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I have tried some of these "reboot" options, but none seems to work.  


A thing that I observed is that the  LED on top goes "blue", and stay that way. 

During normal operation is kind of "orange" ( lightly ).


Reapplying power, it boots normally.


The bad news is that we can reboot from a script for example.





Hi all, 

Do we know if the DT for Z-28 is really identical to ROCK64 ?


It seems folks are using a build for ROCK54, but I have not seen the DT files that describes this H/W.







16 hours ago, Rosimildo said:

Do we know if the DT for Z-28 is really identical to ROCK64 ?


It's not, you need different DT stuff for Ethernet. Z28 is like Rockbox and Z28 Pro should be somewhat similar to ROCK64 and 'Transformer' (the RK3328 thingie with integrated JMS578)


I have extract the DTS from this image:  LUSHEN_XJH_ZY168_V00_A7_1_RTL8188ETV_RKMC_Z28_20170524104049.rar


The logo seems to confirm it is Z-28, but the DTS says it is for RK3228, which seems wrong.... anyway,

I have attached the files for your reference.





On 8/24/2017 at 11:44 PM, r1kaomsk said:

Bad news for z28 pro owners.

There is no possible way to boot from micro sd card, because internal rockchip loader can only boot from SD card port 0 btw on z28 pro sd card module soldered out on port 1... :)

The only way to get working linux on z28 pro is flash it directry to eMMC from android, i will write step-by-step manual in few days.


hello @r1kaomsk 

i received a z28 pro a few weeks ago and didn't really bother to read about it, so i discovered that very bad news here.
i did try to read the 4pda thread (and your tutorial) before ordering but well google translate doesn't like russian..


A "couple" of things i'd like to know :

how did you figure the sd module was routed to sdmmc1 on this device ?

Looking at the rk3328 datasheet it seems SDMMC1 is shared with GMAC (z28 pro uses gmac+rlt8111e phy), so what's happening then ?

Can those multi purpose pinouts be changed at runtime on arm socs ?? (i'm only used to basic microcontrollers)


Now seeing you directly flashed linux on the emmc, i'd like to know what methods of recovery you have in case you system doesn't boot.

I've seen about maskrom mode and androidtool, i have not tested yet, is it restricted to flashing android to the emmc ?


can you point me to the current working z28 pro linux image (your 0.4?), i understand that latest ayufan images will not boot from emmc anymore ?

if you have a z28 pro running your linux image can you tell me if usb3 is stable, and if you have aes128-ce in /proc/crypto ?


Sorry for all those questions.


I'm currently trying to access uboot console to see what's available there, and then i'll try the maskrom stuff. 

thx !

On 8/11/2017 at 9:00 PM, Igor said:





nice soldering, did you manage to interrupt uboot by pressing a key.


i've been trying for 10 minutes but no luck so far.

by chance my HL-340 chip can handle 1500000 bauds and i see the not very verbose boot output in minicom (not in sreen) and the line :

"Hit any key to stop autoboot:  0" (0 as in disabled ?)


but so far all i can get is some smoke coming off of my keyboard by hitting the keys so fast =)

9 hours ago, mdel said:

nice soldering, did you manage to interrupt uboot by pressing a key.


i've been trying for 10 minutes but no luck so far.

by chance my HL-340 chip can handle 1500000 bauds and i see the not very verbose boot output in minicom (not in sreen) and the line :

"Hit any key to stop autoboot:  0" (0 as in disabled ?)


I don't remember if I was able to break into u-boot prompt (this can be disabled) but most likely I was able to use the serial console for logging in. If that is working for you and you can't stop u-boot ... you just find another problem :(

2 hours ago, Igor said:

I don't remember if I was able to break into u-boot prompt (this can be disabled) but most likely I was able to use the serial console for logging in. If that is working for you and you can't stop u-boot ... you just find another problem :(


"logging in" after you flashed a linux image on the emmc, right ?

i'm still investigating the stock android features at the moment so i haven't flashed anything yet.


i don't quite understand how sdmmc1 (not bootable sd port,  according to the datasheet) would be used on this device, when those pins are shared with the gmac bus which is activated on the z28 pro with gigabit.


Also seeing that the same routing exists on the rock64 schematics (gmac pins + rtl8111) and sdmmc1 is not routed on the board.

there are also some sdmmc0_ext pins i don't quite understand the purpose in the datasheet.


I will extract the android dts and compare it to the rock64 one or to a z28 (not pro) one if i can find any, but i still don't know how dts really works and if you specify which sd port is enabled, or only that "there's a sd card port on the device"..


Anyways i can't interrupt uboot and even if i could there's always a chance you can't input anything, as seen on other devices.

I was hoping for a extremely favorable uboot with pxe boot =)

On 11/1/2017 at 12:09 AM, mdel said:


i don't quite understand how sdmmc1 (not bootable sd port,  according to the datasheet) would be used on this device, when those pins are shared with the gmac bus which is activated on the z28 pro with gigabit.


Also seeing that the same routing exists on the rock64 schematics (gmac pins + rtl8111) and sdmmc1 is not routed on the board.

there are also some sdmmc0_ext pins i don't quite understand the purpose in the datasheet.


I don't understand this fact, look like hidden information in public datasheet no mention about external sdmmc or alternate pin select, even in rk3399 datasheet...
I 'am asking if people try booting Z28 pro with a kill clk on emmc to stard sdcard boot. I supose yes but if yes it's crazy not understandable why z28 pro don't boot on mmc0



Hello everybody!
Just want to apologize for my English, , translate through Google (so for me faster)
RockChip allows you to install the image from Linux directly to the emmc, but for this you need to do operations from the computer on which Linux is installed.

Here I compiled an archive with the necessary scripts, I've already laid out it on 4pda.ru

You may need to install any of the packages listed on page 7. (http://opensource.rock-chips.com/images/d/d5/RK3328_Linux-Debian_V1.1_Development_Guide-20170711.pdf)

The tv-box should be in the mode of the maskrom.

I tried on the original z28 and I ran without a problem the last image from Rosk64 (




Posted (edited)
On 11/2/2017 at 11:41 AM, boobypi said:

I don't understand this fact, look like hidden information in public datasheet no mention about external sdmmc or alternate pin select, even in rk3399 datasheet

i have only followed (and found) the open datasheet provided by rockchip, [not a very detailed datasheet (no mention of registers and addresses) : false statement see edit below ], but until i get a better explanation my point is still that sdmmc1 share pins with gmac and as far as i understand it should be one or the other (or the datasheet is wrong).


You also get some pretty detailed rockchip soc boot sequence on the wiki, including alternative boot sources like spi or u-disk but this is off topics.

I didn't read it thoroughly but i don't think there was any mention of sdmmc0 or 1 only "emmc/sd card" as a boot source.


then i was investigating the maskrom and/or rockusb "loader" boot (achieved with bootloader reboot from recovery menu), and i discovered that you can trigger the recovery menu by slamming CTRL+C when the device powers on. It's a bit weird, the device boots to android and then reboots right away to recovery menu..

Still useful to get to recovery.


And CTRL+C was apparently a way to interrupt uboot even if bootdelay has been configured to 0 (seconds), but it doesn't seem to work or i couldn't trigger it.


I was also not able to extract the dtb file from the boot block yet, it seems to be very different from the ones from my amlogic devices or maybe it's just an android 7 thing, no idea.


-- edit --

all datasheets/TRM/Layout are present on the main summary wiki page but only one of them is present on the 3328 page so check out the main page first for all the documents..

Edited by mdel
wiki weirdness
Posted (edited)

Equation for Z28 PRO with SDIO wlan bluetooth (FN6222B), gmac :

the SDIO module is wired with a full uart RTS CTS (UART0 | UART1) for Bluetooth and a sdmmc (SDMMC0 | SDMMC1 | SDMMC_EXT).
UART0, SDMMC1 unavailable because multiplexed with GMAC
UART1 is multiplexed with SDMMC_EXT.
UART2 has a pin switch (UART2-0 | UART2-1).
UART2-1 isn't multiplexed with SDMMC0. SDMMC0 available.
UART2-0 is multiplexed with SDMMC0.
SPI2 is multiplexed with SDMMC_EXT.


I see only one possibilitie :
UART2-1 is serial console, let available SDMMC0.
UART1 is for bluetooth link => SDMMC0_EXT unavailable.
As SDMMC1 is unavailable because multiplexed with GMAC, SDMMC0 is for sdio wlan.
Next big question is how is wired sdsocket? is it spi wired?

Edited by boobypi
Big mistake about usb wlan, it's an sdio
Posted (edited)

Equation for board with SDIO wlan and bluetooth, no gmac:

the SDIO module is wired with a full uart RTS CTS (UART0 | UART1) for Bluetooth and a sdmmc (SDMMC0 | SDMMC1 | SDMMC0_EXT).
UART1 is multiplexed with SDMMC0_EXT.
UART2 has a pin switch (UART2-0 | UART2-1).
UART2-1 isn't multiplexed with SDMMC0. SDMMC0 available.
UART2-0 is multiplexed with SDMMC0.
SPI2 is multiplexed with SDMMC0_EXT.


I see four possibilities :
- The console is UART2-0 (multiplexed with SDMMC0). SDMMC0_EXT and SDMMC1 are dedicated to the SDIO module. Boot possible with an SDMMC0 sdcard but loss of the UART2 console. => (maybe an idea about bug boot with uart connected)
- The console is UART2-1 (not multiplexed with SDMMC0). UART1 (disable SDMMC0_EXT) for serial bluetooth, SDMMC1 and SDMMC0 are dedicated to the SDIO module and SD socket. Boot possible with an SDMMC0 sdcard.

- The console is UART2-1 (not multiplexed with SDMMC0). UART0 for serial bluetooth, SDMMC1, SDMMC0 and SDMMC0_EXT can be dedicated to the SDIO module and SD socket. Boot possible with an sdcard if SDMMC0 is available on sd socket. Boot possible with an spi nor flash if SDMMC0_EXT is available on sd socket.
- The console is UART1 (multiplexed with SDMMC0_EXT). UART0 for Bluetooth, SDMMC1|SDMMC0 for sdio wlan. SDMMC1|SDMMC0 for sd socket. Boot possible with an SDMMC0.
- The console is UART0. UART1 (multiplexed with SDMMC0_EXT) for Bluetooth, SDMMC1|SDMMC0 for sdio wlan and SD port. SDMMC1|SDMMC0 for sd socket. Boot possible with an SDMMC0.

As information ROCK64 use UART2-1 for serial console.
Sorry for brainstorming but it's needed to make the right uboot with output on right serial console

Edited by boobypi
Error about UART2

i'm still looking at my original z28 pro before testing linux images 


i have extracted the dtb from the resource partition (didn't know it was there with rockchip) and converted it to dts.

It's not easy to read as "aliases or defines" are not there anymore and everything is in hex.


but it should be intesresting to compare it to rock64 dts to see hardware configuration variations.


One thing i'm still not sure about is if that dtb (from the "resource" block) is actually used by the box at boot or if there's another dtb somewhere..


here's the boot serial output :


DDR version 1.08 20170628
Bus Width=32 Col=11 Bank=8 Row=14/14 CS=2 Die Bus-Width=32 Size=2048MB
Boot1 Release Time: 2017-06-12, version: 2.44
ChipType = 0x11, 235
SdmmcInit=2 0
FwPartOffset=2000 , 2000
SdmmcInit=0 2
StorageInit ok = 23410
Raw SecureMode = 0
SecureInit read PBA: 0x4
SecureInit read PBA: 0x404
SecureInit read PBA: 0x804
SecureInit read PBA: 0xc04
SecureInit read PBA: 0x1004
SecureInit ret = 0, SecureMode = 0
No find bl30.bin
Load uboot, ReadLba = 2000
Load OK, addr=0x200000, size=0x57dcc
RunBL31 0x10000
NOTICE:  BL31: v1.3(debug):f947c7e
NOTICE:  BL31: Built : 11:26:32, Aug 30 2017
NOTICE:  BL31:Rockchip release version: v1.3
INFO:    ARM GICv2 driver initialized
INFO:    Using opteed sec cpu_context!
INFO:    boot cpu mask: 1
INFO:    plat_rockchip_pmu_init: pd status 0xe
INFO:    BL31: Initializing runtime services
INFO:    BL31: Initializing BL32
INF [0x0] TEE-CORE:init_primary_helper:336: Initializing (1.1.0-96-g1a5aec7-dev #4 Thu Jun 29 09:46:54 UTC 2017 aarch64)

INF [0x0] TEE-CORE:init_primary_helper:337: Release version: 1.3

INF [0x0] TEE-CORE:init_teecore:83: teecore inits done
INFO:    BL31: Preparing for EL3 exit to normal world
INFO:    Entry point address = 0x200000
INFO:    SPSR = 0x3c9

U-Boot 2017.02-RK3328-06-00012-gf755231 (Sep 20 2017 - 15:41:08)

CPU: rk3328
cpu version = 1
CPU's clock information:
    arm pll = 600000000HZ
    general pll = 800000000HZ
    ddr pll = 664000000HZ
    codec pll = 594000000HZ
    new pll = 594000000HZ
Board:  Rockchip platform Board
Uboot as second level loader
DRAM:  Found dram banks: 1
Adding bank:0000000000200000(000000007fe00000)
Reserve memory for trust os.
dram reserve bank: base = 0x08400000, size = 0x01000000
128 MiB
GIC CPU mask = 0x00000001
SdmmcInit = 0 20
SdmmcInit = 2 0
storage init OK!
Using default environment

remotectl v0.1
pwm freq=0x11b3dc
Load FDT from resource image.
no key node
rk816_set_regulator_init vdd_arm init uV:1225000
can't find dts node for pwm0
CPU's clock information:
    arm pll = 1200000000HZ
    general pll = 800000000HZ
    ddr pll = 664000000HZ
    codec pll = 594000000HZ
    new pll = 594000000HZ
SecureBootEn = 0, SecureBootLock = 0

#Boot ver: 2017-09-20#2.43
empty serial no.
reboot normal.
vbus = 1
board_fbt_key_pressed: ir_keycode = 0x0, frt = 0
no fuel gauge found
no fuel gauge found
can't find power_ctr node for lcdc0
can't find dts node for deviceinfo
rk_hdmi_register:fail to read deviceinfo
hdmi baseparamer 0x0@0-0
left = 0, right = 0, top = 0, bottom = 0, overscan = 0
panel->left = 100 , panel->right = 100 ,panel->top = 100, panel->bottom = 100, panel->overscan = 100
tve baseparamer 0x0@0-0
no edid message:use default vic config:4
hdmi_dev->video.vic is 4
hdmi_dev_config_video vic 4 color_output 1 color_output_depth 8
pixel clk is 74250000 tmds clk is 74250000
hsync_pol 1 vsync_pol 1
[HDMI] sucess output HDMI.
read logo on state from dts [1]
no fuel gauge found
vbus = 1
board_fbt_key_pressed: ir_keycode = 0x0, frt = 0
Hit any key to stop autoboot:  0 
load fdt from resouce.
Secure Boot state: 0
kernel   @ 0x00280000 (0x00e5ec48)
ramdisk  @ 0x05bf0000 (0x0019cf20)
bootrk: do_bootm_linux...
   Loading Device Tree to 0000000005600000, end 000000000561d753 ... OK
Add bank:0000000000200000, 0000000008200000
Add bank:0000000009400000, 0000000076c00000
WARNING: could not set reg FDT_ERR_BADOFFSET.

Starting kernel ...



12 hours ago, mdel said:

i'm still looking at my original z28 pro before testing linux images 


Maybe you can check a big file copy from sdcard to android emmc to see speed throughtput and maybe confirming sdcard socket is spi wired (lower speed than real sdmmc controller)


well i've studied the dts and datasheet a bit, quite interesting things to learn in there and much closer to my microcotroler knowledge than i thought it would be, hardware is hardware i guess..


i'll start by saying that if of course that dtb (from the "resource" emmc block) is not the one actually used at boot, the comments below will not be very or at all useful.


i will also mention that the hardware reference pdf shows 3 ETH+Wifi+BT configuration examples, none use sdmmc0, only a mix of sdmmc1 / sdmmc0ext (not the same pins and address as sdmmc0) / usb, and that the only sdcard example uses sdmmc0.



Note: Ethernet configuration options and WIFI, BT configuration options

1: Built-in 100M PHY for 100M Ethernet only
WIFI, BT can choose


2: When 1000M Ethernet is needed, an external 1000M PHY is required
WIFI, BT can choose
This configuration, you can support dual network ports,
Built-in 100M Ethernet can also be used at the same time.


3: Need double 100M Ethernet,
One with a built-in 100M PHY
The other uses an external 100M PHY (connected to GMAC IO)
WIFI, BT can choose


then from the z28 pro dts file you get the following sdmmc bus defined :

quick recap of the datasheet address mappings :

FF50_0000 SDMMC (probably both for SDMMC0 & SDMMC1 ?)

FF51_0000 SDIO

FF52_0000 EMMC

FF5F_0000 SDMMC_EXT (datasheet only mentions SDMMC0_EXT, i still don't understand what's with the EXT, alternate SDMMC0 pins ?)





rksdmmc@ff500000 {
        compatible = "rockchip,rk_mmc", "rockchip,rk322xh-sdmmc";
        reg = <0x0 0xff500000 0x0 0x10000>;
        interrupts = <0x0 0xc 0x4>;
        #address-cells = <0x1>;
        #size-cells = <0x0>;
        pinctrl-names = "default", "idle";
        pinctrl-0 = <0xc5 0xc6 0xc7 0xc8>;
        pinctrl-1 = <0xc9>;
        cd-gpios = <0xca 0x5 0x0>;
        clocks = <0x3d 0x7f 0x0>;
        clock-names = "clk_mmc", "hclk_mmc";
        num-slots = <0x1>;
        fifo-depth = <0x100>;
        bus-width = <0x4>;
        rockchip,grf = <0x3>;
        tune_regsbase = <0x380>;
        resets = <0xb3 0x6d>;
        reset-names = "mmc_ahb_reset";
        status = "okay";
        clock-frequency = <0x8f0d180>;
        clock-freq-min-max = <0x30d40 0x8f0d180>;
        card-detect-delay = <0x320>;


pinctrl-0 = <0xc5 0xc6 0xc7 0xc8>;  ( sdmmc0-clk / sdmmc0-cmd / sdmmc0-bus4 / sdmmc0m1-pwren?? )

pinctrl-1 = <0xc9>; ( sdmmc0-gpio) 


those phandles point to the following pins in the dts :



sdmmc0 {

            sdmmc0-clk {
                rockchip,pins = <0x1 0x6 0x1 0xe9>; (this should point to GPIO1_A6 (0x1 0x6) i don't know why it's not A6, rock64 dts shows "<1 RK_PA6", i couldn't get the hex value for RK_PA6 but the numbering 4 5 6 .. is correct)
                linux,phandle = <0xc5>;
                phandle = <0xc5>;

            sdmmc0-cmd {
                rockchip,pins = <0x1 0x4 0x1 0xe8>;
                linux,phandle = <0xc6>;
                phandle = <0xc6>;

            sdmmc0-bus4 {
                rockchip,pins = <0x1 0x0 0x1 0xe8 0x1 0x1 0x1 0xe8 0x1 0x2 0x1 0xe8 0x1 0x3 0x1 0xe8>;
                linux,phandle = <0xc7>;
                phandle = <0xc7>;


          sdmmc0-gpio {
                rockchip,pins = <0x1 0x6 0x0 0xe8 0x1 0x4 0x0 0xe8 0x1 0x5 0x0 0xe8 0x1 0x7 0x0 0xe8 0x1 0x3 0x0 0xe8 0x1 0x2 0x0 0xe8 0x1 0x1 0x0 0xe8 0x1 0x0 0x0 0xe8>;
                linux,phandle = <0xc9>;
                phandle = <0xc9>;



     sdmmc0-1 {

            sdmmc0m1-pwren {
                rockchip,pins = <0x0 0x1e 0x3 0xe8>;
                linux,phandle = <0xc8>;
                phandle = <0xc8>;


this is slightly different from the rock64 dts which is as follows :



&sdmmc {

bus-width = <4>;




max-frequency = <150000000>;

pinctrl-names = "default";

pinctrl-0 = <&sdmmc0_clk &sdmmc0_cmd &sdmmc0_dectn &sdmmc0_bus4>;

vmmc-supply = <&vcc_sd>;

status = "okay";



sdmmc0_dectn (card present pin) is not included in the phandles and is "replaced" by sdmmc0m1-pwren.


the very weird thing is that for  sdmmc0m1-pwren :

rockchip,pins = <0x0 0x1e 0x3 0xe8>;

seems completely bogus as there are no GPIO0_1E (or any 1E pin in the datasheets).

then again i don't quite understand how the hex value of pins is set in that dts, so 1E may be a shift from the datasheet value..


you can also see in the dts that sdmmc0ext is "status = okay" (enabled) and has all the correct phandles, so is the "sdmmc0_ext" used instead of sdmmc0 ?

Seeing that UHS_SDR104 is only defined for sdmmc0 i would assume it's the real sd card slot bus.. also that "broken-cd" (no card detection) is set for sdmmc0ext seems weird for a sd slot..

The thing i have not yet figured out is how to identify which external device (sdcard slot, wifi) is actually connected to that hardware bus configuration.. i would assume you can't or only guess by the bus configuration.


I'll stop for now by mentioning that ayufan's rock64 dts is slightly different form the current mainline rock64 dts but i may be wrong it's getting confusing.




Hi mdel,

I ask if the weird "sdmmc0m1-pwren" instead SDMMC0_DET isn't the power enable pin for wlan-bluetooth module




Say man, I have SCISHION V88 mini II RK3229 TV Box.  I loaded the ROCK64 Ubuntu Mate image on a mcroSD card and it booted up without doing anything.  No toothpick, no standing on my head, no nothing.  Ethernet worked until I upgraded the kernel.  Or maybe it was because of the reboot.  Not sure.  The MAC address of the NIC changes with every reboot.  So I plugged a USB ethernet adapter into the USB 3.0 port and I had network connectivity again.  I was able to run Subsonic and Samba/NFS on it to make it a media and file server with decent throughput due to the USB 3.0 port.  For under $30, not a bad little box and things will only get better when/if a proper device tree is available for the box.  Well now that I think of it, the box was $30 but if you add another $10 for a USB NIC and another $10 for a  USB 3.0 hub, it loses it's appeal as a cheap NAS.

23 hours ago, rob0809 said:

SCISHION V88 mini II RK3229 TV Box

Is this model https://www.gearbest.com/tv-box-mini-pc/pp_616046.html ?


23 hours ago, rob0809 said:

ROCK64 Ubuntu Mate image

Thanks for the TV Box link.

But where I can find the image you loaded?

Thanks again.

2 hours ago, manuti said:

Thanks for the TV Box link.

But where I can find the image you loaded?

Thanks again.

It's in the first post in this thread.




I also tried the DietPi image for ROCK64 and that worked well too.  I loaded a Libreelec image and it booted but there was no sound.  Probably needs the correct device tree.

On 11/15/2017 at 3:42 PM, rob0809 said:

Sorry, I put the wrong box.  It's this one SCISHION V88 Mini III TV Box RK3328- 2/8GB 2.4 WiFi Fast Lan.



another Fast Ethernet (100M) box.

I haven't figured out if that sdmmc0 fuck up on the z28 pro is global to all Gbe versions of rk3328 boards, probably not.. 


I'll have more time to play with my z28 pro over the weekend, test linux and so on..

those log entries got me a little worried (ayufan rock64 git) :


0.5.15: Include additional USB3 patch to fix disconnection/reconnection problems (only 4.4 kernel),

0.5.14: Include USB3 patches to fix disconnection/reconnection problems (only 4.4 kernel),




My Z28 PRO is running Armbian using this method and our Rock Nightly image https://dl.armbian.com/rock64/Ubuntu_xenial_default_nightly.7z ... of course, fine-tuning is needed since I don't see ethernet nor Wifi, but luckily there is a screen and USB. http://sprunge.us/UeGE 


Serial console login works.


How to get properly into MASK ROM mode, which is needed to flash to eMMC on Alfawise Z28 PRO? Short a resistor marked on a picture and attach male A-A USB cable to USB otg port - on the other end as USB3. 




Great News Igor got his Z28 running!


I have one getting dust here,  until someone with more skills solve the Reboot and Ethernet MAC address issue ( random MAC ).



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