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  1. The nano pi core armbian image not have ethernet support I made the file with little modification to fix this. https://github.com/projetoarduino/armbian-nanopi-core
  2. Hello, I compiled a little GUI application using Qt for my Orangepi One, Running Armbian 5.41 (Mainline) . However, when executing I get the following error message: libEGL warning: DRI2: failed to authenticate I figured this was related to the graphics driver. However Mesa is running fine with the glxgears -info test showing up normally and rendering just fine. I didn't see anything unusual in glxinfo either. I found this https://raspberrypi.stackexchange.com/questions/61078/qt-applications-dont-work-due-to-libegl and symlinked the library files, but the proposed fix is not working for me. Do you guys have any ideas?
  3. Since some H2 and H3's run hotter than some people would like, and people are measuring voltages etc I thought I'd make the following warnings for your benefit in the hope that we collect quality data and solve all challenges quickly. Measuring voltage accurately Your DMM (digital multimeter) may lie to you. Measure the input voltage as well as the test voltages before posting voltage readings. Check with the resistance setting that the resistance of your probes touching each other is close to 0 ohms. I own many DMM's and one of them reports horribly inaccurate voltages when the 9v battery is near or less than 8v. If your DMM sucks, buy a better one (link at bottom) TL;DR Step 1. Check probes shorted is close to 0 ohms Step 2. Test and report 5v input voltage Step 3. Test and report whatever voltage is of interest to you. You need 3 DMM's to verify accuracy, from time to time You need to own 3 DMM's (preferably different brands/models) then you measure a voltage with all 3 meters to see if they agree. (or own 1 DMM and borrow 2 for the test) If you use 1 DMM: You cannot trust what it tells you. If you use 2 DMM's: You only know if you have a problem. If they disagree, you don't know which is right and which is wrong. If you use 3 DMM's: The 3rd DMM will arbitrate a discrepancy. Every few months or years you should repeat this test. A DMM's accuracy may depend on it's batteries being very fresh or it may corrode inside. Verify to trust. Measuring temperature accurately Temperature reported by some boards onboard sensors are horribly inaccurate. Do not believe these numbers. (eg: Orange Pi Zero) - For good temperature measurements, buy yourself some cheap and nice equipment. IR thermometer (note, the laser doesn't point in the exact same place as the IR sensor at all distances, best to turn the laser off, it's a gimmick, temperature sensing is only accurate when measuring matte dark coloured surfaces, it won't work well on shiny/bright coloured surfaces, to hack, add some black insulation tape or better: colour in with black permanent marker) DS18B20 1wire accurate digital thermometer IC's (there are lots of tutorials for hooking these up to RbPi etc, hopefully someone (maybe me) can do it for an Orange Pi etc and post pics/schematic/code) Digital LCD Temperature Probe (not an ideal probe shape probably, but very easy to use, this one's temp range goes up to 110C, some only go to 70C) Good quality DMM with temperature probe (reviewed by EEVlog) USB Doctor (with individual voltage and current in different colours is MUCH easier to use than the cheap crappy single display monochrome ones. Some of these claim a range of 3-9v and 3A. So it could technically be used on the 3.3v rail but you should confirm it's accuracy at different currents and voltages with a good DMM) USB Doctor 3-7.5V, 0-2.5A USB Doctor 3-8V, 0-3A USB Doctor 3-9V, 0-5A Fancy USB Doctor, 4-30V 0-5A shows power, time and mAh Measure current and voltage (calculate power) accurately Ammeters (digital or analog) have significant resistance and will cause a voltage drop. If you use one, measure voltage at the target device power inputs (after the ammeter). (if you use a USB Doctor for example, it's the same as using 2 DMM's, one for current, one for voltage) None of these links contain any affiliate references, I just searched eBay and chose good examples and I've bought the above DMM myself, buy whatever you want, I just want you to have good quality instruments and report accurate data.
  4. I finished network booting for my Raspberry Pi 3 based on step by step instruction. Works good without any SD card in a school class 10 PCs RPI. https://www.raspberrypi.org/documentation/hardware/raspberrypi/bootmodes/net_tutorial.md Is any such howto for the orange pi prime? Is it possible network booting without a SD card at all?
  5. Hi, there is a question as selected to install the driver on the linux-3.4.112-sun7i ? I am a beginner and also sorry for my english.
  6. After reading several threads without success I need to ask again how I can get permission as a "normal" user to use the GPIO pins via my python script: #!/usr/bin/python import time PIN_NUM = 200 print "GPIO %s" % PIN_NUM try: # check to see if the pin is already exported open(''.join(['/sys/class/gpio/gpio',str(PIN_NUM),'/direction'])).read() except: # it isn't, so export it open('/sys/class/gpio/export', 'w').write(str(PIN_NUM)) # set gpiochip198 to output open(''.join(['/sys/class/gpio/gpio',str(PIN_NUM),'/direction']), 'w').write('out') for i in range(1000): open(''.join(['/sys/class/gpio/gpio',str(PIN_NUM),'/value']), 'w').write("1") time.sleep(0.5) open(''.join(['/sys/class/gpio/gpio',str(PIN_NUM),'/value']), 'w').write("0") time.sleep(0.5) # remove GPIO87 folder from file system open('/sys/class/gpio/unexport', 'w').write(str(PIN_NUM)) I get this error: Traceback (most recent call last): File "testGPIO.py", line 17, in <module> open(''.join(['/sys/class/gpio/gpio',str(PIN_NUM),'/direction']), 'w').write('out') IOError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: '/sys/class/gpio/gpio200/direction' So I tried to add: SUBSYSTEM=="gpio", ACTION=="add", RUN="/bin/sh -c '\ chown -R root:gpio /sys/class/gpio && chmod -R 770 /sys/class/gpio;\ chown -R root:gpio /sys$DEVPATH && chmod -R 770 /sys$DEVPATH\ '" into /etc/udev/rules.d/90-gpiomem.rules and yes my username is the GPIO group.... Can someone help me further...thx Andy
  7. armpc


    downloads u-boot from official site. I do a compilation on the documentation and at the end an error occurs. I'm trying to optimize the code. nothing comes out. where to turn, who can exactly answer my questions?
  8. Hi, could anyone tell me how to disable pek short interrupt in mailine? I've already tried with "i2cset -f -y 0 0x34 0x42 0x01" but with no success. Any help would be much appreciated. Thank you
  9. Hi, I bought a OrangePi Zero, burned the latest image on a good SD card, and started it. I bought a hat with a video output, but I don't have the right cables yet. So... I'm trying to set it up without any display for the time being. It looks like the port 22 is not opened, or any other ports, depending on the nmap command I use: $ nmap -sS -O -PI -PT Starting Nmap 7.50 ( https://nmap.org ) at 2018-06-01 07:33 ope Note: Host seems down. If it is really up, but blocking our ping probes, try -Pn Nmap done: 1 IP address (0 hosts up) scanned in 5.05 seconds $ ssh root@ ssh: connect to host port 22: Connection timed out At one time, I plugged it in my Windows machine, and it was seen as a serial gadget. I tried to contact it with Putty, but never managed to start a session. Does anynone have the reference of a cable/adapter I could plug in it so that I can log from my PC onto it? Thanks a lot.
  10. hi: I want to use my orange pi to control some network devices which has rs232 console port. so I enable uart1 as 2 pin mode, and buy some rs232-ttl converter board. then I found these rs232-ttl converters is not working under my situation. they do work when I use my PC to control orange pi (so this is RS232 -> TTL). they don't work when I use my orange pi to control rs232 device (so this is TTL-> RS232, not working). it seems there is something difference between RS232->TTL and TTL->RS232. now I wonder if TTL->RS232 possible? or I need enable 4 pin mode and find another kind of converter for the work? thanks a lot for your help!
  11. Hi, Have a problem with Orange Pi Zero on Armbian Mainline kernel . It's based on Debian 9. It's Linux orangepizero 4.14.14-sunxi .
  12. I recently had a sopine module start to fail on me. The symptom was most boots would fail partway through the boot. It would just stop, serial console output stops, the board powers off. Note that this is identical to lower power but in this case was not (I have multiple sopine modules and work with them daily). I successfully mitigated this issue by underclocking. Specifically I did three things: Underclocking in U-Boot I added the following line to `/boot/boot.cmd` and compiled the file: mw 0x1c20000 0x80000900 Per the Allwinner A64 manual (p84), this sets the CPU to the lowest clock speed possible: 240MHz. The formula used to set the clock speed is `(24Mhz*N*K)/(M*P)`. The high bit switches should always be the same, and the low bits used in the formula are padded to align to hexadecimal digits. This yields the following map for the formula: `0x800PNNKM` with a max value of `0x80031F33`. Underclocking in the kernel The easiest way to do this is set `CONFIG_CPU_FREQ_DEFAULT_GOV_POWERSAVE=y`. The powersave governor operates the cpu at the lowest clockspeed possible. If you disable all userspace cpu frequency utils, you can stop here. Alternatively, you may skip this step and just do the following. Set powersave governor in /etc/init.d/cpufrequtils Here's a oneliner that does this: sed -i 's/^GOVERNOR=.*/GOVERNOR="powersave"/' /etc/init.d/cpufrequtils After underclocking, the sopine module has been operating fine. If you are installing A64 chips in the field that don't require high performance, you can use this to enable a longer device life.
  13. Previously I just edited /etc/network/interfaces (or added file to interfaces.d), but Ubuntu 18.04 uses Netplan now. The old way worked by editing the SD card, so you never had to login into the serial console. I'm not sure if there's a way to do this with Netplan, but this is what I did to get wifi working: Login via serial console or plug in Ethernet (I used the Duo mini shield which has Ethernet port) sudo nano cat /etc/netplan/armbian-default.yaml network: version: 2 renderer: NetworkManager wifis: wlan0: dhcp4: no addresses: [] gateway4: nameservers: addresses: [,] access-points: yourssid: password: yourpassword sudo netplan generate sudo netplan apply ip a Make sure to modify the addresses, gateway4, nameservers, access-points to fit your needs.
  14. Both my Orange Pi Pc and Orange Pi Zero have horrifically slow/laggy/issues with SSH. Random drops, connection issues, and EXTREME lagginess with keyboard input. Sometimes the session will "freeze" randomly. This is after re-installation on fresh SD cards that work well otherwise. Power supplies have been used before with same boards and same SD cards, but after re-installation of various armbian installations, it's laggy. I'm not even sure which version I started with initially with my orange pi zero which I had first, but I had upgraded and upgraded and upgraded through versions...and figured a fresh install couldn't hurt. It hurt. These are being used as headless machines, SSH performance is extremely important, and it's on base installs with almost nothing running, loads on the machines are super super low and SSH is still lagging. Can't even use Vi/Nano to edit a text file without it borking up and needing a restarted SSH session. I don't have this issue with straight debian or straight ubuntu on an x86 laptop. Just these little boards. Anyone else having these issues? What was your solution? **edit** Would like to add that this happens MUCH more with the 4x kernel than the 3x kernel. But still happening with both. What's up?
  15. Hi, i have a small/big problem because i`m not able to change the system time. The same with ntpdate, its not able to adjust :( and i didnt have any idea whats wrong. My cubie3 runs with Debian Jessi. Here are some logs what i tried to adjust my time. Can anybody see whats wrong and what can i do? You see, a "date -s" has no result in adjusting system time root@www:~# date -s "15 MAY 2018 09:47:00" Di 15. Mai 09:47:00 CEST 2018 root@www:~# date;hwclock Di 15. Mai 10:22:58 CEST 2018 Di 15 Mai 2018 10:02:04 CEST -1.711357 seconds same, to success with timedatectl root@www:~# timedatectl Warning: Ignoring the TZ variable. Reading the system's time zone setting only. Local time: Di 2018-05-15 10:23:43 CEST Universal time: Di 2018-05-15 08:23:43 UTC RTC time: Di 2018-05-15 08:02:48 Time zone: Europe/Berlin (CEST, +0200) NTP enabled: no NTP synchronized: no RTC in local TZ: no DST active: yes Last DST change: DST began at So 2018-03-25 01:59:59 CET So 2018-03-25 03:00:00 CEST Next DST change: DST ends (the clock jumps one hour backwards) at So 2018-10-28 02:59:59 CEST So 2018-10-28 02:00:00 CET root@www:~# timedatectl set-time '09:51:00' root@www:~# timedatectl Warning: Ignoring the TZ variable. Reading the system's time zone setting only. Local time: Di 2018-05-15 10:24:07 CEST Universal time: Di 2018-05-15 08:24:07 UTC RTC time: Di 2018-05-15 07:51:03 Time zone: Europe/Berlin (CEST, +0200) NTP enabled: no NTP synchronized: no RTC in local TZ: no DST active: yes Last DST change: DST began at So 2018-03-25 01:59:59 CET So 2018-03-25 03:00:00 CEST Next DST change: DST ends (the clock jumps one hour backwards) at So 2018-10-28 02:59:59 CEST So 2018-10-28 02:00:00 CET root@www:~# trying to set systemtime based on hardwaretime with no success root@www:~# date;hwclock Di 15. Mai 10:24:41 CEST 2018 Di 15 Mai 2018 09:51:40 CEST -1.731372 seconds root@www:~# hwclock --hctosys root@www:~# date;hwclock Di 15. Mai 10:24:59 CEST 2018 Di 15 Mai 2018 09:51:59 CEST -1.761405 seconds root@www:~# ...
  16. How to enable desktop in Armbian Stretch mainline kernel 4.14.y IMG ??
  17. [ 11.799225] sunxi_i2c_do_xfer()985 - [i2c0] incomplete xfer (status: 0x20, de v addr: 0x48) [ 11.804169] sunxi_i2c_do_xfer()985 - [i2c0] incomplete xfer (status: 0x48, de v addr: 0x48) when using i2c-bus,there is too much log in the dmesg, how can i disable this kind of log ?
  18. I've been able to use all the other user space I/O without being root. PWM on the other hand seems to create files only after opening device. Is there a udev rule that will work with 4.14 kernel? For all other devices I use a simple rc.local script: chown -R root:gpio /dev/gpiochip0 chmod -R ug+rw /dev/gpiochip0 chown -R root:gpio /dev/gpiochip1 chmod -R ug+rw /dev/gpiochip1 chown -R root:i2c /dev/i2c-0 chmod -R ug+rw /dev/i2c-0 chown -R root:spi /dev/spidev1.0 chmod -R ug+rw /dev/spidev1.0
  19. Hi all again, I need disable this hardware on the kernel of the board because i dont use it: HDMI Audio IR receiver Camera LCD screen For do this i should recompile the kernel? or i can desactivate in the armbian with out recompile? And how i do this? i am very noob with kernels. Best Regards!
  20. I wanted to share my workaround of setting the proper resolution on both, console and Xorg: Display: Generic 5 inch 800x480 HDMI "Waveshare V2" clone Kernel: mainline Proper/usual way of doing it: 1. Edit uboot/dtb display variable -> does not work currently because only a few resolutions are supported (848x480 is the closest). 2. Add a new mode with "xrandr" and "gtf or cvt" -> but "cvt 800 480 60" does yield a modeline which totally glitches out the display. Possible workaround: 1. Set linux console to 800x480: "sudo fbset -g 800 480 800 480 32" 2. Edit or create something similar to "/etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/01-armbian-defaults.conf" and add: Section "Device" Identifier "fbdev device" Driver "fbdev" EndSection 3. Start the Xserver. For me this effectively disables the Xserver's self-configuration and thus it looks for the resolution that was set prior by fbset. Since that is set to 800x480, Xserver picks it up. This however also breaks the "randr" extension, so no live screen rotation and stuff, which is a pity. If you want to rotate the screen you have to add the following instead: Section "Device" Identifier "fbdev device" Driver "fbdev" Option "ShadowFB" "true" Option "Rotate" "CW" #Clockwise EndSection So yeah, to conclude - its a pretty hacky solution and someone might hopefully find a more suitable one. Regards
  21. Hi, I'm first time to lean that " Orange Pi" and Debian Linux system, I have two questions. 1. How to change that the scree picture or character after typing user name/password. 2. How to starting my own program after system boot-up finished. My program is connect to copy machine it will catch that using status and send back to server. Thanks
  22. If you want to get ahead of the curve a little I've been testing libgpiod master with User Space IO. This version includes Python bindings, so I'm no longer generating CFFI bindings for this library. I've converted all the example code to use the new bindings. User Space IO is Python 3 and Java 8 bindings for Linux user space GPIO, SPI, I2C, PWM and Serial interfaces. User Space IO is a consistent API for C, Python 3 and most JVM languages. No more hacked up RPi.GPIO and WiringPi for each SBC model.
  23. Hi, We are testing our orange pi one in critical external environments like warehouses, manufacturing and other. In some cases, even if the good case there is a misconnection between the sd card and the orange pi one. Connected in ssh i can access the orange pi but a lot of command cannot responde anymore, like ls, top, htop, tail and others. Even the reboot shows me the input-output-error, and the only way to reboot the hardware is using "echo b > /proc/sysrq-trigger". When this happens, i tried create a cron with 'at' or background jobs using sh like './script.sh &' with the content "echo b > /proc/sysrq-trigger" but still not works. My question is, when i remove the sd card from the board a lot of i/o features are disable. How can i identity and reboot when this happen automatically? i am using orange pi one based on linux 4.14 ubuntu xenial. Thanks
  24. I need to count frequency about 1 Khz on GPIO input pin. Is it possible and what is the best way to do this? Tried WrinigOP isr.c but no luck. Thanks.
  25. I am planning to buy a SopineA64 set of modules and the Cluster board. (clusterboard) I would like to know if someone here made a cluster. I would like to create it with Armbian since I am an enthusiastic Armbian user. I would like to create a real cluster and not a list of computers unified by a board. I mean to have the disk united and ram united. Something of real cluster computer. Sorry for my english.
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