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ning got a reaction from Hqnicolas in JianPian RK3566 TV Box (8G+32G) develop log
Yes, it's Android 4.19. do you mean, using mainline kernel it will lose dynamic memory freq change cap, to run at a fixed freq?
I would like to run kernel 6.6 on debian sid.
ning got a reaction from ghoul in Amlogic or Rockchip?
from the mainline develop status view point,
Amlogic vdec is stopped, and Rockchip is still active developping.
Rockchip soc can use all upstream components, even uboot.
but Amlogic need vendor blob to create uboot.
Rockchip soc have Cursor plane, but amlogic doesn't. this is good for desktop use.
ning got a reaction from Tomek51 in Amlogic or Rockchip?
from the mainline develop status view point,
Amlogic vdec is stopped, and Rockchip is still active developping.
Rockchip soc can use all upstream components, even uboot.
but Amlogic need vendor blob to create uboot.
Rockchip soc have Cursor plane, but amlogic doesn't. this is good for desktop use.
ning got a reaction from Werner in Armbian file server, need hardware advice
I think many of us want to use arm sbc as NAS, but remember, your data is expensive, but you put it on cheep server...
at least you need an arm device designed for NAS, not any SBC.
ning got a reaction from lam96pt in Orange pi PC ffmpeg with Cedrus264
does cedrus support encoding?
ning got a reaction from lanefu in #armbian IRC channel linked to Libera.chat
I really don't understand this kind of things, it looks like not moving to libera.chat is something sin.
freenode atm sure it in difficult, they are splited, is it necessary to stand oneside, before everything clear and settle down?
just like openoffice. after many years virtualbox is still running very good.
ning got a reaction from lanefu in Armbian Donations
thanks to Armbian leads me to the Arm world, I can build my own os image for my arm SBC.
ning got a reaction from NicoD in Armbian Donations
thanks to Armbian leads me to the Arm world, I can build my own os image for my arm SBC.
ning got a reaction from Igor in Armbian Donations
thanks to Armbian leads me to the Arm world, I can build my own os image for my arm SBC.
ning got a reaction from Werner in Armbian Donations
thanks to Armbian leads me to the Arm world, I can build my own os image for my arm SBC.
ning got a reaction from Igor in use systemd-firstboot to replace hardcoded configure in build scripts
manual page:
archlinux Wiki:
ning got a reaction from legogris in [HOWTO] build Debian-flavor kernel packages for Armbian with module signed and with debian-featured kernel config
from 1st and 2nd posts, you already knows how to use debian linux build framework to build a module signed kernel for your armbian with your own kernel configure. but you may ask is my kernel missing some features required by debian? how can I know it? and how to fix it.
the answer to these 3 questions are depends on your current kernel configurations, but it difficult to read and compare each kernel configuration with debian's kernel configuration.
let me tell you how debian build its own kernel configurations, then you can answer these questions yourself.
The formula: Debian kernel configuration = common configs + arch specific configs + flavor configs + kernel autoselected configs.
here common configs are core debian features, which is in file debian/config/config
arch configs are needed for debian to run on an arch, which are in files: debian/<arch>/config
flavor configs are tune debian kernel into some flavor, eg rt kernel. debian/config/config.rt
the 3 kinds of configs are write in config files, only define 5% kernel configs, and the rest are kernel autoselected.
at this point, you need only to change arch related configs to make the kernel runs on your device.
here are steps to make the change.
1, use debian defualt config to rebuild your kernel. stop after .config is created.
2, use meld to compare your config file and .config. only take care the configs missing in .config, do not touch the configs added in .config.
3, add missing config in arch config
now you get the missing configs to run on your devices.
ning got a reaction from legogris in [HOWTO] build Debian-flavor kernel packages for Armbian with module signed and with debian-featured kernel config
before you start:
Armbian already provides kernel build script in armbian build framework, and you can download these packages via `apt`
in common cases, you shouldn't build kernel yourself, even you want to build a customer kernel package, you should use armbian build framework.
because you can get best supports.
so below content is only for experts.
prepare source code:
1, stable linux kernel source code:
2, armbian build framework, for patches and kernel config
3, debian linux build rules:
git clone https://salsa.debian.org/kernel-team/linux.git --depth=1
optional: checkout to a branch to build a different kernel version, current version is 5.5.8
4, add patches to debian linux build rules:
copy all family patches to <debian-rules>/debian/patches/
add all your patches to <debian-rules>/debian/patches/series
make sure all your patch are appliable to mainline kernel.
optional: remove all debian's kernel patch, only leave armbian kernel patch.
5, apply the patches.
apt install devscripts
cd <debian-rules>
debian/bin/genorig.py <path-to-stable-linux>
debian/rules orig
6, copy kernel config to <debian-rules>/config/[armhf, arm64]/config
prepare native armhf/arm64 build env
1, donwload armbian's prebuild rootfs, or use debootstrap.
2, mount dev, sys, proc, tmp to armhf/arm64 rootfs. reference: https://github.com/armbian/build/blob/master/lib/image-helpers.sh#L27
3, mount <debian-rules> to armhf/arm64 rootfs.
start build, in chroot rootfs
1, cd <debian-rule>
2, apt install devscripts fakeroot
3, debian/rules debian/control DEBIAN_KERNEL_DISABLE_INSTALLER=true
4, debuild -i -us -uc -b # do it only once, to let build system promt missing build depends. you need to install all build depends at this step.
5, fakeroot debian/rules binary or fakeroot debian/rules binary-arch
6, long wait.
ning got a reaction from UniformBuffer in Display Offset
if X selects the best resolution, but the image is bigger than screen, you need adjust display's overscan setting. but if there is an offset, maybe there is a setting in display but i don't know. it looks like you already had a fixed version.
ning got a reaction from UniformBuffer in Display Offset
you need to use alsamixer in console, select audio card with F6, and enable some switch and enlarge volume to have hdmi output.
ning got a reaction from Igor in Armbian v20.08 (Caple) Planning Thread
2 pm GMT is 10 pm in China, not too late, I will try to attend. poor English..
ning got a reaction from Igor in Linux kernel 5.7
you can copy patches from: https://github.com/khadas/fenix/tree/master/packages/linux-mainline/patches/5.7
ning got a reaction from TonyMac32 in Linux kernel 5.7
you can copy patches from: https://github.com/khadas/fenix/tree/master/packages/linux-mainline/patches/5.7
ning got a reaction from Tommy21 in playing with lima(mesa mali drivers)
both, mali450 is slow, lima is not mature. disable composite would be better, and once HW cursor is enable by upstream, there will be a better performance.
my S905x, uses mate-desktop with metacity WM composite enabled, using mainline mesa, performance looks OK.
ning got a reaction from MX_Master in [Announcement] Xupdate for debian is created. updated mesa for mali GPUs.
Xupdate: includes updated mesa libraries for mali GPUs.
how to use:
add below to you source.list
gpg key can be found at:
after that, run `sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade`
before reboot, please update your xorg.conf, follow below webpage:
ning got a reaction from NicoD in [Announcement] Xupdate for debian is created. updated mesa for mali GPUs.
Xupdate: includes updated mesa libraries for mali GPUs.
how to use:
add below to you source.list
gpg key can be found at:
after that, run `sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade`
before reboot, please update your xorg.conf, follow below webpage:
ning got a reaction from NicoD in [Announcement] Xupdate for debian is created. updated mesa for mali GPUs.
this is ONLY for debian buster, if you are ubuntu user please go to graphics-drivers PPA, no duplicated work.
and this repo is located in Shanghai China, maybe slow oversea.
ning got a reaction from sabirovrinat85 in Unable to make Panfrost work on H6
if you use ubuntu, don't build mesa your self, you can use https://launchpad.net/~oibaf/+archive/ubuntu/graphics-drivers
if you insist to build your self, please also update libdrm and libglvnd. these two deps are also important.
ning got a reaction from JORGETECH in Unable to make Panfrost work on H6
if you use wayland session, panfrost is used by default.
if you use Xorg, a config file is required, which is same as lima. please follow: https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/lima/web
and make sure your xorg >= 1.20