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Everything posted by Igor

  1. Thanks! I'll add the SSL in the next forum enhancement streak BTW. I also added Tapatalk so the board is more tablet / mobile friendly.
  2. From testing repository ... which was there by mistake. I used to focus mostly on Wheezy and nobody else noticed for a while as well
  3. Tagging problem become and issue when Jessie becomes stable. I fixed this about two weeks ago & images compiled two days ago (v3.8) are o.k. regarding this. Wheezy = "oldstable" and Jessie = "stable" I changed tagging to names now. https://github.com/igorpecovnik/lib/blob/next/config/sources.list.wheezy https://github.com/igorpecovnik/lib/blob/next/config/sources.list.jessie
  4. Cubietruck has one exception and only with kernel 3.4.x - wifi module must be loaded (/etc/modules) this way to enable AP mode: bcmdhd op_mode=2 I suggest you to use this predefined configuration - which you probably already set. /etc/network/interfaces.hostapd You need to have some DHCP server running on the network - which usually is.
  5. Thanks I open an H3 thread in forum Development and add how far I got. Not much. The idea is that H3 goes to the general Allwinner section when it looses development status. I only booted manufacturer Debian server and it's horrible, unusable. Regarding Bitcoin - go to: https://blockchain.info/wallet and open a wallet by "Create My Free Wallet". Remember to printout the paper backup when done. And you are ready for money flow Your account ID will be something like this: 17vT6hV83EQ6rizbWeasfy1tWEzFpzYqEE (this is mine)
  6. What do we have? Serial connection: Hardware schematics: orangepi-plus-h3-v1_1.pdf Wireless: Realtek RTL 8189 ETV Allwinner introduced new way of storing board definitions (also on A23 and A80) so it's a bit different than on A20 boards. H3_Manual_build_howto Kernel building with Allwinner SDK is terrible and was not able to build it. I must admit I haven't invest much time and energy yet.
  7. Preparation Supported build environment is Ubuntu Focal 20.04 x64 (minimal iso image). a guest inside a VirtualBox or other virtualization software, a guest managed by Vagrant . This uses Virtualbox (as above) but does so in an easily repeatable way. Please check the Armbian with Vagrant README for a quick start HOWTO, inside a Docker , systemd-nspawn or other container environments (example), running natively on a dedicated PC or a server (not recommended), 20GB disk space or more and 2GB RAM or more available for the VM, container or native OS, superuser rights (configured sudo or root access). Execution apt-get -y install git git clone https://github.com/armbian/build cd build ./compile.sh This will download all necessary sources, execute compilation and/or build a boot-able image. Most of things will be cached so next run will be extremely faster! Real time examples: Documentation
  8. Since December 2013, when I started to deal with CLI Debian images and support them, things become ... bigger. My prime motivation was only to build an working Linux image for some amateur based services. Project brought a lot of fun, a lot of new toys on my desk but also tears and frustrations. I hope and wish that public use our work to the greatest degree. Blog comments - your questions and (not only my) answers - become large and valuable knowledge base for ARM single board computers and general Debian / Ubuntu problems. I already manage to pack some of the into the FAQ but I'll need your help and patience within summarizing this into General FAQ. You only need to login into Github to add to file. I am slowly slowly closing comments on my personal website www.igorpecovnik.com and when most useful stuff will be in the FAQ they will be re-moved. We are going further - projects are moving to www.armbian.com, forum.armbian.com and we are slowly getting an dedicated repository deb.armbian.com Thank you!
  9. armbian-config - wireless network connect, - AP (hotspot) in bridged or NAT mode, - freeze and unfreeze kernel and BSP upgrades, - edit boot environment, network, FEX, welcome screen items, - switching between available kernels and nightly builds, - enabling read only root filesystem (Ubuntu only), - set display resolution (H3 boards with legacy kernel), softy - TV headend (IPTV server) - Syncthing (personal cloud) - SoftEther VPN server (VPN server) - Transmission (torrent server) - ISPConfig (WEB & MAIL server) - Openmediavault NAS (NAS server) - PI hole (ad blocker) - MiniDLNA (media sharing) Welcome to submit / push your modifications if you think they are interesting for general public.
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