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1 hour ago, golfsmith said:

Thanks! So I can take the dtb file from Android (preloaded on the box) and use it here? Is it the right way to solve this?

No. Use one of the dtb's in DTB folder on BOOT on the sd-card.

2 hours ago, golfsmith said:

Thanks! So I can take the dtb file from Android (preloaded on the box) and use it here? Is it the right way to solve this?

Tried that and still does not work. Same error as before. I must be missing some basis here. Thanks


21 hours ago, balbes150 said:

What would "think" need UART logs and content (uEnv.ini) . :)

Progress report: I was able to use another dtb and the system boots normally! Now I am able to get into the system and the problem now is the WiFi not working. Tried "modprobdhd" and it shows "modprobe: FATAL: Module dhd not found in directory /lib/modules/5.2.0-rc4-aml-s905"  Then tried bcmdhd.ko in original Android system, still not working. It shows "insmod: ERROR: could not insert module bcmdhd.ko: Invalid module format" (guess this is right as it is from Android). The X96 Max box I have is using AP6356 WiFi chip and it seems the driver is missing.  Is it possible to find the driver for bcmdhd?  Or I am on the wrong path to solve this Wi-Fi not found problem?

On 6/22/2019 at 4:40 PM, balbes150 said:

You do not have /dev/mmcblk1 devices. Check what devices you have and change the value in the script "install.sh" in the real name of your eMMC. Maybe your eMMC is "/dev/mmcblk2" or "/dev/mmcblk0" .


On 6/22/2019 at 11:09 PM, SteeMan said:

I think you have run into the same issue I recently did.  I have purchased four TX3 mini boxes (2G/16G) over time from different vendors.  Two of the boxes work perfectly (i.e. I can install to the built in eMMC.  However on the other two boxes, I can not.  The two boxes that can't install to eMMC, do work in all other ways.  So I can run armbian from the SD card if I want.


In attempting to diagnose the problem, I noticed that the kernel wasn't detecting the internal storage at boot time.  So I opened up the cases of a box that worked and a box that didn't and discovered a difference.  The two boxes have different storage chips (the chips are actually located in different locations on the board as well).  In googling the part markings on the chips, it appears that the box that works correctly has an eMMC memory chip installed, and the box that doesn't has a NAND chip installed.  I recall reading somewhere that there isn't currently support in these kernels for nand storage.  So it would seem that some manufacturers in order to cut costs are installing nand storage on some of the TX3 mini's.  I don't know how to tell at ordering time, what type of storage might be used and therefore I no longer am purchasing the TX3 mini's for my purposes.  I really like the boxes and if I could be assured of getting boxes with eMMC I would use them for a number of projects.


I think my device was installed NAND chip instead of eMMC. I ran the "df" command and it show like this:

/dev/mmcblk0p2   14G  4.1G  9.8G  30% /
/dev/mmcblk0p1  128M   56M   73M  44% /boot

Other issue with this box is it can't boot to android anymore once I booted to Armbian on SDCard. I checked the multi boot script and look like it can't see eMMC storage to boot in.

On 6/19/2019 at 5:01 PM, Peyton said:

Don't know. I saw ppl with km9 flashing km3 but it could brick your device. If you have usb/usb cable you can flash it with USB_Burning_Tool


km9 aosp : https://drive.google.com/file/d/1uMkgYrIHXbPDnrFnThWraEBpk5GHN5RR/view


original km3 : https://androidpctv.com/firmware-mecool-km3-rom/


For your info i've just tried with Armbian_5.88_Aml-g12_Debian_buster_default_5.1.0-rc1_20190609.img and it's the same..


Boot without any network interface except lo. :(

Do km9 has any chance to work in the near future or do i have to forfeit and use it as android tv box as it's not working with meson-g12a-x96-max.dtb ?


How could we help by extracting file or such Balbes150 ? Thanks.


I have a problem, I was with armbian 5.78 and it works fine, but I wanted to test CoreElec and I proceed to install on another card with update box. But when wanting to return to armbian, it does not work anymore, even with the update of the box with aml_autoscript, I have several eraser messages at launch, then a last message:
failed to start etc / rc.local compatibility

Any idea ?


(im french, sorry for my bad english, and thanks google trad...)

Posted (edited)



I recently got two Beelink GT1 Mini 2GB/32GB boxes. One is GT1 Mini and the other is GT1 Mini-A (note the A). The plain GT1 Mini boots Armbian with the G12A x96 DTB fine and everything looks good. But the GT1 Mini-A doesn't and supposedly the only difference between them is the remote control and Android firmware. I attached serial console the A version and it gets stuck on starting Kernel, tested both 5.89 the one with 5.1 kernel and the new with 5.2rc4 kernel:





TE: 105333

BL2 Built : 20:07:05, Aug 28 2018. g12a g16e0318 - guotai.shen@droid11-sz

Board ID = 1
Set cpu clk to 24M
Set clk81 to 24M
CPU clk: 1200 MHz
Set clk81 to 166.6M
smccc: 0001d8b4
boot_device: 1
DDR driver_vesion: LPDDR4_PHY_V_0_1_5 build time: Aug 28 2018 20:06:59
board id: 1
Load FIP HDR from eMMC, src: 0x00010200, des: 0xfffd0000, size: 0x004000, part: 0
fw parse done
Load ddrfw from eMMC, src: 0x00060200, des: 0xfffd0000, size: 0x00c000, part: 0
Load ddrfw from eMMC, src: 0x00038200, des: 0xfffd0000, size: 0x004000, part: 0
PIEI prepare done
Cfg max: 5, cur: 1. Board id: 255. Force loop cfg
DDR4 probe
Set ddr clk to 912MHz
Load ddrfw from eMMC, src: 0x00014200, des: 0xfffd0000, size: 0x00c000, part: 0
Check phy result
INFO : End of initialization
INFO : End of read enable training
INFO : End of fine write leveling
INFO : STREAM 0x00490002 - 0x00000000 0x00000000 
INFO : STREAM 0x04020000 - 
INFO : ERROR : Training has failed!
1D training failed
Cfg max: 5, cur: 2. Board id: 255. Force loop cfg
DDR3 probe
Set ddr clk to 912MHz
Load ddrfw from eMMC, src: 0x0002c200, des: 0xfffd0000, size: 0x00c000, part: 0
Check phy result
INFO : End of initialization
INFO : STREAM 0x00670000 - 
INFO : STREAM 0x04020000 - 
INFO : ERROR : Training has failed!
1D training failed
Cfg max: 5, cur: 3. Board id: 255. Force loop cfg
LPDDR4 probe
Set ddr clk to 1200MHz
Load ddrfw from eMMC, src: 0x0003c200, des: 0xfffd0000, size: 0x00c000, part: 0
5117Check phy result
INFO : STREAM 0x00b00001 - 0x00001000 
INFO : STREAM 0x00a70001 - 0x00000018 
INFO : STREAM 0x00540003 - 0x00000004 0x00000008 0x0000000a 
INFO : STREAM 0x00560006 - 0x00000003 0x00000003 0x00001001 0x0000000a 0x00000000 0x00000960 
INFO : STREAM 0x005b0005 - 0x00000000 0x00000044 0x000000a4 0x00000032 0x00000000 
INFO : End of CA training
INFO : End of initialization
INFO : Training has run successfully!
Check phy result
INFO : STREAM 0x00b00001 - 0x00001000 
INFO : STREAM 0x00a70001 - 0x00000018 
INFO : STREAM 0x00540003 - 0x00000004 0x00000008 0x0000000a 
INFO : STREAM 0x00560006 - 0x00000003 0x00000003 0x0000031f 0x0000000a 0x00000000 0x00000960 
INFO : STREAM 0x005b0005 - 0x00000000 0x00000044 0x000000a4 0x00000032 0x00000000 
INFO : End of initialization
INFO : End of read enable training
INFO : End of fine write leveling
INFO : End of read dq deskew training
INFO : End of MPR read delay center optimization
INFO : End of Write leveling coarse delay
INFO : End of write delay center optimization
INFO : End of read delay center optimization
INFO : End of max read latency training
INFO : Training has run successfully!
1D training succeed
Load ddrfw from eMMC, src: 0x00048200, des: 0xfffd0000, size: 0x00c000, part: 0
Check phy result
INFO : STREAM 0x012c0000 - 
INFO : STREAM 0x01300001 - 0x00001000 
INFO : STREAM 0x01270001 - 0x00000018 
INFO : STREAM 0x00d40003 - 0x00000004 0x00000008 0x0000000a 
INFO : STREAM 0x00d60006 - 0x00000003 0x00000003 0x00000061 0x0000000a 0x00000000 0x00000960 
INFO : STREAM 0x00db0005 - 0x00000000 0x00000044 0x00000024 0x00000032 0x00000000 
INFO : End of initialization
INFO : End of 2D read delay Voltage center optimization
INFO : End of 2D read delay Voltage center optimization
INFO : End of 2D write delay Voltage center optimization
INFO : End of 2D write delay Voltage center optimization
INFO : Training has run successfully!

RxClkDly_Margin_A0==130 ps 10
TxDqDly_Margin_A0==130 ps 10
RxClkDly_Margin_A1==143 ps 11
TxDqDly_Margin_A1==130 ps 10

RxClkDly_Margin_A0==91 ps 7
TxDqDly_Margin_A0==143 ps 11
RxClkDly_Margin_A1==117 ps 9
TxDqDly_Margin_A1==130 ps 10

2D training succeed
auto size-- 65535DDR cs0 size: 1024MB
DDR cs1 size: 1024MB
DMC_DDR_CTRL: 00e0001bDDR size: 2048MB
DataBus test pass!
AddrBus test pass!

100bdlr_step_size ps== 496
result report
Enable ddr reg access
 emmc switch 3 ok
Authentication key not yet programmed
emmc_rpmb_key_is_programmed: error 0x00000007
 emmc switch 0 ok
Load FIP HDR from eMMC, src: 0x00010200, des: 0x01700000, size: 0x004000, part: 0
Load BL3X from eMMC, src: 0x0006c200, des: 0x0175c000, size: 0x0ec000, part: 0
bl2z: ptr: 05127320, size: 00001e50
0.0;M3 CHK:0;cm4_sp_mode 0


[Image: g12a_v1.1.3327-3761055 2018-07-31 18:47:10 jenkins@walle02-sh]


ring efuse init

28 0b 40 00 01 1e 12 00 00 08 34 35 4b 48 4b 50 

[0.014272 Inits done]

secure task start!
high task start!
low task start!
run into bl31
NOTICE:  BL31: v1.3(release):40e3f59
NOTICE:  BL31: Built : 16:26:05, Jul 18 2018
NOTICE:  BL31: G12A normal boot!
NOTICE:  BL31: BL33 decompress pass
INFO:    BL3-2: ATOS-V2.4-84-g55d24eb #1 Wed Apr 11 05:49:14 UTC 2018 arm
INFO:    BL3-2: Chip: G12A Rev: B (28:B - 40:2)
INFO:    BL3-2: crypto engine DMA
INFO:    BL3-2: secure time TEE

U-Boot 2015.01-gfe90999-dirty (Mar 30 2019 - 14:20:06)

DRAM:  2 GiB
Relocation Offset is: 76e80000
spi_post_bind(spifc): req_seq = 0
register usb cfg[0][1] = 0000000077f47458
NAND:  get_sys_clk_rate_mtd() 266, clock setting 200!
NAND device id: 0 ff ff ff ff ff 
No NAND device found!!!
nand init failed: -6
get_sys_clk_rate_mtd() 266, clock setting 200!
NAND device id: 0 ff ff ff ff ff 
No NAND device found!!!
nand init failed: -6
MMC:   aml_priv->desc_buf = 0x0000000073e70710
aml_priv->desc_buf = 0x0000000073e72a30
SDIO Port B: 0, SDIO Port C: 1
co-phase 0x3, tx-dly 0, clock 400000
co-phase 0x3, tx-dly 0, clock 400000
co-phase 0x3, tx-dly 0, clock 400000
emmc/sd response timeout, cmd8, status=0x1ff2800
emmc/sd response timeout, cmd55, status=0x1ff2800
co-phase 0x3, tx-dly 0, clock 400000
co-phase 0x3, tx-dly 0, clock 40000000
init_part() 297: PART_TYPE_AML
[mmc_init] mmc init success
      Amlogic multi-dtb tool
      Multi dtb detected
checkhw:  hwid = 1
checkhw: DDR size: 0x80000000, loc_name: g12a_s905x2_2g
      Multi dtb tool version: v2 .
      Support 2 dtbs.
        aml_dt soc: g12a platform: s905x2 variant: 2g
        dtb 0 soc: g12a   plat: s905x2   vari: 2g
        dtb 1 soc: g12a   plat: s905x2   vari: 4g
      Find match dtb: 0
start dts,buffer=0000000073e75280,dt_addr=0000000073e75a80
get_partition_from_dts() 105: ret 0
      Amlogic multi-dtb tool
      Multi dtb detected
checkhw:  hwid = 1
checkhw: DDR size: 0x80000000, loc_name: g12a_s905x2_2g
      Multi dtb tool version: v2 .
      Support 2 dtbs.
        aml_dt soc: g12a platform: s905x2 variant: 2g
        dtb 0 soc: g12a   plat: s905x2   vari: 2g
        dtb 1 soc: g12a   plat: s905x2   vari: 4g
      Find match dtb: 0
parts: 14
00:      logo	0000000000800000 1
01:  recovery	0000000001800000 1
02:      misc	0000000000800000 1
03:       dto	0000000000800000 1
04:  cri_data	0000000000800000 2
05:     param	0000000001000000 2
06:      boot	0000000001000000 1
07:       rsv	0000000001000000 1
08:       tee	0000000002000000 1
09:    vendor	0000000010000000 1
10:       odm	0000000010000000 1
11:    system	0000000074000000 1
12:     cache	0000000046000000 2
13:      data	ffffffffffffffff 4
init_part() 297: PART_TYPE_AML
eMMC/TSD partition table have been checked OK!
check pattern success
mmc env offset: 0x4d400000 
In:    serial
Out:   serial
Err:   serial
[store]To run cmd[emmc dtb_read 0x1000000 0x40000]
_verify_dtb_checksum()-2755: calc 49c3556f, store 49c3556f
_verify_dtb_checksum()-2755: calc 49c3556f, store 49c3556f
dtb_read()-2972: total valid 2
update_old_dtb()-2953: do nothing
      Amlogic multi-dtb tool
      Multi dtb detected
checkhw:  hwid = 1
checkhw: DDR size: 0x80000000, loc_name: g12a_s905x2_2g
      Multi dtb tool version: v2 .
      Support 2 dtbs.
        aml_dt soc: g12a platform: s905x2 variant: 2g
        dtb 0 soc: g12a   plat: s905x2   vari: 2g
        dtb 1 soc: g12a   plat: s905x2   vari: 4g
      Find match dtb: 0
amlkey_init() enter!
[EFUSE_MSG]keynum is 4
vpu: clk_level in dts: 7
vpu: set clk: 666667000Hz, readback: 666666667Hz(0x100)
vpu: vpu_clk_gate_init_off finish
vpp: vpp_init
vpp: g12a/b osd1 matrix rgb2yuv ..............
vpp: g12a/b osd2 matrix rgb2yuv..............
vpp: g12a/b osd3 matrix rgb2yuv..............
aml_config_dtb 608
aml_config_dtb 638
co_phase = <0x00000003>
caps2 = "MMC_CAP2_HS200"
f_max = "��"
status = "disabled"
status = "okay"
Net:   dwmac.ff3f0000amlkey_init() enter!
amlkey_init() 71: already init!
[EFUSE_MSG]keynum is 4
MACADDR:02:00:00:12:1e:01(from chipid)

Start read misc partition datas!
info->attemp_times = 0
info->active_slot = 0
info->slot_info[0].bootable = 1
info->slot_info[0].online = 1
info->slot_info[1].bootable = 0
info->slot_info[1].online = 0
info->attemp_times = 0
attemp_times = 0 
active slot = 0 
[OSD]load fb addr from dts:/meson-fb
[OSD]set initrd_high: 0x7f800000
[OSD]fb_addr for logo: 0x7f800000
[OSD]load fb addr from dts:/meson-fb
[OSD]fb_addr for logo: 0x7f800000
[CANVAS]canvas init
[CANVAS]addr=0x7f800000 width=5760, height=2160
[OSD]osd_hw.free_dst_data: 0,719,0,575
vpp: vpp_matrix_update: 2
cvbs performance type = 9, table = 0
amlkey_init() enter!
amlkey_init() 71: already init!
[EFUSE_MSG]keynum is 4
[KM]Error:f[key_manage_query_size]L507:key[usid] not programed yet
[KM]Error:f[key_manage_query_size]L507:key[mac] not programed yet
[KM]Error:f[key_manage_query_size]L507:key[deviceid] not programed yet
gpio: pin GPIOAO_3 (gpio 3) value is 1
sof timeout, reset usb phy tuning
Hit Enter or space or Ctrl+C key to stop autoboot -- :  1  0 
(Re)start USB...
USB0:   USB3.0 XHCI init start
Register 3000140 NbrPorts 2
Starting the controller
scanning bus 0 for devices... 1 USB Device(s) found
       scanning usb for storage devices... 0 Storage Device(s) found
** Bad device usb 0 **
** Bad device usb 1 **
** Bad device usb 2 **
** Bad device usb 3 **
card in
co-phase 0x2, tx-dly 0, clock 400000
co-phase 0x2, tx-dly 0, clock 400000
co-phase 0x2, tx-dly 0, clock 400000
co-phase 0x2, tx-dly 0, clock 400000
co-phase 0x2, tx-dly 0, clock 40000000
init_part() 282: PART_TYPE_DOS
[mmc_init] mmc init success
Device: SDIO Port B
Manufacturer ID: 3
OEM: 5344
Name: SC16G 
Tran Speed: 50000000
Rd Block Len: 512
SD version 3.0
High Capacity: Yes
Capacity: 14.8 GiB
mmc clock: 40000000
Bus Width: 4-bit
reading s905_autoscript
1765 bytes read in 5 ms (344.7 KiB/s)
## Executing script at 01020000
** Bad device usb 0 **
** Bad device usb 1 **
** Bad device usb 2 **
** Bad device usb 3 **
reading zImage
20537352 bytes read in 1132 ms (17.3 MiB/s)
reading uInitrd
7869746 bytes read in 433 ms (17.3 MiB/s)
reading uEnv.ini
207 bytes read in 4 ms (49.8 KiB/s)
reading /dtb/meson-g12a-x96-max.dtb
41673 bytes read in 8 ms (5 MiB/s)
libfdt fdt_path_offset() returned FDT_ERR_NOTFOUND
[rsvmem] fdt get prop fail.
## Loading init Ramdisk from Legacy Image at 13000000 ...
   Image Name:   uInitrd
   Image Type:   AArch64 Linux RAMDisk Image (gzip compressed)
   Data Size:    7869682 Bytes = 7.5 MiB
   Load Address: 00000000
   Entry Point:  00000000
   Verifying Checksum ... OK
load dtb from 0x1000000 ......
      Amlogic multi-dtb tool
      Single dtb detected
## Flattened Device Tree blob at 01000000
   Booting using the fdt blob at 0x1000000
libfdt fdt_path_offset() returned FDT_ERR_NOTFOUND
[rsvmem] fdt get prop fail.
   Loading Ramdisk to 736ec000, end 73e6d4f2 ... OK
   Loading Device Tree to 000000001fff2000, end 000000001ffff2c8 ... OK

Starting kernel ...

uboot time: 6638950 us

If you need any more info or can point me to the right direction I'm more than happy to help.




Edited by Juanjo
More data
7 hours ago, Peyton said:

Do km9 has any chance to work in the near future or do i have to forfeit and use it as android tv box as it's not working with meson-g12a-x96-max.dtb ?


How could we help by extracting file or such Balbes150 ? Thanks.

Try all the options dtb g12*


1 hour ago, cicéron said:

I have a problem, I was with armbian 5.78 and it works fine, but I wanted to test CoreElec and I proceed to install on another card with update box. But when wanting to return to armbian, it does not work anymore, even with the update of the box with aml_autoscript, I have several eraser messages at launch, then a last message:
failed to start etc / rc.local compatibility

Any idea ?


(im french, sorry for my bad english, and thanks google trad...)

Restore the firmware and re-activate the multi-boot.


16 minutes ago, Juanjo said:

If you need any more info or can point me to the right direction I'm more than happy to help.

Existing DTBS in the image are not suitable for your model. You will have to pull out the DTB from the Android firmware and try to make it a working dtb (convert to DTS and compare with existing ones).

58 minutes ago, balbes150 said:

Restore the firmware and re-activate the multi-boot.

On tty1 I can connect with my user login, is it possible to do something here?

2 hours ago, balbes150 said:

Existing DTBS in the image are not suitable for your model. You will have to pull out the DTB from the Android firmware and try to make it a working dtb (convert to DTS and compare with existing ones).


I though that most of the time with a wrong DTB (but same SoC) at least I'll get some Kernel logs and then a panic or some HW not working.


How  do I extract the DTB from Android firmware ? It seems that thing doesn't have partitions like plain Linux do. I do have Armbian building knowledge but no Android 


Then I just to build some DTB from this source ? 




4 hours ago, balbes150 said:

Existing DTBS in the image are not suitable for your model. You will have to pull out the DTB from the Android firmware and try to make it a working dtb (convert to DTS and compare with existing ones).


To start I did pull out the DTB from Android on the GT1 Mini and the GT1 Mini-A converted to DTS and compared them (diff -u). They are identically :( 


They are for 4.9 Kernel so they are too many differences to X96 DTS. I attached it anyway


3 hours ago, Juanjo said:


To start I did pull out the DTB from Android on the GT1 Mini and the GT1 Mini-A converted to DTS and compared them (diff -u). They are identically :( 


They are for 4.9 Kernel so they are too many differences to X96 DTS. I attached it anyway

gt1_mini.dts 172.57 kB · 4 downloads


Ok. Got it working based on SEI510 Device Tree which booted then I changed some bits to enable GbE. By now have GbE and HDMI works; it seems WiFi too since a scan worked.


I suppose I need to do a PR on your GitHub repo ?


5 hours ago, Juanjo said:

Ok. Got it working based on SEI510 Device Tree which booted then I changed some bits to enable GbE. By now have GbE and HDMI works; it seems WiFi too since a scan worked.


I suppose I need to do a PR on your GitHub repo ? 


On 6/29/2019 at 7:00 PM, balbes150 said:

Try all the options dtb g12*

Did it. Seems to be working on SEI Robotics SEI510 dtb. Great ! Thanks.


Just to be sure no hardware is missing do i have to type dmesg and check what is red like that ?

[    3.750403] dwc3 ff500000.usb: Failed to get clk 'ref': -2

[    9.035664] brcmfmac: brcmf_fw_alloc_request: using brcm/brcmfmac4335-sdio fo                                     r chip BCM4335/1
[    9.036436] usbcore: registered new interface driver brcmfmac
[    9.040954] brcmfmac mmc2:0001:1: Direct firmware load for brcm/brcmfmac4335-                                     sdio.bin failed with error -2

[   10.044168] brcmfmac: brcmf_sdio_htclk: HT Avail timeout (1000000): clkctl 0x                                     50


or another command is more precise ? I don't have a clue about the result except it seems to concern usb port.



5 hours ago, Peyton said:

Did it. Seems to be working on SEI Robotics SEI510 dtb. Great ! Thanks.


Just to be sure no hardware is missing do i have to type dmesg and check what is red like that ?

[    3.750403] dwc3 ff500000.usb: Failed to get clk 'ref': -2

[    9.035664] brcmfmac: brcmf_fw_alloc_request: using brcm/brcmfmac4335-sdio fo                                     r chip BCM4335/1
[    9.036436] usbcore: registered new interface driver brcmfmac
[    9.040954] brcmfmac mmc2:0001:1: Direct firmware load for brcm/brcmfmac4335-                                     sdio.bin failed with error -2

[   10.044168] brcmfmac: brcmf_sdio_htclk: HT Avail timeout (1000000): clkctl 0x                                     50


or another command is more precise ? I don't have a clue about the result except it seems to concern usb port.




Seems to be the same case as mine GT1 Mini works and GT1 Mini-A didn't but did with SEI510 which in my case does have a different ETH PHY but I did manage to make a DTS. Now I need to find some time to do a PR for Balbes fork :)


On 6/24/2019 at 5:34 AM, Guilherme Alves said:

Guys are you experiencing any problem with journalctl/rsyslog reaching 100% of all CPUs on T95Q (S905X2)?

Or even slow CPU after a while?

I'm using meson-g12a-x96-max.dtb and it happens with all Linux distributions.

Hello, using T95Q with meson-g12a-x96-max.dtb on Armbian_5.89_Aml-s905_Debian_buster_dev_5.2.0-rc4_desktop_20190621 I have the same problem. After update to Armbian_5.90_Aml-s905_Debian_buster_default_5.1.0_desktop_20190701 the issue persists.

Syslog - https://pastebin.com/u1FJLFjU

Kernlog - https://pastebin.com/bFYFLY9T

Armbian-hardware-monitor - https://pastebin.com/yjhY5apE
P.S. This problem appears when opening the browser. As far as I understand the problem is connected with Wifi, since there is no problem connecting via cable. Buy on https://ru.aliexpress.com/item/32943578194.html 4/32


Купил недавно приставку, уже давно хотел поднять мини-сервер. Решил накатить ОС с графической оболочкой, чтобы посмотреть что она может. При открытии браузера/воспроизведении видео (звука по HDMI нет) syslogd начинает слать логи в /var/log/syslog и /var/log/kernel.log до заполнения диска и исчерпания ресурсов ЦП. При подключении приставки по кабелю подобной проблемы нет.
Не знаю важно ли, но заказывал тут - https://ru.aliexpress.com/item/32943578194.html 4/32



I have armbian running on a Magicsee N5 Max. See 

 for the kernel and dtb details. 


I'm interested in building a better DTB for this device and have a little technical knowledge (more software than hardware). I'm looking for reading material and suggestions for next steps. Currently:

  • I've tested the available DTBs and found the khadas vim3 DTB easiest to work with (stable ethernet driver, no wifi). The n96-max dtbs boot, but ethernet doesn't work and wifi is unreliable. 
  • I've extracted the DTBs from the Android ROM image for this device and converted to DTS, but they're nothing like the newer DTS files and I'm not sure how to translate them.
  • I've tried moving bits that work between DTS files (e.g. moving ethernet nodes from khadas to N96 DTS), but usually end up with conflicts (the `dtc` compiler picks them up).



Note that the box has been running quite happily on the khadas dtb for several days and I'm able to remote in with RDP and/or VNC from my desktop. It functions quite well as a linux server and I've been able to install quite a few software packages. It's still operating off a USB drive (haven't installed to eMMC yet).

1 hour ago, balbes150 said:

New image ver 5.90

Can I upgrade from 5.89 to 5.90 with "apt-get upgrade"? Or do I have to create a new microSD card, transfer it to eMMC, and so on?


Does v5.90 have a cpu governor for S905X2, that is, are the cpu freqs changd dinamically?


Thank you for sharing your work with us,

10 minutes ago, skyfly555 said:

Can I upgrade from 5.89 to 5.90 with "apt-get upgrade"? Or do I have to create a new microSD card, transfer it to eMMC, and so on?


Does v5.90 have a cpu governor for S905X2, that is, are the cpu freqs changd dinamically?


Thank you for sharing your work with us,

The core is the same, there is no need for you to upgrade.



Added NEXT 5.2-rc7 images. When used on s905x2\s922, all DTB variants for the g12 must be checked.

2 hours ago, drpump said:

I have armbian running on a Magicsee N5 Max. See 

 for the kernel and dtb details. 


I'm interested in building a better DTB for this device and have a little technical knowledge (more software than hardware). I'm looking for reading material and suggestions for next steps. Currently:

  • I've tested the available DTBs and found the khadas vim3 DTB easiest to work with (stable ethernet driver, no wifi). The n96-max dtbs boot, but ethernet doesn't work and wifi is unreliable. 
  • I've extracted the DTBs from the Android ROM image for this device and converted to DTS, but they're nothing like the newer DTS files and I'm not sure how to translate them.
  • I've tried moving bits that work between DTS files (e.g. moving ethernet nodes from khadas to N96 DTS), but usually end up with conflicts (the `dtc` compiler picks them up).



Note that the box has been running quite happily on the khadas dtb for several days and I'm able to remote in with RDP and/or VNC from my desktop. It functions quite well as a linux server and I've been able to install quite a few software packages. It's still operating off a USB drive (haven't installed to eMMC yet).

I'm in the process of doing the same thing with dtb for MXQ Pro+, there is a dtb for board #212 (most things work except wifi) but my box has board #213, so your work is of great interest to me :) Please let us know how you are progressing :)


24 minutes ago, balbes150 said:

The core is the same, there is no need for you to upgrade.



Added NEXT 5.2-rc7 images. When used on s905x2\s922, all DTB variants for the g12 must be checked.

Ok, thank you :)


Pay attention. Version images 5.90  20190702 with the 4.9 kernel for the Odroid-N2 will be the last. I stopped producing images with kernel 4.9.

12 hours ago, balbes150 said:

Pay attention. Version images 5.90  20190702 with the 4.9 kernel for the Odroid-N2 will be the last. I stopped producing images with kernel 4.9.




Why does the DTBs on your 5.2rc images are different than those produces by your master branch on https://github.com/150balbes/Amlogic_s905-kernel ?


I was making the PR but my WiFi wasn't working with the DTB generated by the DTS code but worked by decompiled DTBs from your images, after making this changes on DTSI everything fine:


juanjo@bionic:~/devel/Amlogic_s905-kernel$ git diff arch/arm64/boot/dts/amlogic/meson-g12a.dtsi
diff --git a/arch/arm64/boot/dts/amlogic/meson-g12a.dtsi b/arch/arm64/boot/dts/amlogic/meson-g12a.dtsi
index bd85b604c7..6565f5b709 100644
--- a/arch/arm64/boot/dts/amlogic/meson-g12a.dtsi
+++ b/arch/arm64/boot/dts/amlogic/meson-g12a.dtsi
@@ -200,12 +200,12 @@

                        apb_efuse: bus@30000 {
                                compatible = "simple-bus";
-                               reg = <0x0 0x30000 0x0 0x1000>;
+                               reg = <0x0 0x30000 0x0 0x2000>;
                                #address-cells = <2>;
                                #size-cells = <2>;
-                               ranges = <0x0 0x0 0x0 0x30000 0x0 0x1000>;
+                               ranges = <0x0 0x0 0x0 0x30000 0x0 0x2000>;

-                               hwrng: rng {
+                               hwrng: rng@218 {
                                        compatible = "amlogic,meson-rng";
                                        reg = <0x0 0x218 0x0 0x4>;
@@ -2376,7 +2376,7 @@
                                 <&clkc CLKID_FCLK_DIV2>;
                        clock-names = "core", "clkin0", "clkin1";
                        resets = <&reset RESET_SD_EMMC_A>;
-                       amlogic,ddr-access-quirk;
+                       amlogic,dram-access-quirk;


Your DTBs do have "dram-access-quirk" but the DTS code on Github not.  Upstream they are using "dram-access-quirk" but your master branch uses it on the DTSI but the source of the drivers does check for "ddr-access-quirk" which was older and buggier version










Or simply the 5.2 branch isn't master ??







The new version of the images 5.90_20190704  for S905x2 S922.

Added support for frequency adjustment. Now the system should be able to use all the power of these processors. :)

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