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Everything posted by Werner

  1. I suggest to ask them why they claim that it works with Armbian then
  2. Odroid has many variants. Please clarify.
  3. No because Bullseye is Debian and Jammy is Ubuntu. While both using deb packages they are incompatible userspaces. So this "upgrade" is impossible.
  4. This does not look like an official image. Since we have no idea what 3rd parties do to their code or if it is even somewhere provided no instructions can be given.
  5. Do you have opi zero or opi PC?
  6. Actually it seems to be more similar to the R4S but with eMMC welded on.
  7. Either dig through archives or DIY: https://github.com/armbian/build
  8. Correct. That way of installation has been removed by HASS and therefore broke our installer which then got removed:https://github.com/home-assistant/supervised-installer/commit/ece9fcc9468be41c67d052e043a9e70bad16a67a You have to figure some manual way of installation. No idea though what packages are available and so on.
  9. Hm interesting. Maybe somebody gets a chance to decompile both dtbs and do a diff?
  10. Closing as sold
  11. Don't waste your time. User obviously wasn't up for proper discussion because they requested account deletion.
  12. Ahaa. Yes these tools were made for the old legacy kernel which support for has been dropped years ago and they were never updated. So it assume for the now settings like you mention are not possible at this time and probably won't be in near or far future unless either somebody invests their time to do research or somebody sponsors such researches
  13. like?
  14. Indeed. Especially thinking about both are high-end SoCs and some features of the RK3399 are still WIP years after its release. So expect that RK3588 will also take probably five years at least to bring almost everything in good shape.
  15. Moved to TV boxes
  16. No idea if this is possible with mainline if that needs vendor adjustments. Make sure to read here to understand why https://docs.armbian.com/User-Guide_FAQ/#why-does-hardware-feature-xy-work-in-old-kernel-but-not-in-more-recent-one
  17. Unfortunately I cannot since I am not a developer and also just know the basics about building things. This is not my responsibility either. Forum and Discord is However maybe someone else has time to do some basic code { font-family: Consolas,"courier new"; color: crimson; background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2); padding: 2px; font-size: 105%; } git and code { font-family: Consolas,"courier new"; color: crimson; background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2); padding: 2px; font-size: 105%; } patch crash course
  18. Software. Things like inability to boot are possible or package conflicts.
  19. There were some fixes to upstream wifi drivers that have been merged just a few hours ago so maybe this was the cause. Try building your own kernel package for the board with the most recent changes from master using the build framework:https://github.com/armbian/build
  20. Hi, Check our build framework here:https://github.com/armbian/build Using this you can build an image for this board. https://docs.armbian.com/Developer-Guide_Build-Preparation/ Take note that its support is still experimental/work in progress at most. So issues or even unbootable images are to be expected. It is up to you to solve these issues then (if any) since Armbian's resources are limited.
  21. Could find it in https://redirect.armbian.com/orangepizero/Bullseye_current
  22. Cannot reproduce. Armbian_22.05.4_Orangepizero_bullseye_current_5.15.48.img booting perfectly fine on my OPi0 v1.1 w/ 32GB Sandisk Extreme U3 A1
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