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Everything posted by Werner

  1. Not sure if how far mainline is but some features will certainly be missing in comparison to Armbian. Basically the Armbian build framework does the job for you. There you can also find the larch set armbian a puts on top of mainline and such things.
  2. Bummer. Providing logs with the procedure mentioned above is our point of start to take a look where the issue is. This script collects valuable data to continue investigation. Regardless I highly recommend to pick up an USB UART adapter when you frequently play with SBCs since they are for once dirt cheap and for the other a tremendously helpful tool to debug issues and get an idea about what is going on "under the hood".
  3. Fund R&D. https://docs.armbian.com/User-Guide_FAQ/#there-is-a-new-board-on-the-market-will-armbian-officially-support-it
  4. If you console works Providing logs with armbianmonitor -u helps with troubleshooting and significantly raises chances that issue gets addressed.
  5. There isn't actually something like a "installation". The OS image written to the sd is ready to use. Only exception are a few scripts that run on first boot and then disable themselves like hw optimization or create non-privileged user with sudo permissions.
  6. Well at least a sdcard with u boot is mandatory since this sbc does not feature any permanent storage on board iirc. Not sure why pxe does not work but tbh unsure if that has every been tested either...
  7. Is that ARM architecture? From a quick search I could find VIA x86 processors only.
  8. There is no way to "upgrade" Jammy to Bullseye since their origin is different. Bullseye is Debian while Jammy is Ubuntu.
  9. Does not sound like a genuine Armbian image.
  10. Hey fellows, we have published some info about board maintainership. What to expect from Armbian and what Armbian expects from maintainers. Check it out: https://docs.armbian.com/Board_Maintainers_Procedures_and_Guidelines/
  11. Moved to Beginners forums.
  12. Who's that weird guy in the woods
  13. Never heard of Adoptium JDK. Make sure you have arm64 binary. x86 or amd64 will not work. Install openjdk17-jre from apt and it will work.
  14. Yeah that is one of the sections that are still missing and nobody took the challenge yet to make a write-up. However you can dig through old PRs that added support for a board to get an idea where things got added or adjusted. Examples: https://github.com/armbian/build/pull/3628 https://github.com/armbian/build/pull/3770
  15. TV boxes which were used to be in "Clubs" have been migrated into forums. Topics in other clubs have been transferred into their respective forums as well.
  16. Does not look like a genuine Armbian image. Please retry with this patch applied:https://github.com/armbian/build/pull/3964
  17. supposed not but certainly possible since
  18. Or vendor kernel/uboot which is used in legacy images.
  19. Hi Check your router interface. Armbian sets ethernet interface/s by default to DHCP. Install openjdk Does not matter. Both are GBe PHY. One is directly from the SoC. The other is connected internally via PCIe.
  20. No OOB solution that I am aware of. Maybe take a look at RockPRO64 in combination with a PCIe to S-ATA controller like a SAS 9211-4i...
  21. Which exact image? Debug logs?
  22. Maybe something built around the RK3399 SoC? It's support, while not being perfect, is well matured. The Nanopi R4S is such a workhorse without unneeded stuff, just dual LAN and dual USB3. That's it. I tried using it as NAS by myself a while ago but unfortunately I could not manage to run stable for a longer time. ATM I am using the Station P1 for that purpose which is kind a not what the board is designed for but it runs stable for long now. One Lan and one USB3 only but you can attach a NVMe. The board inside is a T-Firefly ROC RK3399 PC PLUS. Also a great board that has GBe and USB3 in a very small form factor is the Nanopi Neo 3. I used to have one but I managed to break it.
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