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Boot troubles


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There are tons on AliExpress/eBay/Amazon. You should chose one that as jumper to become 3.3V compatible.

Be aware also that some are using fake FTD chips, so Windows driver will choke with those.

Workaround such fake chips, is to use one with CH340 or CH341 chips which are chinese chips such as :


Thanks, Martin. I'll buy one. But while I wait for the dongle to get to Rio de Janeiro, where I live, and see the output, let's get back to the issue of this thread: boot problems. So I can't help asking: does anyone ever saw an orangepi plus 2e actually booting with the armbian image? Why does the wheezy raspbian image boots, and all the other images available for this specific harware at the vendor's site don't? Does the partitioning (raspbian's separated /boot on a vfat partition) can explain this?

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Armbian & Khadas are rewarding contributors


So I can't help asking: does anyone ever saw an orangepi plus 2e actually booting with the armbian image? Why does the wheezy raspbian image boots, and all the other images available for this specific harware at the vendor's site don't? Does the partitioning (raspbian's separated /boot on a vfat partition) can explain this?



Check night builds.


Explanation: stock images use different u-boot, we use mainline.

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Personally, I'm using Mainline Armbian on my Plus2E installed in the eMMC and using it with the WiFi.


But be aware that Eth0 was not working a week ago, and I fixed that issue 5 days ago :




If your image is older than last build using this patch, you can access your board using Eth0, therefore the only way to see if it has booted properly is thru Debug Serial or WiFi, but this WiFi need to be configured first.

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Hi Igor and Martin, thanks again. I've chosen the orange-pi-plus-2e precisely because according to a thread by tkaiser this model in particular had been designed taking the developer community into account. And I can see you and other developers of armbian community are doing a lot of job. (I saw Martin has just published the ethernet driver for the orange-pi-plus-2e, allowing access to a headless server) I'll try to read more about,and try to contribute, even if learned enough of computing to know this requires really specialized knowledge, it's not just good will an building  an isolated app for fun, you need to understand the foundations. I'll be more helpful as a translator into French or Portuguese (well, translation is about language, programming is use of formal languages, yes), but anyway, I'll try to help, because you do welcome people very well. Daniel

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I have exactly the same thing as Dani_rm.  Do you have any idea about solving this issue?

I tried a samsung evo 32gb and a sandisk (pro?) both were expensive cards I bought for my gopro.

I have a uart adapter and serial log shows stuck just before HELLO



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Hello Lucas. A week ago, I answer to a message you sent me. Did the answer help you? I thought it would show here, it didn't, so here it is to share it with all the members of the forum:



"Hi Lucas,

(First, did you notice the model orangepi plus2e is doest not appear anymore on the company's website?)

To be honest, since I takes time to take care of a mother with a now common neurological trouble, not to name it, I gave up trying armbian until there is a mainline for it.
But I found a workaround to use the board. This 14.04 ubuntu-based image works quite well, even if it still requires a usb-to-ethernet adapter (or some other network usb dongle) and does not give access to EMMC Flash.


It is fully updatable, but don't forget first to check perms, I remember some system files/directories are world writable!"


ps: PUbuntu is based on a lobo (Loboris?) kernel:

uname -a
Linux opi 3.4.39-01-lobo #1 SMP PREEMPT Sun Oct 25 14:46:41 CET 2015 armv7l armv7l armv7l GNU/Linux

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7 hours ago, Dani_RM said:

remember some system files/directories are world writable!


Who cares? This kernel contains two well known local root exploits ('rootmydevice' and 'Dirty COW') so you don't need to care about anything since your system is vulnerable to the max. And if you don't exchange script.bin on such an OS image you'll end up most probably with your H3 being fried all the time at 1.5V (loboris default settings).


The proper way to proceed is not to downgrade to old OS images but to diagnose what's happening (as @zador.blood.stainedsaid it might be related to more recent u-boot version that caused troubles on a few boards though my OPi Plus 2E booted happily with mainline u-boot at least 20-30 times from SD card)


And also please take care about image writing, it's not only about 'fake' or 'crappy' SD cards, the burning process itself can fail (problems with card reader or USB ports): https://forum.armbian.com/index.php?/topic/2139-boot-troubles/&do=findComment&comment=16804

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Ok, so how does this happen that the image is still available for download, without any warning? It's just a question, not blaming you for that.
Anyway, it won't be the right place to start the subject, but with all the hype around "hacker boards", maybe it is time to list which and how many of them on the marked do have an available os which is known to  be really safe, updatable, upgradable?

(Besides, I bought the orangepi 2e+ precisely because it results from a community choice, and because there it runs debian, which is a well known, trusted and controlled os community project. I tried a different uboot, bought different sd cards, in vain. With [a confined to LAN and locked] Pubuntu, I could at least use my orangepi. But can't I just update the kernel of this ubuntu version that works very well, and add the eMMc and network drivers?)

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What is your point exactly, to use this Pubuntu? Except from fancy desktop and surprisingly fast loading , there is nothing more. I've tried it once, because of promising Kodi and video acceleration and Chromium with flash. But non of this is working as it sound and in this state you can easily add those apps in Armbian too. But without huge overheating and unnecessary power consumption. Video acceleration is just Mali 3D driver, which is present in Armbian too. Chromium have flash, but not hw accelerated, there is no difference in quality or performance of flash video, if you build it in Armbian, or just use Firefox with HTML5. It even was worst. Kodi, despite what authors said, have no video hw acceleration (maybe they meant ES2.0 support for menus and navigation). You can't use it even for most of SD formats, because of huge lag. SMPlayer uses mplayer, but both wasn't working at all, also SMTube. There is something broken in sunxi vdpau, but i had no desire to fix, or investigate it. Of course you have working vdpau support in Armbian with mpv and you always can build mplayer with it and install SMPlayer and SMTube and they will be fully functional. This image simply is not working, just throw it away. If you like this wallpaper so much, add it to Armbian and i am sure you can add this menus, fonts and so on, but it's completely irrelevant. Don't waste your time with broken, or semi assembled images. I've tried some of them, messing around, but there is nothing compared to, less troubled and flexible as Armbian. If there is some, it's based on Armbian.

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Ragner, I stopped using ubuntu (not even mint) on my laptops/desktops some years ago, just use Debian, by far the greatest os I ever used, with its unique democratic community of developpers (and, recently, amazed by Manjaro, an easy to use Arch).

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2 hours ago, Dani_RM said:

Ragner, I stopped using ubuntu (not even mint) on my laptops/desktops some years ago, just use Debian, by far the greatest os I ever used, with its unique democratic community of developpers (and, recently, amazed by Manjaro, an easy to use Arch).

I see your point. There is no Debian Jessie Desktop image for Opi Plus2e, in Download section. But you can always built it from source. There are not much visible differences between Armbian Jessie and Xenial, i built Xenial desktop, present days, for the same board and it worked fine. But you can always go for Debian.

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10 hours ago, Dani_RM said:

I stopped using ubuntu (not even mint) on my laptops/desktops some years ago, just use Debian

Development boards are another world. We don't have unified ARM kernel here, which would cover all boards ... in most cases there is one (old) kernel per board, per board family. Same goes with u-boot. Chip manufacturer prepare some basic and immature kernel / SDK. Those sources are usually junk and combined with blobs, when they are released, usually by board makers. Board makers and various ROM bakers usually takes this first uncleaned and unfixed / toxic code and produce (glue binaries together) every possible Linux derivative, which is full of bugs and never receive any kernel update. This practise is widely spread. Than community (might) hacks blobs, fix code, ... and some boards even gets to mainline Linux. But this take a lot of time an efforts.

Currently I would recommend you to use Ubuntu Xenial, because it has newer package base than Debian Jessie. It works better. Our desktop is junk free, so don't worry about and forget what you know about Ubuntu from X86.

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Igor, thanks for the overview.

Your post looks like is pretty good start to the ARM SOC world. It may also sum up, directly or indirectly, the root cause (well, a good part of it?) of IOT security problems .

You write the very obvious basic things everyone should know but that almost no one writes in official news (commercial)..

It should be Linux-Gizmos first and foremost headline instead of:



SO, CONSUMERS: DON'T BUY THOSE BOARDS!!!! DON'T BUY THEM UNTIL THE MANUFACTURER OFFERS (READ: FUNDS THE DEVELOPER COMMUNITY) AN OPEN, PEER-REVIEWED, SECURE AND FULL-FLEDGED (IDEALLY: GNU) OS FOR THE MODEL YOU WANT. DON'T BUY A RASPBERRYPI EITHER (excessive hype always sounds suspect to me, even if I've been very happy with a rasp 2 I bought when it was launched, so that I bought another SBC)



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Ragner, my point is: the debate (controversy, etc.) is not ubuntu x debian or whatever, but unusable board x fully usable board with trusted os. Right?

Ragner, I think I tried all the available images for the OrangePi 2+e. At least Pubuntu allowed me to verifiy that my Opi hardware is fully working.

Igor, maybe the solution: do you know which uboot version Pubuntu uses? This could solve my problems!

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11 minutes ago, Dani_RM said:

Igor, maybe the solution: do you know which uboot version Pubuntu uses? This could solve my problems!

It uses Allwinner stock u-boot and I am not sure you can just switch to it and boot. This means you are fixing one problem but might open a new set of problems. We never even try to use this u-boot and jumped directly to mainline. Your problem is usually also somebody else problem and eventually somebody fix this. Hopefully. We know that some boards have such troubles and there are no quick fixes. Most Orange 2+e works O.K. so it's hard to find a fix. 

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