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Everything posted by Igor

  1. https://docs.armbian.com/User-Guide_Networking/
  2. This must be one of early images with FAT boot partition. I think its safe to ignore ... scripts can't do symbolic links on FAT.
  3. Since this topic was bumped. I am changing the way how welcome screen looks like and perhaps there are some ideas for improvements. https://github.com/armbian/build/pull/7155
  4. For all those boards you need a dedicated image in order to boot it. This is not a PC or Raspberry Pi. If image is not here https://www.armbian.com/download/?device_support=Standard support&tx_maker=xunlong you will need to stick to terrible OS provided by Orangepi until someone will adopt this hardware https://docs.armbian.com/Developer-Guide_Adding-Board-Family/
  5. https://docs.armbian.com/Developer-Guide_Extensions/
  6. Older perhaps with kernel 5.10.y which is fundamentally different, but there you will run into different kind of troubles. Most of other projects are one man that downloads Armbian or use same code providing different user experience. And here we don't have user level problem. Hardware interface, kernel, is totally different on this device. In general and also around video section. Sub-sequentially totally different software (drivers). It is possible that 1440p screen resolution is not even supported by the driver for this chip. But this is speaking blindly, without investigation the code. Or HDMI driver fails to auto-detect it, or ... there are many possibilities and nothing here is trivial. Thank you!
  7. I suggest you to try Armbian on your desktop PC. There is a version for download here: https://www.armbian.com/uefi-x86/
  8. 99% of community doesn't not know the answer without spending hours and I am a part of it. In both cases is my private time. I just gave you a hint how you could get your problem sorted, regardless who you are.
  9. Lower your expectations. Without our investments, this device would be in much more terrible state. Its not Armbian fault. Open source developers are also victims in this game. Just a lot bigger then you. Do you have any idea how many hours we are loosing because of your wrong purchases? How much hours is behind this: https://docs.armbian.com/Release_Changelog/#v2481-2024-08-31 and your sympathy won't pay bills or compensate for the time. This is open source. All our competitors, that invest nothing, also have this. But there is a solution for this extreme deficit of help from your side - invest hours if you don't invest money. Perhaps spent this time to rework documentation and help many more and also perhaps win a cool desktop device: https://github.com/armbian/documentation/issues/467
  10. Sadly this is not as easy as it might look. Images are enough different that you can't boot images from similar devices. Sometimes it works, sometimes not. TV boxes are not supported. Here you can learn why: Perhaps buy hardware that is supported? Or dive in, spent days, weeks or whatever is necessary to make it boot. Once you are done with that part use instructions from first post to generate HA image. This is what Armbian TV boxes community do. You have a lot of useful information on this forum. Use it.
  11. This information is not gathered even where vendor shares financial burden with us (Platinum support) as that only means that we are not generating 100% loss while providing standard support. Disclaimer tells that status has changed. It has no affect on images. They continue getting updates, just its fair to tell you that nobody is actually behind. Or you want that we rather lie like our competitors? TINA
  12. Yes. When it doesn't meet support criteria anymore. This is done around release time: https://docs.armbian.com/User-Guide_Board-Support-Rules/ When time comes, I ask maintainer(s) via email / chat / forum on status, wait few days and if there is no response or interest, if nobody takes supported board under the cover, board status is demoted. I have no alternative as Armbian can't cover financial burden. Its way of charts - we only generate loss by supporting hardware. There is extremely negative budget around Orangepi and they show no interest to support open source in any way. When someone from community takes a role of "Marketing Coordinator" process will be probably possible to improve and lead better so results (for you) will be better. What we provide now with what we have, is already on the miracle levels. But ofc just a small group of people is able to understand. At next release, if someone steps up and it has a value for the project, status is restored. Don't worry. "Community support" is still better then any other distributions that "supports" this hardware. Our standards and level of know-how are significantly higher.
  13. We don't build but provide latest versions in Debian SID / Ubuntu Oracular branch. Have you though about making an extension, so all this is done at builds time and build system throws out optimised Arch image? Docs: https://docs.armbian.com/Developer-Guide_Extensions-Hooks/ Examples: https://github.com/armbian/os/blob/main/userpatches/extensions/kali.sh Just an idea
  14. @AlexVS Try this: https://dl.armbian.com/rpi4b/Bookworm_current_minimal-omv
  15. You mean it was working well on 1st boot and then failed after upgrade and reboot?
  16. In K6.1 fan should still work, https://github.com/armbian/build/pull/5392 while for 6.6 https://github.com/armbian/build/pull/5939 and 6.10, support was removed as it was too much work and no time: https://github.com/armbian/build/blob/main/patch/kernel/archive/mvebu-6.10/92-mvebu-gpio-remove-hardcoded-timer-assignment.patch.disabled
  17. Proceed as @MacBreaker suggests. Exactly. Added for future releases: https://github.com/armbian/os/commit/e87f4f529a8dfadeaa011decc9aa3c65d98c17a5
  18. @AlexVS 1. Downloaded this image: https://dl.armbian.com/rpi4b/Bookworm_current_server-openhab 2. Executed 1st login, create username (probably must have), created locales ... 3. As you can see OpenHab installation activities: 4. (you failed to see OpenHab manual 5. Login prompt (2-3 minutes after startup)
  19. Of course (on images with extension MESA).
  20. I read about this on this forum or chat. Try this way https://forum.armbian.com/search/
  21. It takes some time before OpenHab initialises. How long did you wait? Can you provide some logs?
  22. From our point of view, end users cover less then 0.5% of the software investment we provide for everyone, including projects that competes with us with our investments ... Hardware dealers sells hardware with promise of software support. You buy numbers and features ... and then there is new HW coming out. And new, and new ... This is everyone's biz case. The more HW sell the better for them, the bigger is the pressure on us and the rest of developers community. Sadly a lot of Linux distributions contributes close to nothing, or 1/1000 of what we contribute, but can sell the same. Investing even more into development + support and less in sales is self-destructive. Remember, you want this for free, while getting here costs are extreme. Than you for your support!. Sadly expressions of love and support doesn't pay our bills You have to improve your share One day of support financial damages are not collected at GitHub in one year. For those that have time, but no money, we support them instead of you. We do everything possible to improve software and this huge discrepancy.
  23. Thank you! Perhaps try to implement those findings into main documentation? Similar to those ideas: https://github.com/armbian/documentation/issues/467 https://github.com/armbian/documentation/issues/471 We also have some stimulation in place. There are so many useful things made by community, but it is impossible to integrate most of them due to small resources on maintainers side. Either into the codebase or documentation.
  24. I found a workaround for this problem. Need someone to confirm if this works: 1. Download https://archive.armbian.com/pinebook-pro/archive/Armbian_24.2.1_Pinebook-pro_jammy_current_6.6.16_gnome_desktop.img.xz 2. sudo apt update & sudo apt upgrade 3. reboot 4. install to eMMC or nvme Does it survives?
  25. https://github.com/armbian/build/pull/6609
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