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pschasch reacted to Werner in Testing kali-apps with katoolin on Armbian 20.11.3 Buster
There was actually an attempt to bring Armbian and Kali together and release it as images for SBCs. However the project is not very active. I guess they underestimated the effort needed to put in for maintenance
pschasch reacted to NicoD in Testing kali-apps with katoolin on Armbian 20.11.3 Buster
All the Kali tools should work on Armbian Buster. Kali is debian with many network tools pre-installed.
You might also be interested in this.
pschasch got a reaction from NicoD in Testing kali-apps with katoolin on Armbian 20.11.3 Buster
I was looking for Kali on BPi and tried the "Kali Linux BananaPi offensive-securityDOTcom-2020.04"-image without success.
Unfortunately the image does not boot and no support from there (Domain-contact nor forum[...][...]).
Some message about "mount: mounting /dev/mmcblk0p1 on /root failed: No such device", even if kernel was started from this 'No such device"'-SD-card.
So Igor wrote me about katoolin which I tested on BPi with Armbian 20.11.3 Busterarmbian.
For anyone who is interested here is my way:
install "Armbian 20.11.3 Buster \l"
install "katoolin see https://github.com/LionSec/katoolin"
sudo python2.7 katoolin/katoolin.py
-> Add Kali repositories & Update by the menu
katoolin.py adds "deb http://http.kali.org/kali kali-rolling main contrib non-free" to /etc/apt-sources
apt-get install armitage to get msfconsole,
first test with vsftpd_234_backdoor-exploit on testdevice was successfull, meterpreter not tested yet.
apt-get install burpsuite did not work, I had to add "deb http://old.kali.org/kali sana main non-free contrib" manually.
after this burpsuite could be started.
For all who will look for this one day :-D
pschasch reacted to Tido in BPi-R1 with new B53 switch driver (DSA)
Essentials of Hardware and Software
I decided to reduce complexity and to follow a plan. To do so I must leave aside as much as I can.
Before the network starts, the switch driver must be loaded and the connections defined.
OpenWrt first executed a 'reset' and then loaded the configuration.
find a way to easily reset (flush) previous settings for a clean start activate eth0 Create two (2) VLANs:
allocate to each port of the switch a VLAN-ID (LAN 102 | WAN 101) allocate /define the connection to the SoC (A20) I do not care about WiFi yet, because this is attached via USB and not connected to the BCM53125 switch.
The beast
previous OpenWrt switch configuration:
ifconfig eth0 up swconfig dev eth0 set reset 1 swconfig dev eth0 set enable_vlan 1 swconfig dev eth0 vlan 101 set ports '3 8t' swconfig dev eth0 vlan 102 set ports '4 0 1 2 8t' swconfig dev eth0 set apply 1
Once the above works and all ports are 'up', next steps:
interfaces configuration file DHCP-Server configuration file hostapd configuration file RealTek WiFi driver Security = IPtables settings So, this is my plan and if it happend, that you are an owner of an R1 and you have a spare mSDcard.. I would appreciate you join the journey.
I use this Debian image with current updates.
Some useful links:
about this dsa thingy
man page
pschasch reacted to Angelo Calvão in Lamobo-r1 b53 switch not working with newer kernels
auto lo
iface lo inet loopback
auto eth0.101
iface eth0.101 inet manual
pre-up ip link add br53125 type bridge
pre-up ip link set wan master br53125
pre-up bridge vlan add vid 101 dev wan pvid untagged
pre-up bridge vlan del vid 1 dev wan
pre-up ip link set wan up
post-down ip link set wan down
post-down ip link del dev eth0.101
auto eth0.102
iface eth0.102 inet manual
pre-up ip link set lan1 master br53125
pre-up ip link set lan2 master br53125
pre-up ip link set lan3 master br53125
pre-up ip link set lan4 master br53125
pre-up bridge vlan add vid 102 dev lan1 pvid untagged
pre-up bridge vlan del vid 1 dev lan1
pre-up ip link set lan1 up
pre-up bridge vlan add vid 102 dev lan2 pvid untagged
pre-up bridge vlan del vid 1 dev lan2
pre-up ip link set lan2 up
pre-up bridge vlan add vid 102 dev lan3 pvid untagged
pre-up bridge vlan del vid 1 dev lan3
pre-up ip link set lan3 up
pre-up bridge vlan add vid 102 dev lan4 pvid untagged
pre-up bridge vlan del vid 1 dev lan4
pre-up ip link set lan4 up
post-down ip link set lan4 down
post-down ip link set lan3 down
post-down ip link set lan2 down
post-down ip link set lan1 down
post-down ip link del dev br53125
post-down ip link del dev eth0.102
allow-hotplug wlan0
iface wlan0 inet manual
iface wlan1 inet static
auto br0
iface br0 inet static
bridge_ports eth0.102 wlan0
auto br1
iface br1 inet dhcp
bridge_ports eth0.101
auto dsl-provider
iface dsl-provider inet ppp
provider dsl-provider
pschasch reacted to Igor in Lamobo-r1 b53 switch not working with newer kernels
Yes. We "just" need a working startup configuration in ifupdown, systemd or with network manager. Whatever. I made an image the other day, just for test and currently you don't have any network connection out of the box ... one can connect to WiFi with one of most rubbish adaptors out there. I do have no interest to dig into this, but I saw people are still trying/hope to use this board with recent kernels.
pschasch reacted to Tido in Lamobo-r1 b53 switch not working with newer kernels
If you look at my document: You will download and install a fresh armbian 5.25 Kernel 4.9.x on your SDcard (based on Debian 8 Jessie),
Disable network manager (permanently) to avoid it restarting after a reboot
systemctl disable NetworkManager.service
was also part of my document, however, I haven't tested it since then, but lately I put power back on my R1. It is still on of my goal to have it running to store and spread media files and with the increased SATA speed .. bazinga !
pschasch reacted to BrUser in BPi-R1 with new B53 switch driver (DSA)
Now the simple 5-port switch function works with this initialization below.
My understandig for the switch function is: The BCM53125 can only distinguish the source port of an incoming telegram using different VLAN IDs, added by the ports. It is important for LLDP, RSTP, ... and Router. In this initialization sequence the VID 101, 102, 103, 104, 105 are assigned the ports lan1, lan2, lan3, lan4, wan and stored in the ports own PVID Register.
The forwarding of the incoming frames to other ports and cpu port is controlled by entries in VLAN table. Each entry is indexed by VID, here the PVID. Each VLAN table entry has a bit mask with one bit for each port to forward.
rfkill unblock 0
ip link set eth0 up
ip link add link eth0 name eth0.101 type vlan id 101
ip link set eth0.101 up
ip link add link eth0 name eth0.102 type vlan id 102
ip link set eth0.102 up
ip link add link eth0 name eth0.103 type vlan id 103
ip link set eth0.103 up
ip link add link eth0 name eth0.104 type vlan id 104
ip link set eth0.104 up
ip link add link eth0 name eth0.105 type vlan id 105
ip link set eth0.105 up
ip link add br0 type bridge
ip link set dev br0 type bridge stp_state 0
# BCM53125 ports 4, 0, 1, 2, 3
ip link set lan1 master br0
ip link set lan2 master br0
ip link set lan3 master br0
ip link set lan4 master br0
ip link set wan master br0
bridge vlan add vid 101 dev lan1 pvid untagged
bridge vlan del dev lan1 vid 1 self
bridge vlan add vid 102 dev lan2 pvid untagged
bridge vlan del dev lan2 vid 1 self
bridge vlan add vid 103 dev lan3 pvid untagged
bridge vlan del dev lan3 vid 1 self
bridge vlan add vid 104 dev lan4 pvid untagged
bridge vlan del dev lan4 vid 1 self
bridge vlan add vid 105 dev wan pvid untagged
bridge vlan del dev wan vid 1 self
ip link set eth0.101 master br0
ip link set eth0.102 master br0
ip link set eth0.103 master br0
ip link set eth0.104 master br0
ip link set eth0.105 master br0
ip link set br0 up
ip link set lan1 up
ip link set lan4 up
ip link set lan2 up
ip link set lan3 up
ip link set wan up
ifup br0
hostapd -dd /etc/hostapd/hostapd.conf
The Image I have build with https://github.com/igorpecovnik/lib , complete including Desktop
root@bpi:~# uname -a
Linux bpi 4.10.6-sunxi #2 SMP Tue Mar 28 10:47:42 CEST 2017 armv7l armv7l armv7l GNU/Linux
But some problems pending:
- For LLDP in driver B53_common.c there must be reset the Bit 1 in page 0 Register 0x2F.
- lldpd is not able to watch at eth0.101...eth01.105, only receives frames from eth0. Wireshark works with all ports.
- WLAN bridge does not work, hostapd fails:
root@bpi:~# hostapd -dd /etc/hostapd/hostapd.conf
random: Trying to read entropy from /dev/random
Configuration file: /etc/hostapd/hostapd.conf
Configure bridge br0 for EAPOL traffic.
ioctl[SIOCSIWMODE]: Invalid argument
Could not set interface to mode(3)!
Could not set interface to master mode!
rtl871xdrv driver initialization failed.
pschasch reacted to BrUser in BPi-R1 with new B53 switch driver (DSA)
Now I have a little progress ( unfortunly back ).
LLDP and other local link multicasts are dropped if switch is in unmanaged mode. After reset, managed mode seems to be set. But function b53_enable_vlan(...) in b53_common.c disables switch managed mode, and I have not found any function to enable.
Maybe in DSA for BCM53125 there is no support for simple managed switch.
What may be the reason why VLAN is used for WAN and router?
pschasch reacted to BrUser in BPi-R1 with new B53 switch driver (DSA)
On my lamobo_r1 I would like to use only the 5-port switch function (and later additional WLAN-Bridge).
It seems to work a little bit except the forwarding of multicasts for lldp, stp, ...
There is running
- Linux bpi 4.10.3-sunxi #1 SMP Wed Mar 15 17:35:56 CET 2017 armv7l armv7l armv7l GNU/Linux
- configuration like this link https://github.com/igorpecovnik/lib/issues/511
- A little change in b53_common.c: struct b53_switch_chips[], BCM53125_DEVICE_ID I have added: .arl_entries = 4
The lldp-Multicast 01:80:c2:00:00:0e is set by lldpd on eth0 and br0:
root@bpi:~$ bridge fdb show | grep ^01:80
01:80:c2:00:00:21 dev eth0 self permanent
01:80:c2:00:00:0e dev eth0 self permanent
01:80:c2:00:00:0e dev lan2 self static
01:80:c2:00:00:0e dev br0 master br0 permanent
At lan2 I can't see any lldp frames.
At next step I have try to add static multicast to lan1 and lan2. You can see at line 3. Unfortunly we can see only last port I have set.
But no effect.
I have configured STP for testing only. Same effect, no BPDUs.
Maybe my concept is wrong. I have no manual found from BCM53125.
Any have an idea and can help?
pschasch reacted to badrianiulian in Issues with lamobo-r1 and new distribution
As of today 11:31 AM, my uptime reports: up 20 days, 12:26
Due to the fact that my R1 router is also a web server and every three or four days I had to shut it down to get things working again, I'd say that the new dsa config with the new b53 driver works quite well
pschasch reacted to badrianiulian in Issues with lamobo-r1 and new distribution
As of this moment, my uptime is 10 days, 2:30:48... so far so good... not a single freeze till now.
pschasch reacted to badrianiulian in Issues with lamobo-r1 and new distribution
I'm back with good news I hope: an update with network configuration on the new 5.25 jessie mainline distribution
I've been using the 5.24 nightly builds for a while (now I'm back on the 5.25 main builds) and with the help of weisl's comment on git hub: https://github.com/igorpecovnik/lib/issues/511#issuecomment-269622336, I've managed some working network configs that everyone can find on this link: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/ciiun8n56c46q2n/AACfXvu5cEoZS5jbO6Xc5L4Ha?dl=0
Add those into '/etc/network' folder and they should work ('interfaces' and 'lamobo-r1' files). I only tested the ppp router configuration since that is all I need but feel free to test the other ones as you please and reply with the needed changes or the confirmation that they work.
Testing the new b53 dsa driver looks promising until now... I'll hold of the nightly builds for a while to see if the freezes will resurface like they used to and will be back with a feedback
For those who are curious, the second archive in the dropbox share named w1-therm.tar.gz is a script that I used to patch the dtb so I wouldn't have to go at each upgrade through this process: https://forum.armbian.com/index.php/topic/993-ds18b20-temperature-sensor-in-lamobo-r1/#entry16089
pschasch reacted to sooperior in Temperature sensor DS18b20 (dallas 1-wire) easy configuration
Hi All,
Just wanted to share a good story using armbian. I have used in the past 1-wire probes for temperature, and the process included decompiling, editing and recompiling dtb for my Banana Pi M1, which was not easy at all. Every firmware update deleted by changes and had to redo de recompilation.
With latest kernels and armbian version, the process is now extremely easy, just edit:
Adding this lines:
param_w1_pin=PI3 # desired pin(7th pin (GCLK) or number 4 on first column where number 1 is +3V)
param_w1_pin_int_pullup=1 # internal pullup-resistor: 1=on, 0=off
I just struggled a little bit to find the GPIO code (decompiled dtb and checked possible candidates).
Information about temperature is here:
cat /sys/bus/w1/devices/XX-YYYYYYY[this is your probe serial, if you have more they will be in /sys/bus/w1/devices/] /w1_slave
You have plenty of information here, but don't need to do all they explain, just my edition has been enough:
pschasch got a reaction from Tido in GPIO not working on Armbian_5.31_Lamobo-r1_Debian_jessie_next_4.9.7.img (sysfs)
Ok, here my result from weekend for those who are interested:
armbianio needs patch for Lamobo(armbianio.patch):
diff --git a/armbianio.c b/armbianio.c
+static int iLamobor1Pins[] = {-1,-1,-1,53,-1,52,-1,259,224,-1,
+ 225,275,226,274,-1,273,244,-1,245,268,
+ -1,269,272,267,266,-1
+ ,270};
Sending 433-Mhz-codes now also work with WiringBPi on kernel >=4... with WiringPi it does not work.
Only thing I do still not unterstand is why on PI19(275) worked with 17 on 3.4.x
But, now my gpio's work like it should, if I change addresses like in io-3.x-vs-4-x.png
pschasch reacted to Tido in GPIO not working on Armbian_5.31_Lamobo-r1_Debian_jessie_next_4.9.7.img (sysfs)
There are 3 options to use GPIO in armbian: https://forum.armbian.com/topic/9071-opi-zero-plus-h5-and-gpio-library/?do=findComment&comment=68424
By the way, what do you control with the GPIO on R1?
pschasch got a reaction from hrip6 in Hardware Mod BPi-R1
my "Mt5572 wifi-modul wl- um01ebs- 5572- v 1. 0 27*17.7mm usb 2. 0" arrived from china.
The ra5572-chip is working on R1-lamobo with 3.4.108-kernel and backports-3.12.8-1-drivers.
Mainline kernel works out-of-the-box , but I need CSI-cam-support in 3.4.
(see http://forum.armbian.com/index.php/topic/157-add-wifi-driver-ralink-rt5572-rt2800usb/?p=3456)
During my x-mas vacation I tested the driver with an "CSL 300Mbit USB WLAN"-USB-ra5572 from Amazon
and my wifi worked very stable for 14 days till I ended the duration test to solder the new onboard-module.
So anyone who wants to test his software/drivers for the ra5572-mod could test the ra5572 with this Amazon-usb-wlan-Stick
I think the The orig/old 8192cu-Module on the R1 lamobo will never be stable using it with a client loading big datastreams if a wifi-client has some distance to the R1-8192cu-chip.
Thanks again to badrianiulian for this great idea!
New durationtest with the soldered-onboard-ra5572 is running STABLE for 8 days now, never did with 8192cu.
pschasch reacted to Ikrk in add wifi driver Ralink_RT5572 rt2800usb
I took this modified driver: https://github.com/shaun2029/rt5572sta(Btw, thank you so much shaun2029!)
Then you have to in ./include/os/rt_linux.h change the datatypes "kuid_t" to "uid_t" and "kgid_t" to "gid_t" (this is possibly valid only for kernels >= 3.4.0)
And then in driver's root just:
make -j4 ARCH=arm
make install
modprobe rt5572sta
Best regards
pschasch got a reaction from Tido in add wifi driver Ralink_RT5572 rt2800usb
only for info:
The DPO_RT5572_LinuxSTA_2.6.1.3_20121022.tar.gz / rt5572sta.ko -stuff does not work with sunxi-3.4.10x-kernel.
I got this "ralink rt5572" on kernel 3.4.10x to work with driver backports:
echo "see:https://backports.wi....php/Main_Page"
wget https://www.kernel.o....11.8-1.tar.bz2
tar xvf backports-3.12.8-1.tar.xz
cd backports-3.12.8-1
make defconfig-wifi
time make -J2
echo "BACKUP YOUR old 3.4.10x-modules in /lib/modules/3.4.10xy /lib/modules/3.4.10xy_backup to if you want to switch back...ok?"
make install
root@Dev:~# modinfo rt2800usb | grep "version\|5572"
version: backported from Linux (v3.12.8-0-g97f15f1) using backports v3.12.8-1-0-geb41fad
version: 2.3.0
srcversion: D0035750636933A8C0E52C5
alias: usb:v148Fp5572d*dc*dsc*dp*ic*isc*ip*
vermagic: 3.4.108schaschr1+ SMP preempt mod_unload modversions ARMv7 p2v8
pschasch reacted to Tido in Lamobo R1 schematic - is now available
Finally SinoVoip /Foxconn released the schematic for the Lamobo R1 (R1-V3_SD July 18, 2014).
First page a blockdiagramm and 13 pages of schematics as PDF.
May be because the next Version of the R1 is soon ready??
pschasch reacted to badrianiulian in Hardware Mod BPi-R1
I can also confirm that replacing the 8192CU module with "WL-UM01EBS-5572-V1.0" is a success.
I'm now on armbian with an upgraded jessie kernel from 3.4.108 to 4.3.3 and using the rt2800usb integrated driver, the system has been stable for quite some time now. As of this morning the last uptime is about 13 days and 8 hours.
I had some pictures with the new install somewhere.. will post them when I'll find them.
Between the board and the new module I added some double sided thermal tape and in doing so I raised the module a bit. I soldered only the USB pins, left the antenna pins hanging and connected the antennas to the connectors on the module.
As for compiling the backports, I hadn't had time to do that since I've been quite busy with other work.
pschasch got a reaction from wildcat_paris in Lamobo-R1 wifi unstable in AP ("host") mode [better buy a good wifi dongle with proper linux support]
>Somewhere I also read, that only one (1) Antenna is active - can't remember if there is a fix for that
Yes, at my R1-8192cu also only 1 antenna gets better signal.
is it because of MIMO? one antenna OUT, the other IN?
But this Doesn't matter for me anymore...
>And if you want to use 40 MHz bandwidth you need to hack the hostapd file
I tested everything, also this patches. with/without-Debug-patched and with/without-40Mhz-patches
( http://forum.armbian.com/index.php/topic/136-lamobo-r1-wifi-unstable-in-ap-host-mode-better-buy-a-good-wifi-dongle-with-proper-linux-support/?p=2271 )
Nothing was stable with 8192cu.
>Thank you for your detailed information. I consider to embed this into the manual.
>Did you document on a website or such your modification with some more pictures /text ?
No, Unfortunately not. But it's the same and you can test with every ra5572-USB-device
for ex. :
wildcat_paris his good "Dlink 160B1"-USB-Wifi. (thanks for config-help wildcat!!! :-) )
or the
"CSL 300Mbit USB WLAN"-USB-ra5572 from Amazon which I used to test/prepare software before receiving the solder-solution from china. After I received I send the CSL back to Amazon!
Test and Configure for those, after testing simply unsolder the 8192cu and solder the MT5572 like on my picture.
After soldering replace wlan1 to wlan0 in your configs.
I could help you with some more pictures from my mod, but you won't see more as in the published one from the mod-thread I guess.
>I just wonder which WiFi chip is in my old: FON2201 (now in my closet for 2 years)
>this bloody device also lost connection all the time - it made me sooo angry
...R1 Lamobo made me also very often very angry while testing 8192cu and also if it was in my closet
and can't be used as AP. No hardware acceleration makes me still very angry...
pschasch got a reaction from wildcat_paris in Lamobo-R1 wifi unstable in AP ("host") mode [better buy a good wifi dongle with proper linux support]
good morning,
@shawn wood
if you think you have a stable 8192cu-wifi, please test wifi (ex. after about 2-3 days running R1) if your client is not directly next to the R1, so thake a bit distance and then start ex. a youtube-HD-videostream or some big OS-Updates on your client(s).
In all my tests with all kind of software-variations (OS,8192cu-drivers,hostapd) my 8192cu-Wifi on R1 was hanging after some days.
After this hanging WIFI, restarting any hostapd-versions nor reloading any tested drivers did help!
Only reboot the system did fix the problem.
On Amazon people with 8192-devices also write those "distance/stream"-PROBLEM-comments, even with windows drivers for 8192.
Because of this chip-problem I gave up too on R1-8192cu and did a ra5572-hardware mod.
see : http://forum.armbian.com/index.php/topic/372-hardware-mod-bpi-r1/?p=4314
My R1-Wifi is stable for 8 days now. Further testing in progress...
pschasch got a reaction from wildcat_paris in Hardware Mod BPi-R1
my "Mt5572 wifi-modul wl- um01ebs- 5572- v 1. 0 27*17.7mm usb 2. 0" arrived from china.
The ra5572-chip is working on R1-lamobo with 3.4.108-kernel and backports-3.12.8-1-drivers.
Mainline kernel works out-of-the-box , but I need CSI-cam-support in 3.4.
(see http://forum.armbian.com/index.php/topic/157-add-wifi-driver-ralink-rt5572-rt2800usb/?p=3456)
During my x-mas vacation I tested the driver with an "CSL 300Mbit USB WLAN"-USB-ra5572 from Amazon
and my wifi worked very stable for 14 days till I ended the duration test to solder the new onboard-module.
So anyone who wants to test his software/drivers for the ra5572-mod could test the ra5572 with this Amazon-usb-wlan-Stick
I think the The orig/old 8192cu-Module on the R1 lamobo will never be stable using it with a client loading big datastreams if a wifi-client has some distance to the R1-8192cu-chip.
Thanks again to badrianiulian for this great idea!
New durationtest with the soldered-onboard-ra5572 is running STABLE for 8 days now, never did with 8192cu.
pschasch got a reaction from Tido in Lamobo-R1 wifi unstable in AP ("host") mode [better buy a good wifi dongle with proper linux support]
Hi Tido,
thanks for your work and your manual!
I had this problem on bananian and on a past version of armbian too,. I was also writing with
an other user here in a personal conversation who tested this for me too on his R1 using armbian.
Till this point he also thought that he had a stable wifi...but he got the same behaviour on distance to 8192cu and big-data-streams.
...crash...only reboot fixed it...
There may be a lot of good feedbacks for usb-8192cu, but for me those bad feedbacks are no coincidence.
That's what I found for example on german Amazon:
TP-Link TL-WN822N (8192cu-version)
"Vorsicht: Neue Version mit schlechtem Chipsatz"
"Die Realtek-Chipsätze (inkl. 8192CU) sind für deutlichen Leistungsabbruch mit zunehmender Distanz zum Router bekannt. Mein PC ist etwa 4 Meter vom Router entfernt. Das ist bereits genug für deutliche Leistungseinbrüche und Verbindungsverlust."
" In V3 nicht zu empfehlen"
Sofern ich keine größeren Downloads vornehme funktioniert das Gerät einwandfrei. Die Geschinwidkeit liegt bei ca. 144mbit/s. Sobald ich jedoch einen schnellen Download durchführe (z.B. Game-Download in Steam) verliert er ständig die Verbindung. Kabel ziehen und wieder einstecken hilft nur bedingt - nach 30 Sekunden reist die Verbindung meist direkt wieder ab. Die aktuellsten Treiber helfen da leider auch nicht.
Asus USB-N13 N300 Wi-Fi USB Stick
http://www.amazon.de/gp/customer-reviews/R2RW8FKQBHCXK2/ref=cm_cr_pr_rvw_ttl?ie=UTF8&ASIN=B0033C7ZAK: "ASUS hat einen besseren Namen als dieses Produkt zeig"
http://www.amazon.de/gp/customer-reviews/R39WN8RVII520N/ref=cm_cr_pr_rvw_ttl?ie=UTF8&ASIN=B0033C7ZAK: "Verliert ständig die Verbindung zum Router"
http://www.amazon.de/gp/customer-reviews/RHNTQ3U82FH5U/ref=cm_cr_pr_rvw_ttl?ie=UTF8&ASIN=B0033C7ZAK: "UNBRAUCHBAR"
http://www.amazon.de/gp/customer-reviews/R315NOA5H9NN21/ref=cm_cr_pr_rvw_ttl?ie=UTF8&ASIN=B0033C7ZAK: " Internetverbindung bricht zwischendurch kurz ab"
http://www.amazon.de/gp/customer-reviews/R3H7J50F6GOASH/ref=cm_cr_pr_rvw_ttl?ie=UTF8&ASIN=B0033C7ZAK: "kommt dazu das ab und zu keine Verbindung aufgebaut wird"
After "ONLY" testing (no real/productive use) the R1 as "Stable"-AP for more then 1 year after I bought it, those amazon-comments made me stop testing on 8192cu-R1.
I hope that someone has a stable 8192cu-R1 now or in the future, in that case he should test the distance/big-datastream-problem and on success he has to post all used software-versions (OS,hostapd,kernel,8192cu-driver) and configs for those in this forum.
For me the R1-Lamobo-MT5572-hardware-mod is the best solution for now,
With this "15+5 Euro"-mod I have a Lamobo-R1 with a stable WIFI-chip, a free USB-host-port and a WIFI-chip which supports more modes (ex. monitor-mode which is interesting to me).