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Everything posted by constantius

  1. pine64 products have sloppy DC connectors. This connector simply detaches from the motherboard. I use in production pine64 pine64-lts pineH64 and rock64. As a result of switching on and off the dc connector, in each case it has peeled off and does not hold power. I've attached the DC connector with glue but that's not what the factory mount. The low price now goes sideways. workmanship worse than nonopi.
  2. Hardkernel team released ubuntu 18.04 mate 1.20.1 for odroid c1, c2, and XU4, on kernels respectively 3.10, 3.16, 4.14. Let's say that the C2 odroid still works. but ubuntu 18/04 at 3.10 C1, with heavy MATE 1.20 it does not really work. It's a misunderstanding. First of all there are problems with graphics and where the rest. Bows to Igor. -)
  3. I just pay attention. XFCE4 and third software eg chromium in debian 9 has more errors than in ubuntu 18.04. These are errors unrelated to the armbian. Quite simply, the debian developers probably do not test their packages as accurately as ubuntu. These are the dissapearing clocks XFCE panel, the lack of the chromium minimization button, the synaptic correction not working in the search option, and so on. They do not matter to you, but they are important when used by ordinary users in production. I see that you have a lot of images doing Debian 9. If you can already consider doing images ubuntu 18.04. Ubuntu is also faster than debian 9, really feel the difference.
  4. Thank you very much for armbian 5.55 development 4.18 for PineH64. i have only two maybe stupid questions.: why board is recognized only 2 GB RAM not 3GB. ( i know it is development ) Second question about cpu frequency. 1.49GHZ. Why dont you decided on full 1.80GHZ. Pine's board are good projected if you mean hot. Board stay cold. I used to only 3,5 cm x 3,5 cm radiator. Tested yotube play video 480p and things not going wrong ( hot ) Did you tested frequency trotting? I thing this board can reach 1.8GHZ. Iam curious your opinion. Best regards.
  5. ./compile.sh BOARD=bananapim64 BRANCH=next KERNEL_ONLY=no RELEASE=bionic this command built armbian 5.54 with mainline 4.17 kernel. How to switch back to the 4.14 kernel Armbian 5.54 build with 4.17 does not boot or maybe is only console ( i have not check it by the way ) Are Still my posts banned? nobody reply on it?
  6. hi. I have build armbian 5.54 bionic 4.17 and it does not boot. 4.14 works but my intention was build bionic. It is possible to switch back to 4.14 when build armbian myself? Thanks for reply in advanse
  7. does the company plan to support one of the computers in rk3399? There are a lot of them now. RockPRO64 has linux support. The less known VideoStrong Meecool also offers debian 9 which works nicely. Firefly, say, also has support but the software has an error that turns off the computer when changing time. The rest is at an early stage of development ...
  8. I know it is in development. and only for testing. I have build armbian 5.51 ubuntu 18.04, kernel 4.14 . I have question. max cpu H3 speed is set up on 1100 mhz. All orange pi boards with the same cpu have 1296 mhz. I set up cpu governor on performance all the time 1100mhz. I achieved temperatures on cpu between 53-62 celsius degrees. Could be the max cpu speed bring up to the 1296 MHZ? I have radiator 3.5 cm x 3.5 cm on board tritium H3. And it is not very hot. thanks for reply.
  9. ./compile.sh BOARD=orangepiwin BRANCH=stable KERNEL_ONLY=no RELEASE=bionic output .: [ error ] ERROR in function source [ main.sh:191 ] [ error ] Kernel branch not defined for this board [ stable ] [ o.k. ] Process terminated
  10. I know that mainline kernel now is 4.14, and now is experimental for A64.. I have tried build my own armbian form Orangepi Win Plus. Kernel 4.14 does not recognize audio and LAN. Question. Is it possible to build Armbian 5.51 with old kernel 3.10 for that device ( Ubuntu 18.04). Old kernel works much better with devices A64 cpu. I know that is old......but mayby not so experimental.....
  11. Proposition for support consideration. Khadas VIM based Amlogic S905X and Khadas VIM 2 based Amlogic S912. Thanks
  12. on Saturday I saw a single board Renegade. As not supported. But there was an img file to download. Now I see that it is removed. There is a renegade.wip file on github. But you can not build a img of it. Do you have to wait a little longer?
  13. on the forum hardkernel they cancelled odroid N1. The reason is end of production 1GB module of ram by samsung and hynix. They are not enable to reach 4GB of RAM. Other makers will have trouble too. They introduced Odroid N2. It should come December 18. CPU Amlogic 922 Quad core cortex A75 Quad core Cortex A55. It will be the first single board computer with ARM-8 rev 2.
  14. I would like to discuss the subject of failure and SBC systems of various brands. I just broke the Nanopi T2 module. I also had a damaged module of orangepi 2 and orange pi RK 3399. You have a lot of boards. Did you happen to be under the influence of overvoltages in the high temperature or period the use of the board broke down ?. Which producer is the worst in this respect?
  15. I know that you have a lot of to do, because there is a lot of new single boards... For considerate for the future support.: Nano pi k1 plus with H5 allwinner cpu. And also renegade single board from libre computers based on Rockchip RK 3328 the same as rock64. Both cpu's are supported in other boards so it will be easer.
  16. is it possible to support 1440pi 2k resolution, where it is possible?
  17. i have build armbian 5.46 ubuntu bionic. I have one issue. System is running till next boot. On the next boot i have black screen. Sd-card is good. I build debian 9 armbian 5.46 and its working. Power supplied also is good.
  18. la potato login as root 1234 passed but enter a new password manipulation token error??? someone had written about it but i cant find it
  19. kernel 4.16.14-meson64 maybe this board comes in two versions rev 1 or 2? I am also surprised by why eth0 turns off.
  20. there was no sarcasm or malice. your delusional inter-recipe. I built an armbian 5.46 bionic and xenial two images. In both there is an old mistake with the meson8b-dwmac player. simply eth0 turns off after 3-5 minutes.Fortunately, there is wifi. I do not mind. after the changes everything works de luxe. browsers and other software I use all the time from yesterday from 15 o'clock and the system has never hung up. Also, I am happy thank you for the work you have done. It's good.
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