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i prepared a microsd card with the Armbian_5.90_Odroidxu4_Debian_buster_next_4.14.127 image and started my ODROID XU4.


However the problem encountered is the failure of the NetworkManager, which of course is  a main service to operate the ODROIDXU4.


Sofar ARMBIAN images had been very reliable and stable in the past. The failure of starting the Network Manager  something unusual for ARMBIAN.


Enclosed you'll find a error messages. I appreciate very much your help and supporting comments!


regards, Ireng



maybe you need to complete your armbian update firstly successful?

if the update isnt complete you maybe have some old network-manager packages which should be updated before the new ones can startup successfully?


This is a new image, downloaded from the website, never been touched (never been upgraded, etc) before, as mentioned in my starting post !


It seams that "good software & support" of the ARMBIAN Distro is something from the past !

8 minutes ago, Ireng said:

It seams that "good software & support" of the ARMBIAN Distro is something from the past !

Keep in mind that Armbian is a distribution relying on external packages.

If something is broken, it is not necessarily Armbian fault !!!

8 hours ago, Ireng said:

This is a new image, downloaded from the website, never been touched (never been upgraded, etc) before, as mentioned in my starting post !

Not true. Downloading packages from mirrors.dotsrc.org  (as seen on the screenshot) is 100% not a default setting. This can only be changed manually or via armbian-config.

You are not using clean official build and putting a dirt on our work :(:angry:


Thanks for your numerous comments and advice!


i downloaded the image from this website. if there are any mirrors involved i did not know, since there was no inform or advice about it!


Only the loopback interface was included in /etc/network/interface and no eth0 interface. My Fritzbox showed the ODROIDXU4 in its webinterface, however pining was not successful at all.


How should i update the installation without eth0 interface an internet connection ???  By prayer ? By Inspiration ?


Please, advice about an URL for downloading a genuine, non corrupted image! Thanks!!


best Regards, ireng


content of /etc/apt/sources.list:

deb http://httpredir.debian.org/debian buster main contrib non-free
#deb-src http://httpredir.debian.org/debian buster main contrib non-free

deb http://httpredir.debian.org/debian buster-updates main contrib non-free
#deb-src http://httpredir.debian.org/debian buster-updates main contrib non-free

deb http://httpredir.debian.org/debian buster-backports main contrib non-free
#deb-src http://httpredir.debian.org/debian buster-backports main contrib non-free

deb http://security.debian.org/ buster/updates main contrib non-free
#deb-src http://security.debian.org/ buster/updates main contrib non-free


content of /etc/apt/sources.d/armbian.list

deb http://mirrors.dotsrc.org/armbian-apt/ buster main buster-utils buster-desktop


I did not make any changes! neither manually not by armbian-config !!! What is the problem ?????


content of /etc/network/interfaces:


# armbian-config created
source /etc/network/interfaces.d/*

# Local loopback
auto lo
iface lo inet loopback

# Interface lo
auto lo
allow-hotplug lo
iface lo inet static                
    netmask 8



No eth0 available!

2 hours ago, Ireng said:

What is the problem ?????


Armbian from the download section works, but I can't give my hand into the fire (and can't double check since I am out of office) that Debian Buster is already in a pitch perfect condition. It was tested, also on XU4 ... Try Stretch, try previous version of it. That one was downloaded/installed many many times that we can have some reference point.


Possible (weird) explanation:
- your SD/eMMC card is broken, is not overwriting with the new content 

- you are using 3rd party Armbian images

Check this way: https://docs.armbian.com/User-Guide_Getting-Started/#how-to-check-download-authenticity

- there is something fundamental wrong with Buster and manifest only on Odroid XU4


I downloaded the stretch image, dd it to a clean, unused micro sd card ===> received the same weird messages, that network interfaces could not be raised and Network Manager failed to rasie the interfaces !


I added the eth0 interface to /etc/network/interfaces ---> rebooted the system-----> eth0 interface disappeared!


it is such a nuisance !


8 minutes ago, Ireng said:

I downloaded the stretch image

Now do the same with previous version, used by many many people ... in that case you face hardware issue. Network must work out of the box without altering the configuration.


sorry, can't double check by myself.


i am facing the same  problem on my hardkernel ODROID XU4, on my CUBIETRUCK 3...prior to the upgrade everything went fine...since the upgrade ===> DEBIAN 10. Buster its all the mess! I use the same hardware, power supply, etc. nothing changed,..... except the software !


The port on the switch is open, the network cable works with my notebook.......


You have been warned that problems with Debian Buster are expected and since you wanted to have it, you have it!

50 minutes ago, Ireng said:

in all cases i use STATIC IP addresses!


Stop here. Does your Cubietruck with a fresh image receive address when you boot it up? Free support stops here, commercial starts now:
How do you set IP? You did an upgrade from Debian Stretch to Debian Buster? (we don't recommend that since problems are expected, not in our power to fix and most of users are not able to fix them)

14 hours ago, Igor said:

You have been warned that problems with Debian Buster are expected and since you wanted to have it, you have it!

I took "the risk" today and installed my fresh compiled Armbian_5.91_Orangepipc2_Debian_buster_dev_5.2.0

on my OPi PC2 ;)


I has the same issue with the NetworkManager wait online :(

[FAILED] Failed to start Network Manager Wait Online.
See 'systemctl status NetworkManager-wait-online.servce' for details.

So (as I always do) deconfigured the network-manager.


First I did try to configure eth0 via armbian-config, but armbian-config did enter the ip-data in /etc/network/interfaces

to the device lo and not for eth0 :(

Booting with only lo-device  configured took a long time because of the PC2 couldnt raise eth0/network:

A start job is running for Raise network interfaces


So I edited this manually via nano to eth0 and rebooted.


Now the network could raise up fine and fast :)


@igor So the OPi PC2 is also a H5 device - maybe the non-booting H5/A64 devices the last days suffer from starting fine the network and only seems to doesnt boot?

5 hours ago, guidol said:

@igor So the OPi PC2 is also a H5 device - maybe the non-booting H5/A64 devices the last days suffer from starting fine the network and only seems to doesnt boot?


Possible. Strange is that it was working for me without a problem ... damn.


5 hours ago, guidol said:

eth0 via armbian-config,

+ Buster was not tested ...

Now what? I can issue an update, but can't fix nor debug the problem :(

1 hour ago, Igor said:

+ Buster was not tested ...

Now what? I can issue an update, but can't fix nor debug the problem :(

I'm going to create a bug and track it in github since we seem to have a trend now.....  I've got a PC2 adn a bit of time today, so i can try to debug.. are we gettign reports for other buster builds besides PC2?

1 hour ago, lanefu said:

I'm going to create a bug and track it in github since we seem to have a trend now.....  I've got a PC2 adn a bit of time today, so i can try to debug.. are we gettign reports for other buster builds besides PC2?

I got the same NetworkManager-issue at this moment with the freshly compiled image for a NanoPi K1 Plus :(

After reconfiguration like my Opi PC2 is also do work now - without Network-Manager - fine.

login as: root
root@'s password:
 _   _ ____  _   _  ___   ____  _
| \ | |  _ \(_) | |/ / | |  _ \| |_   _ ___
|  \| | |_) | | | ' /| | | |_) | | | | / __|
| |\  |  __/| | | . \| | |  __/| | |_| \__ \
|_| \_|_|   |_| |_|\_\_| |_|   |_|\__,_|___/

Welcome to Debian Buster with Armbian Linux 5.2.0-sunxi64
package bsp-kernel[5.91] u-boot[5.91] dtb[5.91] firmware[5.91] config[5.91]

System load:   0.27 0.08 0.03   Up time:       0 min
Memory usage:  5 % of 1965MB    IP:  
CPU temp:      55°C
Usage of /:    9% of 15G

Last login: Sat Jul 13 20:36:26 2019 from


armbianmonitor -u
System diagnosis information will now be uploaded to http://ix.io/1Oon

16 minutes ago, guidol said:

without Network-Manager - fine.

It has to work with :) Can you rebuild with deleting rootfs cache? And by using NEXT kernel.


I checked on the only hardware I have around (Nano PC T4) and Debian Buster image, made from sources and with rootfs cache that is downloaded from our servers, works perfectly fine.

1 minute ago, Igor said:

It has to work with :) Can you rebuild with deleting rootfs cache? And by using NEXT kernel.

How do I delete the rootfs-cache?

(and it doesnt have anything to do with these values we have to accept for getting actual buster packages?)

1 hour ago, guidol said:

How do I delete the rootfs-cache?

remove from build/cache/rootfs


and also build with option 




lane@cranbone:~$ ssh orangepipc2
The authenticity of host 'orangepipc2 (' can't be established.
ECDSA key fingerprint is SHA256:VKanA30eN+1KTZKmaU+U0e0GSZUEpBQOBZW+80Ki88w.
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes
Warning: Permanently added 'orangepipc2,' (ECDSA) to the list of known hosts.
lane@orangepipc2's password: 
  ___  ____  _   ____   ____ ____  
 / _ \|  _ \(_) |  _ \ / ___|___ \ 
| | | | |_) | | | |_) | |     __) |
| |_| |  __/| | |  __/| |___ / __/ 
 \___/|_|   |_| |_|    \____|_____|
Welcome to Debian Buster with Armbian Linux 5.2.0-sunxi64
System load:   0.39 0.27 0.10   Up time:       2 min
Memory usage:  11 % of 991MB    IP:  
CPU temp:      44°C             
Usage of /:    4% of 30G    

lane@orangepipc2:~$ ls
lane@orangepipc2:~$ sudo -s

We trust you have received the usual lecture from the local System
Administrator. It usually boils down to these three things:

    #1) Respect the privacy of others.
    #2) Think before you type.
    #3) With great power comes great responsibility.

[sudo] password for lane: 
root@orangepipc2:/home/lane# cat /etc/*elease
BOARD_NAME="Orange Pi PC2"
BOARD_NAME="Orange Pi PC2"
PRETTY_NAME="Debian GNU/Linux 10 (buster)"
NAME="Debian GNU/Linux"
VERSION="10 (buster)"

So i wasnt able to duplicate on a fresh build.

9 hours ago, lanefu said:

So i wasnt able to duplicate on a fresh build.

That's a good sign and "only" images rebuilding with up2date rootfs will be needed. Can someone check Odroid XU4 to have a check on 32bit userland? Without using cached fs.


Did try to compile for the NanoPi K1 Plus with the clean rootfs-cache option and now I do get this error-message :(

  LD      lib/efi_loader/helloworld_efi.so
scripts/Makefile.lib:394: recipe for target 'lib/efi_loader/helloworld_efi.so' failed
scripts/Makefile.build:432: recipe for target 'lib/efi_loader' failed
Makefile:1531: recipe for target 'lib' failed
[ error ] ERROR in function compile_uboot [ compilation.sh:199 ]
[ error ] U-boot compilation failed
[ o.k. ] Process terminated

[EDIT] after some more retries it did work again :)

3 hours ago, guidol said:

it did work again

With network-manager error or without ? :) 

2 minutes ago, Igor said:

With network-manager error or without ? :) 

The compile did work again - BUT I had for the PC2 the same NetworkManager Error.....

Also the new compiled image for NanoPi K1 Plus does have - for me - the NetworkManager Error :(

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