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Everything posted by Werner

  1. Moved to P2P since this is a userspace project and not an actual bug with the board.
  2. So since nobody complained the next step would be to find a nice place within the docs to put the page...
  3. If you want to stick to the classic installation method anyways you can use this from @JMCCs commands to fix the needed dependencies: sudo apt build-dep tvheadend
  4. The link behind "Your board doesn't work?" needs to be adjusted when this merge is complete since it points to the PSU issue forum.
  5. Yeah, RK3399. This one is missing the "new topic rules" as well.
  6. What image or system do you mean with "clean ubuntu focal"?
  7. @martinayotte did you experience issues on H6 devices while being on 5.8 or meanwhile 5.9?
  8. As a temporary workaround and until further investigation you can use armbian-config to switch back to the sunxi64-legacy kernel which contains 5.4 branch.
  9. Since nobody else has an opinion here I assume my suggestion is fine. I'll leave it open for a while and merge the changes probably in about 48h.
  10. Since nobody else has an opinion here I assume my suggestion is fine. I'll leave it open for a while and merge the changes probably in about 48h.
  11. So in short in upstream the kernel module is there but in Armbian it is not. Either it is not available for ARM or (and I am pretty sure about that) it is just not enabled in the equivalent Armbian kernel config. Bringing these configs closer to upstream is still WIP and a lot of work (and therefore nobody wants to do it ). The fastest way for you at the moment to get it running is to build your own kernel package using the build script available here: https://github.com/armbian/build Checkout the documentation how to get started: https://docs.armbian.com/ It is not that complicated as it sounds. To break it down real quick: clone repo, run ./compile.sh, select your board and that you want to adjust the kernel config. Select the mentioned module and let it build. Install the generated kernel package (and I recommend to install the headers, dtb and u-boot too) with dpkg -i. Reboot and check if it is working now.
  12. 1. In general any armhf or arm64 package (depending on architecture of the targeted board) can be run with Armbian including retro game emulators. @NicoD did some YouTube videos on this topic, not only with RPi ;). If this steam thingy will run no idea since nobody tried that AFAIK. b) is basically the same answer as 1 I think. 3. If there are armhf/arm64 Debian packages or sourcecode available install either with dpkg -i or try compiling the source by yourself (usually something like configure, make, make install). No guarantee of success though. There is a reason these boards are called development boards. You are expected to do some tinkering on your own I dont know about any architecture depending issues atm. Not having proper function of some components on some boards is the bigger issue. 4. For personalized support check here: https://github.com/armbian/build#support Stuff I missed @balbes150 probably can answer.
  13. Correct. Armbian is using these very same branches to build image for sunxi and sunxi64 families with some extra patches on top. 5.8 is current and 5.9 is dev atm.
  14. I don't think there is any case in which Armbian reboots by itself without asking unless there is an issue with the system (freeze/crash/overheat...). If you do a kernel switch from within armbian-config it tells you that it will reboot.
  15. The support for stone-age kernels like 3.10 or 3.14 has been dropped several month ago (or last year? don't remember). Anyway it might be possible that the old packages have still been there for a while and now been purged too. Armbian does not keep a copy of those. So if not a 3rd party saved them you cannot obtain the requested package anymore.
  16. So basically you could track it down to an issue with the newer dtb. Would you mind to throw both through dtc to get the dts and upload both here or even do a quick comparison on your own?
  17. Try to check here: https://github.com/megous/linux/tree/orange-pi-5.9
  18. Okay, np. Just wanted to make sure and avoid being defeated by a trivial issue
  19. Awesome! I see the log ends after 16 seconds. Did the board freeze then? Please also try to use a different power supply as well as cable. Just to make sure it is not PSU issue related.
  20. It is no longer possible to add tags, either custom or pre-defined, to topics in General Chit Chat and Feature Requests (already existing tags are kept). Latter received the option to add a "solved" prefix for fulfilled feature requests. Btw. if you want to see more "solved" prefixes consider getting involved . Announcements forums tags have been replaced with proper prefixes (the first page at least, older topics most likely nobody reads anyways )
  21. Seems to be more a userspace issue, therefore moved to p2p.
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