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Everything posted by Igor

  1. I think this part is safe to ignore. Wireless works, BT scans finds nothing (this perhaps needs fixing). But this hardware is too old to bother with. Its more like a reference to see if Allwinner A20 generally works. That is important part, yes. Do it always the same even not most optimal ? We don't have this info in db at the moment. Its binary - board failed completely, not responding but it should = error at CI level. There were few people saying that they will help to develop this test framework, but its only what I wrote some time ago.
  2. .20 is good indication, but we will try to stabilise around .43 https://github.com/armbian/build/blob/main/config/sources/families/include/sunxi64_common.inc#L33 (or higher) but we need help in debugging. Currently it is more or less only @going trying to fix this but its a lot of work. https://github.com/armbian/os?tab=readme-ov-file#latest-smoke-tests-results Smoke tests shows instability on Allwinner herd, but this is all what this primitive testing tells us. There is also another attempt bumping to 6.9 https://github.com/armbian/build/pull/6941 while we should be at 6.11.y already. That would help narrowing down this problem too.
  3. Should be fixed now. base-files are now in correct place and repo should be in sync. https://fi.mirror.armbian.de/apt/pool/bookworm-utils/b/base-files/ sudo apt-update sudo apt-upgrade should do.
  4. I think I fixed it, but review and testing is needed. I won't have time for this anytime soon https://github.com/armbian/build/pull/7019
  5. Igor

    Star64 (jh7110)

    Noting unusual as this hardware is community maintained. If nobody maintains it, it will stop working at one point. We provide images but these builds are provided by the Armbian project as a service to the community. Some HW works, some don't. They are competing with us, but we don't compete with them. In past 10 years, since they start to use Armbian as their starting point of re-branding, there were few fixes (<5) from their side, but all were very carefully egoistic weighted even they had balls to come here and humiliate developers with demands to fix this and that for them (their users). So you can understand how they think ... For this hardware you need to be a developer as support is immature. Whatever OS you will us. Its not just cable.
  6. Try this way:
  7. https://docs.armbian.com/Developer-Guide_Adding-Board-Family/
  8. I don't know if hat is a cleaner way. This is just a suggestion / idea based on a quick search. Didn't test it while @dziekon did. As I understand it, but didn't really study it deep, that DHCPing on all devices is a trouble. But there could be more (border) problems.
  9. This should also be ok now (run sudo apt update to make sure you have latest lists). File is present: https://imola.armbian.com/apt/pool/jammy/b/base-files/
  10. Yes. Or update, install headers and try to build this driver via DKMS. But it might be challenging ...
  11. There are known / unknown issues with Allwinner ATM: https://github.com/armbian/build/pull/6887 Use some older image from archive, not latest builds. And freeze kernel updates until this is resolved.
  12. https://github.com/armbian/build/blob/main/config/kernel/linux-rockchip64-current.config#L3541 It seems they got disabled here https://github.com/armbian/build/pull/6202 Size reason? Perhaps they don't compile? I have open a PR and lets see what others say about.
  13. What about this? Should already be fixed if you make image from sources.
  14. How long did you wait? Was 1st boot without interruptions? Is your SD card really good? Which image did you try?
  15. But you are running kernel 6.1.y WHICH IS NOT KERNEL 6.10.y, that is mainline derived and still unfinished. It is clearly marked on the download side. Kernel 6.1.y works with Armbian perfectly and on weird HW. Mainline (6.10.y) has been in development for several years by a company and several full time engineers. Not by single person. Joushua uses identical kernel - bugs are identical too on low level. Use images with kernel 6.1.y recommended for end users. They work perfectly. It's hardware interface. Use the one that works, 6.1.y, distro jumping makes no diff. But you should know that by now and you are of course free to choose. Just remember to make a donation to support developers - we don't compete for free riders, we work together to make it best for all!
  16. https://imola.armbian.com/apt/pool/bookworm/b/base-files/ Files / index needs to get synced but I think its ready. Try now.
  17. What about custom hardware, called Pinebook PRO, that needed years before opensource routines were developed by 3rd party (community)? Until then, hardware already become obsolete, maintainace expensive. I am sure Armbian works perfectly on it I am running it on my x86 Lenovo laptop and it works perfectly too. Armbian Ubuntu is exactly the Ubuntu I want & need for everyday work. Do you run Armbian there too and why not? Are you sure? Start volunteering and after a year, you will understand something, after few years you could understand our perspective. I totally agree with you. We do have a mechanism to determine when to adjust status, but it runs every 3 months and with best effort principle. Its not a professional service and runs without any budget. We have no interest to fool you or deliberately waste your time, like everyone wants to waste ours. We try to educate people, but that is usually difficult and expensive as general expectations are shaped by much bigger forces and not with common in mind. This is our try: https://docs.armbian.com/#what-is-supportedmaintained vs. trash proprietary hardware and naivety of people. This is the only way: "Supported/maintained is not a guarantee." As in this world, this is the best you can expect. They sold you demo device without software support and you don't support us to support you! And other big side is telling you something else. We can't compete with that brainwashing. Keeping status synchronized with reality is also expensive, a professional service and also paid from our private pockets. If we would have a volunteer to talk and motivate maintainers, testers round the clock - perhaps you? - we would know faster, before you complaining that something is not o.k. Its a serious logistic operation, while nobody support that so its a complete waste of our time. Why would you waste your time to save everyone's time? While telling me how we should do thing differently to save everyone's time. Step up, make this change so that everyone's time won't be wasted. Also feel free to use any other Linux for Pinebook PRO if ours stop working. Why there are so many alternatives on non-proprietary hardware? And all of them works perfectly. Everyone covers only 0.5% of all maintainers time. Think from that perspective. Armbian is not random Linux me-too distribution. There are no justifications for that and is IMO stupid. It might get fixed upstream, someone might sponsor our work to fix it for you & everyone and you will be happy again. Once support is moved to community, it costs us close to nothing / same as other Linux distributions, which "supports" the hardware. And most people understand that they have nothing to complain about. And are happy when downloaded image works. We needed several years to come out with something that works better then chaos - if you care to understand: https://docs.armbian.com/User-Guide_Board-Support-Rules/
  18. Can you provide some logs and at least content of this: cat /etc/apt/sources.list.d/armbian.list Files are present: https://mirror-eu-de1.armbian.airframes.io/apt/pool/bookworm/b/base-files/ Try to uninstall armbian-bsp-cli-odroidxu4 and install it again. Edit: Oh, I see, armhf files are missing for some reason. Rebuilding.
  19. Use nightly builds. Now they are present. Its 6.6.y kernel. You can try to switch to alternative kernel (EDGE) via armbian-config -> system -> alternative kernel ... however none of this is tested. "Rolling" means, its just shipped and if you are lucky, it works, you have latest kernel, if not, it breaks and you need to DIY to get it back. This is philosophy behind Arch / Manjaro.
  20. Rolling releases are at the bottom of download pages - for each device. https://www.armbian.com/rpi4b/ But for some reason, we didn't produce rolling images for Rpi. I did move it back on. https://github.com/armbian/os/commit/6304fa14b309103eab302b1df9b1e6efec36ff1b But any image you can switch to rolling - at least from kernel perspective: https://www.armbian.com/newsflash/armbian-leaflet-25/ If you need rolling user-space too, then wait (few hours) for new rolling builds or DIY. Beware that rolling user-space variants contains bleeding edge software, which is not tested well.
  21. Then you should buy a MacBook in first place? 😺 From general maintaining perspective it never was - loosing hundreds of hours / several ten thousands to get few hundred from never satisfied - there is always something - customers (of somebody else) is the best deal what we can expect from such low end hardware made for end users that want to buy as cheap as possible. This never cover investments of our time, not even at 1%. It is terrible frustrating. Amateurs maintainers and people that collect donations (our competitors that contributes nothing and waits that we fix problem for you, so they can remain profitable) based on our work are even convinced that once hardware is mainlined that the job is done, but that is right the opposite. Software support in constantly changing software stack needs constant assistance or it breaks down. And you don't believe until its too late. At one point wasting time for software, support and education, goes from stupid to disastrous stupid, Concorde Fallacy is just too obvious, and you cry? I can understand your position, but we are in worse. There is a build framework we happily maintain for you, there is this community you are a part of, instructions for debugging can be found anywhere on internet. Here you can DIY, that's the point - learn, debug it. And, if you want internal experience of making something good - share the fix with others (we don't need this to work, you do!). We will integrate it (if done right) and provide you automatically made image. This is the best what we can do, once we ran out of options.
  22. Possible. I am still the only person behind repo management and everyone just see this as granted or not important. Even things collapsed here and there. If we want that repository function better, someone(s) must step up and and start helping. There are many people and 3rd party projects relying on its well functioning. https://github.com/armbian/build/tree/main/tools https://github.com/armbian/os/blob/main/.github/workflows/repository-update.yml https://github.com/armbian/os/blob/main/.github/workflows/repository-sync.yml
  23. This looks like armhf: https://armbian.hosthatch.com/apt/pool/bookworm/b/base-files/base-files_24.5.1-12.4%2Bdeb12u5-bookworm_armhf__1-bookworm-1armbian1-Bbba0-U12.4--deb12u5-R55fa.deb Don't understand what is wrong?
  24. It is, since moving network bits into extensions. Here it is installed: https://github.com/armbian/build/blob/main/extensions/network/net-systemd-networkd.sh#L11
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