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I have an H96 Max 4k , RK3328, 4GB RAM, 32GB ROM, Android 7.1 originally.

Going over this thread I see several people ponder over the Maskrom pins and reflashing UBoot, but most don't.

Do I _have_ to reflash uboot to be able to start from SD Card?

Or do I _have_ to short the Maskrom pads?


So far, the box doesn't start using the buster legacy image from https://yadi.sk/d/DSO6euzB3ahemo/ARMBIAN/19.11.3 .

Again, most people seem to use easyb's DTB file with good results.

Which, again, I do not see in the image . At least not named easyb.

But I know that after poring over this thread for 6 hours I am not exactly at my best and most attentive.

I don't need / want to install the Debian OS onto the internal memory when possible. I really enjoyed the purely sdcard based os on my Sunvell R96 so far, but need more ram after four years of usage.


Or would I - as a rather noobish person that does not look forward banging config files into ROM using the serial port - be better advised to get myself an Allwinner H6 based box to avoid all that uboot trouble?

  On 11/30/2019 at 12:43 PM, Ruediger said:

I have an H96 Max 4k , RK3328, 4GB RAM, 32GB ROM, Android 7.1 originally.

Going over this thread I see several people ponder over the Maskrom pins and reflashing UBoot, but most don't.

Do I _have_ to reflash uboot to be able to start from SD Card?

Or do I _have_ to short the Maskrom pads?


So far, the box doesn't start using the buster legacy image from https://yadi.sk/d/DSO6euzB3ahemo/ARMBIAN/19.11.3 .

Again, most people seem to use easyb's DTB file with good results.

Which, again, I do not see in the image . At least not named easyb.

But I know that after poring over this thread for 6 hours I am not exactly at my best and most attentive.

I don't need / want to install the Debian OS onto the internal memory when possible. I really enjoyed the purely sdcard based os on my Sunvell R96 so far, but need more ram after four years of usage.


Or would I - as a rather noobish person that does not look forward banging config files into ROM using the serial port - be better advised to get myself an Allwinner H6 based box to avoid all that uboot trouble?


This f..ing android 7.1 rk3328 TV boards are UBoot "boot secured". The only way I found booting debían was flashing vía maskrom points mode replacing entire UBoot and emmc. I think is not posible booting them vía SD/USB. I did not try booting SD now but I am gonna try It tomorrow and posting the results here. 


I'm new to this but I can assure you, and it was a pleasant surprise to find, you can just flash the image to a USB SSD and it will just boot straight off it.


That is on the H96 Max+ with the RK3328.


  On 11/30/2019 at 12:58 PM, DigitalDaz said:

I'm new to this but I can assure you, and it was a pleasant surprise to find, you can just flash the image to a USB SSD and it will just boot straight off it.


That is on the H96 Max+ with the RK3328.



Then I'll try with a USB-Stick, otherwise waiting for @VoidOPv feedback.

If neither works, I'll maybe wait for the Allwinner H6 to become more mainstream for Armbian, or go with a S922X based board instead. I can't afford wrecking my H96 Max 4k Android installation.


Now tested the latest version of LE (20191130) with kernel 5 on MX10 with USB flash drive. Works quite well with HW decoding with multiple formats. It would be interesting to test HW performance on other models with RK3328.  :)

  On 11/30/2019 at 3:42 PM, balbes150 said:

Now tested the latest version of LE (20191130) with kernel 5 on MX10 with USB flash drive. Works quite well with HW decoding with multiple formats. It would be interesting to test HW performance on other models with RK3328.  :)


I'm happy to try, but I don't get the images from https://yadi.sk/d/DSO6euzB3ahemo/ARMBIAN/19.11.3

to boot from either USB or SDcard. And I am too timid to duke it out by flashing uBoot via Serial or how this Maskrom mode is utilized.

  On 11/30/2019 at 4:21 PM, Ruediger said:

I'm happy to try, but I don't get the images from https://yadi.sk/d/DSO6euzB3ahemo/ARMBIAN/19.11.3

to boot from either USB or SDcard. And I am too timid to duke it out by flashing uBoot via Serial or how this Maskrom mode is utilized.


Maskrom not needed (this is an extreme measure, when or what else is not working). Some TV boxes do not support working with SD cards, so you can use the most secure version of SD+USB to start (it is described in this topic earlier). It is important to configure the DTB correctly.


I hope you don't expect me to do it for you?

I am going to assume that you have broken that image up into the partition images

I don't know if you are using win or linux, no matter

There are hexeditors for both, a gui vesion is my recommendation,

wxHex or okteta or ghex,  I tend to use okteta

load kernel.img into hexeditor, control f , make sure the hex button is selected,

enter the signature above.  It will be a good sign if it is found at the begining of the line,

make a note of the address, keep searching. Then, in calculator, set decimal , address/1024, should be even, no remainder

If so,, try        dd if=kernel.img of=test bs=1024 skip=(above number) count=70     (Input file, output file, block size)

Check test, load into hexeditor, should begin with signature, if not, you screwed up

Then try to decompile, as usual

If you don't find it appended to kernel, search in other images


understand, uboot and kernel have different dtb,  that is why h96max+ starts, with uboot as seen

by serial cable, but then when hands over to kernel dtb does not power uSD slot, something non-standard

with regulators. So, it can't find its root filesystem, because slot is dead, no power

You see no hdmi display until quite late in the boot, so it seems dead, just can't read uSD slot

It there is a usb stick ALSO plugged in, will find root fs on usb stick..  uSD slot continues dead, unpowered

easyb and hexdump  have made dtb for h96max+/T9 that make regulators work.

I don't know about other models


For my h96max+ there is a problem with usb2 port, in dmesg late in boot and periodically

(with hexdumps' dtb, not with easyb's)

genirq: Flags mismatch irq 13. 00000080 (serial) vs. 00004000 (debug)

Quickly, the usb2 port 'locks up' there is no easy way to revive,,

I am sure a suitable  unbind,bind would make it work for a bit, a bit esoteric

But now, I am using easyb's dtb, a 5hr power out forced a shutdown (47d uptime)

No problem with usb2 port


OK, i'll make an attempt, please correct me where wrong

dtc is kind of stupid, and device trees could definitely be improved

I'll bet you don't have a compiler environment and that's the problem

an example line, still symbolic,,, gpios = <&gpio2 RK_PA2 GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>;

The <&something,,> is an internal (only?) pointer in the dtb

The next 2 elements are probably populated from an appropriate .h (header) file

(specific to that hardware)

So it becomes,,,  gpios = < 0x3e 0x02 0x01 >;  ( a random example)

The dtc compiler can only deal with numbers

There is also an include at the top, has to be merged in


It would be a REAL improvement if the pointers, wherever possible

had the same numbers as linux devices they represent

(Probably that would be half, to differentiate the "made up"

ones, add F0 00 00 00, so f0000001,f0000002, ...

There could be a standard..... a device tree number standard)


The &numbers seem to be somewhat random, 1st come I think

All source dts are not written is same order and have different numbers of stanza's

so, in 6 dts's for example for 3328, only 2 will almost match (&numbers)

most confusing, pages of notes, a real pain


So the task was pretty easy, just cloned repo locally and run "make dtbs",

the thing is box is not booting with this new dtb :( (beelink A1)

Guess I need matching kernel version?


I wanted to test rk3328 with kernel 5.5.0 on A5X Max, but the Link is not working.

@balbes, when you correct the link I will test on my box.


Hi everyone,


I would like to share my work which leads to boot from sdcard device based on RK3318 to desktop armbian.


I've was using Armbian_19.11.3_Rk3328-tv_eoan_legacy_4.4.154_desktop_20191126.img and end up with booting to desktop

What doesn't work for me:

  • onboard wifi (usb dongle works, old tp-link tl-wn725N)
  • onboard bluetooth

My box is same as picture below:




I've burned image with rufus on windows and my first boot trial finished with boot hang up:




I've solved this issue by invoking following code where /dev/mmcblk0 is sdcard device in linux, and trust.img was extracted from rk3318_9.0_hcy_20191114_v002 updage image.


dd if=trust.img of=/dev/mmcblk0 seek=24576

After that boot sequence went further. I'm not sure but I guess that debug vs release version of bl31 might be problem here.




Also, I've used rk3318-t9.dtb file prepared based on rk3328-t9.dtb posted in this thread, with removing cpu freqencies > 1.1GHz, as box was unstable with such high frequencies.


I didn't find option here to attach file so temporaraly you can find my modified file here rk3318-t9.dtb and other useful files here:



I hope it will be useful for somebody :)





@caruso - this is very cool that you found a way to get armbian up and running on rk3318 too now finally!


thanks a lot for sharing this and best wishes - hexdump


@caruso - do you have a download link for the rk3318_9.0_hcy_20191114_v002 firmware?


update: ok - found it - how did you extract its contents? all linux cmdline tools to unpack the update.img file seem to fail for me ...

  On 1/4/2020 at 11:12 PM, hexdump said:

@caruso - do you have a download link for the rk3318_9.0_hcy_20191114_v002 firmware?


update: ok - found it - how did you extract its contents? all linux cmdline tools to unpack the update.img file seem to fail for me ...




I think I took firmware from: https://www.h96tvbox.com/content/6-Firmware-upgrade


I've unpacked with img_unpack and afptool tools available in git repo: https://github.com/TeeFirefly/rk2918_tools.git

I took instructions from http://wiki.t-firefly.com/ROC-RK3328-CC/fw_pack_unpack.html


unzip rk3318_9.0_hcy_20191114_v002.zip to update.img
git clone https://github.com/TeeFirefly/rk2918_tools.git
cd rk2918_tools
sudo cp afptool img_unpack img_maker mkkrnlimg /usr/local/bin

Unpack update.img, which creates img folder with update.img and loader.img


img_unpack update.img img
rom version: 9.0.0
build time: 2019-11-14 13:59:46
chip: 33323248
checking md5sum....OK


Unpack update.img


cd img
afptool -unpack update.img update
Check file...OK
------- UNPACK -------
package-file    0x00000800      0x000002C0
Image/MiniLoaderAll.bin 0x00001000      0x0002E94E
Image/parameter.txt     0x00030000      0x00000372
Image/trust.img 0x00030800      0x00400000
Image/uboot.img 0x00431000      0x00400000
Image/misc.img  0x00831800      0x0000C000
Image/baseparameter.img 0x0083E000      0x00100000
Image/dtbo.img  0x0093E800      0x00000133
Image/boot.img  0x0093F000      0x01E81000
Image/recovery.img      0x027C0800      0x0285E800
Image/system.img        0x0501F800      0x78DBA0E8
Image/vendor.img        0x7DDDA000      0x08DAB064
Image/oem.img   0x86B85800      0x0002704C
Image/vbmeta.img        0x86BAD000      0x00001000
RESERVED        0x00000000      0x00000000
UnPack OK!


rk3318-t9.dtb dtb based on rk3328-t9.dtb with removed cpu freqencies > 1.1GHz

rk3318-t9.dts - text version for above


device-tree-copy.tar.gz - taked from running android environment

rk3318_org_android.dts - dts for above

rk3318_org_android.dtb - dtb for above - for me this version doesn't work, which was strange for me

trust.img - extracted trust.img from firmware update



@caruso - i can confirm that your trust.img approach ist bringing the boot forward and the main part of u-boot is properly loaded, but for my box (2gb) sadly hangs quite early on:



U-Boot 2019.10-armbian (Nov 29 2019 - 09:50:19 +0300)

Model: Rockchip RK3328 EVB


looks like a memory timing issue to me ( @jernej - maybe any idea here too, although this is rockchip?). @caruso - on you website you have a file write_dd.txt in which you are writing more than just the trust.img - i assume that was just some intermediate step of your tries maybe?


best wishes - hexdump

  On 1/6/2020 at 6:47 PM, hexdump said:

@caruso - i can confirm that your trust.img approach ist bringing the boot forward and the main part of u-boot is properly loaded, but for my box (2gb) sadly hangs quite early on:



U-Boot 2019.10-armbian (Nov 29 2019 - 09:50:19 +0300)

Model: Rockchip RK3328 EVB


looks like a memory timing issue to me ( @jernej - maybe any idea here too, although this is rockchip?). @caruso - on you website you have a file write_dd.txt in which you are writing more than just the trust.img - i assume that was just some intermediate step of your tries maybe?


best wishes - hexdump



Regarding write_dd.txt - indeed, there were many trials but I was able to reproduce working scenario with minimum dd'ing trust.img only.

My box is 4GB/64GB, not sure maybe some changes are needed in dts/dtb for 2GB versions.

Maybe post whole log up to hang moment.



@caruso - the dtb is not relevant here, as it still fails in u-boot ... here is the full boot log:

DDR version 1.16 20190713                                                             
Bus Width=32 Col=11 Bank=8 Row=15 CS=1 Die Bus-Width=16 Size=2048MB                   
Boot1 Release Time: May 13 2019 17:34:36, version: 2.50                               
ChipType = 0x11, 232                                                                   
SdmmcInit=2 0
FwPartOffset=2000 , 2000
SdmmcInit=0 0
FwPartOffset=2000 , 0
StorageInit ok = 169710
Raw SecureMode = 0
SecureInit read PBA: 0x4
SecureInit read PBA: 0x404
SecureInit read PBA: 0x804
SecureInit read PBA: 0xc04
SecureInit read PBA: 0x1004
SecureInit ret = 0, SecureMode = 0
atags_set_bootdev: ret:(0)
GPT 0x337a9f0 signature is wrong
recovery gpt...
GPT 0x337a9f0 signature is wrong
recovery gpt fail!
LoadTrust Addr:0x4000
No find bl30.bin
Load uboot, ReadLba = 2000
Load OK, addr=0x200000, size=0xa2ad8
RunBL31 0x10000
NOTICE:  BL31: v1.3(release):0e7a845e
NOTICE:  BL31: Built : 16:24:22, Apr 29 2019
NOTICE:  BL31:Rockchip release version: v1.3
INFO:    ARM GICv2 driver initialized
INFO:    Using opteed sec cpu_context!
INFO:    boot cpu mask: 1
INFO:    plat_rockchip_pmu_init: pd status 0xe
INFO:    BL31: Initializing runtime services
INFO:    BL31: Initializing BL32
INF [0x0] TEE-CORE:init_primary_helper:337: Initializing (1.1.0-221-gda2bcfdc #137 Mon Jun 17 03:00:04 UTC 2019)
INF [0x0] TEE-CORE:init_primary_helper:338: Release version: 1.4
INF [0x0] TEE-CORE:init_teecore:83: teecore inits done
INFO:    BL31: Preparing for EL3 exit to normal world
INFO:    Entry point address = 0x200000
INFO:    SPSR = 0x3c9

U-Boot 2019.10-armbian (Nov 29 2019 - 09:50:19 +0300)

Model: Rockchip RK3328 EVB

could you maybe post yours too for comparision?


best wishes - hexdump

  On 1/4/2020 at 8:36 PM, caruso said:

Hi everyone,


I would like to share my work which leads to boot from sdcard device based on RK3318 to desktop armbian.


I've was using Armbian_19.11.3_Rk3328-tv_eoan_legacy_4.4.154_desktop_20191126.img and end up with booting to desktop

What doesn't work for me:

  • onboard wifi (usb dongle works, old tp-link tl-wn725N)
  • onboard bluetooth

My box is same as picture below:




I've burned image with rufus on windows and my first boot trial finished with boot hang up:




I've solved this issue by invoking following code where /dev/mmcblk0 is sdcard device in linux, and trust.img was extracted from rk3318_9.0_hcy_20191114_v002 updage image.


dd if=trust.img of=/dev/mmcblk0 seek=24576

After that boot sequence went further. I'm not sure but I guess that debug vs release version of bl31 might be problem here.




Also, I've used rk3318-t9.dtb file prepared based on rk3328-t9.dtb posted in this thread, with removing cpu freqencies > 1.1GHz, as box was unstable with such high frequencies.


I didn't find option here to attach file so temporaraly you can find my modified file here rk3318-t9.dtb and other useful files here:



I hope it will be useful for somebody :)






Using this tutorial I manage to start armbian on X88 PRO 4G/64G using SD card




I also manage to install it on eMMC memory using /root/install.sh script.



  On 1/6/2020 at 11:02 PM, hexdump said:

@caruso - the dtb is not relevant here, as it still fails in u-boot ... here is the full boot log:

DDR version 1.16 20190713                                                             
Bus Width=32 Col=11 Bank=8 Row=15 CS=1 Die Bus-Width=16 Size=2048MB                   
Boot1 Release Time: May 13 2019 17:34:36, version: 2.50                               
ChipType = 0x11, 232                                                                   
SdmmcInit=2 0
FwPartOffset=2000 , 2000
SdmmcInit=0 0
FwPartOffset=2000 , 0
StorageInit ok = 169710
Raw SecureMode = 0
SecureInit read PBA: 0x4
SecureInit read PBA: 0x404
SecureInit read PBA: 0x804
SecureInit read PBA: 0xc04
SecureInit read PBA: 0x1004
SecureInit ret = 0, SecureMode = 0
atags_set_bootdev: ret:(0)
GPT 0x337a9f0 signature is wrong
recovery gpt...
GPT 0x337a9f0 signature is wrong
recovery gpt fail!
LoadTrust Addr:0x4000
No find bl30.bin
Load uboot, ReadLba = 2000
Load OK, addr=0x200000, size=0xa2ad8
RunBL31 0x10000
NOTICE:  BL31: v1.3(release):0e7a845e
NOTICE:  BL31: Built : 16:24:22, Apr 29 2019
NOTICE:  BL31:Rockchip release version: v1.3
INFO:    ARM GICv2 driver initialized
INFO:    Using opteed sec cpu_context!
INFO:    boot cpu mask: 1
INFO:    plat_rockchip_pmu_init: pd status 0xe
INFO:    BL31: Initializing runtime services
INFO:    BL31: Initializing BL32
INF [0x0] TEE-CORE:init_primary_helper:337: Initializing (1.1.0-221-gda2bcfdc #137 Mon Jun 17 03:00:04 UTC 2019)
INF [0x0] TEE-CORE:init_primary_helper:338: Release version: 1.4
INF [0x0] TEE-CORE:init_teecore:83: teecore inits done
INFO:    BL31: Preparing for EL3 exit to normal world
INFO:    Entry point address = 0x200000
INFO:    SPSR = 0x3c9

U-Boot 2019.10-armbian (Nov 29 2019 - 09:50:19 +0300)

Model: Rockchip RK3328 EVB

could you maybe post yours too for comparision?


best wishes - hexdump



Yes, sure - please find in attachment.


teraterm.logFetching info...

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