch for A20 is: sunxi-nand
  13. Images and full support will appear when we will be satisfied with quality / stability for headless usage. Currently we don't have network support and we don't know if things are truly stable. I would not use H3 in productive environment for next 1-2 months but since I just started to dig more into those Oranges don't take this as too serious. Check also this (similar) Olimex board - its open hardware and therefore it will get better support: https://olimex.wordpress.com/2016/02/03/h3-olinuxino-nano-is-only-50x50-mm-but-has-everything-one-computer-must-have/
  14. So you do get output if running scripts manually? ./30-sysinfo Edit /etc/init.d/armhwinfo Remove this part: echo "" > /var/run/motd.dynamic toilet -f standard -F metal "$ID" >> /var/run/motd.dynamic echo -e "Welcome to \e[0;31mARMBIAN\x1B[0m ($DISTROID $DISTROCODE $KERNELID)" >> /var/run/motd.dynamic echo "" >> /var/run/motd.dynamic and remove /var/run/motd.dynamic and /etc/bash.bashrc.custom Try restarting ...
  15. Basic things (what I have tested) are working but we need to do more tests. I think fiber is not done yet since there some patches left behind and need to be fixed. Will do that in next update. Stability in 4.4.x needs to be tested ... It can be a router, NAS and also SOHO application server.
  16. There will be base upgrade but far from soon. I have not even think about since I tend to stay away from testing stuff at least on one level Conceptually is prepared for adding new release but it's not plain simple nor documented yet. Thank for compliments.
  17. http://www.armbian.com/clearfog/ 3.10.96 and 4.4.1 Jessie and Trusty
  18. Some errors are normal since RAMlog is not compatible ... the question is - was ramlog removed after reboot?
  19. Only remove the ramlog package. It's not compatible with systemd ... it's also safe to ignore. Thanks.
  20. I accidentally (hard) crashed the WEB server so a post or two might be gone BTW: the reason was micro USB power short on common PSU which causes reset on devices which ware not backed with battery
  21. Than rather go for some better HW - Clearfog or similar. You got 6 + 1 + fiber and two places for wireless modules that actually works. All those USB adapters are mostly not usable or performing bad especially in AP mode.
  22. This ENJC modules were designed to connect micro controllers to Ethernet, to exchange small amount of data. Speed is low, as you can see in the "how to" article. Well, if you want to do experiments and play, why not.
  23. Script doesn't have support for upgrades different than Allwinner boards so it can't work. Try manual way with help of this, install new packages from repository, remove conflicting prior to install might be necessary. http://www.armbian.com/kernel/ Use proper boot script - place https://raw.githubusercontent.com/igorpecovnik/lib/master/config/boot-cubox.cmd to /boot/boot.cmd recompile
  24. Those upgrades are critical but if this problem is the only one ... I would suggest you to wait until next update which will be in 1-2 weeks. The reason is that this update changes this MOTD part to more resilient / compatible way and bring some new stuff. http://forum.armbian.com/index.php/topic/602-new-motd-for-ubuntudebian/?p=4218 If you want to DIY: - download those files - place them into /etc/updated-motd.d - create this symbolic link: ln -fs /var/run/motd /etc/motd - logout / login Regarding keyboard try: dpkg-reconfigure console-setup
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