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Posts posted by SteeMan

  1. The world of open source is all about reverse engineering things where manufacturers don't want to invest in openness.  That is why Armbian exists.  But it takes a lot of effort.


    Here are a couple of threads that show how the process works and the time it takes to do what you want without support from the manufacturer:




  2. Rkdevtool has nothing to do with building working code for your board.  You need to think of this as a coding project.  You need to build something that is installable and runnable for your board.  Nothing that exists is going to work on it.  Each board requires a custom code set to boot and run in the arm world today. 

  3. @Sig  That procedure is a one time this thing.  If you pressed the reset button correctly it will have reset the boot loader environment.  So remove the SD card and try booting without and SD card (that should be android as normal), then try the Armbian.  If it doesn't work, try the reset process again (there is no good way to know if you timed the pressing and holding of the reset button correctly, except through trial and error).  ( I generally find holding the reset for about 5 seconds while power is applied is about right, but too long or too short and it won't work as intended)

  4. If you can't determine what device you have, there is no way you are going to be able to install Armbian on it.  The world of linux on ARM is very different than linux on x86.  There are no real standards for a boot environment and on board device management.  For this reason you need an individual build for each device.  One that has a boot environment that can boot the device and also a device specific dtb (device tree) that tells the linux kernel what hardware the board has.  Those components need to be developed for each board at often the expense of many man months as the board manufactures have no interest in supporting the process of having mainline linux work on their devices.

    If you have the skills and resources to invest a very significant amount of time into such an effort, it can be done (if you have schematics and support from the device manufacturer that helps a lot).  But the first step would be to open the device to get as the motherboard and understand what components you are working with.  Then get a usb-uart connector hooked up and start monitoring the boot process to figure out how the device is booting (off of what media so you know where you are going to need to install a new boot loader to)  Since the board is running android (which is only enough like real linux to get in the way generally), what comes installed isn't going to be very helpful in your process.

  5. What build and instructions are you using?




    If you are using the above instructions, note the first sentence about having ever run another distro on the box.  If so a reinstall of the original android firmware is required to reset the box to a unmodified state (I point this out as you say you have run emuelec on the box - and yes running from sd card counts as running on the box).

  6. So you don't want to remove:






    (those last two are your linux kernel and dtb files - which was the reason you couldn't boot previously)


    1 hour ago, Domas said:

    # deb http://apt.armbian.com jammy main focal-utils focal-desktop # disabled on upgrade to jammy

    So you can see here the upgrade disabled the armbian apt repository.  So it can't install the updated armbian packages.


    So should be:

    deb http://apt.armbian.com jammy main jammy-utils jammy-desktop


    (So uncomment and change all references from focal to jammy)


    1 hour ago, Domas said:

    Now it says Armbian 23.02.2 Jammy

    shouldn't the version be 24. something?

    That is coming from one of the armbian* files located in /etc.  I don't remember which one.  If after everything is upgraded, if it still isn't showing the correct value, you can edit.  I think this should get updated by the installation of the correct armbian-bsp-* package.

  7. 43 minutes ago, Domas said:

    I only freeze the kernel, i suppose it is something different?



    Or maybe I can try to upgrade without freezing kernel? Or is that a guaranteed fail?

    Ive never frozen the kernel when doing upgrades.  So that shouldn't be necessary.


    I would recommend redoing the upgrade, and at the end looking at the list of obsolete packages and not removing them.  Finish the upgrade (without removing obsolete packages) then go see what the status of your /etc/apt/sources.d/armbian.list file is and make that correct, then use apt to update/upgrade your armbian packages.  Then look at your obsolete packages and make sure the list is sane (that is it's not removing any armbian needed packages, *armbian*, linux-image-* or linux-dtb-*.)  Only then would I remove obsolete packages.


  8. 15 minutes ago, livingcreative said:

    How to get really minimum build and where to find actual informaton about that kind of builds as there are many tutorials but they seems to be outdated/incomplete or do not cover board specifics.

    I would suggest you use the armbian build system and build the CLI minimal build for your board.  That should be sufficient for your needs as a starting point.  It is also a low barrier to entry as you can get that working with minimal understanding of what is going on behind the scenes.  Then you can dig into the details to learn as you need.

  9. 54 minutes ago, voapilro said:

    I have being using some Raspberry Pi for several years, and I am happy with them, but prices are higher year by year, so Orange Pi could be a good alternative.

    A significant reason that the Raspberry Pis are more expensive is that the manufacturer actually invests time and resources into the underlying software.  OrangePi does not.  OrangePi takes advantage of the open source community hoping they can get software support for free without contributing much if anything to that process.  There is a reason that OrangePi boards are not generally supported by Armbian, and lack of manufacturer support is a big reason.


    So that means that if you want good software to run on OrangePi boards, then OrangePi expects you to do the work.  And that is a lot about what this thread in the forum is about - the community trying to support these boards.

  10. It looks to me like the upgrade is uninstalling the kernel, dtb and likely other armbian packages.  Likely because it thinks they are extra for some reason.

    During the upgrade are you seeing an option to remove old packages?  If so look at that list and see if there are any Armbian packages in that list (there shouldn't be) (specifically anything with Armbian in the name as well as linux-image-* and linux-dtb-*)

    I think successful upgrades disable the Armbian apt repository which should leave all the armbian packages untouched.  Then after the upgrade, you manually enable the armbian apt repository for the correct release and then do an apt update/upgrade of the armbian packages.

  11. 12 minutes ago, sambento said:

    So, do you know any working armbian image for this KM1 box? I'll try armbian as soon as I restore the device.

    No clue as I don't have that box.  Search the forums for information.

    As far as build goes, you should be reading the FAQ posts:




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