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    jernej got a reaction from Da Alchemist in Armbian on MiQi SBC hardware ?   
    Once SoC is supported, adding new boards should be easy. But first, please wait until RK3288 is supported in Armbian.
  2. Like
    jernej got a reaction from Jens Bauer in Armbian on MiQi SBC hardware ?   
    I will get two MiQi boards and I will try to make preliminary Armbian support.
  3. Like
    jernej got a reaction from tkaiser in Armbian on MiQi SBC hardware ?   
    I will get two MiQi boards and I will try to make preliminary Armbian support.
  4. Like
    jernej got a reaction from Arda in Orange Pi Zero ARMBian Debian - Disabling the Ethernet LEDS?   
    I checked datasheet and board schematic and only setting possible is to select polarity. For any permanent disabling, HW solution must be used.
  5. Like
    jernej reacted to Igor in Submit Distribution to DistroWatch.com   
    Instead, we were rewarded. Not many got this privilege.
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    jernej got a reaction from gnasch in Hdmi 1280 x 800 display   
    As I promised, I published helper tool. Please check this comment: https://github.com/igorpecovnik/lib/issues/594#issuecomment-272992961
  7. Like
    jernej got a reaction from Jens Bauer in [Solved] Supporting Rockchip Processors   
    I bough RK3299 at one point for hacking. Unfortunatelly, I can't find any SDK. Does anyone now where to find it?
    On the other hand, I'm more and more interested in RK3288 based boards. Support for that chip should be pretty good in mainline kernel. If someone know cheap board (max. 50 USD), please tell me. I think I could find some time to add support for it.
  8. Like
    jernej reacted to ssvb in OPI Zero boot with SPI   
    Of course it works. And was working fine since the very beginning. You can find the detailed step by step instructions here: https://linux-sunxi.org/Bootable_SPI_flash#Using_the_sunxi-fel_tool
    Please note that the flashrom method is not very foolproof. The sunxi-fel tool may provide some nice high level features in the future. Such as the installed bootloader identification, extra checks if the old and new u-boot configurations are compatible, SPI speed tuning for faster boot (right now it is working at 6MHz in U-Boot) and maybe even larger SPL sizes via an additional loader stub. Not to mention that U-Boot may enforce write-protection for itself before passing control to the linux kernel (write-protection is enforced until the next power-down/power-up cycle), and in this case the flashrom tool will become completely useless.
  9. Like
    jernej got a reaction from zador.blood.stained in Hdmi 1280 x 800 display   
    I think the best way is to ask monitor what timings it prefers. That way you can be sure to use best possible combination. As soon as I will have some time I will prepare something as described here:
  10. Like
    jernej reacted to zador.blood.stained in [Orange Pi One] VDPAU mpeg4 problem   
    Default Armbian configuration file forces HW decoding, so it needs to be explicitly disabled or config file should be temporarily renamed.
  11. Like
    jernej got a reaction from tkaiser in Support of Raspberry Pi   
    Why people every time think on worst possible option? It is more likely that they just forget to disable some clocks for some HW units which still run and eat power.
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    jernej got a reaction from vlad59 in New Oranges with H5 and H2+   
    maybe a multimedia subsection should be made with a big red warning saying "GPU doesn't decode video" with the link to http://www.cnx-software.com/2013/12/10/most-embedded-gpus-do-not-support-hardware-video-decoding-acceleration-the-vpu-does/
    This is most detailed description I could find in datasheet:
    Obviously, 10 bit HEVC is not mentioned anywhere. Of course they might just forget to state it, but until I see working 10 bit decoding, I will claim that HW acceleration of 10 bit HEVC is not possible. I'm not sure if CPU is fast enough to do it in SW.
    maybe because they wanted to join 64 bit ARM hype? Easy, take H3 and change 32 bit core with 64 bit, update Mali cores and you are done. As you may noticed, sales are fuelled with marketing bullshit instead of common sense.
  13. Like
    jernej got a reaction from rezaee in How to control a simple dc motor with nanopi-m1 that has armbian 5.20?   
    Be aware that GPIO pin is capable sourcing only about 20 mA of current which is waaaaay too low for running any kind of motor. You need to put some kind of transistor in betweeen, like MOSFET. You have plenty tutorials on the net.
  14. Like
    jernej got a reaction from Da Alchemist in Armbian for OrangePi PC2, AllWinner H5   
    I will update audio drivers from tinaos, which improves I2S (reported in another thread). Based on the fact that HDMI also uses I2S internally, I hope this will improve situation. From what I know, tinaos and H5 BSP codebases are not very far apart.
  15. Like
    jernej got a reaction from Grzegorz Smaga in [SOLVED] Orange PI PC H3 Winner, compiled with igorpecovnik jessie desktop   
    Yes, there are at least two - No HDMI documentation and no or GPL incompatible license for HDMI code in BSP kernel.
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    jernej got a reaction from Igor in H2+/H3/H5/A64 Disp2 U-Boot video driver   
    Ok, I will try to make something next week.
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    jernej reacted to farrukh in Orange Pi Zero went to the market   
    Designed a case for it. Available on thingiverse if anyone interested - http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:1918590

  18. Like
    jernej got a reaction from Igor in OPi PC +2E, h3disp 1680x1050 DVI display issues   
    Little bug here. You rounded to commonly used 148.5 MHz, which also might be fine, however, in this case you have to change pll_video to 297 (148.5 * 2 = 297). Another, originally recommended, option would be to use 147000000 Hz (lesser error) and pll_video set to 294 (as it is now).
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    jernej got a reaction from mancaveman in OPi One, 1080p60 on DVI doesn't work   
    No, 297 is default value and the only correct one for 1080p
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    jernej got a reaction from lanefu in [559] - GPIO Support for H2/H3 boards with a unified WiringPI library in a neat little package   
    yes, it has same or better functionality and it must be present anyway (pinctrl) if you want to have useful kernel.
  21. Like
    jernej got a reaction from lanefu in Orange Pi Zero went to the market   
    GPIO sysfs interface should be the same on both, mainline and BSP, kernels. I checked that a month or so back. I think the only work which needs to be done here is identifying differences between the boards and implement this in a sane way.
  22. Like
    jernej got a reaction from tkaiser in Orange Pi Zero went to the market   
    GPIO sysfs interface should be the same on both, mainline and BSP, kernels. I checked that a month or so back. I think the only work which needs to be done here is identifying differences between the boards and implement this in a sane way.
  23. Like
    jernej got a reaction from zador.blood.stained in Problems with Orange PI PC (Plus) and TV Out   
    serial console, ssh, wherever you have access to the console... You can also add command to load it at boot, but for that you still have to have access to some kind of console.
    maybe you can make tv driver built-in? Seems that this is common issue and mostly chicken - egg problem if user has fresh image without access to the serial console and hdmi monitor.
  24. Like
    jernej reacted to zador.blood.stained in Armbian running on Pine64 (and other A64/H5 devices)   
  25. Like
    jernej got a reaction from tkaiser in More proper testing - better Armbian experience   
    I just learned on U-Boot HDMI driver example that kernel implementation is not complete. Most importantly, it is missing code for changing PLL_VIDEO clock, which is important code for supporting otherwise non suported resolutions.
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