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  1. I have tested it today and it still does not work. I get "Warning communications lost with UPS". It works on Rock64. Both Odroid C2 and Rock64 use latest Armbian Ubuntu 18.04. It looks like something is not quite right with the Odroid C2 image.
  2. Impatiently I tested with the Balbes image, as soon as I start ./flash.sh it says "The device does not support this operation!" Is the script/sw written for an A5XMax and does not work on A5XMax+ ? Needless to say the box did not boot when powered up, I also tried the Rock64 image, same result. Label on my box says A5Xmax+432183702296
  3. No, disabling the eMMC on Rock64 isn't done thru DTB, but by shorting 2 pins jumper nearby the recovery button. EDIT : Oh ! I´ve just saw that you were talking about "a55 tv box.Rk3328", not your Rock64 ... So, my answer isn't related ...
  4. If I have a little time I will write a description and upload the image. You can flash the Balbes image too with the script, maybe it will work. But a few things will certainly not work, eg wifi, led display. I don't know exactly, I didn't tried. My first try was the official rock64 image. Basic functions works with that.
  5. Hello, Trying use SNAPD on Rock64 board (4G RAM). After install SNAPD and LXD (or other SNAP app) everything works. But once I reboot board - it won't start and I see Kernel Panic on screen. Any ideas why and how I can try to fix it? Thanks.
  6. Thanks for proposal.... but .... root@srv-rock64-130:~# apt-get update --no-allow-insecure-repositories Ign:1 http://ftp.debian.org/debian stretch InRelease Atteint:2 http://security.debian.org stretch/updates InRelease Atteint:3 http://ftp.fr.debian.org/debian stretch-backports InRelease Atteint:4 http://ftp.debian.org/debian buster InRelease Atteint:5 http://ftp.fr.debian.org/debian stretch-updates InRelease Réception de:6 http://deb.ayufan.eu/orgs/ayufan-rock64/releases InRelease [1 339 B] Atteint:8 http://ftp.debian.org/debian stretch Release Réception de:9 http://deb.ayufan.eu/orgs/ayufan-rock64/pre-releases InRelease [1 339 B] Ign:7 https://apt.armbian.com stretch InRelease Err:10 https://apt.armbian.com stretch Release server certificate verification failed. CAfile: /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt CRLfile: none Lecture des listes de paquets... Fait E: The repository 'http://apt.armbian.com stretch Release' does not have a Release file. N: Updating from such a repository can't be done securely, and is therefore disabled by default. N: See apt-secure(8) manpage for repository creation and user configuration details. root@srv-rock64-130:~# echo $? 100 So that this solution is not possible for me because apt management is done accross Ansible tools in a production board ....
  7. Hi, I have following error on Rock64 when trying to update with apt tools: -1- My config file is : root@srv-rock64-130:~# cat /etc/apt/sources.list.d/armbian_apt_v_9_stretch.list |grep -v "#" deb http://apt.armbian.com stretch main stretch-utils stretch-desktop -2- to get all keys, i run ... /usr/bin/wget \ --tries=3 \ --output-document=/tmp/Release.key \ --quiet \ --no-check-certificate \ http://apt.armbian.com/armbian.key \ && \ /usr/bin/apt-key add - < /tmp/Release.key \ && \ /bin/rm -f /tmp/Release.key root@srv-rock64-130:~# /usr/bin/wget \ > --tries=3 \ > --output-document=/tmp/Release.key \ > --quiet \ > --no-check-certificate \ > http://apt.armbian.com/armbian.key \ > && \ > /usr/bin/apt-key add - < /tmp/Release.key \ > && \ > /bin/rm -f /tmp/Release.key OK -3- Issue ? but when launching apt update root@srv-rock64-130:~# apt update Réception de:1 http://security.debian.org stretch/updates InRelease [94,3 kB] Atteint:2 http://ftp.fr.debian.org/debian stretch-backports InRelease Ign:3 http://ftp.debian.org/debian stretch InRelease Atteint:4 http://ftp.debian.org/debian buster InRelease Atteint:6 http://ftp.fr.debian.org/debian stretch-updates InRelease Atteint:7 http://ftp.debian.org/debian stretch Release Réception de:8 http://deb.ayufan.eu/orgs/ayufan-rock64/releases InRelease [1 339 B] Réception de:9 http://deb.ayufan.eu/orgs/ayufan-rock64/pre-releases InRelease [1 339 B] Ign:5 https://apt.armbian.com stretch InRelease Err:10 https://apt.armbian.com stretch Release server certificate verification failed. CAfile: /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt CRLfile: none Lecture des listes de paquets... Fait E: The repository 'http://apt.armbian.com stretch Release' does not have a Release file. N: Updating from such a repository can't be done securely, and is therefore disabled by default. N: See apt-secure(8) manpage for repository creation and user configuration details. Thanks in advance for your help
  8. Yet another answer to myself. According to this (valued opinion of @tkaiser) - USB3@ARM SBC + USB3 Hub is totally bad idea: https://forum.openmediavault.org/index.php/Thread/24145-OMV-rock64-problem-with-USB-Hub/ Still yet another problem with USB2. Both ports works ok with directly connected devices. Attaching usb2 hub to lower USB - still ok. To upper USB - gives a lot of errors in dmesg with periodic device reset. Actually attaching usb voltmeter to hub showed BIG undervoltage (4.4v). Powering USB hub partially resolves situation, but still errors if using upper port. Older usb hubs (let's say before-AliExpress-era) work slightly better. In my opinion, it's not a problem of kernel, but hardware itself. Situation is much more clear now. I need to connect 2 HDD drives (one for system + one for data). Time to give up SSD idea, since my box ( 8882:009d http://en.sharkoon.com/product/1686/10066) does not pass "TRIM" command, which is probably vital for SSD.
  9. Update... It was guilty USB3 hub. I'm willing to have more than one USB3 port on rock64, but look... Hub works fine on standart PC, but adding it to Rock64 gives this weird effect. Can anyone confirm, that USB3 HUB is not recommended to use for connecting boot USB3 SSD ? It's not a question of power - I'm using good PSU. And drive is SSD (consumes not too much). Thanks in advance.
  10. I currently run an Odroid XU4, Odroid HC1 and Rock64 all 24x7. I never have any problems with them. They all run from decent power supplies though, connected to a UPS. The only board I've have stability issues with is an Espressobin. I've also got a Tinkerboard, a couple of Pine64's, Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 and an old Cubietruck. They've all been stable too. Sounds like you need to sort out your power supply problems first.
  11. Hi all! I'm having strange issue with Rock64. I downloaded latest Armbian 5.88 with 4.4.180 kernel. Installation and boot are ok, but when I try to do apt-get install lvm2 Package installs, configures and... update-initramfs: Generating /boot/initrd.img-4.4.180-rockchip64 update-initramfs: Converting to u-boot format Then I do root@rock64:~# sudo reboot And I'm getting a boot loop... Same effect, if I move system to SSD. At first I thought it was issue with ssd transferred system... But it clearly reproduced on freshly written with uSD only boot. I've dumped armbianmonitor output (just in case) on freshly flashed OS. MicroSD is old 2GB one (I'm planning to use SSD drive and use uSD only for boot). But same effect on other cards. Another one issue (which I probably can live with, but you may find this interesting). I install hostapd-rt along with using rtl8188eu dongle. Hostapd starts, but here are two points: Everything works with android It fails to authenticate with MacOS... But weirdest thing here - when I stop hostapd with systemctl, then start - it shows "Oops, SMP error" and reboots. Still not sure about revision (not v3 definately Thanks in advance for looking into it.
  12. How do you control which PHY the Rock64 is going to use? Android 9 is available for Rock64 now, https://github.com/a9rock64/manifests But it is configured to use the internal PHY and I need to change it over to the external one. Is this controlled in the DTS or someplace else? It is running on this kernel: https://github.com/rockchip-linux/kernel
  13. I'm not sure what will and won't be a worthy overlay to put directly into Armbian itself with the current script structure, I intend to document the ones I add here, @martinayotte may as well if he's bored. :-P I will be focusing on RPi GPIO compatibles, since those are nice pre-packaged devices in general. I have Tinker, RockPi 4, Le Potato/K2/C2, Tritium H2+/3/5, Rock64, Renegade, and some others. Everything here is a placeholder at the moment. Status Tinker Le Potato Meson64 Renegade Tritium Automation Hat Generic DAC (Pi) MCC 118 DAQ MicroDot PHAT Inky WHAT (e-ink) ENC28J60 for Pi
  14. - added support for V3 - included latest upstream changes - updated repository
  15. Support for Rock64 is not matured - probably we labelled it "supported" too quickly. There are three revisions out there and all seems to have issues ... Moved from forum "Board doesn't start" to RK3328 forum where such discussions take place.
  16. I have a ROCK64 4GB Rev. 2. When I flash armbian to a SD card the board will boot fine and I can do basically anything for example apt-get update / upgrade. The board runs fine and stable for several hours. But as soon as I reboot the board, the board will stop booting. There is no HDMI output and no ping response. Even after disconnecting power for several hours. Right now there is no way for me to get it to boot again except for flashing the fresh image to the SD-card. I‘ve tried several SD-cards. I am using the original 5 V 3 A PSU. There is nothing connected to the board except for ethernet and power. Anyone got an idea?
  17. That indeed isn't good at all. I'm from Europe so I haven't got a clue where to buy when you're from South-America. It's this PSU. https://www.cloudmedia.com/?product=rock64-pinebook-pine-h64-5v-3a-switching-power-supply I'm using a different one for it, a 4A EU PSU. But 3A should be sufficient. This is what you need to look for : 5V (at least) 3A Type H 3.5mm OD/1.35mm ID barrel ‘coaxial’ type I'd trow away that PSU you've got before it damages anything(hd/sd-card). I've seen a lot of undervolting in my times but under 4V is very rare. With a good PSU/cable you should never go under 4.8V. (tell that to the raspberry pi foundation) Good luck, greetings.
  18. I just did this test and saw that the voltage is below 5V (around 4,4 and 4,6) when the Rock64 is using a USB2.0 HDD connected to its USB3.0 port (the only method that works until now, with bad write performance). Also, there's oscillation to under 4V, even if there's a small load. If the power supply were good we should see steady 5V or more, right? Can anyone point me to a legit power supply in Aliexpress? Or maybe some seller on ebay that ships to South America?
  19. From what I've heard, this USB 3.0 drive I have (650mA) consumes less than the 2.0 drive I'm using now (850mA). Developers say that the Rock64 outputs up to 950mA on the USB 3.0 port. Should be enough, so that's why I'm trying to test the power supply.
  20. To be future proof USB 3.0 is better. But all mine are USB2. Transfer rates are a lot higher with USB3, so I expect it to consume a bit more. Dit you try it on the USB2 ports of the Rock64? Did you try other storage devices on the Rock64? Do they mount ok? I should have a 2.5" drive laying around and I've got a usb3 to sata adapter. If I find time I'll try it out. Can't promise anything.
  21. "Stable Armbian" being the version from February here https://dl.armbian.com/rock64/ ??
  22. Armbian nightly? I didn't realise it was getting built, off to check I go! :d The latest ayufan pre release suggests memory speed locked to 1600? For rockpro64 I guess? https://github.com/ayufan-rock64/linux-build/releases
  23. Try using a usb voltage meter on the USB3 port of your Rock64 and see what voltage it is. With undervoltage you've got problems with mechanical hard drives.
  24. Hey guys, I heard that the USB3 port of the Rock64 outputs up to 950mA. I have this external HD (WD My Passport), one of those 2,5'' external HDDs that are powered solely by the USB3 port. From what I've gathered, this should need no more than 650mA. But it doesn't work on the Rock64. After mounting the thing, if I try to write and read, it just disconnects with a bunch of dmesg errors. It makes a little click sound after the spinning builds up. Looks like there's not enough energy (it works fine on my desktop). How can I check and monitor the voltage and current delivered by the USB3.0 on the Rock64? My power supply is kind of generic, even though it says 5V 3A. The rpi shows a lightning icon right, but the Rock64 doesn't, so I can't be sure the power supply is at fault.
  25. The PineH64 model B is a bit better designed than the OPi3. It's got a lot less problems, and a bit better heat characteristics. The H6 SoC's do need a fan to run maxed out at 1.8Ghz. But you could clock it a bit lower if you'd like to passively cool it. The software isn't ready yet for it. But I expect this to become a well supported board. Here my review and comparison video of the Pine H64 model B with OPi3 I'm in love with the RK3399 boards from FriendlyElec(NEO4/M4/T4). But now the NEO4 is at $50. It was cheaper when released. It only has got 1GB ram, a bit worse cooling than the NanoPi M4(my favorite). But they've got great VPU support in Armbian and in FriendlyElec images. But of course those are more expensive. As they've already said. The Amlogic S905 boards are a good choice since they've got good VPU support. But on higher display resolutions than 1080p my Odroid C2 lags a lot. There's not that much other choises. The Rock64 has problems with the media script. Allwinner H5 SoC's should be well supported for this. But I don't have any H5 board. So I have not seen this working well. ( @mindee I'd love to review the NanoPi K1 Plus)
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