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Everything posted by NicoD

  1. Hi all. I've made a new video on how to share your mouse and keyboard between multiple SBCs with Armbian. This is the source website where I've gotten my info. There is a lot more info to be found on it then I show in the video. https://itsfoss.com/keyboard-mouse-sharing-between-computers/ Here is my video. Install Barrier sudo apt install snap snapd sudo snap install --edge barrier Run Barrier /snap/bin/barrier Greetings, NicoD
  2. Yes I did. 1.9GB/s for the M4 its zram. The Odroid N2 gets 2.4GB/s. I'd like to test the M4V2. I'd need to get Armbian running on it. I think the friendlyElec images run the lpddr4 at the same clock as the lpddr3. There's even a little less performance. So I want to know why and how this is. It's the default settings of zram-config. I think that's LZ0. Not sure. Cheers
  3. NicoD

    NanoPI M4

    Yes it can. But only with Armbian as far as I know. I made a video on how to install it onto NVMe. I now also have the NVMe hat for the M4. I love the thing. I've installed armbian bionic desktop with @JMCC his media script. Works great. Greetings.
  4. I can't read the model number now. It's a no-brand. I've gotten them for free, so a con it's not I know samsumg EVO's are a lot faster. But they also cost a lot more money. Cheers
  5. Hi all. I've made a new video where I test all storage devices for the NanoPi M4. 8GB, 16GB and 32GB eMMC modules, NVMe drive, sd-card and SSD over USB3. Here's the video. Here's my gathered data. Storage speeds -------------- 8GB eMMC module read : 160 MB/s write : 11 MB/s 16GB eMMC module read : 175 MB/s write : 50 MB/s 32GB eMMC module read : 173 MB/s write : 111.6 MB/s 256GB NVMe read : 697.7 MB/s write : 401 MB/s (630MB/s for 2.5GB, then 300 MB/s) M4 sd-card read : 70 MB/s write : 20 MB/s M4 swap read : 1.9GB/s 0.01 msec access time Greetings, NicoD
  6. I still need to research that. It might work with mainline kernel and uboot. I'll see to build an image, otherwise we're going to need smarter people for this
  7. I'll use it as 2nd desktop. My pc is aging and can't handle a 4K display. So this will drive my 4K display. And 2 x 1080p displays for my pc. I also have the original NanoPi M4, but with 2GB ram. I love that one, but the 2GB is a real bottleneck. And the NVMe will also be a good boost. Also have the RockPi4 with 4GB lpddr4 and NVMe. But the M4 always done better for me with the software I use.(kdenlive, blender, watching video, ...) Things have changed for the RockPi4, but it's still not as good for me as the M4 for my tasks. I've also got the Khadas VIM3 2GB, that's now my laptop. Super fast, super energy efficient. Consumes less than the M4 while a lot faster. And I've got so many more boards, I couldn't count them all, or find them all (I luckily get them for free) Greetings.
  8. Hi guys. I've received the NanoPi M4 V2 today. I tried Armbian images for the M4 on SD and eMMC. None boot. So I tried the RockPi4 images since that's got lpddr4 too. That works. Of course no on-board wifi since another chip. So my guess is the lpddr4 isn't supported by the uboot for the M4. It is a nice board. I've got the metal case with NVMe hat too. Looks all very nice. But a bit impractical if you need to acces eMMC. Cheers
  9. I believe the correct tutorial is this one. It seems you've tried something from another unanswered thread.
  10. Thank you. That's indeed missing. I'll add it for the next video. I still haven't found a hat sponsor. Sorry
  11. Here's the first video. Update/Upgrade/Install software. Change passwords/enter root account. Some debug tools. How to switch terminals, and how to reboot and shutdown the system.
  12. No idea. I'll see if I can recreate this with Buster 5.95. I don't think it's a problem in the meaning of "problem". Just a small bug in either htop or Buster. I rarely use htop. So others will know more about that.
  13. Hi. What version of Armbian are you running? Also please give the result of sudo armbianmonitor -a I'm using Armbian 5.90 Bionic on the M4, and for me it's noted right in HTop. CPU 5&6 are big. It could be a bug in HTop, or somewhere else. I don't think this hinders functionality. You could run a 7zip benchmark to see if it performs normal. You should get a score like this with Buster. 7-Zip (a) [64] 16.02 : Copyright (c) 1999-2016 Igor Pavlov : 2016-05-21 p7zip Version 16.02 (locale=C,Utf16=off,HugeFiles=on,64 bits,6 CPUs LE) LE CPU Freq: 1735 1793 1795 1796 1792 1797 1797 1796 1797 RAM size: 1926 MB, # CPU hardware threads: 6 RAM usage: 1323 MB, # Benchmark threads: 6 Compressing | Decompressing Dict Speed Usage R/U Rating | Speed Usage R/U Rating KiB/s % MIPS MIPS | KiB/s % MIPS MIPS 22: 4590 491 910 4466 | 94490 533 1513 8058 23: 4320 491 897 4402 | 92071 532 1497 7967 24: 4389 533 885 4719 | 89315 530 1479 7839 25: 4115 532 883 4699 | 86785 531 1455 7723 ---------------------------------- | ------------------------------ Avr: 512 894 4571 | 531 1486 7897 Tot: 522 1190 6234
  14. https://www.computerhope.com/unix/ushutdow.htm
  15. It should work fine. Do you have an internet connection? How are you trying to install them? Best way is to use the terminal. sudo apt install vlc kodi chromium You give very little useful info. Please show what's the result of your installation efforts.
  16. should this not be : sudo picocom -b 115200 /dev/ttyUSB0
  17. Hi all. For a new video I've made a list with my most used/useful terminal commands. Please let me know what I've missed, or which commands you use most. Useful Linux commands for Ubuntu/Debian --------------------------------------- Update/Install -------------- sudo apt update Update repolists sudo apt upgrade Upgrade system/programs sudo apt autoremove Remove obsolete programs sudo apt install programName Install program sudo apt remove programName Remove program sudo aptitude install When having issue's with apt, aptitude can help to solve this sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade Update and upgrade together/You can run multiple commands with && sudo dpkg -i packageName.deb Install .deb file Root user --------- sudo passwd Change root password su Super User/Enter root user Debug/Monitor ------------- dmesg Shows debug messages uname -a Shows basic system information env Shows the environment information htop Hardware monitor Switch terminal --------------- ctrl + ALT + F4 (F1 - F6) Open new terminal 4 ctrl + ALT + F1 Go back to terminal 1 ctrl + ALT + F7 Go back to desktop Reboot/Shutdown --------------- sudo reboot Reboot sudo shutdown now Shutdown CPU Tools --------- cpufreq-set -g performance Set governor to performance cpufreq-set -u 2Ghz Set max frequency for all cores cpufreq-set -c 0-1 -u 1.8Ghz Set max frequency for specific cores lscpu | grep MHz Show cpu frequency taskset -c 3 programName Use a specific core for an application Files/Directories ----------------- nano /home/fileToRemove.txt Create a txt file with Nano. You could use any other texteditor. touch filename Create an empty file, no matter what kind cat /home/fileToRemove.txt Shows the content of a file cp /home/fileToRemove.txt /home/copy.txt Copy file find /home/ -iname "*.txt" Search files that end with .txt comm /home/fileToRemove.txt /home/copy.txt Compare files rm /home/fileToRemove.txt Remove file mv /home/copy.txt ~/Documents/ Move file mkdir /home/directoryToGoTo/ Create directory cd /home/directoryToGoTo/ Go to directory ls List directory ls -l Gives more information about every file/directory ls -l filename.txt Gives file information pwd Show current working directory cd .. Go to the above directory rmdir /home/directoryToGoTo/ Remove directory wget http://www.website.com/file.txt Download file Zip/Tar/GunZip -------------- zip myzip file1 file2 file3 Create zip file unzip myzip.zip Unzip file tar xvf filename.tar gunzip filename_tar.gz Mount drives/USB Devices ------------ lsusb List USB devices lsblb List attached drives mount /mount/mountedDisk /dev/sda2 Mount drive sudo chmod -R 777 /mount/mountedDisk Give user read/write permissions df -a List all filesystems Swap file/ZRam -------------- sudo apt install zram-config Install zram script sudo fallocate -l 8G /swapfile Allocate 8GB for swapfile sudo chmod 600 /swapfile Give the correct rights for the swapfile sudo mkswap /swapfile Make it a swapfile sudo swapon /swapfile Turn on the swapfile sudo nano /etc/fstab Open fstab and add the line ... |_ /swapfile swap swap defaults 0 0 Wifi ---- sudo nano /etc/network/interfaces and write: auto wlan0 iface wlan0 inet dhcp wpa-ssid {ssid} wpa-psk {password} OR nmcli device wifi rescan Scan for available wifi networks nmcli device wifi list Show available wifi networks nmcli device wifi connect SSID-Name password wireless-password Connect wifi ip a Show ip ifconfig iwconfig Change Keyboard Layout ---------------------- sudo dpkg-reconfigure keyboard-configuration Set keyboard layout Add display resolution ---------------------- cvt 2560 1440 60 Select the display resolution you want # 2560x1440 59.96 Hz (CVT 3.69M9) hsync: 89.52 kHz; pclk: 312.25 MHz Modeline "2560x1440_60.00" 312.25 2560 2752 3024 3488 1440 1443 1448 1493 -hsync +vsync xrandr --newmode "2560x1440_60.00" 312.25 2560 2752 3024 3488 1440 1443 1448 1493 -hsync +vsync Add resolution, everything after Modeline from cvt is copied after newmode xrandr --addmode HDMI-1 2560x1440_60.00 Add the new resolution to your display xrandr --newmode "2560x1440_60.00" 312.25 2560 2752 3024 3488 1440 1443 1448 1493 -hsync +vsync && xrandr --addmode HDMI-1 2560x1440_60.00 Others ------ reset Clear terminal shift + page up Scroll up shift + page down Scroll down tab Autocomplete ctrl + c Quit for many programs date Show date/time cal Show calender Funny commands -------------- sl First need to install "sudo apt install sl", then try it out. It's great :) sl -alF cmatrix fortune/fortune-mod cowsay figlet toilet ponysay inxi cat /dev/urandom :(){ :|:& };: Endless loop (useful to test CPU maximized temperatures) Armbian ------- sudo armbianmonitor -m sudo armbian-config change cpu settings sudo nano /etc/default/cpufrequtils Made by NicoD
  18. I'm always willing to make a video about any subject you guys choose. Give me the details of what you want to see/hear and I'll do my best with it. @Igor Are you at the next Fossdem in Brussels? If so we could try to meet for an interview. You do not need to prepare for that. Just repeat a sentence when it didn't come out right. I cut and paste everything so nobody notices mistakes. Otherwise I could make a question list(and you can add questions you want to answer). And you could film yourself with a smart-phone answering the questions. I can then use that video and cut/paste my questions in between. I'm also not a good presenter, so live questions over internet would come out badly. I always have to redo my intros many times for my videos until I feel it's acceptable. I always got more blooper footage than useable video
  19. NicoD

    RK3399 Orange Pi

    1080p display xrandr --newmode "1920x1080_60.00" 173.00 1920 2048 2248 2576 1080 1083 1088 1120 -hsync +vsync && xrandr --addmode HDMI-1 1920x1080_60.00 && xrandr --output HDMI-1 --mode 1920x1080_60.00 720p display xrandr --newmode "1280x720_60.00" 74.50 1280 1344 1472 1664 720 723 728 748 -hsync +vsync && xrandr --addmode HDMI-1 1280x720_60.00 && xrandr --output HDMI-1 --mode 1280x720_60.00 https://linuxconfig.org/how-to-configure-your-monitors-with-xrandr-in-linux You can add the line to armbianEnv.txt if I remember well.
  20. Hi. I don't have the OPi1+, but I do have the OPi3 and PineH64. Here are my temperatures for the OPi3 Temperature ----------- With 5V fan idle : 35°C + heatsink maxed : 65°C 3.3V idle : 39°C 3.3V maxed : 69°C No fan/heatsink : 55°C maxed : between 73°C and 85°C throttle to 1.3Ghz over 75°C Mine seem lower than what you are perceiving. But what's shown here is within seconds. You could try with a fresh reboot, and wait a while for it to go to it's idle temp and check manually. cat /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone0/temp You could also try to run SBC-Bench from @tkaiser It takes a long time, but afterwards you get a good picture of the temperatures it's running at.(and many more...) wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ThomasKaiser/sbc-bench/master/sbc-bench.sh sudo /bin/bash ./sbc-bench.sh -c https://github.com/ThomasKaiser/sbc-bench My conclusion with the H6 was to use it at 1.5Ghz when you don't use a heatsink/fan. That way it doesn't overheat/throttle too quickly. In some CPU intensive tasks it will perform better because of this.
  21. Just do sudo apt update again, and maybe again until it's fine. There seem to be problems with all distro's. Not only armbian. I often need to do it 3 times before it's ok.
  22. 5.83 is not a recent Armbian. You didn't give any details of what board you're using. If possible use a recent image.
  23. So you've got an sd-card with armbian which worked? Does it still boot Armbian from the SD-card? Orange Pi installs chinese android on the eMMC. Maybe you never did boot from it, but it probably is there. Why it would go inthere after a shutdown I don't know. Try booting without sd-card. If Armbian still boots fine from sd-card you could install Armbian on the eMMC. It's faster than sd-card. But it's probably a small size.
  24. What board do you have? You give very little useful information. You probably have android installed on your eMMC.
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