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Everything posted by Werner

  1. Moved since not a tutorial or similar but a question.
  2. Providing logs with armbianmonitor -u helps with troubleshooting and significantly raises chances that issue gets addressed.
  3. code { font-family: Consolas,"courier new"; color: crimson; background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2); padding: 2px; font-size: 105%; } nand-sata-install does not work for you?
  4. Perhaps further adjustments to uboot are necessary.
  5. moved to tvboxes
  6. moved to tvboxes
  7. Since we do not have control over most of the mirrors shown some may or may not be up-to-date since sync interval is unknown. Mine (fi.mirror.armbian.de) syncs once a night (in Europe ). We haven't figured out a proper way to check if mirrors are up-to-date and remove them from rotation on-demand. This is still WIP. That would be a very bad idea. Debian and Ubuntu userspaces - while both using apt and debs - are incompatible.
  8. Not sure if that is actually possible but if you are into tinkering with that stuff sure, why not? Give it a shot. If you have an oscilloscope might be worth doing measurements to get an idea what is actually going on. If there are indeed voltage spikes maybe pickup some Zener diodes to get rid of those.
  9. If you follow that way you could rip kernel package as well. That way the first working images for OPi Zero 2 were made. However Armbian does not want or like to do that since then you could basically directly use vendor provided images.https://docs.armbian.com/User-Guide_FAQ/#why-does-hardware-feature-xy-work-in-old-kernel-but-not-in-more-recent-one At the bottom line it all depends on the development for the SoC or family which in this case is rk35xx. If that grows adding support for different boards that are built around that SoC is easy in comparison but that also depends on having a person that knows how to do that and want to donate their precious time doing so. Both aren't easy to find .
  10. Most of us do since there are no big companies or sponsors that give us big amounts of cash https://docs.armbian.com/Board_Maintainers_Procedures_and_Guidelines/
  11. If they work independently fine but crash if they are connected both then it seems the PSU is too weak and drops voltage and therefore unexpected behavior like crashes can happen. If you are in electronics and like to tinker rather than directly grabbing a new PSU you could try to add an additional capacitor to compensate for load spikes that cause voltage drops. On the other hand oddly enough since basically ANY ATX PSU should be able to handle dozens of SBCs since they usually draw close to no power at all thanks to ARM architecture...
  12. Are they visible if you do an code { font-family: Consolas,"courier new"; color: crimson; background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2); padding: 2px; font-size: 105%; } apt-cache search for those?
  13. Check syslog/kernel output why root fs seem to have remounted ro.
  14. Can you verify that the file code { font-family: Consolas,"courier new"; color: crimson; background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2); padding: 2px; font-size: 105%; } /usr/share/keyrings/githubcli.gpg is there?
  15. You can try to build your own legacy image using the build framework. However you might end up without connectivity since the PHY chip has changed and driver may not be present in 4.4.y branch. Well there is only one way to find out. https://github.com/armbian/build
  16. Edge, as its name implies, are bleeding edge that or functions of it can break any time. Might get fixed fast, maybe slow, maybe never. To avoid the mentioned issue I suggest to revert to stable current branch for now and give it another shot, maybe once the major version has been bumped.
  17. Hi, Talk to the owner of the repo to provide the necessary key. No idea who is that though, certainly not us. Never saw those addresses. Therefore most likely not an official Armbian image but some 3rd party work.
  18. Hm odd. You can install the correct headers the causal way via apt Never mind. Headers seem to be missing in repo or stuck in beta. Need to investigate.
  19. Pure binary into txt would be a very (VERY!) long file containing nothing but 0 and 1 characters. So without knowing anything further about that binary this task is impossible.
  20. I assume to be make armbian run in R4SE an additional patch is needed that enables eMMC in the device tree. Then nand-sata-installer should be able to do the rest.
  21. Never heard of that device? Is that a random TV box?
  22. We do not support Android. I suggest to ask at the place where you get this image for your board.
  23. The funny thing is that Armbian AFAIK never supported or has been even tried on that hardware 😂. Rpi4 only. Interesting though that it somehow runs anyways.
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